The Super Mario Bros. Movie

By Beyta10HeroofSaiyans

8.9K 137 49

After watching the new Mario movie, it was amazing to see one of my favorite Nintendo mascots to have a brand... More

Bio: The third brother of the Mario Bros and twin of DK
Prolouge: The SuperStar captured!
Super Mario Bros. Plumbing Services and the first job!
A mysterious pipe and welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom!
Onto the journey! A family fight on the Great ring of Kong!
A family reunion on Rainbow Road! Koopa Troopa Kart Ambush!
Battle for the Mushroom Kingdom! Rescuing the Princess from marriage!
The Final Battle! Super Mario and Kong Bros vs Bowser!

Meeting the Princess and Training along with and the Elasticity Kong.

857 16 7
By Beyta10HeroofSaiyans

Inside the throne room, the princess and the Toads were talking about Bowser's arrival at the Mushroom Kingdom is soon.

Toadsworth: May I have your attention? Bowser has finally found the Super Star and is headed towards our kingdom. Its power will make him invincible. With the star, we will be destroyed.

Everyone in the room gasped.

Yellow Toad: Princess, what are we going to do.

The Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom walks down the stairs of her throne and look at the Toads.

Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom: I will not let him hurt you. We are going to stop Bowser!

Yellow Toad: How? Look at us! We're adorable! *Makes a cute face along with the other Toads*

Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom: I'm going to convince the great Kong army to help us. Together, we'll annihilate that monster!

Toadsworth: They're mad king doesn't make alliances. The Kongs will never agree.

Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom: Not to me, yes. But, to one of their people, they will. I brought someone who is a part of the Jungle Kingdom. Everyone, meet Jasmine Kong.

As the Princess said that two long arms appear to be landed on the ground, and then a figure quickly went down to see a female gorilla, wearing some blue clothes and looked at the Toads.

Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom: Jasmine have been of the Kongs ever since she was a child.

Jasmine Kong: I can convince the king to make an alliance with the Mushroom Kingdom. Me and the princess will leave for my kingdom in the morning.

Toadsworth: Very well then. Good luck Jasmine Kong and Princess. For all our sakes.

The Princess and Jasmine nodded their heads for agreement and began to leave the throne room until they heard some footsteps. They turn to their right and saw Damien Kong and Mario running towards them. Time begins to slow down for Damien Kong when he saw Jasmine and Jasmine saw Damien. They're eyes begin to brighten from this. While they were looking at each other, Mario saw the princess and run towards her as he reached out her hand.

Mario: Princess!

When Mario reaches out for the princess hand, she grabbed his arm and threw his body to the floor, causing Damien Kong and Jasmine Kong to stop looking at each other.

Damien Kong: BRO! *Helps Mario up* Mario, are you alright?

Mario: Princess! We-

Then the guards came in and surrounded Mario and Damien Kong, wielding their weapons at them, Damien Kong was about to fight them, but Jasmine Kong grabbed one of the Toads, with her elasticity, to calm them down.

Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom: Wait! Release them.

The guards release the two brothers when both the Princess and Jasmine approached them.

Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom: Whoa... Are you... *Walks up to Mario and Damien Kong and looks at Mario* He's a human! I mean, you are a human, right? It's just, you're so small.

Mario: Hey!

Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom: *Looks at Damien Kong* And you're the son of the King of the Jungle Kingdom, Damien Kong.

Damien Kong: Well, it's actually Damien Mario Kong and are you the princess of the Mushroom Kingdom?

Princess Peach: Yes, I am Princess Peach. But let's...let's go back. Where did you two come from?

Mario: Me and my brothers, w-we fell down this green pipe and now our brother, Luigi, is lost. S-Somewhere in the Dark Lands.

Princess Peach: Then it's only a matter of time until he's captured by Bowser. But you both are in luck. Me and Jasmine are on our way to stop him.

Damien Kong: That's great! Take us with you two!

Jasmine Kong: Look, Damien, Bowser's a lunatic. A psycho. I understand that you're strong, but Mario, he will eat him from breakfast. He won't even notice it, probably, cause he's very, very small but I'm sure he'll notice you.

Mario: You know what, Monkey girl? Make fun of me all you want. But please, help us find our brother. He means a lot to us.

Jasmine Kong: What do you think, Peach?

Princess Peach: *Looks at Mario with concerned and worried how he is with his brother* ...Okay, let's see what you both made of. *Walks to a room that she can helped them, while the Mario Brothers followed her*

Mario: Is that a, yes?

