evergreen ↠ harry styles ✓

By hesasnowflake

46.7K 1.8K 6.3K

[Neither of them promised forever, yet it hurt all the same.] River Hamilton cannot afford to fall for just a... More



770 38 243
By hesasnowflake

+ + +


The instruction was clear and simple.

Background on the relationship between Dexter Hamilton and Ian Radcliffe.

River gave a couple of weeks to the private investigator to find out any information they could get their hands on, and it was the slowest two weeks of her life. Busy, but incredibly slow and torturous because even though she was not in the right state of mind when she came up with this plan, she was anxious to get answers.

Besides the obvious reasons for the agreement, realistically, there had to be more to this proposed marriage than River knew. It started to consume her and she felt she was going insane.

But then the information came in the morning of the Winter Ball and River didn't know what to do. If she read the file, she wouldn't be able to think of anything else for the entire day. So much had gone into the preparation for this ball and she wanted to enjoy herself. Harry was going to attend with her, and he'd be meeting her parents for the first time which already put plenty of pressure on both of them.

It ate at her, to not open the file and learn all she could about her father.

Patience was often said to be a virtue. River was great at it—for the most part. She had to exercise this more than she ever bothered before so she could get through the evening, which was new for her.

Although there was more rain than snow, River's excitement didn't falter. It grew gradually throughout the day as she prepared, and keeping Harry's nerves under control allowed her to feel calmer, too.

Since Harry insisted on working half a day, he was stuck in his office with his phone propped up on his desk while River used her laptop to stay on the video chat with him. She ran around her bedroom like a possessed animal, trying to find her favourite lipgloss while Harry sighed ten different ways to showcase not only his frustration with work but also the weight of his overthinking.

Eventually, River sat down on the cream sofa in her bedroom, pulled the bottle of champagne from the ice bucket and took a couple of sips straight from it. This seemed to catch Harry's attention which she noted because he started laughing.

"I really hope you had some lunch," he commented. River did not have lunch yet. She had dresses to pick for the evening which was extremely last minute but she no longer liked the one she planned. When she didn't respond, Harry asked, "Have you found your lip thing yet?"

River groaned. Leaned her head against the back of the sofa with eyes closed shut.

"I'll take that as a no," he said in a tone that revealed just a hint of his amusement. It was plenty to get River to perceive him and she had done so with a pretend-mean glimmer in her eyes. "Would you like me to get you a new one?"

It took one second for River to bite her tongue. She wanted to say yes. She decided against it because she realised, he couldn't get his hands on another. Instantly, she felt guilt flood her chest. Her tastes were expensive and although she never struggled to fulfil those tastes on her own, she feared Harry might.

And she didn't like the thought of him feeling like he had to appeal to her financially.

"I'm sure it's around here somewhere," she told him and dropped the dramatic act. It was fun to be that way but she needed to realise Harry would just about do anything for her. Everything she said had weight to it.

This included business conversations, too. They often put a timer on these, mostly to separate their personal lives from the professional, but it was useful. When Harry needed advice, River put her smart hat on and they worked through things as a team.

Harry had a meeting in ten minutes so they prepped then ended the call and she went back to looking for her lipgloss.

+ + +

River ended up switching to a white dress with a built-in corset top and thin straps. It had beautiful diamond detailing on the top, and it resembled a gown one would see on a princess. The way her hair had been curled into soft waves made her feel exactly as such.

Whilst it was a challenge to navigate through the horrible weather, River managed to make it to the location without a stain on her white gown. Harry wore all black, with a white lace embedded button-up, so they truly looked like a couple.

Safe to say, River lost her ability to form a proper sentence when she first saw him done up like this. Harry hadn't had the chance to accompany her to an event like this, where dressing up formally was crucial, so the Winter Ball was everything to her.

And, of course, when she felt his eyes roam over her from head to toe, she blushed darker than the makeup on the apples of her cheeks. His words brought a slight tremor to her hands, weakened her knees until they nearly gave out, then he kissed her and she was certain she was a goner.

Harry held her hand a little tighter than usual as they ascended the wide staircase to the building, only to be stopped for ticket checking. Mellow music drafted through from the main room, a sound that put River at ease. They were quickly through to the reception area where waiters walked around with bubbling champagne, and trays of delicious canapes. Instantly, she pushed a glass towards Harry and ordered him to drink it with a knowing look.

