Game on! (Edser One Shots or...

By lisa_dec

387K 12.2K 7.7K

This will be a series of one shots based on reader suggestions. I'll try to tag all the readers who have made... More

A Forever Kind of Love
London Calling
To Italy with Love
Conception Deception
Hide and Seek
Class Dismissed
The Trouble with Babies
Planting the Seeds
The Italian Job
Silence is Golden
Hypnotize My Love
My Fairy Girl and a Sprite
To Ferit out the Truth
Tell Me No Lies
Movie Night - Intermission
That Can be Arranged
The Graduate
Behind Closed Doors
Lose Something?
Mustang Sally
Pirouettes and Pencils
An Eye for an Eye
Ghosts of the Past, Present and Future
The Bridesmaid
The Birthday Wish
The Devil Doesn't Always Wear Red
Music for the Soul
Fashion Isn't Just for Show
The Way We Were
This is How the Story Ends
Sorry Wrong Number
It Started With a Weekend
Man's Best Friend
The Day the Earth Moved
Reading Between the Lines
Baby You Can Drive my Car
Broken Vows
Knock Out
The Firecracker and The Match
Drive Me Insane
Something Worth Fighting For
Upstairs Downstairs
Crash Into Me
Til Death Do Us Part
Mine by Design
One Kiss is All it Takes
Once is All it Takes
She Wore Blue Velvet
She Wore Blue Velvet - Part 2
Under Contract
Tattoo on My Heart
Queen of the Castle
Chef's Kiss
Erdem's Angels
The Birthday Gift
Dance With Me
The Red Rose
It's Raining Men
The Pregnant Pause
The Christmas Market
All I Want For Christmas is You
What Happens in Antalya . . . . .
Auld Anxiety or Ringing in the New Year
Carved into the Heart
The Girl Next Door
The Sacrifice
Cabin Fever
I Think I Wanna Marry You
Who Do You Love?
Getting Schooled
Truth or Dare
Take a Chance on Me
To Catch a Thief
In the Shadows
I Object
Grandmother Knows Best
Trading Places
Best Kept Secrets
The Power of Love
The Waiting Room
Catch Me, I'll Wait
Take a Hike

What Happens in London

4.9K 131 46
By lisa_dec

This is based on an idea one from @AnunknownReadear - looking at our sweet Engin, were he and Pyril meant to be? I decided to send Engin to London with Serkan and Eda still is a student and is an intern just not with ArtLife. . . . . .

Mature between the **** 


Serkan looked up at the slam of his office door to see a rather agitated Engin start to pace in front of him.

"The woman is crazy, insane, mean. I'm done. Done," Engin muttered as he paced.

Serkan just watched his best friend descend into madness. He would get to the point when he was ready. After five more minutes of raving and pacing Engin finally stopped and turned to Serkan.

"I'm done. I'm done chasing Pyril. I know that you've heard me say this before but I mean it this time. I've done everything that the woman has asked me to do and then some but it still isn't good enough for her. If she can't accept me as I am then I'm done."

Serkan watched as Engin continued to pace, "What was it this time?"

Engin let out a huff of air, "She said that she might consider dating me if I dyed my hair to get rid of the grey. Can I help if it's premature? Hell it's probably because of her. First she didn't like my clothes then she didn't like my cologne or my haircut or that I drank coffee after five. Each one is more absurd than the next and like a fool I make the changes for her and she still turns up her nose at me. It's hanging out with Selin that does it to her."

"Don't look at me, Selin is not my problem. You didn't see me changing anything for her the entire time that we dated did you?"

Engin turned an exasperated look on Serkan, his hands on his hips, "That's because you didn't care about Selin. She was a box to check. Someone to take to a business function? Check. Someone that your parents wanted you to be seen with? Check. Someone that you had zero feelings for? Check. When you don't care about someone you don't change."

Now that Engin had finally wound down a bit and taken a seat on one of the sofas Serkan came to sit on the one across from him, "I disagree Engin, if someone loves you then they don't want to change you, they should love you for who you are. You've been twisting yourself into a pretzel trying to get Pyril to notice you and it hasn't worked because she doesn't love you. If she did she would accept you for who you are."

"So now all of a sudden you're the wise one on love? You wouldn't know love if it bit you Serkan."

His friend was right, he had never been in love and he had little experience in love but he knew what it felt like. Serkan remembered what it felt like to be loved by his brother, to have someone who worried about him, who cared about him. His mother tried but she was too afraid to live to let love enter her life. His father didn't even merit a mention. Serkan knew what love was and he knew what it wasn't. He knew it wasn't Selin. That was tolerance. He knew Engin might love or be infatuated with Pyril, he had been since University. It might be the chase that he was in love with but from what he saw of Pyril she didn't love Engin.

"That was rude of me Serkan, I shouldn't have said that."

Serkan shook his head, "You weren't wrong, I haven't been in love but it doesn't mean that I don't know what it's like to feel loved. Look on the bright side, you're coming to London with me for the next three months. It will be a change of scenery, you might enjoy it."

Engin buried his head in his hands, "Should I just dye my hair and get it done with?"

"Go right ahead Engin, she'll just tell you that she doesn't like that you wear black socks with navy pants again."

Pyril and Selin were laughing together in her office, "I told him that this time he needed to dye his hair. People would think that he was my father and not my date."

Selin laughed harder, "Pyril that was almost too mean. Do you not like him even a little bit?"

She shrugged, "Engin is okay, I just think that I've known him too long. If I hadn't known him at University and seen what a total goof he was then maybe it would be different but I did and things haven't changed much. He's still a goof. Granted he's a good looking and sweet one but I want someone who isn't a doormat. So enough about me, you and Serkan are you done for good?"

"Oh you know Serkan, he is so stubborn. When I told him that I thought that we should consider getting engaged he just looked at me and said, 'no'. He wants it to be his idea. So I thought I would give him a little push saying that I thought that we should break up and he said, 'good idea'. He didn't really mean it, he's just punishing me a little bit."

Pyril wrinkled her nose, she knew Serkan pretty well and she thought that he meant the break up and had no intention of getting back together but she could be wrong. "What are you planning on doing?"

Selin gave her a sneaky smile, "I have a date tonight and I thought that I would drop that information casually in Serkan's ear. He should get jealous and he'll probably come break up the date or even tell me I can't go."

"And what if he doesn't?"

"Well, the guy is loaded, not as rich as Serkan but still loaded, Ferit Simsek. Serkan introduced me to him at a company function a week ago."

"Oh," was all Pyril could muster. If Serkan introduced Selin to someone it was to get her off of his back. She was afraid that her friend was in for a rude awakening.

"Well Engin and Serkan leave for London tomorrow so I don't have to worry about him bothering me. Maybe if you don't like Ferit you can introduce me to him, I haven't met any decent guys in ages."

"Sure Pyril, I can do that but first let me see if we can get Serkan nice and jealous."

Ceren and Eda were walking back to the townhouse that Ceren's father owned in London. It was an added bonus that Eda was there to do a three month internship to finish out her degree then it was back to Istanbul for both of them. Ceren was managing the legal aspects of the project that Eda would be tied to.

"Can you believe it Ceren, I might get to work with Serkan Bolat, okay well not work with him but I might get to meet him. How fun would it be to casually drop my CV in his lap and say hire me?"

She just shook her head at her impetuous friend, fun indeed. Both women ignored the stares as they walked down the street, the tall beautiful brunette next to the tall beautiful blonde had no idea of the stunning combination that they made. Neither of them relied on their looks, they never had. They were both smart, very smart. They just happened to be blessed with good looks as well.

Ceren had a more level head, as an attorney it suited her but she dreamed too. She had a secret dream to design shoes. Ceren loved shoes and creating them was her passion, law was the family business and something that she was really good at. Eda told her it was because she loved to argue to which Ceren replied, 'do not'. It was a familiar argument that often sent them into peals of laughter.

Eda had worked her way through school taking fewer classes because she could only afford what she could afford she said. She had gotten scholarships to help pay and was finally being rewarded for her hard work with this internship. Staying with Ceren and being able to not only share where she lived but sample from her closet was a huge help to Eda. She and her aunt weren't poor but they lived a modest lifestyle. The loss of Eda's parents at a young age was the first blow that Eda took but she managed to have a sunny disposition and a ready smile. Working in the family flower shop gave her a love and deep knowledge of plants. Landscape architecture was a natural fit for her, she could take her love of design and building then marry it with nature.

"I hope for your sake Eda that you do get to meet him and dazzle him with your brilliance. You deserve it, you've worked hard for where you're at and should be rewarded. Then there's the fact that you're ridiculously talented." Eda stopped and curtseyed in the middle of the sidewalk. Ceren gave an exaggerated bow. Neither were aware of their audience in the car as they passed by.

