By Obaloluwa02

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Boboiboy and his friends get trapped in an Alternate Universe. They meet an unexpected person there. They hav... More

Chapter 1: An Unknown World 🌎
Chapter 3: Entrance into UA High School
Chapter 4: Boboiboy and friends meet Class 1A
Chapter 5: Preparations for the Sports Festival
Special Chapter: Meeting Admiral Mechamato
Chapter 6: UA Sports Festival Arc; Part 1: Obstacle Course.
Chapter 7: UA Sports Festival Arc; Part 2: Cavalry Battle
Chapter 8: UA Sports Festival Arc; Part 3: Tournament of Power I
Chapter 9: Sports Festival; Part 3: Tournament of Power II
Extra Chapter: Introducing the groups
Chapter 10: Hero Names
Chapter 11: Internships: Part 1
Chapter 12: Internships: Part 2
Chapter 13: Testing the Students' Improvement.
Chapter 14: Preparation for the Final Exams
Chapter 15: Final Exams
Chapter 16: Going shopping with the whole class
My Hero Academia: Two Heroes; Part 1
Sorry, guys

Chapter 2: Adapting...

2.7K 58 45
By Obaloluwa02

Narrator POV

     "SEVEN?!!", "How is that even possible?! That's a freakin' heavenly level power." The Detective said as he stood up in shock, trying to make sure his ears and brain had not blown a fuse or short-circuit.

     "And you will be shocked if we say he has 2nd tier which is billions of times stronger than 1st tier. 3rd tier is trillions of times stronger than 2nd tier. He can split into 7 and can fuse his elements into stronger entities." Fang said.

     "Your friend is way too friggin' OP!" The Detective commented as if he was about to receive a heart attack. He slumped back on his chair and asked, "What is his quirk's downside?" "Well, it used to be that he needs to take 3-5 secs before transformation into another element but he realised recently that he could use 50% of his 1st tier form's power in base form." Yaya answered.

     "So you're saying he doesn't have a weakness?" The Detective asked.

     Yaya hesitated to tell him but Fang reassured her that the Detective was trustable, "His weakness is in the area of stamina. If he fuses his 2nd tier elements for a long time or more than an hour, afterwards he falls into a coma of 1-5 days. But if he uses them normally without fusing, his stamina doesn't drain. It used to drain his energy but it doesn't drain it now. Besides, he has a serious problem with amnesia. If he uses his split for too long, he forgets his memories."

     "How old are you guys?" The Detective asked.

     "I'm 15, Ying's 14, Yaya's 15, Bbb's also 15, and Gopal is 16." Fang answered for all of them. "Legally." Ying added. "Yeah, Legally." Fang agreed.

     "What do you mean by legally?" The Detective asked. "Well that's another story for another day." Ying said.

     The investigation went on and on. There was one particular question he asked them. "When you said your place of origin is 'Pulau Rintis', about that...there is no such place in our world map." He asked. "Then that means our hypothesis was correct." Fang remarked, a bit pleased with himself." "Yeah..." Yaya agreed. "So you're saying this is another world?!! Huhuhuhuhuuu..." Gopal whined. "What do you mean by another world?" The Detective asked. They shot a glare at Gopal. 'It's amazing how Gopal manages to blurts all our secrets out.' Fang thought. "Okay, so let's make this easy to take in. For some reason we don't know, we somehow found our way here, and we weren't familiar with anything and we somehow got information that a Quirk is another name for a special ability or super power. So we just named our powers, Quirks." Ying explained.

     The Detective was a bit shocked, as he had never heard a case like this. He was a bit stressed from hearing a lot of strange information, just in a day. 'These children will be really hard to manage', he concluded.

     The Detective let them off the hook and told them that they broke a law here by using their quirks without a hero license. The KKTG wanted to apologise, but were interrupted by a knock on the door. The Detective gave the permission to enter. A blond man entered through the door.

     "Who is this?" The KKTG asked.The Detective and the other man were startled as if that was an unusual question. "You don't know who I am?! I'M PRESENT MIC!!!" We sweatdropped and thought, 'Why couldn't you just say it quietly?" The Detective shook his head and faced them again. He introduced the blond man as their temporary guardian. He said, "This is Mr. Yamada. He is going to be your guardian until your real guardian comes to pick you up."

     "Thank you Mr. Yamada!" They all said simultaneously.

     Present Mic led the children out of the police station. He drove them to his house. When they got there, Present Mic said, "It might not be that big little listeners, but try to enjoy yourselves here."

     "Thank you sir", they said, grateful.  "No problem." Present Mic replied, with a wide grin.

Boboiboy POV

     I just woke up to see myself in a place where all was white. I looks around so drips being attached to my body, some other medical equipments were there. That's when I realised that I was in a hospital.'When last have I been in a hospital?' I thought.

     I removed the syringes attached to me. "Ouch", I whined. The next thing I did was to look for my watch and hat. When I didn't see them, I started panicking. Someone opened the door shortly after I realised my watch was missing. When I saw it was a nurse, I calmed down a bit.