Damien Kong: Mario, she meant she wanted to see our we are capable of. If we show her, she'll let us come with her.

Princess Peach: Exactly.

They all stopped at a huge lake of a waterfalls; however, the section of the castle began to move to the center of the lake as Damien began to look up. A giant block appears and begins to emerge from the water and stand in front of them. Then, it began to split into pieces and then, it became a training ground with floating blocks. robot flowers, spikes, bullets and firewalls. Finally, a flagpole with light pink fabric on the top appeared beside them.

Damien Kong: Okay, what do we do?

Princess Peach: If you both finish this, I'll be able to let you both join us. Watch and learn.

(Imagine Jasmine and Damien Kong are here)

Damien Kong: Woah! That was amazing!

Mario: Yeah, but how am I supposed to get across?

Jasmine Kong: Simple. *Hits the Question Block which shows a Super Mushroom, grabs it by her Elasticity and gives it to Mario* Eat this.

Mario: Ugh! Really?

Princess Peach: Go on. Eat it.

Mario: Ugh...

Mario was going to hesitated at first, but Damien Kong touches his shoulder.

Damien Kong: C'mon, Mario. We want to save Luigi, right? Then we need to train ourselves to be strong.

Mario: I know. But...

Damien Kong: Just do it, for Luigi.

Mario thinks about this for a moment and made his decision.

Mario: For Luigi. *Eats the Super Mushroom*

Damien Kong: Now was that bad?

Mario: No, it didn't taste that bad at all.

Mario's body began to glow and with a strange color, which Damien Kong notice this and decided to back up for a bit. After a few seconds, Mario's body began to get bigger and taller, which surprises him and Damien Kong.

Damien Kong: Mamma Mia!

Mario: *Looks at himself* I-I'm tall!

Princess Peach: And strong.

Mario looks at the normal block in the air and hits it by jumping up which caused it to break.

Jasmine Kong: And you'll be able to jump high.

Mario: Oh, I got this! No problem.

Mario tries to make it through the obstacle by jumping really high, but he got hit, went back to normal and fall in the water.

Damien Kong: What just happened?!

A green pipe appears which summons Mario out of the water.

Jasmine Kong: Yeah, we also forgot to tell you both about Power Ups. *Hits the Question Block again and gives Mario another Super Mushroom*

Princess Peach: Once you get hit, you'll lose your power. *Looks at Damien Kong* Damien Kong, you'll be training with Jasmine Kong for the time being.

Damien Kong: Got it.

The two Kongs went to a different obstacle course, that was harder than what Mario is training.

Jasmine Kong: Alright, Damien. While Mario is training, we're going to do our own training. First of our training is Speed. First one to get to the goal wins. We're even going to use the Power Ups for this.

Damien Kong: Ok. *Looks at a Question Block and taps it which spawns a yellow and orange flower with eyes* What does this do?

Jasmine Kong: Oh! That's my favorite Power-Up! That one is a Fire Flower. When you touch it, you'll be able to summon fire from your hands. Go ahead, touch it.

Damien Kong began to be confused at this but agree with Jasmine Kong. He jumps on top of the floating blocks and touch the Fire Flower. As he touches the Fire Flower, fire started to spread all over his body. His fur became red with white fur around his wrists and leg wrists. His tie, shorts, hat and shirt became white, and his stars became red. The fire around Damien Kong stopped which made Damien Kong have become Fire Damien Kong.

Fire Damien Kong: *Looks at himself in amazement* Whoa... *Tries to summon fire from his hands and it works* Okay, now we're talkin'!

Fire Damien and Jasmine get ready to race as they start to get on platform on a runner stance getting ready.

Jasmine Kong: 3... 2... 1... GO!

Damien quickly ran and Jasmine grip her hands on the platform as she backs up to be ready to be launched. Damien Kong looked back at Jasmine and noticed that she's already moving forward fast by launching herself. Fire Damien look forward and uses his fire abilities to create fire from his hands and hit the blocks and the fake Bowser army. Jasmine uses her elastic powers to make her hands big to hit the fake Koopa Troopas and use their shells to hit the other fake army. The two Kongs starting to enjoy this, but Mario not so much. He tried to get pass the obstacle course again, again and again but he failed. Once he ate a mushroom he threw up, the next day as Princess Peach was asleep Mairo eats the Mushroom to become big and went through the obstacle but this time he's actually doing it. Damien Kong notice this and stop for a minute since there was no enemy in front of him and was happy that Mario got the hang of it.