Serkan watched the brunette execute a very nice curtsey, her long shapely legs folding, and holding it a moment for her friend to bow extravagantly. Her smile as she popped up was joyous, her hair a curtain that would catch strand of amber in the sun. Serkan was stuck on her smile and her eyes, all too soon they were out of sight, he felt their loss. Maybe talking to Engin had stirred something or maybe he was just tired.

Engin watched Serkan, he seemed mesmerized by something he saw. He even had that funny little half smile on his face. Engin turned his head to where Serkan was looking. He saw swirling brown hair and a mop of golden curls and a huge smile as she did an elaborate bow. That must have been what Serkan saw and been amused by a gorgeous blonde.

They headed into the temporary offices the next morning where they would meet the London partners for the project. He had been working on this project for nearly a year as the lead architect, Engin was coming to manage the project for the next three months during the critical stage. Today they would meet with the London firm that they were partnering with and with the Legal team, half from Basar Law and half from London.

The receptionist welcomed them politely and led them back to the conference room where the rest of the team had already gathered. Serkan scanned the faces and then stopped. The brunette from the sidewalk was sitting at the table with the London team. He collected himself and shook hands with Graham Stevenson, the London partner. Graham proceeded to introduce Serkan and Engin to everyone at the table.

"This is Eda Yildiz, she's actually from Istanbul like you, we were able to steal her away for an internship. Eda is one of the best landscape architects to come our way in a long time and Tony has been enjoying working with her." Eda pinked a little bit at his praise.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Eda," Serkan offered.

Graham continued with his meeting, introductions were done. Serkan knew that the project scope and magnitude were significant so they got down to business and started discussing the project details and timelines. Everything was orchestrated to meet with permits and planning commissioners. They had gone through all the details and it was time for the site tour so that Serkan and Engin could get caught up on what phase the construction was in and verify that it was all according to plan.

They headed to the waiting vehicles, it was by a stroke of luck that Serkan found himself sitting next to Eda. She was so nervous now that she was actually sitting next to him. Eda had been joking with Ceren when she said that she would drop her CV in his lap but if she was being honest working at ArtLife would be her dream job. She had already been offered a position with the firm that she was interning at in London but Istanbul was her home. One more person crowded next to Eda pushing her tight against Serkan. She was in heaven and hell at the same time. Heaven because the man was beautiful and smelled divine and hell because Jason the pest was on the other side of her. Eda was glad that she had worn pants to work today.

Jason reached across Eda to shake hands with Serkan brushing against her breasts. Serkan saw the move and the clenching of Eda's jaw as he did it. Obviously this wasn't the first time he had done something unwanted towards her.

Serkan addressed her in Turkish, "Does he do that often? Make inappropriate gestures?"

Her eyes flew to his, "Please don't say anything, I can handle it. He's Mr. Stevenson's nephew, I could lose my internship."

"Eda the man is a pig, you shouldn't have to put up with the behavior."

"I can handle it, really. I just make a point to stay away from him."

Serkan hated that she had to put up with that kind of treatment from the man, he would keep an eye on him. He thought to take advantage of sitting next to her and have a conversation, get to know her a little bit, "So why didn't you apply for an internship at ArtLife?"

"I did, whoever reviewed them said that they didn't work with landscape architects so I needed to look elsewhere. I was a bit disappointed since it was my dream to work with your company but I got offered this one the same week your denial letter came. I guess that it worked out for the best."

He didn't remember getting her request for an internship, "Do you know who sent you the denial letter?"

"Not off the top of my head, I think it was a woman. It doesn't matter now. I still get to work with you here on this project."

"True. Are you enjoying London?"

"I am, my friend Ceren is here as well and I'm staying with her in the apartment that her family owns on Chester Square."

"Maybe we will run into each other, that's where I'm based too."


"Really. So how long is your internship for Eda?"

"Three months and then I graduate. This was the last that I had to do. It's taken me longer than most to get through school because I had to work my way through University. I'm not wealthy like you or Ceren, I have to work and get scholarships so I'm a bit older than some of my classmates."

Serkan chuckled, "You're positively ancient. What are you, twenty-three?"

"How did you know?"

"You're only six years younger than I am, not a huge age difference and working your way through University isn't a bad thing. Yes I had the luxury of having my education paid for but that didn't make it any better. Working through school shows that you have determination and commitment, not bad things to have."

Jason leaned over, "Are you two going to speak English? I can't understand you."

Eda turned to him, "That is the point of it Jason. We were speaking of things and people that we know in common in Turkey that would have no bearing on you. Oh look, we're here already. Can you get the door Jason?"

Serkan was impressed between her easy flow between the two languages and the ability to lie to his face without blinking. She was very professional and very alluring.

He murmured to her retreating back, "Impressive Eda."

She just turned and put a finger to her lips and winked at him. Serkan thought that he might have a heart attack. She winked at him. He laughed at her bravado. They all stepped out of the van and onto the sidewalk and began the tour of the site. Eda made a point of staying close to Tony and away from Jason.

They were nearly done with the site visit when Jason sidled up to Serkan who was making some notes on his tablet, "So I know you were talking to Eda earlier but I thought you should know that I have dibs on her."

Serkan gave him a cold stare, "Dibs?"

Jason thought that the man didn't understand the way that things happened him being foreign and all, "Yeah dibs. Until I have her no one else can, just thought you should know."

"I see," said Serkan in a quiet voice, "And is she aware of these dibs?"

"She'll come around, she's just playing hard to get."

He wanted nothing more than to drive his fist through Jason's smirking face but he couldn't do that to Eda, "Well Jason, let me help you out. If Eda says that she isn't interested then she most likely isn't interested. Women are funny that way. They mean what they say. And saying that you have dibs on a woman is the height of disrespect. I don't care who you're related to, you will treat each member on this team with respect or you will find yourself another job do I make myself clear?"

Jason puffed himself up, "You didn't have to go getting all offended mate. If you're interested in her all you had to say was back off."

He strode back to the rest of the group to lick his wounds. Eda had watched the interaction curious as to what it was. She wouldn't find out any time soon because she and Tony were in a different van then Serkan on the way back to the office. Engin sat next to him this time and they spoke exclusively in Turkish about the job and what a jerk Jason was who was sitting in front of them.

"Seriously Serkan, he called dibs on a woman? What a creep, I'm surprised that you didn't flatten him. We'll keep an eye on her and make sure he doesn't bother her. So what's next an updated presentation on the site and then the legal team right?"

"Right. We have cocktails and dinner with everyone tonight and then are back tomorrow. We're both on-site during the morning and then back to the office for ArtLife work. We're going to have to work hard to keep our schedules up to date. I should have brought Leyla along."

Engin laughed, "Give the girl a break from you Serkan. She needs to be able to breathe."

Tony handed the presentation responsibilities to Eda when it came to the landscaping because she had done the majority of the design. Serkan looked at what she had created and was impressed, he found no fault with it so he just settled back to watch her. She had done her homework and was able to answer budgeting questions that Engin posed to her and some other detailed questions from the architects. Serkan was disappointed when she got up to leave. Maybe he would get a chance to talk to her again at dinner.

The legal team came in and introduced themselves, Ceren Basar was young but very good Serkan thought. This must be Eda's roommate, this was the blonde who performed the bow. A stark contrast to the businesslike young woman that he saw in front of him today. Serkan looked over at Engin who was fiddling with his pen. What was wrong with him.

Engin felt hot, then cold, then hot again. It was the blonde that Serkan had been looking at yesterday and she was here in their meeting. Ceren, her name was Ceren and he was a bumbling idiot. He gathered himself to focus on the spreadsheet before him as they began going through the contracts. How could she make legal jargon sound interesting Engin wondered. When one of the other attorneys asked a question he was thankful that he had his wits about him and could answer without stumbling over the words. This was going to be a long meeting.

When Ceren came into the meeting she had no expectations other than she was going to meet Eda's famous Serkan Bolat. She knew from the text that she had gotten back from Eda when she asked if she had met Serkan that Eda was impressed but maybe that wasn't the right word. Ceren liked to make her own opinions and she would. Eda hadn't mentioned Serkan's partner Engin Sezgin at all, was she blind? The man was an adorable mess. He couldn't sit still and he was going to send his pen into orbit if he wasn't careful. She smiled to herself and focused back on the contract.

Engin and Serkan went to their respective offices to do some work before the dinner and cocktail hour that was scheduled that evening. Serkan had just finished a Zoom meeting and was hanging up when Selin's face popped up in the screen, it wasn't a welcome sight.

"Selin did you want something?"

"Yes I wanted to see how you were, how's London?"

"London is fine. What do you want Selin?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I have a second date with Ferit tonight."

"Good for you Selin, enjoy yourself. Ferit's a nice guy. Let me ask you a question."

Selin knew he was going to ask her to get back together, she was ready, "Ask away Serkan."

"Who handled the applicants for the internships? Usually I see them and there is one that I was looking for that I don't remember getting."