Being at Melody Hall was an experience in itself. River admired the architecture of the building, the delicate ways in which the nooks and crannies of this magnificent piece of work was carved out. Having done her PhD in Architecture History, she knew plenty about Melody Hall. Dressed to fit the time of the year, River felt as though she entered a magical Winter Wonderland. The Christmas tree almost reached the high ceiling of the building, and though barricaded with a single rope of red velvet barrier, it didn't take away from its beauty.

They were spotted before she had another moment to herself, and mid-bite of the cream cheese canape, she was approached by an acquaintance.

Juliette McAllister.

She wore a gorgeous pale blue gown with a sweetheart neckline. Her skin bronzed up, it shimmered beneath the soft warm lighting.

"River, it's been too long," she claimed with a sigh, her arms around River in a welcoming hug.

"It's been too long, indeed," River agreed, suddenly aware of the change in how it felt to embrace Juliette. She looked much healthier and she seemed to glow. Warmth filled her eyes with liveliness which River hadn't seen in a while. "You look beautiful," she said, and meant everything.

Regardless of their relationship, or lack thereof, River was happy to see the positive change in Juliette. They have gone through enough difficult times together to celebrate this moment of joy without, of course, making too much of a big deal out of it.

Juliette smiled and thanked River for the compliment. River didn't miss the way Juliette avoided speaking to Harry, and Hamilton noted there had to have been some unease. They had a history, and now River had him on her arm. The reunion was bound to happen but it wasn't anything she couldn't deal with.

Juliette pulled River aside, if only two steps. Harry nodded at River, and she felt more at ease to be away from him.

"I wanted to find you tonight, and thank you for the help you have given me over the years," she explained, a certain level of vulnerability now open between the two women. Juliette's focus never faltered as she kept the eye contact between them, communicating her appreciation in more than one way. "I know that we haven't been the closest of friends, and I admit, jealousy on my part played a great role in this."


She raised her hand slightly, kept it just to her waist. River immediately stopped.

"It is the truth I have been working on telling you because I have mistreated you, unfairly, and you deserve to know why," she continued, the depth of her words reached a part of River's soul she didn't know existed. This was the last thing she imagined would happen. "In my parents' eyes, you are the perfect daughter, and many times, they set you as my example. It became tiring after a while, and my frustration was taken out on you which was anything but fair. You have been there for me when everyone else turned away, on multiple occasions, and I feel I owe you my life. I can only hope you forgive me for all the times I have wronged you, however I understand if you decide against it."

To say it was a surprise to hear the apology from Juliette would be an understatement. River almost lost her carefully crafted poker face then the smell of Harry's perfume caught her nose and she was back on her feet.

"Juliette, you have nothing to thank me for," she said. It was true. River didn't decide to be a good person one day, she simply was a good person. Her heart was always in the right place, her intentions always honest. Everything she did for Juliette was for Juliette's own good. "I do accept your apology, and I appreciate you taking the time to find me and admit this."

"Of course," she smiled, gentle, as what seemed like the weight of the world dropped from her shoulders. "It is the least I could've done, and should've done much sooner."

River didn't argue with that point. If Juliette felt she should've apologised sooner, it was on her for not doing so but regardless of when it happened, River was simply grateful.

The conversation was cut short when a handsome man joined their conversation and placed an arm around Juliette. Protective if River ever saw anyone behave. It brought a smile to her face and she swiftly made introductions. It felt incredible to involve Harry in things she did on a daily basis, and she was proud to have him with her.

Indulged in a conversation about cars, Harry seemed to loosen up more with each sentence, every chuckle, and of course, whenever their eyes met for a short second. River was more than happy to give her boyfriend the reassurance he needed, and she thoroughly enjoyed curling to his side when they were finally alone in their company.

The bliss lasted only for a moment before River heard her name being called in the familiar drawl of her eldest brother, and before she knew it, Dorian's arms were around her in a tight embrace, his perfume strong and familiar as ever.

"I'm going to be a father," he whispered and River gasped so loudly that people around them stopped their conversations. When they noted the pure happiness on her face, they smiled and left them to their business, not that River cared.

"You told her already?" Kaia stepped over in a lovely dark blue gown, the theme of Winter obviously apparent in her look for the evening. She wore blue eyeshadow to match the dress. As usual, she was elegant and perfect, the match Dorian deserved.

"She is my only sister, and I could barely wait until tonight. I'm sorry," Dorian said to his wife, the least bit apologetic as he grinned and put his hands on Kaia's waist then kissed her forehead.

"Told her what?" Harry asked, unaware of the topic of conversation. Meanwhile, River remained with her jaw dropped to the floor, eyes slowly but surely welled with tears of joy. Before she could've done anything about the state of her face, Harry glanced back at her, lifted his hand, and put his index finger beneath her chin. "Close your mouth, baby," he said and winked at her, the promise hidden within those gestures.


