The Whiskey Journals

Por VictoriaMckinnon

178 16 56

What if...we met somewhere else, anywhere else? Drake asked her... This is the story behind that question, A... Más

Chapter 1 The Meeting
Chapter 2: Dancing with Fate
Chapter 4 Derby Day, Part 2
Chapter 5: Lythikos
Chapter 6: Star gazing
Chapter 7: Seas, knots and hearts...oh my...
Chapter 8: The Forgotten Falls
Chapter 9: The Applewood Incident, Part 1
Chapter 10: The Applewood Incident, Part 2
Chapter 11 The Beaumont Bash
Chapter 12: The Beaumont Bash Continues
Chapter 13: The Beginning or the End

Chapter 3: Derby Day, part one...

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Por VictoriaMckinnon

Victoria tried to keep pace with Maxwell. She couldn't take her eyes off of Liam. "I guess this is it... I am going to talk to a Prince...and say hello to ..his father...a King..."
Maxwell smiled lightly, "Hey..." he faced her as they were still people in front of them, "Look up there...It's Liam, all that other's just a title, Victoria."
"Just a title? I mean a table for rowdy men after work is one thing but I ...I don't-"
"Victoria," he said softly, "This is why I sponsored you. He needs one person that will see him for him not for his family, not for his crown...just for him. I really think you can do that. Hell, you already have. So" he said, "I am going to present you to King Constantine first. You'll want to make a good first impression on him, so he'll consider you a worth match. Then you'll get your chance to to talk to Liam."

As they walked toward the raised dais, her feet became more sturdy.
"Your Royal Highness, may I present Lady Victoria McKinnon?"
"Of course...." he said, looking at her. Victoria suddenly threw Olivia's advice out the window and curtsied. Thank God for her Aunt's private schooling for her. She never thought it would come in handy. "Your Highness."
"It's a pleasure to meet the suitor Lord Maxwell's house has chosen. I hope you enjoy your time in Cordonia."
"Thank you."
She shivered as Maxwell escorted her away to stand in another line. "Lord Maxwell, huh?"
"That's my title. You could refer to His Lordship, Master of dance if you want..but only when no one else is around. Until then, it would have to be His Lordship..or you know, just Maxwell."
"I like you better as Maxwell."
"Time to look sharp...time to shine." he moved aside, letting her step up alone.

Whoa, he looked really really good...Grey suited him.....
"Hello. You'll have to forgive me, but I don't think we've met."
"Oh? We've actually met once before."
"Surely, I would have remembered..."
She grinned, "I suppose this mask is doing it's job."
"Can you give me another hint?"
"We met..recently and you were surrounded by your men."
"That's not much of a clue..may I have another?"
"I had to call in a few favors but we managed to do one thing you really wanted that night..."
His eyes widened, a smile flashed on his face. "Victoria? I never thought I would see you again."
"So, this is a good surprise I hope?"
"The best, actually.But how did you get here?"
"Maxwell and his brother are sponsoring me for the season."
"For the season? You're here for the entire season?"
"I am, Liam." she watched the wonder in his eyes and softened a bit more. "Any advice for me?"
"Don't let the other ladies intimidate you. Most of them are actually very nice but they can be..."
"Competitive?" she grinned, at him.
"Exactly but you can't really blame them. That's the whole reason for this after all. The entire series of events is set up not to just me time with my potential matches, but also to give my parents, the council and the people of Cordonia time to get to know the future queen. From now on, everyone will be watching you, Victoria."
"I'll admit, it sounds a little scary but I'd like a chance like all these other ladies, there is more to me than you first think. I know I am suppose to move on for the lady that will be behind me but I need to know, how are you holding up?"
"At a time like this, you're asking about me? That means a lot to me, really. The whole thing is a lot of pressure but I knew what I was getting into. The princes of Cordonia can only have so much say over who they marry and I understand why." Liam watched another lady come up behind her, "Sorry our time is up."
"Of course."
"Perhaps you can save a dance for me and we can talk more then."