     I asked where my watch and hat were. She said my friends took it. I got paranoid about it so I asked her to describe them. She said, "One was with a dark purple and black outfit and had violet hair, while one had a pink outfit throughout with brown hair although she covers it with an hijab and another one was with the blue and yellow outfit. Well the last one was a bit chubby with the red and white headband and a green and yellow shirt." I calmed down as I just realised she just described Fang, Yaya, Ying and Gopal respectively.

     The nurse asked me why I removed the syringes of the drips. I answered her that I've been through worse and recovered without medical attention. I shouldn't have said that because I think I traumatised the nurse 'cause before she left the room, she screamed just from seeing her shadow (I know right?). Well I didn't mean to do that. After some minutes, I wanted to rest again 'cause I saw the time was 10:58 PM; but then someone who was disguised with a cloak (Which was overshadowing his face BTW), came into my hospital room and dropped a box with a note. It said,'I will meet you again Boboiboy. Very soon.'

     I didn't complete it 'cause I was curious who the mysterious person was, so I ran after him but so no one in the hallway I returned to my room and continued reading note which wrote, 'I am someone you know very well. Good luck.' I switched off the and told myself that I'll be opening the cardboard box tomorrow.

Narrator POV

     Some days passed and Boboiboy got better and better fast (Our boy is fast in recovering). Gopal was having hell learning a new language (Yeah, I know he could adapt to a mop alien's language quickly but learning and writing Japanese could be pretty hectic).

     Fang, Gopal, Ying and Yaya woke up and went downstairs. Yaya, Fang and Ying went straight to the kitchen while Gopal whipped out his phone and started playing his video games.

     Yaya started looking for some ingredients when Fang and Ying saw her doing that, they inwardly thanked God that there were no ingredients to make her cookies. When she saw there were no ingredients to make her cookies she sighed and made Sushi instead which everyone enjoyed (I wonder why she's good at cooking up other foods) but not cookies.

      Present Mic had woken up and gotten prepared to go to the hospital earlier 'cause he received a call.

     There was a knock on the door so Fang went to answer it. He opens the door to see Present Mic there.

     "Oh, a very good morning sir... When did you leave Mr. Yamada?" Fang asked.

     "What's up little listener? I received a call from the hospital and they told me your friend was awake." By this time, the others had joined Fang.

     "Wait, Bbb's awake?!" Gopal asked. He was looking forward to seeing Boboiboy again 'cause he was having a rough time. "Oi, what'd you hear me say little listener? Now-" Present Mic said but was cut off by an excited Gopal.

     "Yes! Bye...!" Gopal bid them farewell as he got his act together and managed to change a normal plank of wood by the sidewalk into a hoverboard and dashed to the hospital at incredible speed.

     "Did he really miss Boboiboy that much?" Ying asked. "I don't wanna know." Fang remarked.

     Yaya didn't even wait to talk. She just dashed at supersonic speed to the hospital. Fang and Ying followed.

     "Wait little listeners! I haven't said all that I want to say yet!!" Present Mic said.

     But by that time Gopal, Fang, Yaya and Ying had been long gone.

     Present Mic was shocked and then he sighed,"Principal Nezu will just have to go to the hospital, huh?"

Boboiboy POV

     I was eating the doughnuts that were from the box and staring at the paper as I was thinking who could have sent this when the door opened with Fang, Yaya, Ying, and Gopal coming through it. Gopal pounced on me and said in between tears, "Boboiboy, I've missed you! Fang and Yaya have been forcing me to learn Japanese although I understand a bit now."

     I sweatdropped as I mentally asked why someone would be crying about something that helped them. "Get off him idiot." Fang said.

     "Oh, hi Fang." I greeted. How are you doing Boboiboy?" Fang asked. "I'm okay." I replied. "Are you okay Boboiboy?" Yaya asked as she sat on the bed, beside me. "Y-Yeah, I'm good." I stammered. 'I love her!' I thought.

     "How's it going Boboiboy?" Ying asked.  "I'm doing well. You guys care way too much. And when it's only us, let's speak in our native Malaysian, okay?" I told them.

     Yaya came closer and said, ~Of course we would care. You get injured way too much!~ She scolded me.

     The doctor came inside and asked me a question in Japanese, I understood and answered him. Gopal the cry baby, pouted, ~Boboiboy, you understood Japanese and you never told me?!~ I palm faced and answered, ~Of all the Japanese anime that I usually watch with subtitles and ask you to watch with me, which one did you watch with me? You told me you were always busy, so you can't say it's my fault. Anyways where's my watch and hat?~ Fang gave them to me. Then he said, ~So guys, there's this school for training heroes. I'm thinking we should register under it. We wanna become stronger right? Although I doubt anyone can come close to our power level. And about the school fees...~

     ~I think we should go to the school since we have nothing else to be doing here. And we can worry about the school fees later.~ I gave my opinion. ~I agree with Boboiboy.~ Yaya and Ying said simultaneously.

