DBZ: The Princess Saga (Veget...

By SpilledBeans116

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Status: COMPLETED This DBZ x Reader takes place in a time line where planet Vegeta was never destroyed! A... More

Ch. 1: And So it Begins
Ch. 2: The Dance
Ch. 3: That Could Have Gone Better
Ch. 4: Meeting the Roommates
Ch. 5: Mission Day
Ch. 6: A Small Surprise
Ch. 7: Payback
Ch. 8: The Dinner
Ch. 9: Late Night Talking
Ch. 10: Unexpected Wake-Up Call
Ch. 11: A Stroll Through the City
Ch. 12: Thinking Out-Loud
Ch. 13: The Tournament Begins
Ch. 14: The First Few Rounds
Ch. 15: The Final Round
Ch. 16: The Reward
Ch. 17: A Late Night Visitor
Ch. 18: The Question Game
Ch. 19: Meeting the Parents
Ch. 20: Utter Embarrassment
Ch. 22: Important Questions
Ch. 23: Heading Over
Ch. 24: It's Time
Ch. 25: A Final Dance
Ch. 26: Family Dinner
Ch. 27: An Important Question
Ch. 28: D.O.A.
Ch. 29: Preparing the Ship
Ch. 30: Learning to Live Again
Ch. 31: The Snake
Ch. 32: A Year Apart
Ch. 33: The Beach
Ch. 34: Home

Ch. 21: The Big Day

301 9 0
By SpilledBeans116

    Vegeta had gotten up early, unable to sleep in any longer. He didn't have his usual nightmares, which was a welcome change of pace, but nonetheless he felt restless. He decided to put that extra energy to use, making his way to the training chambers to warm up before you would arrive. He had this pit weighing in the bottom of his stomach as he launched the punching bag across the room. He frowned, remembering the state he had found his room in last night, with Kakarot passed out on the couch surrounded by mountains of empty bowls and plates of food. Your friend was sitting as far from him as possible, curled up in a ball as that clown hogged the blankets for himself. Kakarot was indeed in his clothes and his spare blanket, which was designated for you and you alone.

He had quickly wakened Cucumbe, who bowed about a thousand times and left the room quickly. Kakarot, however, would not wake up, no doubt in a food induced coma of sorts. He sighed as he placed the still unnamed kitten on his bed and watched it begin to knead at the quilt. What a silly creature. He had tried to get some rest, but Goku's loud snoring essentially prevented him from that.

"Damn idiot," Vegeta grumbled under his breath.

"What was that, Geets?" Goku smiled, practicing his aim with the target droids.

"I said you're an idiot!" The prince yelled back, obliterating the punching bag with a ki blast. It erupted into pieces of flaming mesh and sand. "And don't call me that!"

Goku frowned and placed his hands on his hips, unphased by Vegeta's violent display. "Y/N can call you that! How come I can't?"

"Because I don't like you." The prince spat, crossing his arms and making his way across the arena to stand a distance from Goku.

"Oh, so you like her then?" Kakarot giggled, wiggling his eyebrows at the prince.


"How red your face is getting says otherwise!"

"This is why I don't spar with you anymore!" Vegeta shouted back, quickly turning away from Goku as his rival began to hop on his feet much like you had before the final event. "And when she gets here you're leaving!"

"Aw 'Geta don't be like that!" Goku whined, crossing his arms to mock the prince. "That's not fair, I wanna spar with her too!"

"Too god damn bad you buffoon." Vegeta took his fighting stance and Goku did the same, the two standing across from each other inside the large and empty room.

"Try to keep this place in one piece this time, will you?" Goku giggled.

Vegeta simply smirked in response, "It's not my fault you and the room can't handle my power." The two launched at each other, their fists colliding into the other's face as they grinned. The shockwave they created sent a rumble through the palace, shocking you from your sleep.

You had passed out at your desk, drooling all over the wooden surface as the candle across from you had burned out in the night. Judging by the lack of noise outside it was still early, and you assumed the prince was already up and training. You shut the book, and after cleaning up your little puddle of spit and getting dressed, you tucked it into your pocket. You had taken a quick shower and decided in his eagerness to train this morning the prince more than likely had skipped out on breakfast. You gathered your armor, slipped it on, and headed to the dining halls. The blue, long-sleeve bodysuit and white chestplate and gloves was all you would need today, the training room having your spares if the prince truly wanted a fight. Your boots clacked along the floor as you walked, and you nodded proudly to the guards you passed. The dark blue of your suit made you feel warm and fuzzy this morning as it reminded you of the prince.