She turned, walked to Maxwell who was grinning like the chesire cat. "Liam looked really happy to see you."
"Yes but it's so different here and he looked like he was under so much pressure even while we talked."
"Remember, my brother and I want you to win this thing. We'll help you."
"Right." she said, thinking of Drake suddenly..thinking of the wrong man definitely at the wrong time...again. She took a deep breath, "So what's next?"
"For now , it'd be a good start to get to know the other courtly ladies."
"oh, that sounds fun..." she said unenthusiastically, "fun."
"They're your competition but you might be able to make some of them your allies. Bertrand and I are going to be helpful but the more people you can get on your side the better."
"I'm on it." she moved was following most of the suitors out on the grounds underneath the sky.

In one group, was Hana, Olivia and a few other ladies. As she approached, she couldn't help but over hear some of them.
"Who was that new lady? What duchy does she represent?" asked the slim lady in arnate blue and gold mask, "I can't say I remember."
"I already have some one on it. By tomorrow I will know what her favorite color along with everything else."
"Do you think she has a dogs? Oh I hope she has a poodle, we could-"
Victoria smiled as Olivia looked up to find them caught.

"Victoria, you were awfully familiar with the Prince. You didn't say you knew him."
"Well you didn't say you were his keeper..but to answer your question, It's none of your business how he and I know each other. "
"Oh, but it is my business. Everything that has to do with Prince Liam is my business. After all, I'll likely be his queen when this competition is over."
Victoria grabbed a glass off the bar, coolly turned to her with a cold look. "We'll see, won't we?"
Olivia glared at her, "Whatever happened between the two of you..wherever it happened. You should know that when it comes to you being chosen by Liam , you don't stand a chance. Not with him or anyone here for that matter. You might've been able to capture his attention when it was just the two of you, but you can't keep up with the ladies here."
"We're from the finest families in Europe and we've been preparing and training our whole lives to marry a Prince. You can't just waltz in here at the last second and steal him from us. You aren't even European. You're...American."
Victoria shook her head. "You know what everyone's mistake with me, is Olive?" she moved closer, "They always underestimate me.."
Olivia growled, "That's Lady Olivia to you. And I will have you know that Kiara here is the daughter of a diplomat and fluent in ten languages."
Kiara was in this beautiful black and gold dress, with matching mask..."Le Prince va tomber amoureux do moi" Victoria raised her eyebrows, so she thought the Prince would fall in love with her huh?
"Bonne chance à vous lady Kiara ne le dites pas à Lady Olivia." she replied trying to do what Maxwell said, which is why she was out here and not behind a bar listening to these ladies whine as they would usually do. She thought to herself, Yeah, I'd be more comfortable behind a bar than having to pretend I like Olivia.
"Penelope can track her lineage back through six hundred years of royalty."
she smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"It's an honor to represent my people here."
"Even Hana's been training to learn the courtly graces of conversation and seduction."
"Uh, thanks?" Hana said looking unsure how to take that...
"But" Penelope said, "If anyone's got the inside track with Prince Liam, its you Olivia. You've known him his entire life."
Olivia smiled, "It's true. We grew up at the palace together as childhood friends...Before his older brother abdicated, it was assumed Liam and I would be married one day. I've got intention of losing him to one of you harpies. No offense."
Victoria watched it all with a smirk, "I can't believe these ladies let you talk like this."
"She's only stating facts." Penelope said, "There's no point in being emotional about it."
Kiara stepped up, "We all knew what we were getting ourselves into when we came here, Victoria. Didn't you?"
"Oh, Don't worry Ladies" Olivia interrupted, "I'm sure little Victoria will learn her place here, eventually. Or else I'll make her life a living hell."
"And just, what exactly, do you think my place is here?"
"oh, somewhere below Penelope and Kiara but you know what? Probably above Hana. Though, I mean, I'm surprised Hana's here at all given what I heard about her last attempt at an engagement."
Hana gasped, "Olivia!"
"Well, we all know that your family will throw you at any available bachelor as long as it means you can climb another run on the social ladder...But honestly, I think it's a bit much to expect that Prince Liam is going to accept damaged goods."
Victoria watched the hurt and the shame pass Hana's face before she spoke up. "I...I need to...excuse me." she moved to walk away when Victoria caught her. "Hana, wait..I'll go with you."
"That's awfully sweet, but I'll be fine." After Hana left, Olivia shook her head. "Girls like her shouldn't bother being here if they can't handle the truth..."
"Olive..." she said with a smirk watching the fury on Olivia's face.."Lady Olivia..if he chooses you I'd be surprised."
"Why's that?"
"You're acting like a child, not a queen. If this is how you behave, I' wouldn't trust you with childproof scissors, let alone a kingdom."
"I... You can't...."
"I . Just. Did. Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to enjoy my drink. Alone."

