Backstabbed (Amber Freeman x...

By deathlessly

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forget everything you knew (I mean literally because it's basically y/n in the scream universe, a mixture of... More

chapter 1: night shift terror
chapter 2: so it begins
chapter 3: friday stabathon
chapter 4: the call
chapter 5: weak smiles
chapter 6: pub madness
chapter 7: motives, motives, motives
A/N: omg new book !!
chapter 8: interruptions
chapter 9: skinny dipping
chapter 10: who's watching tara?
chapter 11: flowers wither
chapter 12: radio silence
chapter 13: library book
chapter 14: coffee
chapter 15: triple threat
chapter 16: signing off
chapter 17: determined
chapter 18: trapped
chapter 19: dark baggage
chapter 20: shot roulette
chapter 21: redemption
chapter 22: heathen
chapter 23: alone
chapter 25: slumber party
chapter 26: old wounds
chapter 27: you and i
chapter 28: peace pancakes
chapter 29: the big apple
chapter 30: angel
chapter 31: chain reaction
chapter 32: red walls

chapter 24: backyard talk

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By deathlessly

Y/N woke up in the middle of the night, not from a nightmare. This time, it was natural. She was somehow thirsty and craving a midnight snack. She laid there for a second, admiring Amber.

The way her jet black hair fell in perfect waves. Her long lashes framed her eyes, casting shadows across her cheekbones and giving her an ethereal quality. Her beauty was enough to leave Y/N in a daze.

Untangling herself from the raven haired girl, she stumbled out of bed, groggy and disoriented. She made her way to the kitchen, her eyes still half-closed, and grabbed a glass from the cabinet. As she filled it with water, she heard a noise from the living room.

Her heart pounding, Y/N slowly made her way to the source of the sound. She peeked around the corner, she thought she saw a figure standing in front of the window. Blinking several times but seeing nothing there, she turned back around to go back into the kitchen.

Before she could react, the figure grabbed her from behind, covering her mouth with their hand.

Y/N struggled against her attacker, trying to scream, but it was no use. The figure was too strong, and she could barely breathe with their hand over her mouth. Suddenly, the attacker spoke.

"It's just me, Y/N," Richie whispered in her ear, his voice barely audible over her pounding heart.

Y/N froze, recognizing the voice.

"Let's go outside, yeah? I just wanna talk to you."

She tried to scream through her covered mouth, hoping the sound would alert Amber.

"God you're so loud," Richie growled, dragging her away to the back of the house.

Y/N refused to walk, letting her body loose like a ragdoll to make it harder for Richie to carry her. She should've known better by now to carry a weapon when checking out a random noise, but now she was in this predicament.

He tried to reason with her, still saying in a hushed voice.

"Listen, I'm not gonna hurt you. Please. I want to talk."

"Did you just lick me?..Nevermind."

Y/N rolled her eyes, she was out of ideas.

The two finally made it to the back of the house. It was dimly lit with a few small lights that were strategically placed around the property, casting a warm glow on the lush greenery and beautiful landscaping.

The lights weren't bright enough to fully illuminate the area, but they did provide enough visibility to navigate around without tripping or stumbling.

Richie, however, tripped from losing his footing while trying to walk backwards, sending him and Y/N to the cold concrete.

Y/N took the chance to scream at the top of her longs, even though she knew that her voice was too far away for anyone on the second floor to hear.

"AMBER! Amb-Ahh!"

Richie panicked and charged at the girl, tackling her to the floor. He was going to have his world turned upside down when Amber found out.

He had her arms pinned down. Y/N thrashed all around and yelling until her throat hurt.

He slammed his hands over her mouth, forcefully pressing down. Tears swelled up in her eyes, falling down to the floor. It wasn't looking too good for either of them.

"I'm gonna move my hand away, and we are going to have a normal conversation like two adults, yeah?"

Nodding, Y/N stopped struggling and Richie slowly released her. She sat up and crawled away from him, her eyes wide with fear and anger.

"H-How did you get into my house?" Y/N hissed, her voice trembling with rage.

"I climbed the fence."

Y/N blinked several times, trying to process his statement.

"It's like ten feet high."

"I'm sorry, Y/N," Richie said, holding up his hands in surrender.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something important."

Richie's tired look was evident in his bloodshot eyes and droopy eyelids.

"Jesus christ," Y/N exasperated, almost spitting in his face.

"Wha-what do you want, Richard?"

"It's just Richie."

