Hey Sister

Zapatera23456798 tarafından

22.4K 614 423

Five's eyes widened, and he dropped his blaster, for the first time ever Fives was speechless. "What is it,"... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 9

1K 31 22
Zapatera23456798 tarafından


Omega gets lost


Notes: THX a lot for your comment and Stars thank you all so so so much for all Y'all are all amazing, every comment you leave me bring me absolute joy and acts as a huge motivator for me to continue writing


Omega didn't mean to get lost, the ship was just so big she couldn't help but get a little turned around.

While Rex and Anakin were busy talking, she was off to the side playing with the wrench Anakin gave her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a black blur pass the room in the hallway. Naturally curious, she peeked her head out the doorframe to see a small black box wheeling down the hallway. Fully invested she ran towards the small black object that was now nearing the end of the hall. She tucked the wrench into her hoodie pocket allowing her to pick up the little droid with both hands. It was heavier than she thought, but had a very intricate design up close along with a label reading MSE-2-21B.

The little guy must have not liked being held because after she picked him up he let out a high pitched beeping noise seemingly squealing in her grasp. The sudden noise freaked her out causing her to immediately let go sending the little droid plummeting to the ground. It took a minute for the droid to adjust, then he bolted down the corridor trying to put as much distance between him and Omega as he possibly could.

She wanted to apologize to the little droid so she chased after him, through turns and multiple corridors before he eventually disappeared completely. She huffed in defeat, beginning to make her way back only to realize, she doesn't really know how to get back. Chasing the droid took her down many pathways and sharp turns that she definitely wasn't keeping track of.

So now she was just aimlessly wandering down the halls of some huge ship that was impossible to navigate through because A. She's never been on the ship before or any ship for that matter and B. Everything looks the exact same making it rather difficult to tell if she's already passed an area or not. Hopefully Rex and Anakin won't get too mad at her, maybe if she explained the situation they would go easy on her, although that's never really worked out for her in the past.

Halfway into her wandering around she found herself to be even more lost, and to make matters worse she heard something in the distance. It was a rhythmic pattern, one that was getting closer and closer to her location by the very second. She nervously peered her head around the corner to discover that the noise was footsteps belonging to two clones chatting to themselves, making their way right towards her.

Omega began to freak out, Rex had told her to keep her presence a secret until they reached the planet What was its name again? It started with a C, Cor - Cro something , to be honest she wasn't really paying attention to Rex when he was talking about that.

Then it hit her Croissant Rex wanted her to remain hidden until they reached the planet Croissant so if Rex wanted her to stay hidden that's what she'll do. Plus she's already gotten lost so she really can't afford to worsen the situation by being discovered.

Omega frantically scanned the hallway looking for a place to hide when her eyes landed on a closet further up ahead. It was risky there was the possibility she could be discovered right as soon as she hit the door, but it beat standing around in the open. Without thinking her legs took off, seemingly to have formed a mind of their own, as they led her to the closet. Her headpiece bounced as she ran, the pain of her injury subsided by adrenaline.

She reached the door just as the clones were about to turn the corner. Rushing forward only for her face to collide harshly with the cold metal door. She stumbled backwards shaking of the headache forming up, the door was locked. The footsteps were rearing the corner, she only had half a second to react. She whipped out her wrench using it as an extended arm smashing it on the doors control panel. The door whizzed open allowing her to twist her body sharply to the side, fast enough to enter the room to hit the buttons on the other side, causing the door to firmly slam shut. Soon enough she heard footsteps followed by mumbled laughter as the clones walked past the room. After a minute or two the laughter faded in the distance.

Omega slammed her body against the metal door finally letting out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. She did it, she kept her promise to Rex, she wasn't discovered. But how is she going to get back? That was a close call, she can't just keep going from closet to closet that would take ages. Not to mention the closets are spread out which would leave her exposed most of the time.

Omega felt herself slide slowly down the door before plopping onto the ground. So much has happened today, and she's barely had time to process. One minute she was scavenging the lap for bacta then the next she was on a ship, leaving Kamino.

She escaped the lab, flying far away from Kamino, the scientists, Nala Sea, Lama Su, best of all she was actually meeting her brothers. Something that was forbidden for her to do. It was everything she ever wanted, it felt too good to be true, like something out of a dream. Like the dreams she would often have after a long day of "testing" as the scientists would put it. Those were always the worst days.

