Feathers and Flame // Dabi x...

By anonfaerie

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Dabi X Reader X Hawks COMPLETED Like Hawks, you were raised by the Commission to be the perfect weapon. Unlik... More

Author's Note
1: Shinobi
2: League of Villains
3: Princess
4: Dove
5: Would You Beg?
6: Spectacle of Heroes
7: Petty Road
8: Blurred Lines
9: Cupcakes and Murder
10: Strawberry Shampoo
11: Ambivalence
12: Poison of Choice
13: Collide
14: Sin
16: Games
17: Bird-brain
18: Truths
19: Frosty
20: Wicked
21: Charm
22: Admission
23: Stained
24: Business
25: Denial
26: Submit
27: Mine
28: Midnight
29: Past
30: Present
31: Secrets
32: Shine
33: Flight
34: Crave
35: Traitor
36: Feathers
37: Flame
38: Hatred
39: Touya
35.5: Traitor (Dabi)
40: Hospital
41: Izuku
42: Vigilante
43: Lady Nagant
44: Stay
45: Ghost
46: Composure
47: Toga
48: Release
49: Yours
50: One More Truth
51: Takami Keigo
52: Tell Me Why
53: To The End, Whatever It May Be
BONUS: One More Truth (Dabi)

15: Beautiful Liars

685 26 20
By anonfaerie

There was sunlight coming in through the curtains. One, thick band of translucent gold that warmed your face, coaxing you out of your slumber and back into consciousness in the most delicate of ways. Your arms stretched out, reaching for something next to you that had been there all night, but you found nothing but soft sheets and fluffy blankets. In the few fleeting moments that followed that, nothing was different. Once you cracked an eye open, however, the world descended upon you.

Every sinful memory of Dabi's body enveloping yours, his fingers exploring every inch of your skin and the moans he stole from you came tumbling into your mind. A cherry red blush stained from your neck to the tips of your ears, and you squeezed your thighs together to smother the memory of him between them.

I am so completely fucked...

The irony in that thought was not lost on you, but you had little time to dwell on your current predicament when a familiar deep, smooth voice said, "Good morning."

You whipped your head around, fixing your gaze on Dabi. He was standing just inside from the door, leaned against the wall in nothing but a pair of sweatpants which gave you an oh-so-perfect view of the skin you were running your fingers over mere hours ago. Amusement was woven through his smirk and you knew he'd watched you just now, seeing the lightbulb flick on in your mind and realisation dawn on you.

"Good morning."

You pulled yourself into a seating position only to realise you were completely butt-ass naked and you scrambled to gather some duvet around yourself, earning you a laugh from the infuriating villain who watched your torment.

"There's a ceremony this afternoon," Dabi said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Some stupid pomp to officially make Shigaraki the commander. They're making everyone else lieutenants, but you're with me as my second."

As my second. Your heart twisted in your chest. Does he trust me enough for this?

"Sounds like a load of crap," you said, flopping back down onto the bed. "Does this mean I'll be tagging along with you to make sure you don't get stabbed in the back?"

"Among other things," he replied, a playful grin tugging his mouth. "Don't pretend you don't love it."

A smirk found its way onto your lips. "And why is that?"

Dabi's turquoise eyes raked over your bare shoulders and down to where you were hiding the rest, not bothering to conceal the desire that flared in them. "I don't think I need to remind you, princess." He paused, lips twisting into a smirk. "But I'd be happy to jog your memory if you want."

You rolled your eyes, ignoring the flare of heat in your core. "You wish."

Dabi winked at you and you fought the urge to throw something at his smug face. He raked a hand through his dark hair, as if he wanted it as unruly as possible. "Oh, and I almost forgot to tell you Twice is making pancakes again."

You sighed, sinking further into your sheets. "And?"

Facing reality didn't seem like something you planned on doing for at least another few hours. You'd need a long, hot shower and some TLC, coupled with deep reflection on the past twenty-four hours and what flawed character traits you possessed that brought you to this current moment and the complete dumpster-fire of a situation you were in. Right now, pancakes were the least of your concerns.