Richie looked down at the ground, his face contorted with shame.

"I know you're the only one who could convince Amber to be Ghostface with me."

Suddenly it was like the earth had stopped moving and Y/N lost all of her senses. The thought of Richie finding out their secret made her stomach twist and turn. She knew they had been careful, but they were dealing with a loose cannon, and anything could happen.

"What..what are you talking about?"

She was just playing dumb. Richie was way off. Their secret was still safe; he didn't know about the four of them being Ghostface already and had been causing all of this havoc.

"I met Amber on the Stab subreddit a few months ago and suggest, ya know..what if we recreate the Stab movies but better. Stab 8 sucked so much."

The more Richie elaborated on his reasoning out loud, the more absurd and pathetic it sounded.

Y/N tried to focus on her breathing, but her mind kept racing, imagining all the ways their plan could fall apart.

They had let their guard down, and now they were vulnerable. She made an effort to appear emotionless and icy.

"No," Y/N said firmly, her face looking unamused and her tears already dried up.

"You didn't even give me a chance to ex–" Richie began, but his words were cut off by the sound of Amber's voice.

"Y/N? Babe? Where'd you go?" Amber called out, walking downstairs and searching around for her.

"Amber! Amber, help!" Y/N shouted as loud as she could, relief flooding through her.

Amber ran towards the sound of her voice, reaching the back garden. Her eyes widened in shock as she saw her and Richie, thinking nothing good of it.

"Oh shit, Y/N," she muttered under her breath.

In a panic, Richie sprinted towards Y/N and grabbed her again, this time placing his arm around her neck in a chokehold.

Because of his overzealous use of force, Y/N was forced to choke and gasp for air. This deeply enraged Amber, a murderous intent increasing within her.

"Give me a good reason why I shouldn't kill you right now," Amber demanded, pulling out a gun from her back pocket.

"Go ahead, shoot me," Richie said in a shaky voice, tugging Y/N backwards, making her cry out.

Amber didn't hesitate. She aimed and fired, hitting Richie in the foot.

"Ow! Fuck!" He yelled, stumbling backwards.

But Richie's grip only loosened, not entirely letting go of Y/N. She grunted and thrusted the back of her head into Richie's chin, pushing him away from her. She scrambled towards Amber, pushing Y/N behind her, gun aimed up at Richie again.

"I just wanted to talk to her," Richie groaned from the ground, holding his bleeding foot.

"Talk?! That's some bullshit. You don't break into people's house just to talk!" Amber snarled, pointing the gun at him.

She was ready to blow his brains out on the nicely decorative concrete.

"Please, please just hear me out," Richie begged, looking desperate.

"I just..wanna be a part of something. Something big," he continued, ignoring Amber's anger.

"I already don't like you for putting your hands on my girl," Amber interjected, her patience running thin.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry. Just hear me out," Richie pleaded, his voice shaking.

"You keep saying that and yet all I hear is shit."

"I-I can help. I'll kill anyone you tell me to. I'll-I'll do anything! Come on," Richie offered, desperation creeping into his voice.

"Amber you know what I want. Us to be Ghostface and remake the movie."

"Babe, what do you think?" Amber turned to Y/N, who looked conflicted.

Y/N's heart was pounding in her chest as she stared at Richie, who was now on his knees, begging for mercy. She felt a mix of anger, fear, and disgust towards him, but she also couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of pity.

"No. We're not doing it. Are you fucking insane?" Y/N said coldly, her voice laced with venom.

Amber was baffled on why Y/N responded that way. She wasn't going to question it right now, in front of Richie. He might piece something together. Right now, he was a loose end they had to fix.

Richie stood in front of Y/N, his hands shaking slightly as he spoke.

"We..we could get away with it. You don't even have to kill anyone if that's what you're worried about, Y/N. You can just make the calls."

Y/N glared at him, her arms crossed over her chest. This man was denser than a bag of bones.

"I could go to the police right now and tell them that what you said."

Richie's face fell, his eyes widening in fear.

"You wouldn't."

Amber was quick to react, moving forward with the gun.

"Are you really testing us right now, you little–"

Swiftly, Y/N grabbed Amber's arms, pulling her back to her side. Amber was rendered speechless by her beauty and grace. Narrowing her eyes, Y/N looked back at Richie.

Y/N smirked.

"Try me, bitch."

Richie looked around, assessing his situation. He was on the ground, holding his bleeding foot. Amber had her gun pointed at him while Y/N stood beside her, a devilish grin on her face.

