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ecliqscs_ tarafΔ±ndan

26.6K 594 360

For almost all her life Delianna Targaryen was always second. Second to the iron Throne, second to her parent... Daha Fazla

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708 20 9
ecliqscs_ tarafΔ±ndan

The day started with chaos. A beautiful sunny, partly gloomy day was Shadowed in King's Landing. The sun was out, but the clouds were grey.

The King Viserys I was secretly pronounced dead to those that lived inside the castle, well to not all.

Everyone was still asleep once the small council was gathered upon many rooms inside the castle to discuss some problems they needed to sort out.

In the time of that, Delia is seated at her vanity, brush parting her tangle hair apart, once she heard a lock at her door.

Delia noe confused, grabs the hems of her dress and goes to the door. Without ease, Delia tries to tug her door open, but nothing works. "Hello?" Once she didn't hear nothing the Princess bangs on the door. "open my door this instant! What's the meaning of this?"

When no one replied back to her, Delia goes to her window and opens it, now looking down at the busy street. many guards and servants were passing by her room all huddle together.

"What is this?" Delia mutters to herself, before leaning back into her room, now regretting to agree to stay.


It's been passing hours when Delia couldn't take no more and bangs on the door again. "You're gonna have to answer to this! Bring me the Queen Alicent!"

Due to stress, Delia groans in pain once something sharp poked at her chest. She was to stress to be doing this. Act of protectiveness the Princess lays her left hand on her stomach and starts to rub it softly.

Out of no where's, Delia's chamber door opens, and Alicent walks in with a sadden look. "I sincerely need you to question yourself for what you have just done and why you lock me inside my room for many hours, Alicent." Delia says, voice slightly raising, as she clenches her fist shut.

"My apologies and regrets for the lack of ceremony." Alicent mumbles, looking at Delia numb. Delia loses all expression and stands there.

"And what do you mean by lack of ceremony?" Delia asks the Queen, but when Alicent doesn't answer the Princess sighs. "Alicent tell me this instant."

"King Viserys passed." Alicent mumbles quietly, but also leaning towards Delia in case she feels weak by the announcement.

Delia gasps and lose her footing, but Alicent reaches forward and holds the pregnant Princess up. "No." Delia whispers in pain. She unhooks herself from Alicent and sits on her bed, now holding herself up.

"Hmm." Delia moans once she felt pain in her stomach. "How long, Alicent? How long has my father been dead?"

Not wanting to cause anymore pain, or tell anymore lies, Alicent places her hand near Delia's shoulder. "Since the morning."

Delia closes her eyes and shake her head, not believing it. Her father is actually dead. No matter how many arguments, or fuels her father and her went through she still loves him no matter what.

The princess wasn't close to her father, because the lack of title she has, doesn't mean she does not care for him. She absolutely loves him, so hearing this news hit like a ton of bricks.

She didn't get to have her last conversation with him, unlike everyone else.

"Have you told Rhaenyra?" Delia mumbles, now attending her attention to Queen Alicent. But seeing Alicent so stuff at the mention of Rhaenyra, she almost knew immediately. "Don't do it, Alicent. It is not worth it."

"I came here to give you my condolences, yes, but to also ask of you to be on my side on this, Delia." Alicent tells Delia while walking up to her and immediately grasp their hands together.

"Do not do this, Alicent." Delia begs the Queen. "This will not end good, for either side. Rhaenyra would not let this slide by her, Daemon neither."

"The realm would not support Rhaenyra being Queen, you knowledged this way before Delia. You ever said it yourself. The realm would kill each other before seeing your sister get that crown placed upon her head."

Delia shakes her head and hums quietly. "There's no way in the Seven hells I will betray Rhaenyra and give you more claim on the Throne. Aegon isn't ready to be king, Alicent, nor Aemond. You do know this, Alicent. Usurping the Throne from Rhaenyra would end in bloodshed, love."

"I do not care, Aegon will be seated on the Iron chair, with his crown, and I need you to be on our side." alicent leans closer to Delia. Their faces centimeters away from each other. "I need you. My children need you. I can't do this without you."

"What made you do this, Alicent?" Delia mumbles. "What made you think this is okay to do so."

"It was your father's last dying wish. He told me himself. I wish Aegon to be king.", Alicent than stands up and sighs. "There's two Aegon's, mines, and yours. I believe Viserys was talking about my Aegon, since your children don't have claim to the throne. There's no argument there."