"I'm going to be a dad."

River burst out laughing as Kaia and Dorian spoke over each other. From the way Kaia wanted to keep the news a secret, River assumed her sister-in-law wanted a reveal party of some sort. It was exactly something Kaia would've done, and honestly, it likely fit Natasha's plans, too.

If anyone, Kaia Hamilton was a people pleaser. River's mother at the top of that list.

Between compliments and chuckles, River and Kaia shared a hug while Harry and Dorian shook hands and Harry gripped Dorian's shoulder. Every time River caught Harry interacting with her family, she couldn't help the giddy feeling overwhelming her. This was everything she wanted and she couldn't have been happier.

Until, of course, recently. To learn that Kaia was indeed pregnant brought tremendous excitement to River. She would not only get one niece or nephew, but two, and if anything, babies made River very happy. To spoil them and love them like her own gave her an extra pump of life, and she immediately wanted to get her sisters in law together to plan playdates, birthdays, and holidays.

Gathered around, eventually the group grew with Jade and Alden, then Jax. Arriving solo resulted in understanding glances but no further discussion around why Val didn't join—everyone knew it was for a good reason, and if anyone, the Hamilton siblings had each other's back through everything.

When the crowd was directed inside the main hall, Harry immediately grabbed River's hand who gently rubbed her thumb over the back of his hand. From the corner of her eye, she caught the way he exhaled deeply as if to prepare himself for the real challenge.

River gave his hand a squeeze. "Hey." Harry turned his head to her swiftly. "I love you."

Harry's eyes softened as they roamed over her face, his hand squeezing hers in response. "I love you."

And that was that.

They entered the main hall, gorgeously decorated to resemble Christmas, with great big tables set in cabaret style for ten. At the table reserved for the Hamiltons, two people were already seated and it was perhaps for the first time in her life that River felt anxious to face her parents.

River let her family approach first and she pulled Harry back slightly. Thoughts scrambled in her head like never before and the confidence she had all this time suddenly disappeared.

"Hey," Harry called softly, one hand still in hers, the other delicately down the length of her arm. "What's wrong?"

Exhaling, she glanced up at him and caught the worry in his eyes. Not because of what was about to happen but because he didn't know what seemed to be the problem with River.

"Nothing's wrong," she smiled and placed her free hand on top of Harry's, the one that held her other hand. She ran her thumb over the top of his wrist, just where she knew one of his tattoos hid beneath the sleeve of his tux. "I suppose I'm..." she giggled, unable to control her reaction. "I'm nervous."

"Oh, thank god," he sighed, relieved, and overdramatic as he leaned forward slightly. "I thought I was the only one," he exhaled deeper this time, and pretended to wipe the sweat from his forehead. River, of course, laughed, and it was a little louder than expected which drew the attention of everyone coming through the main doors. She hid her smile with her hand but her eyes twinkled as they reconnected with Harry's. "Don't do that," he said with a smile so bright it touched River's heart.

"Don't do what?"

He raised his hand and touched her cheek, his thumb just beneath her lower lip. "Hide your smile."

"Darling," she giggled, blushing like crazy. River had to look away from him while he chuckled, too, and placed his hand on the back of her neck. Pulled her in and pecked her lips. "You can't say things like this."

"Like what?" he raised his eyebrows curiously. "I love your smile."

Again, her heart did cartwheels and jumped up and down, side to side, as the words settled over her. "You are trouble, Harry Styles."

He shrugged. "Maybe."

And it worked. The distraction. Harry knew her and the way to her nerves, and he brought her back down to reality.

Facing Natasha and Dexter still terrified her to her core but it was easier to cross the room and take a seat in front of her name card. Harry to her left. Kaia to her right. Natasha diagonally to her right. Dexter almost exactly across from her. Jax sat beside their father, with an empty seat to his right where his plus one was supposed to be. Jade beside the empty seat then Alden to Harry's and River's left. Dorian to River's right and closest to their mother.

"Ah, the infamous plus one," Dexter spoke up as the couple got comfortable around the table, and without even a second of notice, River reached for Harry's hand under the table.

She needed him as close as possible to feel at ease, and control the unfamiliar dread that filled her inside.

"That would be me, sir," Harry replied jokingly like he wasn't shaking like a leaf. Then again, River supposed, the way she gripped his hand, she likely stopped even the circulation in his fingers. "I'm Harry, it's a pleasure to meet you all properly."

