Archon Reborn | Stardust Odys...

By RexCelestial

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It has ended, the long war between humanity and the Honkai has finally ended, although it was predestined tha... More

[Chapter 2] - Herald from a Past Forgotten
[Chapter 3] - Embers of the Einherjar
[Chapter 4] - Voyage into the Stars

[Chapter 1] - Promise for the Future

7.7K 280 108
By RexCelestial

Battles after battles, conflicts against each other, the Seven Archons and the renegade Herrschers that fought for humanity have finally won the victory that was long overdue. However, it was fated that the Truth, Origin and Finality would give their lives to seal away the Honkai forever but... an outlier, an interloper, a variable changed it all.

(Y/N) (L/N), once the weakest individual to be enrolled into St. Freya Academy, now the strongest mortal in the new world and era, bearer of the title; Geo Archon and Celestial itself. He sought to do what must be done, what should be done and that is to right all the wrongs.

To restore balance to this world, (Y/N)... must erase himself as the anomaly along with the Honkai itself out of this universe, and only then would the world be saved.

(Y/N) has come to accept what he is, an anomaly, an existence that should never had existed in the first place, and that's why... he's more than glad to end the whole war if it means no one else would be sacrificed, no one else would be sad for anyone else.

After all... he's just... the lone Einherjar who stood at the top by himself as an Archon.

Yet, everyone he knew and met, all of them tried to stop him from committing the action of his erasure from existence. Thus one last conflict born out of love and desperation was fought but ultimately, (Y/N) emerged as the victor as he walked to the light.

Their pleas and threats that called out to him was all simply ignored as (Y/N) only gave them a sad smile, of acceptance as he bid them farewell along with this world.

"There's no need to mourn for someone like me, if I'm just a conduit, a scapegoat for a better future... then that is all I ask for."

"I don't want a future without you! No..! We don't want that future!!"

Multiple voices all singlehandedly agreed on that single statement as Kiana desperate tried to break through the golden barrier that separated them, nothing could pass through as long as (Y/N) wills it, and the Valkyries, his fellow Archons and the Herrschers could only watch as he walked closer to the light, leading to the final chapter.

"Then this is... my promise for the future."

They all cried out as (Y/N) disappeared into the light, what remains of the only gateway to the core, the heart of the whole existence of the Honkai then closed.


Their voices screamed out together but the one they called to never responded again.


The former Herrscher of Reason opened his eyes slowly as he reminisce the day the Honkai was finally sealed away for good, humanity as a whole celebrated.

On that same day, Welt Yang felt the weight on his shoulder finally lift up after several years as Schicksal, Anti-Entropy and World Serpent ended their decades long conflicts with each other, seeing no more reasons to fight.

He won't lie and say that everything returned to normal, with the Honkai sealed, the Herrschers slowly lost their powers as they reverted back to human but simply with an enhanced physical attributes which left them not at all defenceless.

However, the Archons, the beings that rivalled the Herrschers and commanded the elements simply remained the same, their powers never dwindled but they were taking care to control it every once in a while to ensure they can fight against whatever comes in the unknown future, be it the Honkai again or not.

Welt sighed as he walked his way across the train compartment as he glanced at the stars outside... the Astral Express, the train that travelled across the universe towards the unknown. For circumstances yet to be discussed, Welt found himself travelling into another bubble universe where the Honkai seemingly never touched on.

"If only you could see this, (Y/N), the fruits of your labours." Welt muttered as he looked to the stars, its presence reminding him of the said boy's Archon title.

(Y/N)'s final actions have not only saved them all from sacrificing anymore people but also brought peace to the world, but the people he left behind was... less than willing to celebrate their victory... after all; even if the Honkai is defeated, the most important person isn't there to celebrate with them, to see his own achievement that no one ever had accomplished.

To them, it isn't a victory but a loss.

The young Einherjar was always an... anomaly, a mystery for an individual such as himself, he talked with wisdom from an adult that had experienced war, many battles and skirmishes and taught others like a teacher with incredible amount of patience.

Patience that Welt admitted he did not had when he went as an undercover teacher.

It's no wonder how he managed to bond with so many individuals, uniting them and fighting against a common enemy which they all should had done so ages ago rather than to hold onto some petty grudges with each other that did nothing but cause more conflicts.

"Attention passengers! We are arriving at our next stop so do return to your seats unless you want to be thrown onto the floor!"

Welt silently chuckled at the conductor's tone, while he's far from incompetent, Pom-Pom was always the type to forgo any formalities when addressing the passengers of Astral Express.

As the train began rumbling, the former Herrscher sat back down as the stars soon stretched into lines as the train seemingly quantised into light itself along with his body and suddenly.

Everything became a flash.


At the same time, a lady can be seen walking across the hallway of the Herta Space Station in the middle of... space, yet there is chaos afoot as multiple beings emerged from the tear in reality as their alien brought fear onto the denizens of the station.