"Doesn't sound like an issue," Dabi started, and you were growing increasingly suspicious of the mischievous grin on his lips. "But... Toga mentioned she would go find you when they were done. Need I remind you that you aren't currently in your own bedroom?"

You sprang up, clutching the duvet around your frame and hunting for your clothes while glaring at the smug asshole who was doing nothing to hide his laughter. "You could have led with that!"

Dabi held his hands up in mock surrender. "Not wanting to admit to everyone you conceded defeat? Is that right, princess?"

"Give me my hoodie! Now!" Dabi did as you asked — rather smugly — tossing it to you and you pulled it over your head immediately. "And for your information, I recall it was you who lost with the whole I want you thing. No?"

Dabi shrugged, that stupid smirk still plastered on his face. "But it was you who came to my room first. Wasn't it?"

"I was pissed off!" you argued. "And I would have left if you didn't stop me."

You were out of the bed now, scrambling to pull on your shorts, unconcerned by the whereabouts of your bra and panties. The dark, wicked recess of your mind told you to leave them as a souvenir.

"Come on, princess." Dabi's tone was mocking, in a playful sort of way. "You and me both know why you came, and you wouldn't have left whether you convinced yourself of that or not."

Sometimes it surprised you how observant he was. He may not know who you truly were, but he did a damn good job of reading you in the ways he could. It was as if you were an open book to him, which was completely impossible given how it was drilled into you to hide your true feelings and nature. It frightened you, too, because you never knew another person who could see beneath the masks you wore. And if he could figure this out, what more could he tell?

"You lost," you said lightly, mouth slanted into a smirk. "And you damn well know it."

Dabi grinned at you. "Better hurry along before Toga comes looking."

You scowled at him, but your eyes always betrayed the smile in them. I'm pathetic. He opened the door for you, sticking his head out before motioning that it was safe and you stepped out, starting towards the kitchen and praying that Toga hadn't already come looking for you.

When you entered the kitchen, Toga was thankfully still standing next to Twice, helping whisk the batter together while he was cooking up batches of thick, steaming pancakes. She smiled wide when she saw you. "Good morning!"

"Good morning," you reciprocated, walking up to her and Twice to observe. "These smell delicious, just like last time."

Toga nodded, her bubbly personality at its height even before noon. "There are toppings on the table and some ready now. Is Dabi coming?"

You fought the surprised blush that threatened your cheeks. Did she know? Surely not. If anything, you were just being paranoid. "I— uh... don't know?"

"I heard my name," Dabi grumbled as he stepped into the kitchen.

You swivelled around, setting your eyes on him. He was wearing the same grey sweatpants, only he'd thrown on a black tee. Even though you were with him literal minutes ago, seeing him and everyone else in the same room made everything so much more real. And the knowing look he gave you didn't help that fact.

"Are they ready?" Dabi said, striding towards you with enough purpose to make your heartbeat spike.

You knew he was toying with you, but still, you gave him exactly the flustered reaction he wanted. Especially as he stepped up to where you were next to Toga, reaching past you to grab a pancake, an action which had no other purpose but to force you to press yourself against the countertop to avoid him getting too close. When he retreated, he sank his teeth into that soft, sweet cake right in front of your face in a way that was entirely too sexual for eating a fucking pancake. It took every ounce of your self-restraint to not kiss him or curse him.

When the spell finally broke, Toga was watching you both, an eyebrow quirked. "Take a plate each, they're ready to go."

Entirely unfazed, Dabi grabbed himself a plate. "Thanks."

Wordlessly, you did the same, refusing to meet Toga's gaze and the wicked smile she was giving you.

You sat on the opposite side of the table to Dabi and next to Spinner, as if that helped your predicament in the slightest. Compress was regaling some story about his greatest escape and you weren't listening at all, completely focused on your food to avoid your traitorous eyes searching for the one thing they shouldn't.