"Harry... sounds familiar. You're friends with my son, Alden. Is that right?" he questioned. It was obvious to River that her father knew much more than that. It was the arrogant yet calm approach he used to converse with Harry that made it crystal clear.

"Dad, you know Harry," Alden stepped in, his voice resembled boredom which River assumed was laid on extremely thick to move the awkwardness along at a greater speed. "He is the one who keeps the Clubhouse running, and now your only daughter happy. Please, pass the wine, would you?"

Dexter hummed as he picked up the bottle, his eyes solely on Harry. It made River feel uncomfortable and she was about to speak up to change the subject when her father had gone ahead first.

"The manager of the Clubhouse, River?" he asked and gave River a look that could've been disappointment, disgust, or simple indifference. Yes, it was that difficult to read the facial expression on her own father's features. Some time ago, she stopped trying to understand it.

Most of the time it was best to ignore it altogether.

Harry didn't know better yet so when he took the question to heart, River knew. Harry's hand went limp in hers so she made sure to hold on for both of them.

"I don't understand the question, father," she told him with a sweet smile. She straightened her back and dropped her shoulders. It was her way of putting up walls and standing her ground. The real test of her loyalty to Harry was this one—with him present.

"What your father is saying is that he expected someone more... your equal," Natasha added with more visible distaste than Dexter ever allowed, and while it was exactly what River was awaiting from her mother, it bothered her. "As we all did, I'm sure," she noted with a general look around the table.

River followed this and found everyone stilling in their seats. No one made a move. Not a single blink. None of her brothers met her eyes which hurt. She didn't understand why they stalled. It wasn't like they were going to get reprimanded for anything. The unity she always had at her back was simply not there. It confused her.

The scoff that came from her was uncontrolled. She didn't care. River set her gaze on her father, the man who promised would be welcoming and open-minded tonight. She didn't look away from his dark eyes, the way he seemed to boil beneath the surface because River chose to defy him, and Nastasha.

Eventually, he broke out into a smile. "I apologise, Harry," he redirected his gaze and words to the man beside River. Those words were about as honest as the smile on his face, and it made River shift in her seat. She caressed the back of Harry's hand in the hopes of comforting him. It didn't work for her but she hoped it worked for him. "Our comments were unnecessary and disrespectful."

Jax laughed under his breath, likely from his shock, until River looked at him with a cold stare. She expected her brother to stand up for her before and he did no such thing. None of them did.

It was Harry's turn to clear his throat and it made River turn to him. She smiled softly at her boyfriend and if she could've possibly moved closer to him, she would've done it the moment they sat down.

"I understand, sir, ma'am," he replied. River's brows furrowed.

"Darling—" she tried.

He squeezed her hand. "It's alright," he smiled at her, tight-lipped, and obviously filled to the brim with anxiety. Yet he stood tall. He spoke clearly and confidently. "I understand you may have preconceived notions about me, and how I fit into your daughter's life. You may even say I'm not the kind of man she should marry, or even date, considering I work for you."

Oh, hell. River didn't know what else to think. This was not how she planned to survive the evening.

"It is only right you look out for your daughter and ensure her safety and well-being in all aspects of life," he continued, the words foreign to River's ears. He sounded like she did and it wasn't to indicate he wasn't well spoken but in that very moment, something beyond pride burst in her heart. "However, if it wasn't for River, I wouldn't be here tonight because this..." he looked around, and chuckled, dry. "This is not my scene. The formal attire, the valet outside, the champagne and wine that I'm sure come with a great price tag—those things provide no interest to me. I'm not here to advance financially, or make a name for myself in a world that would prefer to see me lose."

Natasha didn't stop her immediate thought from surfacing. "Then why are you here?"

"Mother," Dorian interfered. River raised her eyebrow, surprised. Relieved on the inside, too.

"It is a valid question, son," she said.

Harry took a sip of his champagne. River just watched him. Amazed and slightly more in love with him than an entire minute ago.

"I'm here because tonight, I am your daughter's date. I'm here because she wanted me to meet her family. And, perhaps most importantly, I'm here because I'd do anything to make her happy."

The controlled tone of voice, the utter confidence, and strength to stand in face of those who would do anything to see him out of the room, made River fall in love with him ten times more. It spoke to her so deeply to have him there and stand up to her parents because it showed loyalty, the same way she had done for him, and she valued it so much.

"If there is a problem with my presence here tonight, I'm more than happy to move to another table but make no mistake, I am taking my girlfriend with me," he added and leaned back in his chair, a lot more relaxed and confident which made him incredibly attractive.