She walked back into the palace steaming mad when she found Maxwell popping into her line of vision. "There you are! Did you..oh, you look...upset."
"That's one word for it." she sighed, "What did I miss?"
"Well you almost missed the last dance and I think, you and Liam deserve this one."
"He did ask me to save him a dance..and last dance would make a statement..." she nodded, "I'll take care of it." As she made her way over to Liam she realized she hadn't seen Drake since her entrance...she shook it off and walked up to Liam who was talking to Penelope.
"Excuse me, Liam I believe this is my dance."
"Of course Lady Victoria. Thank you for reminding me." He turned to Penelope, "Unfortunately, I had a prior commitment..."
"Of course." she turned walking away as Liam turned to Victoria. "Thank you for extracting me from that conversation. It was proving difficult to escape."
"Happy to help" she said as he escorted her to the dance floor. She realized she might not know the moves of this particular dance. "I might need you to lead as I am not sure I know the moves to this waltz."
With Liam's strong arms around her, they glided along matching each other's movements. "you're an amazing dancer."
"My parents would be thrilled all those lessons have paid off." he chuckled, "You seem to have picked it up pretty quickly."
"I had a few classes myself." she said to him with an easy smile.
"Well I am glad we got a moment alone." he said, "I was hoping for the chance to dance with you all night."
"Well, relatively alone. There is only about a hundred or so people watching us right now."
"Unfortunately, its about as much privacy as we might expect...Though, I do have a trick up my sleeve."

He guided her across the ballroom and out a set of french doors to an unoccupied balcony. He smiled at her, "We can get a little more privacy out here at least."
She laughed softly and Liam found he liked that sound, a lot. He watched her move to the edge of it. She glanced at the maze and then back at him. "Quite a view." she said looking back out at the garden and maze before her but him? His eyes were on her, "Yes." he said quietly, "It is a quite a view." he moved closer to her, aching to touch her..."So tell me, are you being taken care of here?"
"Of course. Maxwell arranged a room for me close to his and his brother, though I have yet to meet the elder Beaumont."
"Ah, the Duke. Yes...he's..different from Maxwell. More Serious. But their house has an excellent reputation,mostly due to him."
"Perhaps." she said, "I just get the feeling maybe too many people underestimate Maxwell."
"What about Cordonia? What do you think of my home so far?"
"It's lovely, Liam. From what I have seen so far, I think its breathtaking."
"That is good to know. I mean, I'd hope that you would have loved Cordonia as much as me."
"So you imagined me being here?" she asked, realizing what he just admitted to her. That is when she realized he was closer, very much closer. He leaned his head toward hers, his whispers skating against her skin. "Very much so. You've taken up too many thoughts in my head since we met back in New York." His hands pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I mean, it'd a shame that the Queen was found out to not really like the country she married into." He bent his head to hers and quickly captured her lips, his tongue swiping across hers..nibbling on it before pulling back. "God I have wanted to do that since I realized it was you tonight." he whispered
"Liam I -" said as she started to confess her and Drake's connection but they were startled by some loud staff inside and he pulled a safe distance away. "Well I can't say that I am going to be Queen of course but it is a lovely country, Liam."
"Like I said," he said, "Given our recent history-"
"What happened?"
"My mother died when I was small. My older brother's mother, couldn't take the pressure of the title and left Cordonia."
"The current queen?"
"Isn't my mother but she loves my father and Cordonia, and is a lovely person. Instability in a country is the worse thing possible. Weakened currency, a rise in crime, a drop in tourism..all because of the lives of the rulers."
"So that is why you care so much about finding the right queen."
"Exactly, I can't follow my heart..." his eyes met hers, "As much as I might want to." he moved closer to her, leading into a shadowy part of the balcony. "As much as I desperately might want to.."
She swallowed. She could do this...he wasn't Drake..."What would you do if you desperately want to?"

