Rebel Defenders: Fighting the...

By NaldMoney

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The Hand's kidnapping of Rebel Alliance leadership council member Jemma Simmons daughter Ayla and Imperial Sc... More

Daredevil is Dead
Jessica Jones is a Hero
I am the Immortal Iron Fist
Power Man and Iron Fist
Midland Circle
Black Sky
Red Dragon
Welcome to London Coruscant
Through Imperial Eyes
Take Shelter
Stage 2
C'est La Vie
Run towards the Fight
Belief is so Human
An Inside Man
The Defenders
Will of the Force
Zero Hour
A Promise

Ayla isn't Alive

9 0 0
By NaldMoney

Author's Note

This story may be a bit hard to follow and that's due to combining the FitzSimmons time travel storyline from Season 5 of Agents of Shield along with the Aida and the Framework storyline from Season 4. In addition to that is the conclusion to the Hand storyline from the Marvel Defenders Universe (formerly Marvel Netflix Universe) that concluded with the Marvel TV Series Defenders along with the Agent Kallus spying on the Empire as the new Fulcrum while Thrawn pursues him storyline from Season 3 of Star Wars Rebels.

I'm hoping this chapter will bring these three different storylines into clear focus. It'll have plenty of surprises and this will give the character Jessica Jones more opportunities to interact with more characters than her canon counterpart in the show Marvel Defenders. Please comment on anything you read good or bad because your opinions can help improve the story. The goal of Rebel Defenders will be to create shocking changes to set up future stories in this series. This is Book 4 of a 12 book series.

"Jessica, Jessica wait. Don't go. I know what you just saw is crazy but we can't give up. There's too much at stake." Luke insisted

It started to rain and Jessica stopped and turned toward Luke but she still wasn't interested in staying at the restaurant.

"That's the understatement of the century. That Kung fu billionaire was doing something straight out of a horror movie. And there's all this talk about extra dimensional energy and altering reality. What the galaxy am I supposed to do with that Luke?!"

"Filter out all the mystical energy stuff and you're left with one simple fact... Many people in New York/Lothal are going to get hurt if we do nothing."

"Not you." Jessica replied skeptically

"It's not about me. You might want to try taking on a selfless perspective." Luke chastised

"Give me a break." Jessica retorted walking away

"Jessica wait...I didn't mean it like that. I'm willing to go along with this crazy stuff if it means using my power to prevent people from getting hurt."

"You should know by now that's not me. I just want to find answers on how to find Ayla. I'm not going to do that playing Jedi or playing superhero. I need to do this as a detective."

"I get it. I just..." Luke couldn't finish stumbling over his words

"I got your message from Malcolm and I'd like to catch up over a drink when this is all over. It was good seeing you again. Hopefully I don't see you on the Holo Net News in a superhero costume." Jessica joked

"Jessica wait," Luke called out and Jessica stopped turning around, "I'd like to catch up too. A lot has happened that I wanna fill you in on but for now take care of yourself. It was...good seeing you again."


March 2015

"I'm just like Grant Ward." Fitz said stunned

He sat on the bed inside the containment module staring at the wall. He killed an innocent woman and did unspeakable evil acts for Hydra inside the Framework. Fitz never thought he was capable of such evil yet he knew the scientific advances he made within the Framework outweighed the moral lines he crossed to achieve such advances. Hot shame caused him to sweat and fear was visible on his face.

"How could Jemma even look me in the eye after everything I did. The memory of me shooting that innocent woman's still fresh in my mind...Jemma won't want to be with me after witnessing that. Why would she?" Fitz said tears in his eyes

Fitz could only stare at the ground now. As the cries for help and excruciating pain of hundreds of Inhumans and Jedi echoed in his mind. All he could think was within the Framework the screams and cries for help didn't motivate him to stop, instead it made him eager to torture these people more to continue the search for more knowledge. Aida sat on the bed next to Fitz and felt sorrow for him.

"The reason I tried to get close to you so much was to understand the connection you two had for each other. There was something powerful and joyful about it that was hard to grasp. After leaving the Framework I finally understand why you and Jemma love each other so much."

Fitz looked up at Aida broken and weak. His voice shaken he replied, "Loved as in past tense. Cause my future with Jemma is dead. I killed that too."

Fitz started crying and Aida gently rubbed Fitz's arm. She leaned close to him as they sat side by side saying, "After all the years I was devoted to you within the Framework I understand you better now. How deeply you love. It's what drove me to you from the very beginning. Your romanticism is hard to hold in because it's a mixture of joy and disappointment which is painful but it's a pain that feels good. Its sad but its beautiful...does that make sense Leopold?"

"Yes it does, you truly understand human connection. You understand how my love will never fade." Fitz replied

"Of course Leopold because there's only room in your heart for m-" Aida said

"Her." Fitz interrupted

There was silence as Fitz exhaled grateful that Aida listened to his thoughts on the Framework and exhibited great understanding and compassion. It helped Fitz gain his composure but to Fitz's confusion Aida continued to remain silent. After another 30 seconds of silence passed Aida finally spoke.

"What? What do you mean her?" Aida complained

"Listen Aida I can explain."

"What about me?" Aida spat out bitterly

"In the Framework you were my whole world but..."

"But what Leopold!" Aida yelled

Fitz frightened by Aida's sudden outburst got up from the bed and held out his arms in an attempt to calm Aida down.

"Listen we're just talking. This doesn't need to escalate. I appreciate how much you care but my heart is with Jemma..."

"Noooooo! I bled and fought for you! I created an entire world for you! You cannot ignore that and move on from me for Jemma! I had a whole future planned for us!"

