Backstabbed (Amber Freeman x...

Od deathlessly

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forget everything you knew (I mean literally because it's basically y/n in the scream universe, a mixture of... Viac

chapter 1: night shift terror
chapter 2: so it begins
chapter 3: friday stabathon
chapter 4: the call
chapter 5: weak smiles
chapter 6: pub madness
chapter 7: motives, motives, motives
A/N: omg new book !!
chapter 8: interruptions
chapter 9: skinny dipping
chapter 10: who's watching tara?
chapter 11: flowers wither
chapter 12: radio silence
chapter 13: library book
chapter 14: coffee
chapter 15: triple threat
chapter 16: signing off
chapter 17: determined
chapter 18: trapped
chapter 19: dark baggage
chapter 20: shot roulette
chapter 22: heathen
chapter 23: alone
chapter 24: backyard talk
chapter 25: slumber party
chapter 26: old wounds
chapter 27: you and i
chapter 28: peace pancakes
chapter 29: the big apple
chapter 30: angel
chapter 31: chain reaction
chapter 32: red walls

chapter 21: redemption

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Od deathlessly

Y/N woke up the next day feeling like death warmed over. Her head was pounding, her stomach was churning, and she couldn't remember anything from the night before at Liv's party except.

She tried to sit up, but immediately regretted it as a wave of nausea washed over her. Groaning, she lay back down and closed her eyes, wishing the room would stop spinning.

"Good morning, beautiful," a voice said, and Y/N cracked open one eye to see Amber standing over her with a glass of water with a lemon in it and some pills.

"Kill me."

Y/N groaned, but she accepted the pills and water gratefully.

"A lemon?" Y/N asked as she stared at the little yellow fruit on the side of her glass and then looked up at Amber.

Amber shrugged. "I dunno. It'll help."

Y/N giggled, appreciative of the cute gesture.
"So fancy, babe."

Amber smiled as she sat down next to her and kissed her head.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I got hit by a truck," Y/N hummed, and then winced as a sharp pain shot through her head.

She stared at the beige color of the walls, her head feeling like it was ten pounds heavier.

"You definitely overdid it last night," Amber said sympathetically.

"But don't worry, I'm here to take care of you."

Y/N smiled weakly.
"Thanks, baby. You're the best."

Sitting up, she popped the two pills and then downed the lemony water, the coldness hitting her throat in a good way.

Amber patted her back soothingly while Y/N played with the glass in her hands, falling quiet. After a few seconds, she turned to look at her.

"Did I do something weird? Please tell me I didn't."

Amber averted her gaze, looking elsewhere as she played around with her words.


She recapped everything back to Y/N; taking shots with Anika, her wandering off and some guy trying to take her but Ethan tried to stop him and ended up getting a black eye.

She left out the part where she was about to throw hands with Ethan but did reveal how she killed that guy that tried to bring her somewhere.

Liv wasn't too fond about it when Amber told her but she got over it. And then when she mentioned how she was practically all over Tara and how much Tara was malfunctioning, Y/N felt the humiliation hit her.

They sat in silence for a few minutes while Y/N tried to get her bearings. At last, an idea she'd had a few hours ago came back to her. She turned her enigmatic gaze on Amber.

"I need to talk to Anika," she said in a low voice.

Amber furrowed her eyebrows.

"Why? Is everything okay?"

She scooted over to Y/N, sitting crisscrossed with her. She took the now empty glass from her, replacing it with her hands, and placed it on the nightstand.

Y/N hesitated for a moment before answering, looking up at Amber.

"Yeah. I just wanted to ask her if she wanted to go for Mindy since she didn't get the chance to on Saturday."

Amber stared at her in awe.
"You think she'd actually do it?"

She was always so fascinated by Y/N. Her mind, her beauty, her charisma. She never failed to amaze the raven haired girl.

"I don't know, that's why I'm going to ask. Liv doesn't give two shits that Chad got stabbed. Mind you, she asked Anika to stab her. Anika should already know what she was getting herself into when she agreed," Y/N said nonchalantly, lazily shrugging her shoulders. Doing that made her realize how much they ached.

"Okay. I'll just be here for moral support, I guess."

It wasn't like Amber was going to stop her or convince her not to go through. She just wanted to prepare herself if Anika betrayed them.

Attacking people she didn't know was one thing, attacking her partner was different. She was even surprised to know that Anika agreed to stab Liv. She wasn't too surprised to know Liv made Anika stab her; they all knew Liv was crazy.

Y/N stopped her pacing thoughts, a small smile on her face.

"Have I ever told you that you're the most amazing girlfriend in the world?"

She placed her hands on Amber's shoulders, snaking them behind her neck and interlocking her fingers.

Amber playfully rolled her eyes, unable to hide a cheeky grin.

"Are you talking about yourself?"

Y/N chuckled. "Maybe a little bit."

Without another word, she leaned in and pressed her lips against Amber's, softly at first. The world around them seemed to fade away as they kissed, lost in the warmth and sweetness of each other's embrace.