He pressed her close, bringing her leg up to press against him. He bent his head as his other hand held her hands together at the wrists and he started planting kisses gentle and easy on her neck at first.

The ball room went into the last swell from the waltz as she inwardly sighed..he was clearly into her and she just dodged a bullet. She smiled at him. "Why don't you tell me about a happy memory here."
"As the lady wishes. One summer when I was only eight, my father decided to throw me into the rigors of governing. He made me sit through hours of meetings for three weeks straight."
"But you were eight!"
"Royal training starts as soon as you can talk and walk. So finally I couldn't take another minute and decided to liberate myself. Drake and I stole a monster supply of chocolate from the kitchen and we hid out in the gardens. We spent the evening making up games in the garden maze...our best was maze tag." he pointed over his shoulder , "You can see the entrance just there.."
"Let me guess? You played tag in the maze?"
"You've got it. Not our most clever game but whoever was it had to run after the other person in the maze. You lost if you were it by the time the other person got to the center. Finally after playing for house, we realized how dark it was and refused to go back. We climbed up a tree vowing to live out there and become kitchen off our bounty forever. We fell asleep in that tree, and I only woke up when I fell off the branch and landed flat on my back, swearing up a storm." he shrugged, "I hope this doesn't ruin your image of me as a proper prince..."
"No" she smiled, "Sounds like you took a minute to just be a little was a sweet story but I am more surprised you know any swear words."
"Maybe in front of you..."
"Well I want to meet the Liam that plays hookie and sleep in trees."
"I haven't been him in a long time. I miss those summers. I am afraid those days are behind me."
"Then make moments to reinvent that version of yourself." she said to him, "You can't be a public figure all the time, take time to be Liam...cause I think he is pretty amazing." the next swell of the waltz, he guided her to the ballroom to finish their dance with an audience. "Tomorrow should be very busy but I should be able to see you for a little bit..."
"I'll look forward to it then, Liam."
** ** **
Back in her room she had just slipped into her pajama's and threw her robe on as she heard a knock on the door. "Maxwell, hey!"
"I know it's late but there is someone you should meet." he moved out of the way when the older sterner looking man she assumed was his brother was standing there. "Bertrand" he said, "This is Victoria...what did I tell you?! I did good huh?"
"This is the girl you've chosen to represent our house and an American no less?"
She sighed, "I have some Cordonian blood in me...a friend is helping with that...but -"
"Let's hope so. It might make our job easier if you do.."
"Hey!" she said, "Ever heard of Grace Kelly, Bertrand?"
"Oh, look at her...I'm impressed, there might a chance yet. Although, I am to be addressed as Your Grace.."
"Maxwell didn't mention you have a stick up your-"
Maxwell's eyes went wide as he interrupted her, "I mean...did you see the chemistry between-Oh that's right you missed that part .."
"Maxwell," Bertrand said, rubbing his nose, "Can I speak to you outside? In Private?"
A few minutes later the door opened and they came back in. "Sorry to leave you alone, my dear but I had some important matters to discuss with my brother. While Maxwell's been traipsing around with the Prince, I've been back here doing the real work of running our house and estate. And that is where you come in."
"Oh? Cause I think running a distillery is a bit different from a courtly estate."
"A distillery? Good'd be a better match for Drake then the Prince..." he muttered and Victoria sputtered trying not to stare with an open mouth... "Perhaps Maxwell didn't full explain this to you but if our house puts forth the Prince's choice we'll win fame and recognition..."
"Liam already said your house was highly recognized, Your Grace."
"But this type of recognition can come in monetary form."
"Something" Maxwell said, "We could really use right now cause , actually, we're kind of broke."
"Maxwell, you overstep!" Bertrand said, glowering...
"You're broke? There is no shame in being broke. I've been broke plenty of times."
"Thanks Victoria." Maxwell said sighing.
"Well," Bertrand said, "It's entirely different for us."
"So if Liam picks me you get money?"
"No, not directly..but we can leverage the prestige to great effect. It would be best to get that leverage before the others find out our situation. In the circles we run in, if word got out of our financial ruin, it would be a scandal."
"But our name is still worth something in Cordonia. At least this way we can introduce you to the right people, get you invitations to the right events. It's the least we can do. I just wish we could do more."
"Speaking of which, have you prepared for tomorrow's event?"
"what event?"
"That's the Derby."
Bertrand cast her a long look, "You do what a Derby is, right?"
She threw him a cold look. "I'm from New York. The New York Derby is held at the Finger Lakes Racetrack in Farmington, New York and is restricted to three year old of either gender bred in New York . It is run at a mile and one/ sixteenth on the dirt and currently offers a purse of 150,000."