"Geez, did that noise wake you up too?" A very sleepy Raditz yawned, his hair pulled up tight in a very messy bun. He was in a white tank top and black leggings, and his boots were haphazardly put on, with one falling lower than the other.

"You look like crap," you laughed, giving his shoulder a soft punch. "On your way to grab breakfast?"

"Like you look any better," he frowned, wiping a tear from his eye as he yawned again. "Yeah, wanna come with?"

"Sure but I can't stay long! I have to bring Vegeta something to eat so he doesn't get hangry."

Raditz raised an eyebrow, "is there a difference between hangry Vegeta and normal Vegeta?"

"Yes," you laughed. "He's much worse."

"How can that even be possible?" Raditz snorted. "He's already miserable enough as is."

"It'll be a lot worse if we don't bring him some eggs in the next thirty minutes, now come on."

"So did you have fun on your date last night?" Goku grinned, dodging a punch from Vegeta.

"It wasn't a date!" The prince spat, sweeping his leg out to try and trip his opponent.

Goku jumped into the air, pulling his knees to his chest before landing back down. "Your blushing cheeks say otherwise!"

"Shut it!" Vegeta said, his tail wrapping around Goku's ankle and slamming him to the floor. "You're just making me break into a sweat! Quit talking and start fighting back!"

"I'm telling Y/N it wasn't a date!" Goku snickered from the ground as he spun on his back and kicked Vegeta in the face.

The prince spat out a glob of blood before wiping his mouth and grabbing Kakarot's foot with his hand. "Don't you fucking dare!"

"Well since it wasn't a date you shouldn't ca-"

"IT WAS A DATE YOU IDIOT," the prince yelled, lifting Goku up, over his head, and slamming him back into the ground. Goku gasped for air as the prince raised his hand at him, palm flat, fingers pressed together as his gloved hand began to glow.

"Are you two gonna get married?" Goku asked, tilting his head at the prince from his spot on the floor.

The light from Vegeta's hand began to flicker. "What?- I-"

Goku didn't even hesitate, pressing his hands beside his head and launching himself up, landing on his feet quickly as he punched Vegeta in the gut.

The prince doubled over as Goku grabbed his head, slamming it down into his knee. "You let down your guard Geets!"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Vegeta pressed his palm flat into the floor, shooting his foot straight into Goku's jaw and launching him up into the air. In a moment he was above him again, raising his hands above his head and swinging them down into Goku's back, who slammed into the floor and cried out in pain. Vegeta floated down, watching as Kakarot struggled to get up.

"Are you ready to submit?" The prince frowned, placing a foot on his rival's head and pressing into the floor. What could he say? You had inspired him a bit with this one.

"Fine, you win this time, Vegeta." The prince smirked and his tail wagged about, stepping aside as Goku brushed himself off and stretched out his back. "Wow, that one hurt!

"No shit, Kakarot," the prince rolled his eyes and fixed his gloves. "I'm just that much stronger than you."

"But seriously though, are you gonna get married?" Goku asked, glancing at the prince as he twisted sideways to crack his back. He shivered a bit as his back cracked and popped before a relieved smile spread across his features.

"I-" The prince sighed. "I'm going to try."

"No way!" Goku grinned, sweeping Vegeta in a huge hug. He was taller than the prince, thus his feet were lifted off the floor. "She's gonna be so excited!"

"Put me down!" The prince yelled, swinging his legs and shoving Goku's face away from him. "And you better not tell her!"

Goku pouted and cocked his head at the prince, who was still trying to get as far away from him as possible. "Well why not Vegeta? That would make her day!"

"Because you idiot, I'm not sure if I even can yet!"

"Well what's stopping you?"

Vegeta rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, finally hopping out of Goku's grip. "My father, for starters."

Goku rubbed his chin and squinted at the prince. "Well, is your dad marrying her?"