"I went through the candidates and forwarded the likely ones. I sent denials to anyone I didn't think was a good fit."

"Selin are you an architect?"

"Well no but I know your taste and needs."

"No you don't Selin, you never have. You turned away a landscape architect from an internship and we lost out to a firm here in London. She is one of the most talented that I've seen in a long time. Don't touch intern CV's again Selin."

Serkan disconnected the call. Selin was fuming, She remembered the CV, not the person's name but she remembered that the girl was beautiful. Serkan didn't need someone that looked like that in the office.

Eda and Ceren went home to shower and change before the cocktail hour. In the car on the way Ceren turned to Eda, "So you didn't mention Serkan Bolat's partner, what's his name?"

"Engin? He's very sweet. A very nice man, I liked him. Ceren Basar, don't you pretend to me that you don't know his name, did you think he was cute?"

"He's kind of a nervous disaster Eda, he was fiddling with his pen the entire time. At one point Serhan took it out of his hand but yes I think he's cute. I even like the gray that he has going on, he isn't that much older than we are."

"Serkan says that he's six years older than me so Engin has to be six or seven at the most and it might just be you because in our meeting Engin was perfectly calm. No spinning pens or fidgeting or anything."

Ceren fluffed her curls, "Well I guess we'll have to see then won't we? What are we wearing tonight?"

Eda groaned, "I would say man repellant for that creep Jason but I really don't want to. I almost think that Serkan was flirting with me today and Ceren, I really, really hope that he was. Doesn't he smell divine and aren't his eyes beautiful and his voice? I could listen to him talk all day, he was making some changes to one of the design elements and his hands as he talked and sketched. Call it stupid but they are so . . . . . . . . "

Her friend smiled at her, she only needed one more thing. Eda was a sucker for three things and had found one, maybe two but never all three, "Does he have a nice smile Eda?"

"Oh he has a beautiful smile and then he has this small little half-smile, it's like he has a secret or is afraid to smile. It's adorable and he has dimples. Did you know he has dimples?"

"I didn't know that he had dimples, you don't do a whole lot of smiling when you are talking about contracts. So no man repellant. You could wear this dress, it looks severe from the front but has a really low vee in the back, what do you think?" She held out the little black long sleeved form fitting dress for Eda to try.

"This should work, thanks Cer. How about you? Maybe something green? You have the long sleeved green wrap dress, how about that or is it too low cut?"

"This is cocktails and dinner Eda, I'll be fine."

They were out the door and back into the car with plenty of time to get to the restaurant. Serkan and Engin walked over from the office, glad to be able to get out and stretch their legs for a bit. They walked in both looking for different people and were disappointed when neither Eda or Ceren were there. They were still standing close to the doorway when the girls came through.

Eda stood behind Serkan and asked softly over his shoulder, "Are we afraid to go in?"

He smiled, "I don't know can you protect me?"

She laughed, "But who would protect you from me?"

It was his turn to laugh, "Absolutely no one, just the way I like it."

Eda blinked at him, the smile still on her face from laughing, "Truly?"

"Truly, let's go in and get something to drink and drop off our coats. I don't think that we got to talk nearly enough in the van today." He had Eda step in front of him as he followed her to the back room where their cocktail hour and dinner was being held. Serkan took Eda's coat from her and draped it on a chair placing his on the chair next to it reserving their seats.

Engin watched the two of them leave, was Serkan flirting? Was Serkan smiling at Eda? He had no interest in Ceren? A crooked smile broke out on his face.

"What has you smiling Engin?"

"Serkan and Eda. He really likes her. I've never seen him act that way around a woman before. I never thought I'd see the day."

Ceren smiled at him, "You're a good man Engin, not many people would look out for their friend's happiness like that. It's sweet."

He turned to her rather stunned, had he done something right? "You think I'm sweet?"

"Don't let it go to your head pen boy. Come on, let's go get a drink," Ceren winked at him and went off to the private room.

She noticed him playing with the pen and she thought that he was sweet? Was there a full moon or was the universe messing with him? No woman ever paid attention to him. He followed her into the private room, maybe London was the change of scenery that he needed. He watched as Ceren draped her coat over the chair across from Eda at the end of the table and practically ran to claim the seat next to hers. She was wrapped in something clinging and green and he needed to be available to fend off any unwanted advances.

The four of them sat at the end of the table and had a lovely dinner, Eda and Ceren had known each other almost as long as Serkan and Engin and could tell funny stories about their childhood. The stories weren't all funny, Eda talked about the loss of her parents and Serkan talked about losing his brother and then his mother's agoraphobia. They were getting too melancholy when Ceren reminded Eda of the time that she caught the cricket and wanted to keep it as a pet but then lost it in her house and almost drove her aunt Ayfer crazy with the noise.

"Ceren, stop, I was seven. What do you know at seven? We eventually found the cricket though, it was in Melo's shoe."

Engin was laughing, "Serkan used to do tricks on his pony, he could stand up on the pony's back while he was cantering."

Serkan nodded, "I wanted to be in the circus when I was little, my brother taught me all sorts of tricks. I'm lucky I didn't break anything though I fell off dozens of times."

Eda's eyes got huge and she covered her mouth, "That is so dangerous."

"Really Eda?" said Ceren, "Aren't you the same girl that climbed to the top of the tree at the flower shop and got stuck and almost fell twenty feet? You were hanging by your fingertips when the firemen got there and caught you."

She snickered, "But I'm not the one who almost burned my house down making buttons out of wax by burning candles in my closet. That was you."

Ceren shrugged, "Nothing caught fire except my bottom when my dad found out and I got spanked."

They all laughed, Ceren turned to Engin, "Nothing crazy from you?"

He shook his head and looked at Serkan.

He had to do it, "Engin doesn't want me to tell you this but he has three older sisters that used to dress him up like a baby doll until he was four and their father found out."

They were crying from laughing so hard, even Engin was chuckling. Ceren took the sparkling hairpin from her curls and fixed it in his hair, "See Engin, just like old times." That set them all off laughing harder. The others at the table just looked at their end and shook their heads with indulgent smiles.

Serkan helped Eda on with her coat as Engin helped Ceren on with hers, the hairpin restored to her locks. "It seems silly to take two cars if we're both going to Chester Square, is your car here or do you need to call for it?" asked Serkan.

Ceren held up her phone, "It's out front waiting for us, where's yours?"

"We still have to call it," said Engin.

"Don't, we can squeeze in the back of ours." They said their good nights to the remaining dinner guests and headed out into the cold air. Eda shivered as they stepped outside, Serkan hurried to open the car door for her.

Ceren said, "You get in first Serkan. You and Engin can sit by the doors and we can drop you off first."

He ducked into the car so that Eda could get in and be warm. He would have liked to have tucked her into his side and held her close but they weren't alone. He did put his arm on the back of the seat and Eda curved into his body as Ceren got in. Engin got in next to Ceren and closed the door.

"What number are you?"

"Number twenty-four Eaton."

"Well look at that, we're practically neighbors, we're at forty. Edwards, can you stop at twenty-four before dropping us off?" With a nod of his head Edwards was off.

They were discussing the schedules for the following day when Serkan felt Eda's head get heavier on his shoulder. He looked down and saw that she was sound asleep.

Ceren said softly, "Don't worry about her, she's been working some long hours. If she's bothering you lean her on me." She knew very well that he wouldn't move Eda, she saw the way that he looked at her. Eda looked back at him the same way. She had to feel comfortable with him to fall asleep on him like that Ceren thought.

The conversation continued around Eda. Ceren was going through some of the legal issues that she was still working through, "Who do I come to for help? You Serkan or Engin?"

"Engin will handle that part of it. I do the contract negotiations and he does the day to day management of them. This will fall under day to day management." Serkan felt Eda's soft breath on his neck, he really wished that they were alone.

Too soon they were at the apartment, Serkan slid Eda over to Ceren. She made a little disgruntled noise in her sleep which made Serkan smile.

"We'll see you tomorrow, thank you for a good evening," said Serkan shutting his door.

Engin got out on the other side, "I had a good time tonight Ceren, thank you for making me laugh. It's been a long time since I laughed so hard."

"You should do it more often Engin, it looks good on you. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon."

Engin walked over to where Serkan stood on the sidewalk as the driver pulled away. Serkan was watching the car only a few doors down, he knew that Eda was still asleep and Ceren would have her hands full.

He handed Engin the keys, "I'll be right back," and ran the sixteen doors down to where the car had stopped. He opened the door to see Ceren trying to wake Eda.

"Damn Serkan you scared me," she said putting her hand to her heart, "Eda sleeps so soundly."

"I wondered, let me carry her in. You get the door."

"It's two flights of stairs."

"I'm fine, go, I'll follow."