They easily bypassed the forcefield surrounding the structure by tearing and entering the rifts in space whereas they soon made contact with the people within and their first action?

Kill them all.

Security guards fought while the personnel ran for safety as the place became more and more chaotic with both sides suffering casualties, not that it matters for the Antimatter Legion.

Meanwhile, the lady from before was simply mimicking playing an air violin, completely ignoring the alarms blaring in the building as she seemingly danced along an invisible orchestra.

Her name is Kafka, and she's here with a goal in mind.

Another distant explosion and alarm then broke her out of her musical trance before sighed as the elevator she stood in stopped on the designated floor.

"Are you done with your little waltz?"

A voice spoke out from the comms as Kafka walked out of the elevator and into another hallway filled with ruins, the latter completely unfazed by the destruction as she replied back.

"And have you done what you need to do?" 

"Don't answer my question with another question but, yes. I managed to decrypt the codes and get through the firewalls."

"Good to hear~" Kafka said as she traversed several rooms filled with screens and probably confidential information.

After a while, she walked into a large hall with no one in sight but one being.

"Oh, looks like a lamb got separated from the herd." Kafka remarked as the Void Ranger stood by itself in the room, unaware of her presence, yet.

"You know the drill, just eliminate them and proceed onwards."

The comms then shut off as Kafka took out a saber, walking towards the target nonchalantly before literally swinging onto it like a baseball bat.

To say the fight that happened next is easy would be an understatement as Kafka simply curb stomped the enemies that followed after with a blast from her firearms.

However, Kafka did not see another one of the Void Ranger leaping right at her back, its blades drawn as it attempted to pierce it through the seemingly oblivious woman.

Yet, before it could do anything else, a digital rift opened up as the Void Ranger leapt right into it as its body began quantising into particles with nothing it could do.

"You sure took your time, Silver Wolf." Kafka said as a young petite girl was seen sitting on the main desk where it was empty for the first time.

"Considering we used the Antimatter Legion, an enemy hellbent on wiping out all life, including us, as a distraction. I'd rather not get myself into too many fights." Replied the girl.

"Well, no matter, I've located our target." Silver Wolf added.

"Alright, lead the way~" Kafka said as the duo started walking towards their destination.

Few enemies came and attempted to eliminate them but only to get reverse uno'd and perish by their hands, it wasn't long until they arrived in a large office with a larger screen on the wall.

"This the place?" Kafka asked, glancing around the office.

"Yep, and the target should be right..." Silver Wolf replied before she pressed something.

Suddenly, the seemingly solid wall revealed to be a hologram itself before Silver Wolf walked through it with Kafka following close.

"Here." She stated as the woman behind her clapped slowly.

"Good work, little wolf." Kafka spoke out as she surveyed the room until her sight fell onto an object kept within a vertical cylindrical tube.

Unlike the various paperwork and reports that laid scattered around along with the bright screens, the object in question was held within the tube with a tight seal around it, multiple chains and straps held it in place as the room seemingly glowed with a soft golden hue.

There were several reports on the table nearby which detailed the spear being completely unknown in composition, ownership, abilities and origins.

"Oh? I wonder what's the significance of this spear, to be held in Herta's laboratory with such secrecy." Kafka questioned, gazing at the weapon with interest.

"Well, apparently Herta found this spear floating in the middle of space." Answered the Silver Wolf, recounting from a digital report.

"Just floating in space? Who's the owner?" 

"Dunno, Herta only discovered it due to the massive outputs of unknown energy leaked all over the area, it was detected hundreds of miles from this place."

"Really? And she managed to stabilise it?" Kafka inquired, a hand resting on the glass surface.

"It stopped discharging energy when Herta grabbed it." Silver Wolf stated.

"Also, there was a massive horde of Antimatter Legions surrounding the area when she did so but they for some reasons, held back instead of attacking." She added.

"Oh? Held back instead of attacking? Because of this spear?" Kafka deducted, pointing out the variable of the story.

"Probably, whatever or whoever the spear belonged to, it scares or makes the Legion wary to the point they don't want to approach Herta." Silver Wolf said.

"Fascinating, you don't suppose it belonged to an Aeon?" Kafka suggested.

"Unlikely, Herta would have discovered it but since we're thinking about Aeons, maybe this spear does belong to one, maybe it doesn't." Answered Silver Wolf.

"But for now, it doesn't matter... what are you doing?" She then questioned, looking at Kafka as she held something in front of the spear.

A glowing orb of light, otherwise known as the Stellaron.

"Just curious~" Kafka said with a tone that promised nothing good as the little girl sighed.

However, a loud sound suddenly surprised both of them as the tube containing the spear... started to crack, piece by piece and slowly but gradually as the chains and straps within snapped off with the spear itself glowing brighter and shaking.

"For the record, I blame you." Silver Wolf remarked as they both took a step back.