"You may think you have this grip on me Alicent, but to insure you, you don't. Just because you and I have history together does not mean I'm truly dedicated to you and your children. I will not be on your side, I will stay loyal to my sister, the Heir of the Iron Throne and Seven Kingdoms, Rhaenyra Targaryen."

Alicent press her lips in a straight line, her heart starts to ache at the mention of their history and past. Something she holds dear on too. But hearing those words is what made Alicent drop her facade and stare at Princess Delia with an evil bold glare.

"You shall regret those words, Delia. I'll insure you will change your mind once Aegon is King of the Seven Kingdoms." Alicent makes herself to the door, but stops at the last minute. "I have loved you since we were teens, a love stronger than what I have for your father, my father, and my own children. You are the only one that could've changed my mind. See you soon, Princess Delianna."

And just like that the Queen Alicent was gone within ashes.

Delia groans in pain again once the same sharpening feeling appeared in her stomach. "Shhh, everything's gonna be ok my sweet darlin',"


It has fallen night since Alicent appearance. The meeting that made Delia grow pain her stomach. She knew she is having contractions, before the water breaking, meaning her baby wasn't fully ready to come out of her womb.

She couldn't deny that what made her baby arrival become sooner, was her stressing about her father passing and Alicent agreeing to usurp the Throne from Rhaenyra.

A person Alicent once committed as a friend, but is now becoming an enemy she does not want to have.

Daemon and her children, pretty sure is concerned about her whereabouts, hencing she was supposed to go home way earlier in the day. But tomorrow would count as two days away from them.

Delia was yet, again visited by someone she didn't want to see, Aegon.

"I have a guess that mother has already told you the news of father passing?" Aegon asks, walking slowly into her chambers, with his head up high but also hands into his pants.

"This will not end well for you, Aegon. Especially you, my brother." Delia mumbles, leaning against the bedframe. "You can stop this, you know you can."

Aegon chuckles before sitting down at the end of the bed, now devoting all his attention to Delia. "I know this by now, Delia. I know the consequences, but what you don't know is that I do not want this, they're forcing me.",

"Than show them you're stronger than them combined." Delia sees that he is spacing out and abruptly grabs his hands and force them to her chest. "Aegon, please. Your mother is not listening to me. This will end in a war, many would die, including me you Aemond, your children for God sakes Aegon."

"Like I have said before, Delia. We all know the consequences. We're ready for war if that's what our dear sister wants, we shall receive. You should really join us, Delia. We have much bigger power than Rhaenyra. For sakes, Delia I'm pretty sure they're not even worrying about you."

"What you mean?"

"I mean look at how Rhaenyra and Daemon look at each other. During the trial, they were pretty intense with their stare, while you gullible stared at Aemond and I. Seems like they have history between them, possibly more than you and him." Aegon tells Delia, as he watches her expression, but it does not change.

"You really are desperate to have me on your side." Delia laughs softly, rubbing the side of her stomach. "Yes there is history between Rhaenyra and Daemon, but who is with who? I'm with Daemon, not her." Delia inhales before exhaling. "Tell your mother And Otto I am not joining sides with you all. I'm fully devoted to Rhaenyra, and Rhaenyra only."

"Than you'll die." Aegon mutters, now standing by her chambers door. "If you don't bend the knee, what do you think is gonna happen? To you, and Rhaenyra? Nothing good is all what I have to say to you."

Delia chuckles softly before shaking her head. "You can't kill me, Aegon." Delia whispers while leaning more into the comfortable bedframe. "Your mother and you can't hurt me, nor kill me. And you know why."

"Don't be to cocky on that matter, little dragon." Aegon says confidently, calling his sister by the nickname Rhaenyra gave her. Oh, how long she heard that nickname. It feels good to hear it again.

"You know you can't, sweet brother." Delia tells him, before she grunts as she stands up and walks up to him, before standing directly in front of Aegon. "You know I am not gonna bend the knee, so right now, at this exact moment. . . kill me. If you really do have assurance, do it. With no hesitation."

Aegon just stares into Delia matching eyes as him, before he raises his hand and places it on her stomach. "You're right, but also wrong on many levels, sister." Aegon leaves the room, leaving Delia standing there.

But before Delia could make her way to her bed a man's angered voice was heard outside of Delia's chambers. "Out of my way!" Booming into panic mode, Delia grabs her knife and points it at whoever enters the room.

But when Delia saw Ser Erryk and Princess Rhaenys stand at the entrance, her attitude falters into relief, knowing they are here to rescue her.

"With us, Princess." Ser Erryk holds out a dark hoodie towards her. In somewhat hurry, Delia grabs it hesitating, but still took it gracefully. "I cannot let this treachery stand."