Ceren got out and headed up the stairs to the front door unlocking it and holding it open for Serkan. She ran up the two flights of stairs to get the second door. Eda slept on snuggling into Serkan's shoulder her hand found its way inside his coat. Ceren led him to Eda's room where he placed her on the bed. She turned to leave expecting Serkan to follow her but he needed to untangle Ed's fingers from his coat. Serkan bent down and gave her a kiss on her temple, Eda sighed her hand left his coat and gave his face a stroke before curling up under her chin.

"She really does sleep soundly doesn't she?"

"Eda is full speed ahead until she isn't, thank you for bringing her up Serkan. See you tomorrow."

He jogged back down the stairs and out into the cold. Engin was where he left him five minutes earlier still waiting on him. The two men headed into the building each deep in their own thoughts. They knew that tonight had changed their lives.

Eda woke the following morning fully dressed on top of her bed, only her shoes had been removed and a blanket was covering her. She must have dreamed that Serkan held her and gave her a small kiss on her head, it was a sweet dream but just a dream. She threw off the blanket and her clothes and stepped into the shower the warm water falling on her face as she got ready to start another day.

In the kitchen Ceren was reading the news sipping on coffee, "Thanks for getting me to bed, sorry I passed out on you Cer."

"Did you think I levitated you to bed? Serkan carried you up. I just took your shoes off and covered you up. We got in the car and you fell asleep on him in two minutes but he didn't mind. Then when we dropped them off he ran after the car and offered to carry you. I think the man might be sweet on you Eda."

She smiled at her, "Do you think so Ceren? Isn't he amazing? With all he's gone through in life he still has such a good heart, you can tell by how much he loves Engin."

Ceren took another sip of her coffee, "I'd say that they are both very good men. How adorable did Engin look with the hair clip? And he was such a good sport. What a doll." They both started laughing again at Ceren's choice of words. It was a slip of the tongue, what she meant to say was that he was a sweetheart but Eda didn't need to know that yet.

Serkan had just finished an ArtLife conference call when he saw Eda walk by his office, he called out to her.

"Did you sleep well last night?"

"Thank you for carrying me in, I'm sorry that I fell asleep on you."

"I'm not, you were tired and I was glad that I was there for you. Eda would you have dinner with me? Just you not Ceren and Engin, just you and me?"

She smiled at him, "I'd like that very much Serkan."

"Tonight? I'll pick you up at seven? Wear something warm."

Eda cocked her head, "Wear something warm?"

His phone was ringing signaling his next call, "Mmhmm, it's a surprise, I'll see you at seven."

She waved as she closed his office door. Eda was outside Engin's office and heard him disagreeing with Ceren on some contract items, he was a brave man to hold his ground against her. She let it go, that was not her area of expertise.

Engin looked at the contract again, "This has to be changed Ceren, we won't agree to this stipulation you can tell them that."

"They want it in, what do you want me to do?"

"I want you to strike it, I'll initial it, if they have an issue with it they can come to me. You're our lawyer, you work with our firm representing our interests not theirs. If we want it out we want it out."

Ceren swallowed her groan, "What else? What else needs to come out or go in?"

He got up and walked around the desk to sit next to her putting the contract down in front of them and went through it item by item. Ceren was impressed. Very impressed. Engin was no goof, not by any stretch of the imagination, he was focused and very smart.

"Engin would you like to go out to dinner with me tonight?"

He was right next to her looking into her wide green eyes, "For work?"

"No, not for work. As Engin and Ceren two people who like each other at least I think we do."

"I think you may be right Ceren, what time?"

"Seven-thirty? Just wear jeans, there's a nice little pub a few blocks away that we can walk to maybe play some darts, unwind, sound good?"

"It sounds good, I'll see you at seven-thirty. But back to the contract, can I get that tomorrow afternoon?"

Ceren nodded as she got up to leave, "See you later Engin."

He sat in the chair for a moment and then pinched himself. Ceren had asked him on a date. She didn't ask him to change anything or do anything, maybe that would come later. He would see what tonight brought. Engin thought back to the night before, he hadn't laughed like that in years. He may seem like a carefree guy but he had been spending so much time chasing after something that he had lost himself. Tonight he would be himself, if Ceren didn't like who he was than too bad for her.

Eda had no idea what they were doing tonight but when Serkan picked her up at seven she was dressed warmly. When they pulled up to the skating rink she hesitated but he promised to teach her, Serkan was good to his word, soon Eda was skating with him. Of course he could skate, he was so athletic that he could probably do any sport but she was competitive and had to try to keep up. Serkan was trying to teach her to skate backwards when she lost her footing and landed on her bottom. Her wrist a bit sore because she tried to break her fall.

Serkan picked Eda up, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"Just my pride Serkan and maybe my wrist is a bit sore but otherwise I'm fine," He was holding on to her wrist making sure that it wasn't sprained, he brought it to his lips and kissed the inside of it.

"All better?"

Eda caught her breath and just nodded. She wasn't sure what devil made her do it but she leaned forward and whispered, "I landed on my bottom too."

Serkan let out a bark of laughter and swung her to him, "I'll take a raincheck on that when we aren't in public. Let me get you some hot chocolate as a reward." He put his arm around her waist and helped her to skate to the exit. They sipped the hot chocolate and changed back into their boots. Sitting on a bench with his arm around her drinking their chocolate they watched the other skaters. Eda rested her head on his shoulder again content.

"You aren't falling asleep are you? Am I boring you?"

She lifted her head, "Of course not, I'm enjoying myself."

He searched her eyes, he saw only the truth in them. Serkan lowered his mouth to hers in a sweet, chocolatey kiss. He took both cups and set them behind him so he could take Eda into his arms and kiss her again. She sighed into his mouth as their tongues lightly touched, lips tasting and sucking, again and again. He rested his forehead against hers, "I could kiss you all night Eda."

"Hmmm, me too and then some more."

"I promised you dinner, do you want to walk to that little café over there in the glass dome?"

"Serkan, we need reservations."

"We have reservations Eda. I wasn't sure when we'd be done so I booked several different times, let's walk," he put his arm around her waist as she brought hers around his. They dined in the dome with the stars sparkling overhead. The dimness in the restaurant allowed them to see the night sky. Eda and Serkan sat next to each other in a booth and shared their meal. At first Serkan was hesitant to take a bite after Eda had but then he realized it didn't matter. If she wanted to share with him than he wanted what she wanted. He took a bite of his green bean and made her eat the other half, if she fed him French fry halves she had to eat green beans. They shared one dessert and one spoon, Eda feeding him bits of chocolate souffle. Their conversation didn't wane, there wasn't as much laughter as the night before, they talked more about her parents and his brother and his mother. Eda had so many questions as did Serkan. As they walked back to the car Serkan pulled her against a large oak tree to kiss her again. Eda's hand held his face to her, she loved the feel of his beard against her palms as Serkan's hands roamed her back.

"What are you doing to me Eda?" Serkan said softly in her ear.

She was never going to be anything but honest with him, "Falling in love with you Serkan."

He had to kiss her again, "I'm glad, I didn't want to be the only one falling in love. I've never done this before."

"Neither have I but with you it seems right."

"It does doesn't it?" he wrapped her in a tight hug before letting her go just enough so they could make their way back to the car.

Engin met Ceren at seven-thirty, she was as dressed down as he was and she looked even better than she had when she was dressed up. Her jeans fit in all the right places. They walked to the pub chatting the entire time, comfortable with each other. After ordering a beer for each of them they made their way back to the dart boards, Engin hadn't played since college so he was rusty. Ceren was a shark. A sneaky little shark.

They were arguing playfully while Engin brought the darts back to her, Ceren said, "Loser gives a forfeit to the winner."

"What kind of forfeit?" he asked suspiciously.

She waggled her eyebrows, "Maybe I'll have you wear my barrette again Engin."

He tried his best but he still lost to her, "What's the forfeit?"

Ceren licked her bottom lip, "A kiss?"

He had been watching that tongue on the bottom lip as she caught it between her teeth. Engin stepped up to Ceren and caught her face with both hands cradling it as he looked at her before lowering his mouth to hers. He sucked that plump bottom lip of hers before giving the same treatment to the top one. Ceren's hands came on top of Engin's as she kissed him back. She said a kiss she didn't say how long. When whistles started sounding in the pub they broke apart and colored slightly, Engin laid the darts on the table and took Ceren's hand leading her back to their booth.

Her head was down, "Was I too forward?"

Engin lifted her chin with his finger, "Not too forward, perfect. We could go back and play again but I wouldn't even try. I would just want to lose so I could kiss you over and over again."

"Do you mean that?"

His hand went behind her head as he brought her mouth back to his. Engin's tongue traced her bottom lip, Ceren touched hers to it, he followed hers, chasing and stroking into her mouth. He gentled the kiss with soft plush kisses. Ceren loved the feel of his mouth on hers, as she scratched her fingers through his beard.

"I could dye my hair for you," he offered.

Ceren pulled back, "Why on earth would you do that Engin? I like your greys they're very distinguished," she leaned forward to his ear, "And sexy."