"Come on now, I didn't think it would react that violently." Kafka retorted, stepping behind one of the pillars in the room as the light got brighter.


Then a loud explosion that ruptured the screens and furniture in the room, as an onslaught of golden energy burst out from the spear and for a brief second, both of them saw what appeared to be a hand manifesting from the light and grabbing the polearm.

What could it be? Was the real question.

A demon that crawled out from the underworld?


A deity that fell from the celestial?


No, the Geo Archon that has been reborn once more into the world.


Gripping Vortex Vanquisher tightly within his hand, the Archon stood there donned in a new outfit different from his previous one when he chose to sacrifice himself for the greater good, yet his golden amber eyes never lost their light as they shone as bright as the stars itself.

(Y/N) (L/N) has returned, back into an existence he had tried to erase.

The young Archon's golden amber eyes with white pupils remained unchanged as he looked around the place he had fallen into, confusion and wonder marked his expression.

Yet the cautious air around him never wavered as he pointed his spear at the pillar.

"Step out if you don't want to be perceived as my enemy." (Y/N) demanded.

Clearly seeing no other choices, both Kafka and Silver Wolf stepped out slowly from around the pillar, (Y/N)'s eyes briefly widening at the latter's appearance as he suddenly gained a massive headache for no reason.

"Where am I?" He asked, wincing as he held back the pain.

"Herta Space Station. Haven't you heard of it?" Silver Wolf answered as (Y/N) glanced at her, noting the headache got harsher for a split second.

"...No, I haven't but what I do know is that I was supposed to be dead." He replied back as he lowered his spear, seeing no hostility in them. 

For now.

"Yet you are not, and you radiate an aura on par with an Aeon." Kafka asked as (Y/N) turned to her this time, confusion lacing his face.

"Aeons?" He repeated.

"Hmm... actually, I'm sure you'll find out what they are yourself, we are on a tight schedule." The lady said before Silver Wolf called out to her.

"Everything is ready."

"What will she remember?" Kafka asked as the Archon witnessed a body of a girl digitalising into existence which he saw the former walk towards it.

"Probably not much except you." Silver Wolf stated.

"Good~" Was all Kafka said before inserting the Stellaron into the body as light shone out once more much to (Y/N)'s ire and the headache isn't helping much.

Though he stood down since none of them seem to have much malicious intent, not that he could feel it right now but soon, he saw the girl open her eyes.

"K-Kafka..?" She stuttered weakly as the said woman only smiled.

"You really still remember me, good~ Now, I'll be brief here but I have to leave now, so you'll have to take care of yourself, find friends that can help you on your journey to discover and uncover all the secrets you encounter~"

"In fact... this handsome man here will look after you as well~" Kafka added with a smirk.

"Excuse me?" Was all (Y/N) could say in apprehension.

Kafka then covered the girl's eyes which lulled her back to sleep before the former looked at the Archon standing by the side, meeting her gaze with a narrowed one.

"I have a request." She said, smiling.

"...Speak." (Y/N) replied impassively.

"Look after Stelle in my stead, would you?" Kafka stated as she handed the girl into his arms.

"...You would trust someone to look after a young girl just after mere seconds of meeting them?" Questioned (Y/N) incredulously, raising a brow.

"What can I say~? Just looking at you makes me feel like I can trust you, even if we're strangers who just met out of convenience~" Kafka admitted as she walked off.

"And where exactly do you think you're going?" (Y/N) asked as he watched the two walk out of the room with Kafka pausing in her steps as she looked back.

"That, is a lady's secret~" Said the lady, smiling as she disappeared.

"..." The Archon sighed before sitting down against the wall with the young girl; Stelle leaning on him as he glanced around the area, intrigued yet wary.

So far, the whole situation is nothing but bizarre, if not completely confounded.

First of all, he himself remembers absolutely nothing, nothing of what happened to him or who he was and why he had this spear and why it just felt familiar and right in his grasp.

What happened next was just... a blur, he... he remember nothing but he could feel a raw flow of power within him, like a wave of warm air that coursed through his entire being.

(Y/N) held out his hand as he pictured something before a golden light flashed and there in his hand laid a sword made out of pure stone with glowing lines around it.

He then tried dismissing the blade which faded into motes of golden dust before (Y/N) started experimenting around some more, over the time, he managed to create several constructs made out of the strange golden stone that did not felt like any rock he knew and even a golden shield.

However, what (Y/N) didn't know, is that he's in for another journey even though he unknowingly just ended one but as one would say; the end of a journey is merely the start of another.


Okay, this chapter initially came out as a "trailer" but it got too long to be considered one so here's the first chapter of what's to come next. Hopefully you enjoyed. Peace.

Repost, I've decided to turn the MC into an amnesiac as well but he remembers everything including how to use his powers except for what happened in HI3.

Don't worry, he'll regain his memories.

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