At some point, Toga and Twice finally sat down, with Toga opposite you. She was watching you with those feline eyes narrowed, and you painted your mask a perfect shade of blank as you ate and chatted absentmindedly with Spinner next to you. She was perceptive, especially when it came to you and Dabi.


You looked up at Toga. "Yes?"

Those sharp eyes of hers glinted with mischief. "There's something on your neck."

You slapped a hand over your skin, a heat blazing across your cheeks. "I— what?"

Toga lowered her voice, triumph flaring in her cat-like gaze. "I knew it!"

Compress cocked his head to the side. "What's wrong, Toga?"

"Oh nothing!" Toga grinned, waving a hand. "I thought poor Nyx's bruises were all healed, but she still has one left."

Relief flooded your body, but you still wanted to jump across that table and strangle her. Is it that fucking obvious? You didn't dare look at Dabi, but you imagined whatever smug smirk was on Toga's face was likely on his, too.

Between both of them, you weren't sure how you'd survive this.


Tomura Shigaraki was named commander of the unified alliance dubbed the Paranormal Liberation Front. Below him were nine lieutenants, some of which came from Re-Destro's side, and the others were the familiar League members you had ingratiated yourself with. Dabi stood up on the stage next to Twice, his hands in his pockets and a bored expression plastered on his face. But beneath the mask, you saw the manic delight in his blue eyes — the wayward pride he held for his position and all that he would achieve.

You still knew nothing about what drove Dabi, but there was something dark and consuming in him that craved destruction. He was calculated and intelligent and you needed to know what his goal was, because it sure as hell wasn't as simple as following Shigaraki's world-view.

Watching him standing on that stage from below felt like being cut by a small, rusty blade and you weren't sure how much longer you could bare it. There were hundreds of people there, all intent on bringing complete chaos and ruin to an innocent world no matter how justified they believed themselves to be. And Dabi stood above them, an angel of death even they would look up to.

The bubble of the last couple months had been popped, and reality came crashing into you, brutal and unforgiving. There was an endless sea of blackness and death between you and him, and you never should have been able to know him. You never would have had the chance, if not for this mission. If not for who you are.

For a brief, selfish moment, you allowed yourself to feel the pain of your foolish little stone heart cracking where it should have been solid. You needed it. Because this was a turning point, whether you wanted to move or not. There was no deluding yourself when it came to who you are — to him. He was your enemy, and you would burn down this organisation with the same fire he warmed you with.

Dabi's gaze found yours and everyone else melted away. You blinked, realising that your mask had slipped just long enough that your eyes had grown glassy. Maybe I cared more than I admitted to myself. Whatever tears threatened you were gone before another moment passed. You held his gaze in yours, your head quirked to the side and that easy grin on your lips. Still, you couldn't help but feel like he was looking straight through you.

One heart. If one foolish heart is the price for saving innocent lives, then I will pay it.

And if it cost you more than just your heart, you would pay that, too.


Hours later, while the entire Paranormal Liberation Front was getting to know one another, Dabi stole you away with the promise of a better evening. Honestly, anything was better than talking to a bunch of people you gave zero shits about, and he knew that.

"I need to meet with Hawks, are you coming?"

You'd only nodded, taking his hand as you both warped to that abandoned underground parking lot that Dabi liked to use for his clandestine meetings with the number two hero.

"I had him prove himself by taking out Best Jeanist. I met with him a few days ago."

Your surprise didn't show. "And did he?"

Dabi shrugged. "It looked like him."

And you knew for a fact there was no way it was Best Jeanist, but whatever Hawks had done to convince Dabi of its truth was worth reward. "And what's this meeting for?"

He shrugged again. "So serious, princess. It's just to invite him to the next meeting. I can't argue his loyalty anymore."

You rolled your eyes. "I'm just catching up! It's not my fault you've kept all this from me."