"So is this a super-powered AI in a human body or a teenage girl who needs to get over herself?" Jessica said aloud as the video ended

Jessica managed to track down Chopper by hacking into a public Holo Net Projector module outside a local bar. From there she reestablished communication with Dr. Leo Fitz based on the signal configurations Malcolm received from Fitz's earlier communication.

"At this point...from an emotional maturity standpoint Aida is a child. She hasn't fully grasped human concepts such as love and disappointment. It's too much for her to handle. She's never let go of her obsession over me and that's why she created my daughter Ayla from another timeline. To punish me for rejecting her. My wife Jemma enlisted the help of our friend Daisy who is Force Sensitive to contact a Jedi Master in hiding so that we could hide our real daughter within the Multiversal Core.  Aida is using Ayla to find our real daughter Rey."

"Wait a minute I left some Kung Fu storytime hour from a psychotic old man only to hear an even weirder story from you? What do you mean Ayla was created and that you're hiding your real daughter Rey?"

"We placed Rey in a containment module inside the Multiversal Core itself. She's Force Sensitive and has a connection with the Core also. Aida used this to create a copy of Ayla. As a conduit to tap into the Core without utilizing the Iron Fist or herself. The Hand aren't aware of this and in fact they made me build the advanced Improvised Expolisive Droid's that you saw in that abandoned drug den as a result of Aida giving Ayla to them to gain their trust." Fitz explained

"So let me get this straight. Your cyber alien ex girlfriend created a child from magical energy in order to convince the Hand to extort you into building advanced bombs inside specialized droids. Did I miss anything?" Jessica recapped

"No. That's basically it."

"What is the point of all this craziness?"

"The Hand want these explosives to be a distraction for the Empire. That's stage 2. Blowing up Grand Admiral Thrawn's TIE Defender military factory complex. That way the Empire won't interfere with Stage 3." Fitz elaborated

"What's Stage 3?"

"Placing a final set of explosives that mimic the radiation of the Multiversal Core which allows someone to enter the World Between Worlds."

"I need a freaking drink. What the galaxy is the World Between Worlds?"

"A plane of existence outside time that links moments in time together. The Force itself allows this because scientifically its absolute bonkers nonsense. Only person I know who had some understanding of it was Daisy. You'll need to ask her. Ultimately you'll need to rescue Ayla, prevent the explosion at the factory and the third one at Midland Circle Financial."

"Awesome. A simple case has suddenly become super complicated. Wonder how the boys are doing with the psychotic old man?"


"Stick you must be truly desperate if you think these 3 are going to help you stop us after we killed your comrades the Chaste." Alexandra mocked as she entered the dining area of the restaurant

Matt, Luke, Danny rose to their feet and got into battle stances. Stick unsheathed his sword and aimed it in Alexandra's  direction.

"Now relax gentleman. I'm not here to fight. I'm here to make you a deal. Something that will benefit both of us." Alexandra offered

She sat down at a table opposite the one the men were sitting at and poured herself a champagne. The sight looked strange to Luke. An older white woman in an elegant white dress sipping champagne in a relaxed mood despite antagonizing a powerful group of men.  A group consisting of himself a blasterboltproof man, Daredevil a blind ninja, Danny Rand a martial arts expert with a mean right hook, and Stick a cantankerous old man with a sword who has more fighting experience than the formidable Daredevil.

"Alexandra I've heard enough of your hyperspit to last a lifetime. Galaxy knows I've wasted my life dealing with your schemes. Are you getting desperate by offering us a deal instead of fighting us?"

"Don't flatter yourself Stick I wasn't talking to you. You'll be killed obviously. But these three potential recruits of yours will just end up broken and alone like you. Or worse...dead. Mr. Cage you don't have to end up like this old man. We can clean out the crime that's plaguing Harlem that the Empire is content to just sweep under the rug. Mr. Rand we'll gladly return Ayla to you and your allies and leave your company Rand Enterprises alone. Just because you're the Iron Fist doesn't mean that we need to be adversaries. And you Mr. Murdock I have no idea what you want specifically but I know we share a dislike for the Empire. We could pool our resources together to destroy the TIE Defender factory. What so you say?" Alexandra proposed

She took a long swig from her champagne and leaned back in her chair crossing her right leg over her left leg.

"No deal. You're not going to do anything to New York/Lothal because we will defend it from you." Matt replied

"Or so your Defenders now? Why? You'll be putting your loved ones at risk if you decide to challenge us. There's a nurse that I know that has helped Luke Cage recover from several injuries. That detective who was with you has a sister that's a radio show host. Then there's the two highest ranking leaders of Rand Enterprises. Ward and Joy Meachum. Aren't they your childhood friends Daniel?"

"Leave them out of it. I'm your enemy not them."

"What you are is a nuisance. The Hand offers eternal life to anyone who seeks it but destroys anyone who prevents it from being offered. Isn't that right Black Sky and Aida?" Alexandra called out over her shoulder

Elektra emerged from the back of the restaurant along with three dozen henchmen.

"Where's Aida?" Alexandra asked alarmed

"That crazy woman is in Rebel Alliance custody." Colleen said as she entered the front door

Daisy Johnson joined her and she gave Alexandra a knowing smirk.

"Where's Gao?!" Alexandra shouted in alarm

"She's also in Rebel Alliance custody. Your organization isn't as strong as you claim it is. Especially if Aida is really easy to track due to her connection to the Multiversal Core." Daisy replied

An Imperial speeder bike flew in through the front door and hit Elektra in the chest. She flew backward into the kitchen as Alexandra stood up in horror. Jessica emerged from the kitchen and joined her allies across from Alexandra.

"Once we defeat you. I'm going to enjoy the champagne you were sipping on you pompous two faced witch." Jessica boasted

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