"I'll hurt Tara. Real bad."

Y/N almost forgot to react to his pesky threat. Y/N's heart was racing as Richie made his threat. She was only concerned that he was going to actually harm her worse than they did and eventually kill her.

She put on a fake act of concern for Tara. Her face twisted into a look of anguish as she begged him not to hurt her.

"No! Please don't hurt Tara!"

She lowered her gaze, pretending to be overwhelmed by the situation. She bit her lip to stifle a sob, trying to sell the act to Richie.

"I'll..I'll think about it. Okay?"

Richie let out a deep breath, a look of relief washing over his tired face.

"Thank you, Y/N," he said, sounding genuinely grateful.

"Your time's up, asshole. Get up!" Amber yelled, waving the gun in his face.

Richie nodded and slowly got up, wincing in extreme pain. His foot felt like a thousand fire ants eating away at it. He limped away from the two girls, Amber following behind him with the gun still pointed. Y/N followed a few steps behind until they reached the gate.

As soon as Richie turned his back, Y/N's expression changed. She allowed herself a moment to breathe and gather her thoughts. She knew she couldn't let Tara get hurt, but she couldn't let Richie ruin everything either. She had to come up with a plan, and fast.

Y/N and Amber watched him go, their eyes fixed on his retreating figure until he was out of sight. It was only then that Y/N let out a deep breath, her body trembling with adrenaline.

Amber let out a deep breath and lowered her gun.

"What a fucking idiot."

Y/N shakily nodded.

"He's lucky we didn't kill him."

"I don't think he'll be coming back," Amber said, holstering her gun.

"But we should still be careful. Who knows who else is out there watching us."

Y/N shuddered at the thought.

"Yeah, you're right. Let's go inside."

As they make their way back into the house, Y/N can't help but feel a sense of unease.

After they entered, Y/N shut the back door and went over to the touchscreen and armed the house again. Amber put down the pistol and let out a heavy sigh. Y/N walked over to her and wrapped her arms around her.

"Are you okay?" Y/N asked, concern etched on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Amber replied, leaning into Y/N's embrace.

"I could've lost you tonight."

"I know, babe. But you handled it like a boss. You were so badass with that gun," Y/N said, planting a kiss on Amber's forehead.

"I didn't think I'd have to use it. I'm just glad he's gone," Amber said, her body visibly relaxing now that the threat was gone.

"Let's just go back to bed and forget about this for a while, okay?" Y/N suggested, lacing their fingers together.

"Sounds good to me," Amber agreed, following Y/N through several rooms to get to the stairs.

As they crawled back into bed, Amber snuggled up to Y/N and wrapped her arms around her, Y/N's back pressed against Amber's front.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Amber whispered into the back of her head.

Y/N turned to face her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

"I'm okay because of you," she said softly.

Amber's eyes twinkled with affection as she gazed back at Y/N.

"When you're with me, I just want to protect you with everything in me. I know that no matter what happens, we can face it together."

Y/N smiled and moved closer to her.

"I feel the same way. When I'm with you, everything else fades away. It's just us."

Amber giggled and buried Y/N' face into her chest.

"I love you so much," she mumbled.

Y/N hummed, sliding her arm behind Amber's back.

"I love you too, more than words could ever express."

"Okay, smooth talker."

Amber laughed, still not used to hearing sweet words spoken to her.

They laid there in silence for a few moments, just enjoying each other's company.

Eventually, Y/N spoke up again.

"Do you think Richie will cause any more trouble?"

Amber sighed and shook her head.

"I don't know, but if he does. I get the honors of putting a bullet through his head."

Y/N nodded in agreement.

"I trust you to protect me," she said with a smile.

"And I trust you to protect me," Amber replied, returning the smile.

As they laid there, Amber wrapped her arms around Y/N and held her close. They were both still trembling with adrenaline and fear, but being in each other's arms helped calm them down.

Amber wanted to ask about Y/N's response earlier but she didn't want to press on. She wanted her to get some rest. It would have to wait to morning.

They cuddled together for a while longer, safe in each other's embrace, but eventually the exhaustion caught up with them and they drifted off to sleep.

Throughout the night, Y/N woke up a few times, still feeling uneasy about what had happened earlier.

Each time, she looked over at Amber and saw that she was sleeping peacefully. It was a reminder that even in the midst of chaos and danger, they still had each other. And that was enough to ease Y/N's worries and let her fall back asleep.

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