Chapter 4 Derby Day, Part 2

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Not long after, she found herself in her room with Maxwell giving her tips on how to conduct herself. "So let's review. At the lawn picnic, you'll have to eat with perfect civility..."
"I've got this Maxwell. I won't stuff my mouth, pick my teeth or stab Drake with a matter how tempting that last one might be."
"Wait..." he grinned, "Why would you want to , you know , never mind."
"Good idea. Well, onto the next subject since Bertrand wants me to review everything with you. Speaking of which , how should you address Bertrand?"
"Duke Grumpy Ass."
Maxwell bit his lip, "Try again."
"Duke Stick up his as-"
Maxwell cleared his throat, cutting her off. "Try one more time? Nicely?"
"Duke of No Rhythm among men."
Maxwell paused, "That is ...not officially right but between us, he really does have rhythm he just-"
Suddenly the door opened as Bertrand walked through. "Maxwell, how's progress?"
"As planned! Victoria and I were just about review her entrance to the Derby and how to get out of the car without flashing the press..."
"Adjust skirts before moving and keep your knees and feet together while swiveling out."
Bertrand shook his head, "Anyone who can run a Internet search can spout off that kind of protocol. We're asking you to be a lady." he sighed, "Maxwell, I hope you don't mind if I take the liberty of testing Victoria myself."
Maxwell, Victoria had learned was a master of the neutral face. "Pretty sure it doesn't actually matter whether or not I mind..."
"Indeed." Then Bertrand turned to Victoria, walking over to her. "Let's pretend I'm meeting you for the first time. Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Victoria McKinnon."
"The pleasure is all mine, Duke Ramsford." She gave him a curtsy and he took her hand with his right hand and kissed the back of it. "Now what did I do wrong?"
"You used the wrong hand. You should have taken my hand with your left hand. Otherwise, it's an insult."
Maxwell's eyes widened then he flashed a smile. "Great job." he didn't actually go over that yet with her but he knew she was full of surprises.
"Don't get too confident. Remember you are only one move from a making you and us complete fools and the start of a scandal. Anyways, the real reason I have came was to inform you that our limo awaits to take us to Honeyhill Downs."

Inside the limo, they were moving along to the track..literally Maxwell had music thumping until Bertrand turned it off. "Now, as we mentioned earlier, how you come across to the Cordonian People is very important, and the press can make or break you. What the press writes, the people read. If the people love you, then it'll be easy to convince them you deserve their prince."
"So you have to got to impress the press, so to speak. You'll be surrounded by them as soon as we pull up to the Downs."
"All right, so what kind of questions should I be expecting?"
"It'll depend on who is giving the interview. They'll start with easy questions, asking you who you are, where you're from, that sort of thing."
"Okay, so background story." she nodded
"People want to understand your story think about you want them to see you." Maxwell said, "Then the questions will be harder."
"True" Bertrand said, "I don't know what they'll ask but-"
"Be myself?"
"Heavens no!" exclaimed Bertrand, Be a future queen who loves Cordonia and acts with grace and Poise. And for the love of King and Country, if they ask about Cordonian apples make sure you take the question seriously."
"They are really good apples." she said, "My brother has been trying to get an orchard to send him -"
"Why?" asked Maxwell
"Because of the.." she stopped glancing at Bertrand, "the family business...Whisky. Bourbon. 250 years of it."
"Oh yeah" Maxwell said, "Wow, I think you were right Bertrand...she really does start to sound like Drake's ideal girl."
"Enough about Drake. This is seriously so please take it seriously! Cordonian Apples are our national fruit and one of our most important exports."
"Do you? How confident are you feeling about this?"
"Bertrand, I promise I am not going to embarrass you. It's gonna be a piece of cake."
The limo stopped where ladies and gentlemen were wearing bright colors and big hats through a throng of press reporters jockeying for interviews behind a line of velvet stanchions.
"Wow..this is it.."
"This is your stop milady." Maxwell opened the door for her and she bulked. "You aren't coming?"
"No. We don't need to be interviewed." Bertrand said in his very matter of fact way, "Okay so after the interviews where do I go?"
"The ladies vying for Liam's hand have their own section. Just continue down the red carpet, find the pink tents and you'll be fine."

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