     Gopal saw the box of doughnuts and pounced on it instead of giving his mind on the matter. 'Of course he'll do that.' I thought (I was eating five doughnuts a day so I hadn't finished it yet. The amount of doughnuts was 50 and it was only six days that passed before my friends came to visit me). ~Leave it alone idiot! That's Boboiboy's snack!~ Ying said this time.

     A blonde man came through the door and said, "Little listeners you don't just go running off like that. I had someone who wanted to see you."

     "Oh Mr. Yamada! Ummm... Sorry..." Ying apologised. "No need, I brought him here." The person they named as Mr Yamada said. I figured he was a temporary guardian.

     An animal stepped through the door and Present Mic introduced him as Principal Nezu of UA high school. The animal which looked like a rat/ dog/ bear started talking. We didn't hear a word he said 'cause what was in our minds was, "Is it just me or is that a talking animal?" When the 'Principal' realised we weren't listening, he asked, "You guys are probably wondering how an animal can talk, right?" We all (except Gopal who was eating my doughnuts) nodded vigorously.

     "A long time ago a Quirk somehow ended up getting to an animal without anyone really knowing how. Humans experimented on it but still could not find anything. That animals name is Nezu and his Quirk is High Spec. That's why he's smart enough to talk; That animal is me!" The Principal said. We all sweatdropped but then he went straight to the important part and asked, "Do you guys want to enter UA?" We agreed because there was nothing else we could do while in this dimension. Besides Fang already told us there was a high school for training heroes before Present Mic and the Principal came along. But then we asked who will pay our fees and the Principal smiled as he said, "Don't worry, a certain someone who called himself your guardian already paid for you and gave you guys a mansion to live in and a golden credit card. Here's the address of the house and the credit card." He said, giving it to us. I winked at Fang and said, "Miracles happen..." He looked away, but I could clearly see he was smirking

     I was discharged from the hospital since the doctor couldn't find anything else wrong with me. When I was discharged we went straight to the house the Principal told us about after saying goodbye to him and Present Mic.

     "Don't get lost little listeners!" Present Mic said, as we got into a taxi.

     "We won't!" We replied.

     "Those are great kids." I heard Present Mic say as the taxi we were in was driving away.

     "They will definitely be great heroes in the future." The Principal answered.

     As I heard this, I smiled to myself. 'No Mr. Principal, we're already heroes...'

Narrator's POV

     The mansion was a sight to behold. It was simply elegant... And it was way too big for only the five friends (The Kokotiam Gang or KKTG).

     The password was, 'What's your leader's surname?' ~Who's our leader?~ Ying asked. ~Boboiboy's our leader, right?~ Gopal asked. ~I think so.~ Yaya answered.

     Fang raised an eyebrow in total denial. ~Who made you a leader?~ He asked.

     ~Type in your surname then. Since Amato and Kaizo are both five-lettered words and there are five spaces.~ Boboiboy remarked.

     Fang typed in, ' K A I Z O ' . "ACCESS DENIED." A computerised voice said. "Heheheheh..." Gopal chuckled. ~Eesh! Come 'ere you bastard!!!~ Fang had a vein popping out on his head as he chased Gopal.

     Boboiboy palm faced at their antics. He typed ' A M A T O ' . "ACCESS GRANTED." The same computerised voice said.

     "HAHAHAHAHAHA...!!!" Gopal laughed out loud. ~BASTARD COME OVER HERE!!!~ Fang shouted, running after both Boboiboy and Fang. ~Terbaik.~ Boboiboy commented as he ran.

(Author's note: Terbaik means Awesome.)

     "Heheheheheh..." Yaya and Ying giggled.

     The boys had finally stopped bickering and went to check out their rooms. They were shocked by the size of the parlour. It was extra large. They ascended the stairs. They first checked out a room which had Yaya and Ying written on the door.

     The room had pink, yellow and blue themes. They had a television, a reading table and a bunk bed.

     Fang and Gopal also shared a room. Only that it was divided into two sections, with a wall and door separating it. Fang's section had shades of black and lavender. He also had a computer with constant Wi-Fi. Gopal's section had yellow, brown and green themes and a gaming console. "Whoever this is, he/she must know our characters real well for them to separate Gopal and Fang. They're of totally different worlds."

     Boboiboy's section had an orange theme with occasional white and gold, black and purple, dark red and black, bright red, cyan blue, deep brown, white and dark blue, and finally dark green and black. ~These are all colours of my second tier. But I'm not at all familiar with black and purple. Did they mistaken Fang with me?~

     The others were also confused as they looked at Boboiboy for an explanation. Boboiboy said he didn't know what this was all about.

     They all dropped the matter as Fang said, ~We have our entrance exams tomorrow so let's quickly go see the rest of the house before we go to bed.~

     They checked out the dining room, the kitchen, the gym (Which was very big BTW). 'This guardian of ours must be very rich to have done all this.' Boboiboy thought.

     They all remarked, ~This must have been done by Commander Kokoci.~

     They had dinner later in the evening before going to bed.

(Author's note: I'm so very sorry I updated this so late, but I'll try to be updating it faster. And I'm writing another story online so please look it up. Thanks.)

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