"What?" The prince's face shriveled up in disgust as he glared at Kakarot. "No you clown! Of course not!"

"Then why does it matter?"

Vegeta clenched his fists at his sides and stared at the floor. "Why does everyone keep asking me that? It's not that simple!"

"Sure it is!" Goku cupped the prince's chin and squeezed his fingers into his cheeks, moving Vegeta's mouth as he spoke. "Just go: 'Y/N, I really, really love you.'"

Vegeta smacked his hand away quickly and glared at him. "Please! As if I'd ever be caught dead saying that! What a joke." Goku made a face at the prince's words. "I hate the blasted woman. Her damned smile, or the way her eyes light up when she laughs. I hate her soft hair and the way she smells. I hate her sense of humor and I hate how she makes me feel!" He sat down on the floor abruptly, crossing his legs and resting his elbow on his knee while he held his chin. "I hate all of it."

"I think you have the words 'hate' and 'love' confused, buddy." Goku chuckled. "I know you love her! I can feel it!"

"Please. I'm attracted to her physically but that's it." Vegeta would be damned if he admitted his feelings for you to Goku of all people before you even knew. "Even then it's a stretch."

"You didn't realize anything last night?" Goku frowned, crossing his arms.

"Oh no, I did. I realized plenty." The prince smirked. "I've never been more clear on anything in my life."

"Being?" Goku asked, tilting his head and waiting for the prince to finish his sentence.

"That's none of your concern, idiot." Vegeta smirked.

"That's no fair 'Geta! You know, if you don't admit how you feel about her soon, maybe I'll ask her to be my mate instead." Goku didn't mean a word of it, but the prince was on his feet in an instant.

"Excuse me?" He growled, baring his fangs as his tail twitched in agitation.

Goku glared back, not backing away as the prince drew closer. "You heard me."

Vegeta grabbed Goku by the collar, yanking him down so he was eye level with the prince. His voice was a mix between a whisper and a guttural growl, "you take that back right now."

"Why should I? At least I'll appreciate her."

"I appreciate her plenty!" The prince could feel his energy crackling around him as he grew more and more agitated. "More than you ever will." It was taking everything in him to remain composed at the moment.

"What, by bossing her around?" Goku chuckled, causing the prince's eye to twitch. "At least I compliment her!"

Vegeta stomped his foot, "I compliment her all the time!"

"I care about her." Vegeta gripped Goku's chestplate so hard it cracked under his hands.


Goku winced before replying with a smirk, "then prove it." Goku's smile said it all; the prince had played right into his trap. He had admitted how he felt about you, even if involuntarily. He threw Kakarot to the side as his power level receded, turning on heel to exit the chambers.

"Maybe I will."


"Hey, where's Vegeta? I thought he'd be up by now." You walked into the royal training grounds with four plates stacked in your hands, with Raditz holding another six. Well, five full plates and one empty one, which he had already eaten on the way over.

Goku was sitting in the center of the training ring, legs crossed as he stretched out his arms. "Oh, hi Y/N! Hi big bro!"

"Sup," was all Raditz had to add as he placed a plate of food beside the sitting saiyan.

"Vegeta was here sparring with me earlier but then he left!"

You frowned at that, kicking at the floor abruptly. "He literally made me wake up for this! I brought him eggs and everything!" Suddenly, Goku started smiling so big that it started to make you uncomfortable. "Why are you making that face?"

"Well maybe soon you can make him eggs. Every morning. All the time." He started giggling and you somehow felt more uncomfortable. You glanced at Raditz, who seemed just as lost as you. He simply shrugged, shoveling more food into his mouth.

"I- I didn't make the eggs, I just brought them here. Why are you acting like that?"

"Acting like what?" He covered his mouth as he giggled more.

Raditz grunted quietly beside you, having already finished off another plate. As he started on his third, he casually pointed to Goku with his fork. "Welp, he's broken. Can I eat his breakfast?"

You chuckled, "go for it, Raditz."

"No please! I'm hungry!" Goku whined, grabbing and shielding the plate beside him so his brother couldn't take it.

"Where is the prince then?" You giggled as you and Raditz loomed over him. "Speak, or the food gets it."

His eyes shot between the two of you nervously before he blurted out, "he went to talk to his dad! About... stuff." He quickly began to shovel the food into his mouth before you could respond.