"You're sure? There isn't something about me that you want to change?"

She looked at him with a funny expression on her face, "Why on earth would I want to do that Engin. I think the only thing I would change is this silly question that you're asking. Should I change something? Because if you say yes then I'm out of here."

He pulled her back close, "I don't want to change a hair on your head. It's just people always want to change something about me. I don't ever seem to measure up."

She brushed his hair back off his forehead, "Then you've been hanging out with the wrong people Engin. You are enough just as you are. You're smart, sensitive, funny, caring, loving and generous. Why would anyone want to change that?"

"You forgot handsome."

"I forgot handsome and humble too," she chuckled.

He buried his head in her neck, "Ah Ceren, you are something else. Do you know that? You are the very best of something else and I can't wait to spend more time with you."

She kissed his neck, "We're probably going to be seeing a lot of each other seeing as how Eda and Serkan are out together tonight. But I think that you and I need our one on one time too no?"

"Oh we absolutely need our alone time."

They ordered dinner and ate, talking about anything and everything from his sisters to his parents. Ceren shared her dreams of designing shoes while still doing law and told Engin of her friends back home. They talked for hours. It was nearly midnight when Engin walked her to her door and kissed her good night.

"You're a dangerous woman Ceren Basar."

"How so Engin Sezgin?

"Dangerous to my bachelorhood."

The eyebrow was back, "Is that a bad thing?"

He gave her one more kiss and made her open the door before saying, "Nope, not a bad thing at all," and jogging down the stairs.

Ceren opened the apartment door to see Eda and Serkan sound asleep on the sofa. Eda draped halfway over him and Serkan sleeping with a little smile on his face. She took the blanket off the back of the other sofa and covered them up before taking herself off to shower and bed.

That night set the pattern for the next several weeks. Work was so busy that the two couples fit in whatever time they could. Engin and Serkan had been in London two months when they finally had a free weekend. Serkan asked Eda if she would like to stay in town or go away for the weekend. Since she hadn't been outside of London Serkan rented a car and they headed for the Lake District. They had sunny weather for their drive on Saturday morning and spent much of the day exploring. When they checked into their hotel Serkan dropped the bags and lifted Eda carrying her to the bed. They both wanted this and had waited long enough in their minds.


Serkan toed off his shoes before deposing Eda on the bed fitting himself in the vee between her legs, his erection fitting against her sex. He couldn't get enough of kissing her, Eda was rocking her hips against his as she held his face to her. She tore her mouth away as she started to orgasm, the friction against her clit was too much to hold back. Serkan sucked her shoulder as he rode her through it his hands kneading her breasts through her clothes.

"Damn Eda, we didn't even get undressed yet."

"You make me nuts Serkan, I can't help it." He helped her to sit as they got rid of their clothes and threw the covers back on the bed. Eda thought that he was the most gorgeous human being ever created and he thought that she was perfection. He bent and caught her nipple in his mouth and sucked as his fingers found her sex, Eda was more than ready for him, she was so wet from her orgasm. She reached for his cock and gave the shaft some firm strokes that she knew he liked. Just because they hadn't had sex didn't meant they hadn't played with each other. She fit the head of his cock to her. Serkan pushed in slowly allowing her to adjust to his size. He reached her barrier and she just nodded as he gave a hard push through, she was his, he was hers. Serkan stayed still for a few minutes feeling Eda pulsing around him before he started to move. Eda met him thrust for thrust, pumping her hips.

"Honey I can't stop," Serkan panted out.

"Don't stop," she loved that he was on edge. Serkan raised onto his hands and changed the angle. He watched Eda face, he saw the flush across her chest as her orgasm caught her, with a few more hard pushes he came. Eda walls were gripping him tightly, he groaned his pleasure. He was still releasing cum in her. With a little, "Oooohhh," Eda started to relax and Serkan settled on his elbows.

"Are we going to be like this when we're old and gray Eda?"

"I sure hope so Serkan, that was worth the wait. You were worth the wait."

"You too, it made it that much more special. And we have tonight and tomorrow morning and then the rest of our lives to enjoy each other."

"Is that so?"

"That's so. I love you Eda. There was something about you from the moment I first saw you on the sidewalk doing a curtsey in front of Ceren. You captured me. Don't let me go?"

"Never. I wouldn't dream of letting you go. Who else is going to talk to me until the wee hours of the morning, or read with me, or listen to music and dance with me? Who else is going to challenge my opinions and make me grow? Who else is going to love me like you do and who else is going to love you like I do?"

"No one Eda, no one has ever seen me the way that you see me. No one has ever listened to me or asked me the questions that you do. You've gotten me to open myself up again and I didn't think that I would ever do that. You've taught me to love again, to be happy again. No one is going to love me like you do and no one is going to love you like I love you."

With Eda and Serkan out of town Engin and Ceren decided to stay in town and be tourists. They did the double decker bus tour hopping on and off and seeing all the sights. They were still laughing when they got to Ceren's apartment. She pulled Engin inside and he slammed the door closed. Engin attacked her laughing mouth, Ceren held his head to hers until she felt his clever hands on her clothes. She dropped hers to his belt, unfastening it, then his pants undoing the button and zipper before sliding them down over his hips freeing his erection, She caught it in her palm and started stroking the shaft. Engin reached under her skirt and ripped her thong away, "Not sorry," she chuckled, "Me either."

Engin lifted her and Ceren brought her legs around his hips as he lowered her on his cock. They both moaned at the fit, "It just gets better every time Cer, every time." He caught her breast in his mouth as he started to pump his hips into her holding her tight to him. Ceren held his head to her breast, "Love me Engin."

At her words he lost control and started to slam into her his mouth fastened high on her breast as he left a mark, Engin came with a roar, "I love you Ceren, so much." He could feel his release leaking out and realized that they had forgotten a condom. "Honey, I messed up, I forgot the condom." He tried to put out but Ceren held him tight in her stroking his face, "It's okay Engin, it's okay." She had tears in her eyes, "I love you too you big idiot, so much." Ceren dropped her mouth to his, Engin grabbed his pants and carried her to the bedroom.


Laying skin to skin, stroking her curls, "Are you sure you aren't mad? I suppose you could take the morning after pill." He hated the idea of it.

"No, if we made a baby Engin then it's beautiful and it was meant to be. We made it with love. We may not have planned it but we made it with love."

"Lots of love honey, lots of love. Maybe I should just do away with the condoms altogether if you really want to be pregnant before we get married."

Ceren lifted herself up, "You want to marry me?"

"Didn't I tell you that first night that you were the dangerous kind Ceren? I've been giving you pieces of my heart every day hoping that you'd keep them safe for me."

"I have them all Engin, I won't give them back as long as you don't give mine back. I do love you so very much, all of your pieces are mine to keep."

"Don't cry honey."

"These are happy tears Engin. I never thought I'd find someone as wonderful as you. Don't ever change, ever."

He kissed her curls, "I like me just the way I am honey, you taught me that."

Eda and Serkan came back on Sunday evening to see Ceren and Engin cuddled up on the sofa, "Guess what Cer?"


Eda turned back to Serkan who nodded, "We're getting married!"

She burst out laughing, "It's in the water, we are too!"

Eda and Serkan Sat down on the opposite sofa. Serkan was at peace like he had never been before, "I know that we're all going back in a month. Engin and I are leaving a few days before you both are due to leave because of some business obligations. Eda and I decided not to wait and are going to get married right before we leave, we researched it, we need twenty-seven days so tomorrow we're filing. We just wanted to let you know."

Engin started laughing, "We were talking about the same thing! Let's make this a double, we can witness for each other."

"That works for us. When she comes back to Istanbul Eda's joining ArtLife but then you already knew that and Ceren we hope that you're joining as counsel. We can keep this all in the family."

Ceren smiled at all of them, "One big happy family. I like that. Yes, I'd love to come work with ArtLife. I might still have to maintain an office at Basar Law but my father will be delighted to have me working with you. When he sent me to London he thought the opportunity was what I needed."

Eda got up from the sofa, "Before I fall asleep in front of you for the hundredth time, we're off to bed. We can figure out living arrangement later but tonight this family can all stay here." Eda covered her mouth as she let out a huge yawn. A smiling Serkan got up behind her and steered her off in the direction of her bedroom.

Engin watched his best friend as he walked out of sight, "I've never ever seen him like this."

"What do you mean Engin?"

"He has joy. For the first time he has joy in his life. He loved his brother and they had fun but it wasn't this free heart that he has with Eda. I'm just so happy for him, he deserves to have love and happiness in his life."

She wiped a lone tear that had escaped from his eye, "We all deserve it Engin. So do you, so do Eda and I. That look you see in Serkan's face is reflected in all of our faces because we found love and in that love we found our joy and happiness in our partner."

"How are you so wise?"

"Maybe loving you has made me wiser? Why don't we go to bed. We have a busy day planned." They headed off in the opposite direction.