Amber's hand reached up to tangle in Y/N's hair, pulling her closer as the kiss became more intense.

Y/N responded with a soft moan, her arms tightening around Amber's neck, pulling her even closer.

Y/N broke the kiss, pushing their foreheads together.

"Okay okay, I need to call Anika now," she giggled, and perhaps a little out of breath.

Y/N felt a little better after Amber's care, so she settled down with her phone and called Anika on Facetime.

She picked up after a few rings, looking a little tired but happy.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty! Don't you look great."

"Ugh, don't even start," Y/N groaned, rubbing her face.

"I'm so hungover I can barely move."

Anika laughed sympathetically.
"I guess Liv's parties will do that to you. But hey, at least you had a good time, right?"

Y/N looked a bit weary.
"Amber already caught me up with everything. Is Ethan okay?"

Amber did not want to hear anything about Ethan. She got up from the bed and sat at her desk, opening her laptop to do something.

She wanted to give Y/N some breathing room, knowing how strenuous and strict Y/N became when talking about Ghostface stuff.

"Yeahhh. His eye will be better in like two weeks," Anika replied, relieved that Ethan would be okay.

"I feel so stupid. I overdid it," Y/N said, looking down at her lap.

"It's cool," Anika said, trying to reassure her. "What matters is that you're alright."

"Thanks," Y/N said, looking back up at the camera.

"Anywaysss..the reason I called is..I wanted to ask if you wanted to attack Mindy."

"Attack Mindy? Like today?" Anika repeated, feeling a little confused.

"Are you gonna do it or not?" Amber harshly snarled from across the room.

Anika was still able to hear it. She flinched, wide eyed at Amber's unexpected voice.

"Baby, please.." Y/N shot her a stern look. Anika watched you.

Amber sighed. "Sorry."
She turned around back around, frustrated at Anika and also for being scolded.

"Yeah..Since you didn't get to on Saturday," Y/N said once she looked at Anika again.

"Is this one of your manipulation tactics again?" Anika asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"No, oh my god," Y/N laughed. "I'm just saying.."

Anika placed her phone on the stand, her curiosity piqued. She had a feeling this was going to be interesting.

Y/N proceeded to tell Anika that she had her permission to attack Mindy tonight. When Anika inquired why she couldn't just make the call and have Liv attack, Y/N said this wasn't about Liv.

She demanded carnage and compared her initial attack to ripping off a band aid. Y/N knew this might be difficult for Anika seeing as Mindy was her girlfriend and that's why this was a test.

The uncertainty in Anika's gaze made Y/N second-guess her decision to let her in. Anika obliged when Y/N reminded her that the final act was going to be brutal and that they required utter commitment.

After such a serious Facetime call, Y/N slumped back on the bed. She scooted up to the headboard, suddenly thinking about Tara.

"I'm gonna call Tara."

"Why?" Amber asked in a more intrusive tone.

Y/N gave Amber one of those scolding looks again that made her back off. Just like that.

Blowing an air kiss towards her girlfriend, Y/N tapped the screen of her phone, waiting for Tara to pick up.

She had been replaying the events of last night in her head and cringing at how she had acted. After a moment, her best friend's face appeared on the screen.

"Y/N! Hey!" She greeted her with a huge grin, happy to see the girl on screen.

"Tara, I'm sorry for acting like a drunk bimbo all over you last night."

Y/N pouted, her tone apologetic.

Tara's smile was warm and reassuring.

"No need to apologize, Y/N. I understand. You were just having fun."

Y/N let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you. I was worried that I might have crossed the line."

Y/N saw how Tara paused, looking like she was holding her breath. Tara shook her head.

"You didn't. How are you feeling now?"

"I'm still recovering, to be honest." Y/N laughed. "I feel sooo dead."

Tara nodded sympathetically.

"Just make sure to drink a lot of water and get some rest. You'll feel better in no time."

Y/N smiled, grateful for Tara's advice.

"I will do that. What are you up to?"

"Just watching Netflix and doing some homework. Sam's in the living room with Richie."

"That sounds nice. I wish I could do that right now," Y/N said, a hint of envy in her voice.

Her headache felt slightly better but the throbbing wasn't completely gone.

Tara laughed.
"Well, you should take it easy and relax for the day. You need it after last night."

Y/N nodded, feeling comforted by Tara's words.

"Thanks, Tara. I gotta go now, but I'll talk to you later."

"Sure thing. Love ya."

"Love you too," Y/N replied, smiling as she ended the call.

Y/N had a feeling that Tara wanted them to come over and hang out but she didn't want to hide about while Anika was out attacking Mindy tonight. Also Y/N was still majorly hungover and didn't plan on getting up anytime soon.

"Are you hungry, my love?" Amber turned away from her laptop to ask.

"Yes, please."

Y/N turned to Amber who was already walking out to go downstairs. She laid there for a few seconds, staring up at the ceiling. After she got the faint smell of cooking, she picked herself up and went downstairs, sitting on the bar stool.