she crossed her arms, raising her eyebrow to match his raised eyebrow. He grunted, "Very well but it's a bit different here and a fair grander affair I dare say."
"Anyways, everyone will be scoring you on how you act, what you are wearing-"
"We're a monarchy," Maxwell explained, "But we serve the people. You'll need their approval if you're going to become queen."
"Speaking of which you should consider your attire for tomorrow. The Queen will be present at the Derby and the right outfit will go a long way to improving your relationship with her."
"What styles does she like?"
"A Derby look that's modern."
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you."
"I've made an appointment for you at the boutique for in the morning already..."
"We'll speak more tomorrow right before we head out for the derby. Good night."
As she settled down she checked her messages...nothing from Drake..she sighed, a piece of her heart breaking off...
** ** **
The night morning, she entered the dress boutique that let's be real would be the size of a Target not that one noble here would know what that was...but Olivia was already in there already finishing up. "Oh, I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you'd have gone home by now. I mean, surely you've realize that you don't have a chance at winning."
Victoria smirked, "I don't know about winning if I have to dress like..." she motioned toward Olivia..."You.."
"What's wrong with my outfit?"
"It looks like a an aqua ice cone topped with a bird? In your hair..."
"Pfst, what you do know."
"Oh don't worry about that. I know plenty."
"Like what?"
"Like I know who Liam closed the ball out with..and what they did."
Olivia stopped, narrowly her eyes at Victoria. Victoria smirked, "You can't intimidate me, Olivia."
"They say chickens are too stupid to know when they're being led to slaughter." she grinned, "I can't wait to see what you wear to the Derby. Anything less than runway couture, and the press is going to walk right past you. I mean, do they even have derby's where you are from."
Victoria was browsing the racks and frowned, "Google it, Olivia I do not have the time to explain American Culture to someone unwilling to be fair about this whole process."
She shook her head as Olivia left in a huff and Hana walked in as she continued looking through the left over dresses. "Oh, Hello Victoria."
"Hi Hana! You look lovely!"
"Oh this old thing? It is one of my go to dresses. I just can't part with it."
"You shouldn't, its lovely. But I don't think you tracked me down to exchange good mornings."
"I did not. I have a ...friend that is going to help us with running the dna from your hair and the family information you have given about your grandmother. Hopefully we will have a solid lead and impress the Queen with proof that you have Cordonian blood."
"Is it that important to her?"
"Yes...she doesn't approve easily of someone not Cordonian. But with you, I am sure she can be convinced. Here" she said, "Try this."
It was more modern take for the derby that looked smashing. "That is sure to impress the Queen." she said, taking her arm, "Lets go. I'll walk out with you."

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