With the project nearing it's close for Serkan and Engin they had details to wrap up but the most important detail was getting married. On April fifth the four of them headed to the judge's chambers to commit themselves to each other, Eda and Serkan went first followed by Engin and Ceren. They had split their lodgings with Eda moving to Serkan's apartment and Engin moving to Ceren's apartment. Five days after their weddings Eda and Ceren saw their husbands off at the airport. They would follow four days later.

Engin and Serkan sat on the plane talking quietly, they were both missing their wives already.

"Do you remember me telling you that a change of scenery in London would do you good Engin?"

He chuckled, "It has been the best thing ever for me Serkan. I've never felt better in my life. My mother can't wait to meet Ceren. And my sisters? The amount of screaming that those women did on the phone was crazy but they loved her already and do you know what? They never like anyone."

Serkan could relate, "Eda and I talked to my mother a couple of weeks ago. I didn't know that she's been calling Eda every day, I guess that they talk for almost an hour. Eda is determined to get her out of the house. I thought that my mother was going to hate Eda but she saw how happy we were and how much Eda loved me but the kicker was how concerned Eda was for her."

"What do you mean?"

"I love my mother and will do anything for her but Eda? There's just something about the way that she listens to her and talks to her. Maybe she's a Bolat whisperer."

"Funny. But you're happy Serkan, truly happy for the first time in forever."

"I am, I really am. I didn't fight what I felt for her, it wasn't worth fighting it felt too good."

They sat back in their own thoughts. The ArtLife offices were in chaos because the two big bosses were returning. They weren't as much worried about Engin as they were worried about Serkan. Pyril made sure that everything was organized. Selin was in the ladies room making sure that she looked her best sure that Serkan had missed her. Leyla watched as Serkan entered the office, he looked the same but there was something different about him, same with Engin.

"Welcome back Serkan bey," Leyla offered.

"Thank you Leyla. Are those the updated project binders?"

"Yes," she was surprised when he reached to take them from her.

Engin winked at her and headed off to his office, Pyril was waiting at the door.

"Hey Pyril, how are you?" Engin said as he continued into the glass cube, he sat at his desk and booted up his computer.

Pyril stared at him, there was something differed about him. He was relaxed and much more attractive than he had been before he had gone to London. Maybe it was getting international exposure.

"Did you have a good trip? We didn't talk much other than in meetings."

Engin looked up from the stack of papers on his desk, a sweet smile crossed his face, "It was a really good trip. Good all the way around but it's good to be home. I had better start making progress on these, thanks for keeping everything running Pyril."

She gave him another look before heading into Serkan's office, "Welcome back Serkan."

"Thanks Pyril. Where are we with that ecological hotel proposal?"

This was more like it she thought, Serkan was all business, "We have a week until we present but none of the designs have met your approval so we're still struggling."

"I worked on something with an architect in London that I think will work, I'll send you the renderings and then we can meet on it later today. Was there anything else?"

Pyril went through her list of projects and meetings that they needed to get through before she left his office. There was something different about Serkan too, he wasn't as stressed as he normally was Pyril couldn't figure it out.

Serkan brought up the design for the ecological hotel that he and Eda had worked on, her idea was simply brilliant. It economized on space and brought nature inside. The client would love it. When they worked together their ideas flowed. It wasn't all agreement, they butted heads but they listened and compromised and came up with solutions. Eda was creativity personified.

He called her, "Miss me yet?"

"Whose idea was this four days nonsense Serkan? I hate it."

Serkan smiled at her disgruntled tone, "It's called a contract Eda, three and a half days left, a little less. We're almost there. Is everything wrapping up at work?"

"Yes, I have my exit interview the day after tomorrow and then they wanted to do a farewell dinner for both of us which is nice."

"How did Graham take it that you won't be working for him?"

Eda chortled, "He wasn't happy, he said he would beat whatever you offered. I told him it wasn't possible. No one can top you Serkan. How was your flight back? Are things crazy in the office?"

"The flight was fine. We have a meeting in a few minutes to start reviewing our designs for the ecological hotel. We should have most of the technical portion done by the time you get here. I can send you the file when we're done if you want to take a look at it tonight." He heard voices on the other end of the phone.

"I have to go Serkan but send me the file you know I want to see it. Love you, miss you already," and she was gone.

Serkan looked at the phone in his hand, he knew that they were pushing her to finish a lot of last minute things. They would catch up tonight. He was still wading through his emails when he heard a knock on his door looking up he saw Selin.

"Welcome back. You've been missed."

"Thank you."

"I was wondering if you would like to get dinner tonight or tomorrow night to catch up. I haven't really talked to you outside of meetings and I think that we have a lot to talk through."

Serkan looked at his watch to buy himself time before formulating his response, "I have plans already Selin. I said all that needed to be said before I left for London, there is nothing more."

He got up and gathered the files that he needed for his meeting, "Did you need anything else?" he didn't wait for her response and left to go downstairs to the conference room. He wondered where he should have Eda's office and then as he walked into the conference room realized that the large space would work well. He often worked in the conference room when there was a large project. They could use both spaces.

Selin walked into Pyril's office, "Do you notice anything off with Serkan?"

She leaned back in her chair, "Other than he seems more relaxed, no. Engin seems different too. I was actually thinking that when he asked me out again this time I would say yes. For some reason he's more attractive now."

"Maybe that's it. Serkan looks good, really good. He's wearing his beard a little scruffier and I have to say I like it. I did ask him out to dinner but he said that he was busy. He probably has to have dinner with Aydan and you know she never goes anywhere."

"True, you feel for the woman."

Selin snorted, "Not really, she lives in the lap of luxury. She has all the help in the world. She could leave if she really wanted to she just doesn't try."

"That's kind of cold Selin, the woman has agoraphobia. It's a serious condition. How are things going with Ferit?"

"They're fine, he's fine, he just isn't what I want."

"Then don't string him along Selin. I like Ferit, he's got a great sense of humor and is fun to talk to. Have you even given him a chance or are you still stuck on Serkan?"

She shrugged, "It's always going to be him. Since I was little I've imagined us being together."

The two couples spent a lot of time on the phone over the next few days. Eda and Ceren were very excited on their last day, they knew that they were leaving early in the morning. Everything was packed except what they were wearing and their things for the next day. They were in the pub where the farewell party was being held when Eda felt a hand slide around her waist.

"I need to have a taste before you go back home," Jason slurred in her ear.

Eda elbowed him sharply getting him to let her go, "What you're too good for me? You weren't too good for the famous Serkan Bolat. I saw the two of you all over each other. If you can put out for him you can put out for me."

Ceren couldn't hear what was being said but she saw Eda's face. Whatever the idiot Jason had said he was going to regret it in about five seconds.

"I wouldn't touch you if you were the last man on earth you toad. Don't you dare compare yourself to Serkan you piece of slime."

Jason made a grab for Eda but she sidestepped him, "You're just a tease. Act like a whore for Bolat . . ." The next thing he knew he was flat on the ground holding his nose which was pouring blood. Ceren ran over to Eda as did a few other people.

"What did he do?"

Eda looked down at him, "He insulted me for the last time. The things that he said to me were unacceptable."

She heard a voice over her shoulder, Graham Stevenson was looking down at his nephew, "Again Jason? I told you that I wouldn't accept your blatant disrespect for the women in our office. You can find yourself another job. Eda, I am very sorry for the insult that he did you. How's your hand?"

It hadn't been hurting until he said something but now it was on fire, Ceren got a towel full of ice for Eda and gently wrapped her hand.

Graham patted her arm, "That was a very nice left jab. I'm going to miss you Eda and I hope to work with you in the future." He bent down and hauled Jason up none too gently and dragged him out of the pub.

Several of the woman in the office came up and hugged Eda, "I wish I had done that month's ago, he is a disgusting little creep. Thank you Eda, this was supposed to be your going away party but you gave us the best gift ever."

Ceren and Eda took the car back to the apartment, exhausted after the drama of the day. They showered and came back to the living room with mugs of hot chocolate.

"What an adventure Ceren. I never imagined when we came here that our lives would change so much but I wouldn't change a minute of it."

"Oh Eda, it has been the best but this is just the beginning. Tomorrow we'll go to ArtLife and start our new careers and get to work with our husbands. I'm so excited for it."

"Me too, talking to Serkan over the phone is fine but it just isn't the same. I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight."

Ceren lobbed a pillow at her, "Eda you could sleep during a hurricane but I know what you mean. We should probably turn in, we have an early departure."

Serkan and Engin could hardly sit still, today was the day that Eda and Ceren were coming home. Serkan had told Leyla that there were two new employees starting today. A landscape architect and new legal counsel. He gave no additional information.

Leyla was highly curious about these two people. She had noticed the difference in both Serkan bey and Engin bey, both men were happy. She watched Selin hanim and Pyril hanim trying to figure the men out. If Leyla didn't know any better she would say that the men were in love. Just what had happened in London?