Fire Damien Kong: Alright, Mario!

Jasmine Kong stops and also noticed this, Princess have finally wake up and saw what was unbelievable. Mario making through the obstacle, punch a fake Bowser and hop from bullet bill to bullet bill and jump to the goal. Damien Kong, Jasmine Kong and Princess Peach was smiling at Mario reaching to the goal, and Mario was smiling back at Peach, but was interrupted by a robot flower that bite him and make him back to normal.

Fire Damien Kong: Oh boy.

Jasmine Kong notices the enemy in front of her, so she makes her right hand big and stretched it forward to hit all the enemies in front and above. Unknown to her, she also hit a Question Block which reveals a yellow balloon with a white lining of the letter P. Jasmine Kong stretched her arm back and heard something pop. As Jasmine Kong got her arm back, she noticed something on her hand and as she opens it reveals the shredded piece of the yellow balloon with the white lining of the letter P, which made her to be surprised at what she did. Damien Kong in his fire form made it to the top and walk to her, to make sure if she was alright.

Fire Damien Kong: Jasmine, are you okay?

Jasmine Kong: I'll be fine, for now. *Holds her stomach as she moaned in sickness* This isn't good...

Fire Damien Kong: Jasmine?

As Damien Kong was about to touch Jasmine, her entire body started to expand quick, causing Damine to be pushed back and to be hit by a block, which caused him to lose the Fire Flower abilities. Damien Kong opens his eyes and saw what was unbelievable, Jasmine's body became completely 15 feet tall and looked round and circular. Jasmine was about to float in the air, but she was able to hold on to the ground with her powers. Unknowing, she realizes that Damien Kong was looking at her in shocked as his jaw was hanging for a while at her form and blushing at this.

P-Balloon Jasmine Kong *Blushes in embarrassment*

Damien Kong: *Blushes at what he saw for a couple of seconds but pull himself together and looks at Princess Peach* Uh, Princess? *Pointed at Jasmine in P-Balloon form* What is this?!

Princess Peach: Oh, she must have popped a Power Balloon or P-Balloon for short. Whoever pops the P-Balloon, they're entire body will inflate for a bit, and they turn into a literal balloon.

Damien Kong began to look at Jasmine for a quick minute and then look at the goal behind her. He begins to think for a second, until he got an idea and looked at Jasmine.

Damien Kong: Jasmine, I may have an idea on how are we going to pass this course, but I need you to trust me, alright?

Jasmine began to nod her head for an agreement of Damien Kong's idea, which he hits a Question Block which shows another Fire Flower and touches to gain his Fire form. He looks at Jasmine and grabs her by her sides, which caused her to blush madly and look at Damien in confusion.

Fire Damien Kong: *Looks at Jasmine* Trust me.

Damien Kong, while he's carrying Jasmine, began to get some distance and was ready to jump until he looks at Jasmine.

Fire Damien Kong: When I jump, you left me up, got it?

Jasmine Kong nodded her head for understanding with Damien's idea and so he began to run on the floating blocks in the middle area of the end, and as he jumped, Jasmine Kong uses her elastic powers to stretch her arms and grab Damien Kong and lift him up on her back.

P-Balloon Jasmine Kong: *Muffled* Now what? 

Fire Damien Kong: This!

Fire Damien Kong uses his fire abilities to put his arms back and then blast a huge amount of fire as an engine from a car to start up, which it's actually working for him and Jasmine to get to the goal quickly. As they got closer, Jasmine uses her ability to stretch her arm and touch the flagpole and Damien Kong jump off of her and touch the top of the flagpole and then slide down like a fire fighter slide down a fire pole in case of an emergency. Damien and Jasmine Kong have finally made it to the end, but there was still one problem, Jasmine was still in her P-Balloon form and Damien Kong have notices this problem as Jasmine use her arms to get down.

Fire Damien Kong: Oh yeah, that. How am I gonna bring you back to normal?