You smacked the top of his head, "Goku!"

He simply shrugged and stole another plate from Raditz, who grabbed his brother by the hair and tugged in annoyance. "That one is mine! Give it back, Kakarot!"

"You have, like, eight other plates!" Goku said, grabbing another.

Raditz paused his attack before blinking and yanking harder. "TH-THAT'S NOT EVEN THE RIGHT AMOUNT OF PLATES!" The two began to fight with each other, as brothers do, while you went to find the prince.

Vegeta had gone to his room to shower and change into something more... fitting. His father was the king of course, and showing up to his room in his training rags wouldn't exactly go over well. Especially when he would bring up what he was going to ask. Gods, why was this so difficult for him? He looked over himself in the mirror, admiring his royal armor and red cape. He would swap it out for something new and better later, but for now the black and red combination was what he needed. He tugged on his white gloves and flexed his hands out in them.

He stepped out onto his balcony, admiring the view of the city from where he stood. It looked so small from this distance, especially considering he had stepped foot in it for the first time on his own accord last night. It had been so alive and loud, and as much as he hated things like that, he enjoyed it more with you. Perhaps the two of you could do things like that more often when he became king.

He could see the courtyard where the two of you waltzed last night and a warm feeling settled in his chest. His tail began to wag as he closed his eyes for a moment and gave into the memory, remembering your scent and the way you continuously stepped on his feet. A chuckle escaped his lips at that; you both would need to practice waltzing more if you were to do it infront of an audience.

The breeze felt nice against his skin, and he grabbed the stone railing tightly, opening his eyes and watching as the guards below him laughed and changed their posts. If you had never become his guard, would you be standing below him right now, laughing along with those men? Hell, maybe you would have mated with one of them already. Vegeta felt his brow furrow in disgust and contemplated shooting the damn guy simply to spook him when a brush at his shoulder threw him off.

"I got you some breakfast," You smiled, placing the plate down on the balcony railing. "I went to go train early with you, but you weren't there." The prince simply nodded as you continued. "I like the outfit. Are you going to see the girls?"

He looked over at you from the corner of his eye, watching as your hair whipped around you in the breeze and the morning sunlight. You were looking past him and towards the city, that gorgeous smile of yours lighting up your whole face. Well, almost all of it; it didn't seem to reach your eyes.

He picked up the plate and began to eat, poking the eggs with the fork and watching as the yolk began to leak out. "I have to talk with my father."

"Oh," from the way Goku had worded it, it sounded like the prince had already done that. "That's less exciting then. Is everything okay?"

"It's fine."

The two of you stood in silence for a minute after that, watching the guards wrestle with each other. Everything was so perfect in this moment, and you smiled again as you held onto the railing. The stone beneath your hands was cool in your grasp, even through your gloves, and it helped steady your thoughts a bit. Standing next to him was something you could spend your whole life doing; in fact, you had for the past six years. You wanted to hold his hand, to reach out and run your thumb across it, but with everything that was going to happen today you decided against it.

You felt a drop of water hit and leak through your glove, and looked up to the sky to see if it was beginning to rain. Without a single cloud in sight, you frowned as more water continued to fall. That's when you realized what was happening and started laughing; you were crying. After everything you had been through, why now were you unable to hold them back? Especially when the moment was so perfect?

"Woman what are you-" He froze when he saw the tears running down your cheeks and didn't know what to do; he had never seen you cry before. You never had on the battlefield or when you got hurt. Not when Frieza choked you out or when Paragus shot clean through you. Not in that fight with Soy or anything like that. Even last night, upset as you were, you had remained composed until you were out of his sight. Yet here you stood, right now, on his balcony, tears running down your face as you stared off into the distance, laughing quietly with the world's saddest smile.

"This is pretty embarrassing, huh?" You chuckled, wiping your eyes. "Maybe it's lack of sleep or something."

"Woman I-"

"Sorry Vegeta. I'll let you go talk to your dad okay? I'll see you right before the ceremony."


"You're going to make the right choice. I know you will." With that you turned on heel and left, pausing to place the journal in the prince's bedside table, closing the drawer quietly while he remained lost in thought, staring at the courtyard once more.

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