The car pulled up to the ArtLife offices, Ceren and Eda opened the doors and got out. Eda had been here before but this would be her first time entering the building but to Ceren it was all new. Eda had her hair parted on the side and pulled back behind one ear, her waves tamed as her hair tumbled down her back. She wore a sleek lavender suit that showed her long legs to advantage. Ceren's curls were in perfect order and she had worn a green leather dress to highlight her slender frame and long legs. Arm in arm they walked to the building. Tolga rushed to open the door for them.

At reception Betul smiled at them, "May I help you?"

"Yes, we're here to see Serkan Bolat and Engin Sezgin."

Betul looked at the calendars, "I'm sorry, I don't see that they have appointments."

Eda leaned in to say, "Would you call Serkan and tell him . . . . "

Serkan came up behind her, "No need Betul."

He lifted Eda before letting her slide down his body, "Welcome home baby."

Engin had caught Ceren to him, she gave a little squeal of happiness as he hugged her close.

Betul sat staring at the scene with her mouth open, Leyla had followed Serkan into the lobby and was watching with a much more knowing look on her face. These women were what made them look so happy.

Serkan finally came to his senses, "Betul, Leyla, these are our two new employees. This is our newest landscape architect Eda Yildiz Bolat and our legal counsel Ceren Basar Sezgin, they also happen to be our wives."

Betul could only blink but Leyla was much more on the ball, "Congratulations to all of you. Do you want to hold a meeting to announce this?"

"Actually we have a meeting with Fikret bey in about ten minutes on the ecological hotel, he's bringing his attorney so we may as well just start working right away if you don't mind. Eda? Ceren?"

The four continued on to the conference room where Serkan had Eda seated at his right and Engin sat at his left with Ceren next to him. Pyril and Selin came into the conference room a few moments later their heads together in discussion. They were both surprised to see two women already sitting in the office. Selin thought that the brunette looked vaguely familiar but really had no idea as to who either of the women were.

Pyril was watching Engin, he was positively glowing. How had she not noticed that about him before. Was he flirting with the blonde next to him? He certainly wasn't going to do that in front of her. No, she really needed to corral him.

Selin just stared at Serkan in deep conversation with the brunette as if they were the only two people in the room. He was being rude ignoring everyone else. He was being rude ignoring her.

"Serkan," Selin said sharply. He continued his conversation as if she hadn't spoken.

Selin was about to raise her voice again when Leyla knocked on the door to announce Fikret bey and his attorney.

Serkan got up to shake hands with the man as did everyone else at the table, Fikret bey walked over to Eda, "And this must be Eda hanim that you've told me so much about. Your design is inspired, this project is going to be ground breaking. And Ceren hanim, I'm glad that you've joined ArtLife finally, you and Sinan can manage all the legal work that comes with the project."

Pyril just stared from Fikret to the two women. How did he know them? Serkan and Engin were obviously very familiar with them. These were the landscape architect and attorney? How well did they know these women? Is this the architect that Serkan worked with in London that created the ecological hotel design? She must be but why had they not introduced her?

Selin wasn't used to being ignored but no one paid her any attention during the meeting, even Pyril became engrossed in the project. She was so immersed in her own thoughts that she didn't hear Serkan's question.

"Could you repeat that Serkan? I was taking some notes."

"I asked what are your thoughts regarding promoting the innovative design of the hotel. What we've created is nothing that has been done in the design community before and Fikret bey would like to have the project submitted for consideration for several award initiatives."

Selin smiled at him, he was finally paying attention to her, "Well the ArtLife name and Serkan Bolat carries a lot of weight in the industry so yes I think that we can focus on that aspect. I'll do research on the award that we might be eligible for then you and I can meet on how we want to proceed."

Serkan knew that she hadn't been listening to the meeting and her response showed, if she had looked at the people around the table she would have seen that her responses didn't hit the mark.

"ArtLife isn't the focus Selin, the mindset of the project is. The focus is on the innovative design and the positive impact on our ecology, that is what we're wanting to promote. We feel that this can be a new focus for the future."

She paled a bit, "Right, I was getting to that. Let me do some research as to what is available in the industry. We can meet tonight and review what I've found."

Serkan turned back to Fikret bey and continued the meeting, Pyril looked at Selin and frowned at her before paying attention to the meeting again. Serkan gave the floor to Eda to give a presentation of the overall design and thought process, Selin sat and fumed at her end of the table. Serkan sat in his chair and focused on the woman like gold coins were falling from her mouth. The legal portion of the meeting was less exciting but the new attorney, while young, was well versed in her job. Pyril had to give her credit for coming in cold to the meeting and being able to manage the conversation.

Fikret was very pleased with the progress and couldn't wait for the groundbreaking. Ceren assured him that the permits would be pulled and all legal work would be expedited.

"So I can expect you in a month down in Antalya yes? I can book four suites for you."

Serkan shook his hand, "Yes that would be fine. Ceren will keep Sinan up to date with the legal matters and we'll push forward with the permits."

Pyril was trying to figure out why there would be four suites unless some of them were going to have to share. She wasn't opposed to it she guessed. She chuckled inwardly, maybe she could share with the new and improved Engin.

Selin had counted up the suites, only four? Fikret bey must know that she and Serkan were a couple and were going to share. The two new girls would probably share too. That had to account for his numbers.

Leyla popped her head into the conference room, "Serkan bey? Your mother called and wanted to remind you about dinner tonight. She said she expect you to be on time. Engin bey, your sister left a similar message. I just wanted to pass them along since it's almost five and you are expected at six."

She left the office purposely not adding that Ceren hanim and Eda hanim were expected as well. She knew that neither Selin hanim or Pyril hanim had any idea of the relationship that these women had to the two men. The entire office now knew that Serkan and Engin were married because Betul couldn't hold the gossip in. She knew that their worlds would tilt when they found out Selin hanim's more than Pyril hanim's because Selin hanim still thought that she owned Serkan bey even though he had told her no.

Serkan focused his attention on Selin for a minute before standing, "Selin I would appreciate if you would focus on what is going on in our meetings. When you are asked a direct question you should be able to respond to it."

Selin narrowed her eyes at him, "I hear you Serkan, I'll stop by tonight with the research."

"No, I have plans tonight. This is business Selin, you can meet with me in the office."

"Fine, I'll have it ready for tomorrow," before turning on her heel and leaving the room. Pyril followed at a slower pace.

He held out a hand to Eda, "Are you ready?"

"I am, I'm looking forward to meeting your mother in person. It's been nice doing Face Time with her but talking one on one is preferrable. Are we stopping at the apartment first?"

"If we can sneak over there without them seeing us, yes."

"Engin, Ceren, see you tomorrow."

Pyril was standing in the shadows of the lobby when she saw Serkan leaving, he had Eda's hand in his. They stopped before the door and Serkan kissed Eda. Pyril felt like a voyeur watching them kiss. They broke apart and he led her out the door. Pyril was stunned and couldn't move, she wished that she had when a minute later Engin came out with his arm slung around Ceren's waist he appeared to be whispering into her ear or something. She felt a pang of jealousy shoot through her. This was why Engin was different, he was happy, he was in love. He never really loved her, he never looked at her like that. Maybe that was why she was always trying to change him, to get him to look at her like that.

Selin came down from her office, "Do you want to go with me to meet Ferit for a drink? Maybe you should take him off of my hands, he really isn't my type."

She thought about it for a second, "Let me get my purse," because the more Pyril thought about it the more she realized the Ferit was her type and she thought that he knew it too.

She came back downstairs, "Does Ferit mind me barging in?"

Selin rolled her eyes, "No, he suggested that you come." Pyril smiled to herself, good.

Serkan and Eda rolled up to the Bolat farm, they weren't going to have alone time until much later as Aydan was waiting for them with Seyfi. She was happy that Serkan was there but happier to meet Eda, she had spent so much time talking to her that she felt like she had known her forever. Eda was determined to help Aydan leave the house, whatever it took. She knew that her aunt would help her.

Dinner was lovely but far too long as far as Eda and Serkan were concerned. When they were finally excused to walk over to his apartment Serkan was muttering, "What did you say sweetheart?" Eda asked as she kissed his jaw.


"I said we need to move. If we don't move my mother will be here all the time." Eda laughed at his surly expression but she knew he was right. Serkan backed her up against the bedroom wall, "Did you miss me Eda?" he asked as he started to leave sucking kisses down one side of her neck and up the other. Eda's hand had pulled his shirt from his pants so she could touch his skin before moving to the front to unbutton his shirt. "Eda?"