She watched Amber for a second, admiring the way she moved. Amber was graceful yet confident, her hair falling perfectly on her shoulders.

"What do you feel like having?" Amber asked, turning around to face her.

"Whatever you're making," Y/N replied with a small smile.

Amber chuckled and then turned back around. She moved around the kitchen with ease, cutting vegetables and cracking eggs. Y/N watched her with a smile, feeling a warmth spread throughout her body.

After a few minutes, Amber turned to Y/N and held out a piece of fruit.

"Here, have some," she said, gesturing towards the sliced mango.

Y/N took a piece and savored the sweetness. Amber started to make the pancakes, adding chocolate chips to the mix. Y/N loved how Amber always knew exactly what she liked.

Y/N's thoughts wandered as she sat there. She thought about the countless hours she had spent pouring over every detail of their plan, scrutinizing every possible outcome, and carefully calculating every risk.

It was a lot of work, and Y/N had been carrying the weight of it all on her shoulders. She had been so focused on their goal that she had forgotten to take care of herself and had taken out her bad mood on people.

As they waited for the food to cook, Y/N wrapped her arms around Amber's waist and nuzzled into her, making her giggle.

"You're wonderful," Y/N whispered into her neck.

Amber turned around to face her and Y/N caught her off guard with the press of her lips.

Amber happily accepted the kiss, cupping the other girl's face to deepen the kiss. Y/N sighed softly.

They stood there for a moment, their foreheads together, until Amber pulled away.

Amber grinned. "What was that for?"

Y/N shrugged. "Just because."

She grinned back at Amber, who returned the smile and began to plate their food.

After brunch, they cleared the dishes and washed them together, chatting and laughing as they worked.

Y/ N felt grateful for moments like these, where it was just the two of them, free to be themselves and enjoy each other's company.

They moved to the living room, where they picked some romantic comedy to watch, and snuggled up on the couch.

Halfway into the movie, Y/N received a text from the ghost messaging app they all used to talk about Ghostface matters.

She clicked on Anika's user to see she had sent a silly picture in the outfit, holding up a peace sign with the knife also in her hand.

They both shared a laugh. It would be a matter of hours before Anika's attack.

The Twins were enjoying a quiet evening in her living room, laid out on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and an old timey horror movie from the 90s on the TV.

Mindy was completely engrossed in the movie, not caring that Chad gone to get more popcorn and chips, until she heard a noise coming from the direction of the kitchen.

Mindy paused the movie and listened carefully. The noise had stopped, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. She got up from the couch and made her way towards the area.

As she approached, Mindy noticed a pair of legs behind the counter. She carefully leaned over to see Chad was knocked out cold, a cut on his forehead leaking blood.

She let out a shriek, hands flying to her mouth in shock. Hushly backing away, she searched for something to defend herself. All the knives were gone. She rummaged under the cupboard to grab a skillet.

That's when she heard the sound of glass shattering. Mindy's heart was pounding as she tried to think of a plan, she was wishing it was an actual robber instead of the Ghostface right now.

As the intruder entered the living room, Mindy swung the skillet at them, catching them off guard.

To her horror, it was Ghostface in the flesh.

She used the moment to run towards the front door, but Ghostface was quick to pursue her.

In the chaos, Mindy stumbled and fell to the ground, dropping the skillet. The intruder approached menacingly, but Mindy was able to grab a nearby vase and smash it over their head, stunning them momentarily.

Mindy made a break for the door, but Ghostface grabbed her ankle, causing her to fall again. She kicked them in the face and scrambled towards the back of the house.

As Ghostface bewilderedly searched the house, Mindy lunged at them with a pocket knife she found, but they were able to disarm her and grab her by the throat and shove her into the wall. Mindy gasped for air as she struggled to break free.

Ghostface jammed their knife in a hurry. Their jabs quick but shaken.

Mindy screamed as she felt the cold blade sink into her. Dropping Mindy to the floor to bleed out, Ghostface checked Mindy's pockets for her phone. When they couldn't find it, they searched the living room and took it from the table.

They went back to where they left Mindy who was still doubled over on the floor, muttering to herself. Ghostface snapped a picture and sent it to Anika's number, then they bolted from the scene.

Anika fled a few blocks down where her car was sitting. She pulled the mask off and removed the gloves, taking her phone out to reply to Mindy in a shocked way and that she was rushing over.

After that, she forwarded the photo to Y/N. She praised Anika's efforts and asked whether Mindy was dead; Anika assured her that she wasn't, and Y/N instructed to give her a call when the aftermath was over.

Anika hated that last part. Having to clean up and take care of everything after was such a pain.

After sending that last text, Anika threw her phone onto the passenger seat. She started her car, revving out of that street. She got back to her house, running all the way up to her room.

Removing the robe and shoes, she checked herself in the mirror for any traces of blood. She fixed herself up, got back in her car, and drove to Mindy's while also making a phone call to the police.

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