But it's not a dream, she's pinched herself enough times to know that by now. It's actually happening her brothers saved her, taking her to some planet named Croissant.

A smile formed on her face, I wondered what Croissant is like. She's never been to another planet before, heck she hasn't even seen that much of Kamino, a place where she has lived her entire life. She was always locked up in the lab never allowed to see the world.

For the longest time she thought that lab was the entirety of Kamino, had no idea there was a whole planet beyond those doors, with an entire galaxy just waiting for her just outside.

Maybe Rex could show here around? He sounds like he knows the place. Perhaps Fives and Echo could come with them. Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase too they all seemed to have warmed up to her. Even if she was "defective" they still accepted her.

They haven't accepted every part of you!

Omega's smile disappeared; her pessimistic side was right; they've only accepted half of her. Yes, Rex reassured her that he didn't care and loved her, but what if that aspect of her was too much to handle. Clones aren't supposed to do what she can do.

Omega looked at the wrench that was still clutched in her hand. Her smile returned, as she began to fidget with the wrench again. Anakin was like her, he could also move things with his mind. When she saw him use his powers on the wrench it felt as if a weight was lifted off her shoulders. She was the only person on Kamino that could do that kind of stuff, she never thought she would ever meet someone else who could.

He was nice she could trust him with her secret.

Although she has to find him first, how could she get back without being spotted? She scanned the room to look for anything useful when her eyes landed upon a vent. There was a vent in Rex's room she could just travel back to his room then retrace her steps from there.

Satisfied with her plan Omega lept into action. She rushed over to the vent panel grabbing it with both hands in an effort to tear it off. After a couple tugs it was clear it was not coming off that way. There were no tools in the room, except, she whipped out her trusty wrench and used it as a lever on the edge of the panels. After a tug or two she felt it loosen, once again she grabbed the panel with both her hand and tugged. The vent popped off with ease, success!

The vents were fairly big so she was able to crawl in with ease. It was almost as if the vents were made for crawling around in them. Omega soon discovered that this probably was not the best idea, because she was just as lost in here as she was in the hallway, just now it was smaller and more confined. Yeah, she didn't think this through.

Nonetheless she kept her eyes straight forward, hoping that would ignore the fact that she was in a more confined space than before. After wandering around for what felt like miles she saw light ahead. Maybe it was Rex's room, a bit of a stretch but she didn't really care at this point she just needed to get out for a breather.

Omega was so close only a couple feet away, when it happened. Suddenly her entire front half dropped and became weighless. The ventilation system opened up beneath her leading down to who knows where, but before she had the chance to save herself it was too late. She was sliding face first down the vents, increasing speed with every second. After a bit of squirming she was able to rearrange herself to where her feet were in front of her, with her back pressing against the vent wall. Though she should be worried, Omega couldn't bring herself to be, it was kinda fun .

Omega was soon able to see the bottom, it curved out smoothly at the end allowing her to less than gracefully slide along the edge safely. Once she was on ground level a sealed vent laid in front of her allowing her only time seconds to react. The acceleration of the fall with the slide at the end of the vent gave her enough force to burst open the sealed vent door upon impact. Omega skidded a bit on the ground before sliding to a complete stop.

It took a minute for her to process all that happened but eventually forced herself up, wobbling a little as the adrenaline faded away. She looked around the room she found herself in only to see the wall made up of machines full of what looked like to be clothes spinning in circles really fast.

Before Omega had time to ponder what kind of room she was in the door swooshed open. Without thinking she leapt into the basket full of towels that laid in front of her. It took a bit of adjusting, but eventually she was completely covered by towels with a small gap open for her eyes.

The towels were so warm against her, giving her a sense of security in what should be considered a stressful situation. She found herself wrapping the towel covering her back closer to her using it as a blanket. She brought it to her cheek then to her nose giving it a good sniff. It smelled so good, so much better than the chemical smell she grew up with.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by someone giving orders. She looked through her peep hole to see a droid coming straight towards her. Instinctively she ducked hoping it didn't discover her. Thankfully it didn't, but she felt herself being lifted up, then placed on a cart along with other baskets. All was good until she felt the cart start to move, she looked out once more to see she was being wheeled out of the room.

What has she gotten herself into?