Right before Damien could think of an idea, Jasmine's started to grunt for a bit which catches Damien Kong's attention. Jasmine Kong began to get even bigger which made him afraid that she might explode. Damien Kong began to back up, close his eyes and cover his ears, as Jasmine gets bigger and bigger, which it looks like she was about to pop, but instead it didn't. Damien Kong began to open one eye and look at Jasmine until he heard a hissing sound from Jasmine's mouth. That could only mean that the Power-Up is over and Jasmine is turning back to normal, but unknow to Damien, Jasmine notice this was going to happen to her. As the air hiss from her mouth, she started to fly backwards as started to deflate to her smaller size, which made Damien Kong to look at her as she deflates, but she was too fast which made him to lose her on sight, until she appeared on the left and accidentally crash into him causing Damien Kong to lose his Fire form. As they crash onto the ground, Jasmine deflated the last amount of air out of her mouth and then she was back to normal, but she was dizzy along with Damien Kong.

Damien Kong: *Dizzy* Did anyone get that number of that blimp I hit?

Jasmine Kong: *Dizzy* That's the one part I hate about the P-Balloon.

After a few minutes, we now see the two Kongs sitting on the floating blocks along with Mario and Princess Peach.

Damien Kong: Well, that was fun.

Princess Peach: Yeah, but we have a long journey ahead of us.

Mario: But I didn't make it.

Jasmine Kong: So? Not everyone gets it right anyway.

Damien Kong: Okay then, how many tries have you or the princess did?

Princess Peach: So many. We were not good at it. Worse than you.

Damien Kong: ...You're saying that because you both got it right away, didn't you?

Jasmine Kong: *Scratches her head* Yeah. We got it right away, but Peach grew up here.

Mario: Okay. Now you two just trying to make me feel better.

Princess Peach: No! No. I-Is it working?

Damien Kong: A little. Yeah.

As they began to look at the sunset, Jasmine had placed her head onto Damien's shoulder as she closed her eyes. Damien Kong notices this and blushes at this moment and look at Mario and Princess Peach who is smirking at him.

Damien Kong: What?

Mario and Princess Peach: Nothing.

At far beyond the Dark Lands, we get a massive floating platform filled with lava and a massive castle traveled across the kingdom. Inside were hundreds of guards, living mushroom people, living turtles that act like humanoids, those who have wings, giant plants with mouths and sharp teeth and even more monsters. Atop of the throne, the King of the Koopas, also known as Bowser, watched as the Koopas of the stage played full metal music. He began to stand up from his seat as a spotlight shined on him.

Bowser: MY ARMY! Koopas! *The Koopas salute to their King* Goombas! *Nodded their heads* Whatever those things are! *Spike Shells looked down in sadness* After years of searching for the Super Star, it is finally ours! And now, the most powerful turtle in the world! *Everyone cheered* Soon we will arrive at the Mushroom Kingdom! For after years of being sworn enemies, I will ask their princess to marry me in a fairy tale wedding!

Everyone seemed to have stopped their music and stared at their king. All of them seemed confused at what he said.

Koopa Troopa 1: Yeah...

Koopa Troopa 2: Did he say married, the princess?

Koopa Troopa 3: Doesn't she hate you?

Bowser: Of course, she hates me! But that makes me lover her all the more.

Bowser: Her heart-shaped bangs.

Bowser: The way she floats in the breeze.

Bowser: Her immovable tiara.

Bowser: Once she sees this star, oh-ho-ho-ho, Wedding bells!

Koopa Troopa 4: What if she says no? *Gets burned by Bowser and become a skeleton*

Bowser: THEN I'LL WILL POWER UP WITH THIS STAR AND DESTROY THE MUSHROOM KINGDOM!! *The army cheers for his idea if the princess says no and the music continues to play* Prepare yourselves for the best wedding ever. IT'S GONNA ROCK!

In the other area of the Dark Lands, Luigi has been captured by the small red mask people, having to be tied up and gets inside of a blimp. As they got into the blimp and to be left up, Luigi looked at the fortress and have a flashback of a fortress being built by him as a baby. Just as he was finishing it, a blonde kid took a small flag from him, make raspberry noises, and kicks his fortress causing Luigi to fall and the kid to laugh at him until a baby version of Mario and Damien Kong came by and kick the kid to the ground as Damien Kong grabbed the flag from the kid's hand and gave it back to Luigi. The blonde bully gets up and run away from them as Mario and Damien Kong look at Luigi who is sad a little bit, but Damien Kong walks up to him and carries him on his back and talk to him.

Baby Damien Kong: Don't worry Luigi. DK and Mario will take care of you. I promise.

As Luigi smiled, we get back to see Luigi as he is now, and looked forward to where he is going. And that is Bowser's castle.

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