Dabi grinned, bumping an arm against yours. "Still upset I didn't talk to you for a week? If you need another apology, just let me know."

You snorted. "That was your apology?"

"A pretty good apology, I'd think." The smirk on his lips was insufferable. "Given the sounds you made—"

You shoved him away, laughter breaking through whatever stoicism you attempted to have. "Get lost, perv."

He slapped a hand over his heart as if your insult wounded him and you couldn't help but giggle just a little bit. "So mean."

The approaching footsteps of the number two hero startled you for a moment, and you slipped back into your role and the seriousness that Dabi was poking fun at you for.

Hawks stopped a dozen feet from you and Dabi, his features half-shrouded in darkness. His sharp eyes flitted between both of you, and you wondered had he heard any of the conversation that you shared before his arrival. Guilt coiled in your chest. Even if Hawks didn't know it, you were on his side. And your fraternising with Dabi felt like you were betraying something.

Who are you, dove?

Those words he spoke to you weeks ago hit you like a knife through the chest now. Living up in the mountains with the League for so long had warped something in you. None of this was black and white anymore, but your side was picked for you many years ago. Was the person that you were inside different than the weapon the Commission created?

Dabi began to inform Hawks about the developments of the Paranormal Liberation Front, and you couldn't find the strength in you to listen. Instead, you watched Hawks and looked beneath to the tiny cracks in his mask. The veiled anger in his eyes as he learned how much had changed and how powerful his enemies had grown. That should have been how you felt, but everything had become so twisted and you forgot what you were here for.

Hawks, who you had always envied for how bright he shone, was so practiced in his every expression. But you could see beyond it, because you shared something that no-one else did.

You were both liars. Beautiful, tortured liars. And you were so fucking good at it that sometimes you forgot which of your words were lies, and which were truths.

You barely blinked until Hawks began to leave, and then you turned to Dabi, motioning that you wanted to follow him for a bit.

Dabi only nodded, and you knew then that he did trust you. It burned you more than it should have. But alas, you plastered on a grin and shot him a wink. "Meet me at my apartment in a couple hours?"

"See you then, princess."

The darkness welcomed you like a comforting blanket, having gone so long without using your quirk. Inside it, nothing could harm you but the light, and you could hide forever if you wanted to.

You didn't need to follow Hawks — not really — because you knew where he was going, and you headed there as fast as you could, leaping between shadows and scaling entire buildings. It was moments like that you wished you could take flight, just like he could. How free must you feel soaring above an entire city, beholden to nothing but the strength of your wings?

When you reached your destination, the window was open, just like it was supposed to be. You slipped inside using your shadows, and you remained there until ordered not to.

Hawks had beaten you there, his speed unmatched with those powerful crimson wings at his back.

"I've been invited to their headquarters," Hawks reported, his voice firm and even. "Further contact won't be possible after this point, I'm not confident I won't be watched."

He was right, of course. If it wasn't you tasked to follow him, it would surely be someone else's job. There was no way that Dabi trusted him yet.

The Commission representative — a nameless, faceless being — only nodded. "Continue with your mission. It is up to you now."

Hawks bowed his head, his golden curls bobbing as he did. Somehow, they still caught the light even if there was very little of it. "Yes, sir."

"There's one more thing we need to brief you on before you go," the representative spoke, almost robotically. "Nyx, you can come out now."

You did as you were told, stepping out from your shadows, eyes pinned on the winged hero before you. Hawks' eyes widened so very slightly, but you caught the motion, a smirk pulling on your lips.

"Hello again."


Ladies and gentlemen, the moment has finally arrived. HAWKS HAS RETURNED!!!! For those of you waiting patiently for this moment, hold onto your panties because this ride is taking off ;)

This is like the beginning of this books second arc, which I'd say will continue till the beginning of the Paranormal Liberation War arc. There will be angst, there will be drama, and most of all, there will be our favourite sexy birdman to fuck shit up 😈

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