"Shhh, I'm busy," he chuckled as he dropped her jacket on the ground and kicked off his shoes. She kicked hers out of the way and removed his jacket and shirt as one. Serkan peeled her tank and bra over her breasts, putting them on display for him. His head bent to taste her. His clever tongue and mouth distracted her from undressing him but Serkan continued unzipping her skirt skimming it with her thong down her hips and legs. He fell to his knees before her and hooked a leg over his shoulder tilting her towards him so that he could give attention to her sex. Her scent of arousal drove him crazy, his first taste of her in days. He reached down and freed himself from his pants with one hand, they were too tight and too constricting.

Eda was whimpering as he licked her then sucked hard on her clit, he could feel her spend against his mouth as she climaxed. "Did you miss me Eda?"

She looked down at his grinning face, wet from her, "Did you miss me Serkan?" He stood in one movement, holding her leg around his hip his cock finding her wet sex and driving deep, Eda brought her other leg up around his hips and Serkan drove into her softness. Eda was so sensitive from her previous climax that she came quickly. Serkan held her fast as he thrust hard and deep, Eda held on. He buried his face in her breasts and sucked a nipple into his mouth as he started coming. Serkan let her long legs down on either side of him still pinned to the wall with his body, his face buried in her breasts. Eda's hands were in his hair, smoothing it away from his forehead as she dropped kisses wherever she could reach, "I missed you Serkan, all of you, every part of you."

He kicked out of his pants and walked over to the bed to sit, still deep inside her. He pulled her shirt and bra off of her so they were both naked.

"Every damn minute of the day Eda, that's when I missed you. At night I would reach for you and the bed was empty. In the morning I would read something that I thought you would like and you weren't here. So every minute I missed you."

He laid back on the bed and Eda loved him taking control all the way to the end. She stretched out on top of him and fell asleep. Serkan held his precious wife to him able to sleep again.


Selin was looking at Ferit comparing him to Serkan and he came up lacking in every category. She stood up from the table, "Ferit, I don't think that this is going to work out. We don't need to see each other again."

Ferit hadn't been paying attention to Selin, he and Pyril were talking away across the table. He had asked Selin if Pyril could come along, he always asked it Pyril could come along. The last five times that they had been out Pyril came with, Selin didn't care but Ferit did. He should have just told Selin that they wouldn't suit but she rarely listened to anything that he said so when she started to bring Pyril along on dates he didn't say anything because he enjoyed his time with Pyril.

They watched her leave, Pyril bit her lip and gave a guilty look to Ferit, "Am I a bad friend for not going with her?"

He consoled her, "She needed time alone," Pyril started to snicker and then Ferit joined in.

"She did look heartbroken didn't she?" he laughed even harder.

"I shouldn't laugh, but she hasn't listened to a thing that I've said from the first date. There was nothing there for us but if I kept asking her out she kept bringing you along. I tried breaking up with her four times and she didn't listen so I just asked her to bring you. Do you mind?"

Pyril sighed, "I tried to talk Selin into liking you but what I was really trying to do was talk myself out of liking you."

He smiled his sweet smile, "So we see where this goes because I really, really like you Pyril Baytekin."

"And I really, really like you Ferit Simsek so let's see how far we can go."


Serkan had transferred his office to the conference room with Eda by his side. They were taking a little break, the door to the room was closed and Eda was on his lap. Serkan had his hand under her skirt rubbing her sex through her thong as Eda massaged him through his pants. Serkan was sucking on Eda's tongue in rhythm to her hand when Selin barged in.

"What's going on in here?" she screeched.

Serkan left his hands where they were, "Eda and I are taking a break Selin. How many times have I told you to knock and only enter when you are invited in?"

Selin was adamant, "What are you doing Serkan, for God's sake she's a new employee or did you hire her for this purpose?"

He watched as Eda's eyes were closed in pleasure, his finger still playing, "What my wife and I do on our break time is none of your business Selin it never was and it never will be."

She gave a derisive laugh but still didn't leave, "Your wife, since when."

Serkan whispered to her, "Show her your ring baby my hands are busy."

Eda flung up her left hand she leaned in and bit his earlobe as he brought her to climax, Eda reached down and gently squeezed his balls. He couldn't help his intake of breath as he came in his pants, Eda went back to massaging him.

She turned to Selin, "We got married in London. We had our first official date the second night he was there and he proposed two months later. Yes I'm his wife, I'm not sure why you're concerned." Serkan finally pulled his hand from under her skirt.

"What Eda has said is correct Selin, I'm not sure why you care. You and I were done before we even started. Did you have a point in coming in here?"

She didn't even remember why she was there, she spun on her heel and left.

Eda wound her arms around his neck, "You are bad, very good but bad."

"I couldn't let you not finish but I think if we take a break again we have to do it upstairs where there's a lock on the door. Did I mention that there's a shower up there?" Eda laughed against his neck.


Selin came across Leyla and Erdem putting up streamers in the break room, "What are you two doing?"

"We wanted to put together a small welcome for Eda hanim and Ceren hanim and congratulate Serkan bey and Engin bey on their marriages. They posted them in the papers this morning. Since everyone knows we wanted to have a small party."

"Engin is married too? Does Pyril know?"

Leyla nodded, "She bought the streamers for us and paid for the cake and champagne."

Selin stomped up to Pyril's office, she was hanging up on a business call when Selin burst in, "Selin, you have to knock. I was on a business call."

"Did you know about Serkan and Engin?"

"Yes, I saw them both last night and then talked to Serkan this morning. Be happy for them Selin, I've never seen Serkan happier in his life, same for Engin. You and Serkan were never going to work, he's told you that for years you just didn't listen."

"But he's who I wanted," she said as she slumped in the chair.

"You can't always get what you want Selin. But if you try sometime you'll find you get what you need. Find yourself someone who will make you happy."

"I guess I can call Ferit back . . . . . . ."

Pyril interrupted her, "No, you can't call Ferit. You broke up with him. He isn't right for you."

"Well I'm not going to that party, you won't believe what I interrupted Serkan that woman doing in his office."

Pyril had a pretty good idea, she had seen them in the break room earlier. She wanted that for herself, that special something and she thought that she might have found it. Her night with Ferit was wonderful and the kiss goodnight that she had gotten from him was magical. When she talked to Serkan and Eda this morning and got the details of their marriage and Engin's she was genuinely happy for them. It was her idea to throw a little party for them.

She came down from her office and knocked on Engin's door, "Do you have a minute?"

"Sure Pyril, what's up?"

"I wanted to offer you my congratulations. I really mean it Engin. When you came back from London there was something different about you and I finally figured out that you were happy. Ceren makes you happy. I'm glad I said no all those years, you and I would never have been as happy as you are today. I know that and you know that. I just wanted to say that and let you know that I truly mean it."

Engin smiled at her, "Thanks Pyril. I am happy. Ceren was the best thing that ever happened to me. You're right, you and I would have been miserable and I'm glad you said no. I hope you find someone who makes you as happy as she makes me."

"I think I've found him Engin, it's new but I think that I've found him."

"Good. Now if we could just find Selin someone so that she would leave Serkan alone."

Pyril laughed, "That woman is a lost cause. Maybe one of these days the six of us can do something together. I'd like to get a chance to know Ceren and Eda a bit better."

She waved as she left his office.

In the break room the ArtLife team gathered to welcome Eda and Ceren and to celebrate their marriages to Serkan and Engin. The four of them stood by the bar while Leyla and Erdem passed out the glasses to do toasts. Pyril stood off to the side a smile on her face rather like a proud parent. She saw big things in ArtLife's future.

Serkan held his glass with one hand and Eda's waist with the other. Engin and Ceren stood next to them similarly entwined. "Thank you for putting this little surprise together for us. Eda and Ceren certainly made an impact on Engin and I when we met them. They are both very good in their chosen professions and will make a positive impact on ArtLife. I can't speak for Engin I can only speak for myself. Eda brought light and joy into my life. I'm not saying that I won't still make you all crazy with my workaholic ways sometimes," the team groaned, Serkan laughed, "but having Eda had tempered that desire to spend all night on a project. She brought me back to life and made me remember what it's like to live again. She is a true partner in every sense of the word. So Leyla, you still have to deal with me but now you have someone else in your corner who knows me better than I even know myself some days. We have a bright future ahead of us. I want to toast our wives but also ArtLife to our bright future and to all of you who support us every day." Serkan lifted is glass high to toast then brought it down to clink against Eda's before taking a sip.

Selin watched them from the shadows as her future slipped away for good. She wasn't like Pyril, she couldn't just stand by and watch Serkan move forward without her but then Pyril never loved Engin. It was time for her to move on, find a different company maybe in a different industry so she didn't have to run into them. Her parents would always tell her what Serkan was doing, she could never totally escape it but maybe with time it would get better. She was going to take Pyril's advice for once and let Serkan be happy.

She climbed the stairs to her office humming the Rolling Stones, and then it dawned on her. Pyril had given her advice from a song. Selin just kept humming it as she shook her head, 'You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometime you'll find you get what you need.' Selin laughed she could have done worse. She was done at ArtLife and this stone was rolling.

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