River smiled, wide, and refused to look away from him. Eventually, when Harry gave his attention to her, and he replicated the gesture on her face, the bubble around them closed. It was just the two of them.

Unspoken words shared in those glances that only the two of them could understand.

It didn't seem to last long. Not that River expected otherwise. After all, they were in the presence of her family.

"You are Dominic Richmond's son," Dexter pointed out. River snapped her head in her father's direction, curious to know where he would go with that statement.

Harry's father was a delicate matter, and she didn't like the way her father put it on a plate to be served.

"Yes, sir," Harry confirmed. "You know him?"

Dexter took his time to answer. It put River on edge because she was already stressed, and now she had to deal with her dad looking into her boyfriend's life and that was simply embarrassing. Predictable, but most certainly not needed.

"I know him," Dexter replied in the end. Harry cleared his throat which attracted River's attention. He was already looking at her so when he glanced down, she followed his gaze. Harry's hand turned white from how tightly she held on.

Loosening her grip, she reached for the glass of water on the table to ease her nerves. Everything was going to be fine. Harry was going to be fine. River was certainly going to be fine.

Except that it all felt otherwise, and she didn't know how to stop the chilling sensation settling on her.

"You don't appear to be fond of your father," Dexter pointed out as he held the table's attention, and definitely River's breath. The situation kept her in such a strong daze that she failed to note Harry's suddenly cold demeanour.

"I don't have a relationship with him," Harry stated.

"That is surprising since he speaks highly of you," Dexter continued.

River was only able to sit and listen because she felt betrayed. Why did her father go through so much to get to know Harry before he had the chance to talk to him in person? It wouldn't have mattered if he hadn't shown interest in meeting Harry when she spoke to him, and demanded he let her date someone besides Charlie.

Was she any different from him? After all, she did ask a private investigator to look into her father. Even if the situation was not the same, it still meant going behind someone's back rather than confronting them.

Perhaps she couldn't blame her father at all.

"Ah, yes," Dexter sighed, and there was a hint of a smirk on his face like he caught Harry out, and won. River knew that tone of voice, and it rendered her scattered thoughts in place. "Your father and I know each other well, and now that I am sitting here, across from you, I have to admit, I see the resemblance."

"I didn't know you knew my father that well, sir," Harry said politely, and highly uninterested in the conversation.

River took this moment to stop it. "Let's not dissect Harry's family tonight, father. Some other time?" she proposed with a smile, her attention completely on Dexter. If it was up to River, this topic would never be brought up ever again.

Begrudgingly, he nodded. "Some other time."

And then Kaia told everyone she was pregnant because it seemed the tension around the table got too much. Once again, the need to please everyone around her and clear the air of conflict kicked into place, and Kaia did what Kaia felt necessary.

Jade nearly fell back with her chair in surprise, and Natasha cuddled her eldest son like he was a child. Dexter appeared pleased besides the 'it was about time' grimace on his face because if anyone could truly disappoint the head of the family, it was his first-born son.

And to not have a grandchild from his first-born son before any of his other children was the greatest offence.

When the evening finally began properly, and the audience was asked to quiet down, they dimmed the lights and focused on the main stage. The chair to River's right made a slight creaking sound and it strained against the floor with Dexter and Natasha's departure, the parents on their way to the stage to no doubt give their annual speech.

"Hey," River leaned over to be closer to Harry, somewhat embarrassed and terribly revealed to be without the presence of her mother and father. Harry sat beside her, straight backed and chin high, so when he moved, he looked down at her slightly. The shadow of his face was perfect and she desperately wanted to kiss him to feel better. "I'm so sorry about all of this. Are you alright?"

With a hand to her cheek, he caressed her temple gently. "I'm alright. Are you alright?"




River nodded. "I'm alright."

Harry nodded, and squeezed her leg. She noticed then that he never let go of her. Just like she never let go of him. He moved his chair closer to hers until their thighs could almost touch, and River gladly looped her arm through his and leaned her chin on his shoulder.

When they turned their attention back to the stage, neither of them noted the way Dorian, Alden, and Jax followed their interaction, each of the brothers content to know their sister was in good hands after all.  

+ + +

Happy Friday! 

She is back - late as usual but she is back! 

And this was nowhere near as dramatic and over-the-top as I planned it to be in my head but that's ok because I absolutely hate cleaning up after monumental situations so actually this was perfect. 

Except for her brothers lack of unity but that's something I look forward to blowing up very soon. I feel like we need a good ol' sibling chapter - like the first one. I miss that bond <3 

Anywho! Hope you enjoyed this chapter :) I shall see you next week! 

Love, B xx

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