"She's like this heigh she couldn't have gone far," Anakin commented with his hand as he failed to find Omega in the storage room.

"You'd be surprised," Rex responded as he got up from looking behind the sofa.

"Don't freak out, someone will see her, and report back to us about a child roaming the halls."

"I actually told her to lay low, we weren't fully ready to expose her yet," Rex was hoping for the first time and only time someone wouldn't follow his orders to a t.

"That could be a problem," was all Anakin could say before his comm beeped to life.

"Skywalker, your presence is needed at the bridge. There is an incoming transmission for you from the Jedi Council." Wullf Yularens voice echoed through his comm piece.

The Jedi Council must be important , "I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment any way they could call back in an hour or so."

"Please tell me you did not misplace something of yours ... again " Yularens voice almost beat Obi-Wans on how done it sounds.

Anakin pretended to be insulted. "Have you no faith in me admiral."

"I'm afraid it's fairly important, so your presence is needed immediately."

"Fine, I'll be right up." he turned and gave Rex a confident smile.

"It's okay we'll go up to see what they need immediately go back go back to searching in the meantime do you think we could have a bit of assistance while the council keeps us occupied."

Rex gave him a nod understanding what he meant turning on his own comm to call up Jesse. Rex comm beeped twice before a voice boomed from the other side.

"REX, where have you been? Is Omega with you?"

Rex cringed on the inside, "About that we might have ... misplaced her at the moment."

"WHAT!" Kix's voice was immediately present on the comm.

"Rex what the actual kriff I expected this kind of behavior from Hardcase and Fives - "

"WHAT?!" Fives shout could be heard from the background.

"But from you, how could you just lose her - "

"Kix my arm -"

"You'll live, how could you have pulled a Fives?"

"HEY!" Fives voices once again could be heard from the background.

Rex tuned most of Kixs rant out a practice he does everytime he is forced to go to the medbay after pushing it off for as long as possible.

"Look Kix can I get the full lecture later, Omega is lost somewhere on the ship. Could all of you just look for her while the General and I are in a meeting?"

"Fine, but this conversation is far from over" with that the comm turned off from the other end.

"Looks like you're banned from babysitting duty," Anakin commented with a sly smile making its way to his face.

Rex rolled his eyes "Let's get going don't want you to get chewed out by the admiral Yularen"

"Rather chewed out by an angry Yularen than an angry Kix."

Rex let out an audible laugh "Ain't that the truth."


Hiding inside the basket wasn't too bad there was no lid on so Omega didn't feel trapped or confined whatsoever. Plus there was the added bonus of being surrounded by soft nicely scented towels. She was there for a while watching clones working on the ships in the hangar, seeing the droid come in and cause havoc, but the best part was seeing all the various ships. She's never seen so many in her life.

The droids dropped her off in what was labeled the "Main Hanger'', then promptly left. Some clones came up to take baskets to bring back to their ships that they were cleaning off, but by some miracle no one picked up her basket leaving her to gaze at all that laid before her.

"Hey shiny could you bring that basket over there I wanna shine up my ride"

Uh oh!

Before she could think of an escape plan she felt herself being hoisted into the air, causing her to bundle up in the towels even more.

An audible groan was heard "What the kriff is up with these towels, why are they so heavy?"

Omega began to panic; she had to do something, and do it fast. Her wobbling around must have caught the clone's attention.

"What the -"

That was all he managed to say before Omega forced her head back slamming full force into the clone's chest. She felt a tang of guilt but she had to do it. The clone was so caught off guard he stumbled back dropping the basket of towels.

When Omega landed on the floor she rolled out still clinging onto the towel that covered her. Her head turned slightly to see the clone was sitting on his rear trying to regain his composure. Since he was distracted she took the opportunity to inch worm to the closest ship by her. When she was close enough he sprinted up the open ramp.

Once she was safe inside she slammed her back against the wall ignoring the sting it caused her. Slowly she peered her head out the side to see the clone walking away with the basket of towels. She waited a couple moments more before letting out a relieved sigh. No one saw her, she really has to stop pushing her luck like that sooner or late shes going to -

A beeping noise stopped her from finishing her thought process. She gulped, then began to slowly turn her head to the left only to confirm her fear. A blue and white droid was staring straight at her.

She gave him a nervous smile, "Hello."

Okumaya devam et

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