"You will get promoted for this, Ser Erryk. I'll stand by my word." Delia mumbles tiredly, before wrapping the cloak around her small frame.

Walking through the halls, and to the opening, she sees Lord Caswell body hanged up for a view.

Ser Erryk places his hand on her forearm and guides her and Rhaenys to their exit. Passing Balerion skull, Delia already knew the route Ser Erryk was heading to.

It was the same one Daemon guided Rhaenyra and her too. The night that changed her life forever.

"Where are we?" Rhaenys speaks up, looking down at the city.

"Just south of King's way." Ser Erryk responds to the Princess. "The Blackwater's this way." The young Kings guard holds his hand out for Rhaenys, to which she gladly takes.

It was morning already when the three of them stilled walked the streets, when Rhaenys speaks up, letting Delia remember what she is forgetting. "I won't leave Meleys."

"And I won't leave Onyx." Delia mutters besides Rhaenys. "I won't leave him." The Princess turns to the Knight. "If Rhaenys and I could get to the Dragonpit, then-"

"No." Ser Erryk cuts Princess Delia off. "They'll expect you two there, Princesses. You won't get pass the gates." Delia grips his arm to stop him from walking even more, but the Knight was much stronger. "Now come on." He tugs Delia closer to him. "You two must make for the riverfront and find a ship. Before they know you've gone."

Heading to another street, shouting was heard from the long distance. "Move it! Go! Go!" Now on the street, many King's Guards were lining many civilians and force them to continue to walk. "That's right! That's right! Keep moving!"

"This way." Ser Erryk says, now guiding them down a different path, but still many civilians walked down that street and the others, trapping the escapers.

During the bundle, Rhaenys and Delia got separated from Ser Erryk. Rhaenys grabs her niece hand into hers. "Keep close to me, Delianna." Rhaenys mumbles.


Arriving at the Dragonpit, Delia notices Rhaenys smirking. It was perfect. They could mount their dragons and fly away, informing Rhaenyra on what's happening.

"People of King's Landing... today is the saddest of days. Our beloved King... Viserys the Peaceful... Is dead."

Delia sighs before bowing her head down. She grunts in pain and squeezes her hand close. Her babygirl really needed to come.

"But it is also the most joyous of days, for as of his spirit left us, he whispered his final wish: that his firstborn son, Aegon should succeed him."

So it is Aegon being crowned. Delia thinks as she fidgets in her position, hopefully no one will notice her. But after Otto announces the news, the crown claps.

"Guards!" The Guards walks in line and makes a pathway for Aegon to walk down. The trumpet plays and soon stops when Aegon walks down the path. Each Guard he walks pass by, slouches down his sword.

Almost halfway there, Otto soon speaks up. "It is your great good fortune and privilege to be here to witness this; a new day for our city, a new day for our realm. A new King... to lead us!"

As he walks up the stairs the colder Delia felt. Everything is going to crumble soon enough, and it'll be everyone's fault.

Kneeling down, the Septor talks, as Rhaenys grabs Delia hands and guards her down the steps to the Dragonpit where Meleys and Onyx settles down at.


Delia only heard cheering from above, as she knows what just happened. Aegon was crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms. They successfully disclaimed Rhaenyra of her crown and title.

Delia encourages Rhaenys to go up ahead, as she mounts Onyx. "Shhhh, darlin'. Easy, my love." And as just that, Onyx slowly follows behind Meleys.

Meeting eye to eye, Alicent gasps in fear. Never once she saw Delianna and Onyx this intimidating.

"Open the door!" Otto yells out, but no one listens to him. "Open the door!" And still no one listens.

In a threatening stance, Alicent stands in front of Aegon as Meleys screeches in their faces. Onyx soon following behind the female Dragon.

Delia grabs the reins and guides her beautiful dragon up, and fly them towards Dragonstone, as the pain in her stomach increases.

But nothing will stop her from getting to her family and warn them on what's happening.


Another short chapter!!! Tomorrow chapter will be longer, I promise. I think we need two more chapters to go and we'll be done with the book for now, till season 2 of HOTD will come out.

Aegon saying Delia will be executed, was something he would never say, but eh, sometimes putting the character out of their characteristics is good lol.

But like Delia said, Aegon and Alicent could never hurt her cause of the love they share for her lmao, she pulled both bitch 💅

Anyways I'm loving the loyalty of Delia showing for Rhaenyra 😩 my fav Targaryen sisters ughh!

Have a nice day or night.        -nita 🥀

Okumaya devam et

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