The Super Mario Bros. Movie

By Beyta10HeroofSaiyans

8.9K 137 49

After watching the new Mario movie, it was amazing to see one of my favorite Nintendo mascots to have a brand... More

Bio: The third brother of the Mario Bros and twin of DK
Prolouge: The SuperStar captured!
Super Mario Bros. Plumbing Services and the first job!
Meeting the Princess and Training along with and the Elasticity Kong.
Onto the journey! A family fight on the Great ring of Kong!
A family reunion on Rainbow Road! Koopa Troopa Kart Ambush!
Battle for the Mushroom Kingdom! Rescuing the Princess from marriage!
The Final Battle! Super Mario and Kong Bros vs Bowser!

A mysterious pipe and welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom!

702 17 8
By Beyta10HeroofSaiyans

At the downtown of Brooklyn, the water main started to flood the area and the workers were still trying to fix it as Mario, Luigi and Damien Kong arrive.

One of the works attempts to hold a manhole cover over the leak.

Construction worker: I got this!

But it caused the water to spray upward at him, causing him to fly a little bit and then to the ground. 

Damien Kong: "I got this", he said.

Mario: They ain't even lookin' in the right place. *Looks at another manhole cover* Come on, guys.

Mario uses a crowbar to lift up the cover, which causes water to drain into the open manhole.

Luigi: *Looks at Mario* You are not seriously considering- *Mario jumps into the draining water* Mario! *Laughs nervously*

Damien Kong: All is shore is going shore, Luigi! *Jumps in the manhole* WHOO!!

Luigi: Oh boy. *Follows Damien*

The three brothers have made it to the sewers and understands why the flood is happening, they saw a pressure wheel across the pipe, and it looks like it's going to break.

Mairo: *Pointed forward which shows a wheel across the pipe* We have to get to that pressure wheel!

Luigi: Mama Mia...

Damien Kong: Let's hope you both know how to climb!

The three climbs across the pipe, while Damien climb with only his two hands since it was easy for him, to reach the wheel, but the pipe they were hanging break and it cause all of them to fall.

Mario, Luigi and Damien Kong: AHHH!!!

And crash through a brick wall and fell into a different place.

Luigi: Ow... I knew saving Brooklyn was a bad idea.

Damien Kong: *Helps Luigi up* Hey, why didn't we get hurt from a brick wall?

Luigi: Are you complaining?

Damien Kong: No, it's just odd. *Looks around the area* Holy moly...

Mario: What is this place? *Pulls out a flashlight and activates it* Come on, let's look for a way out.

They all began to walk down the tunnel by using the stairs and saw a lot of big pipes.

Damien Kong: Wow... How long have this been here?

Mario: It looks like nobody's been down here in years.

Luigi saw a green pipe and decided to look out it.

Damien Kong: I can't believe this. This is insane! Luigi, you got a camera with you, right? *Turns around and notices Luigi is not here* Umm, Mario?

Mario: Yeah?

Damien Kong: Where's Luigi?

Mario: What are talking about he's-

As Mario turns around, he notices that Luigi was gone. That's why Damien told Mario about the problem.

The two brothers began to walk to the green pipe and enter it.

Mario: Luigi?

Damien: *Screams through the tunnel of the pipe* LUIGI!! WHERE ARE YOU!?!?

Damien's voice echo through the pipe and there was no response. The two boys looked at each other in worried for their brother. Mario uses his flashlight to shine around the area and notices that there was only a wrench but not Luigi. Mario picks up the wrench as he and Damien Kong enter the pipe.

Mario: Luigi are you in there?

Damien Kong: Maybe he found something hidden.

However, that wasn't exactly it. The boys started to feel air started to pull them for a little bit.

Damien Kong: What's going on?

Mario: I don't know!

The two brothers started to feel getting push into the pipe until they both got sucked up into the pipe while screaming at the top of their lungs.

Mairo and Damien Kong: AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!

The two brothers started to be pulled to somewhere as they started to look around the area and saw pinkish yellow clouds around them.

Damien Kong: Wow...

In the distance they were able to see Luigi being dragged as well.

Luigi: MARIO! DK!

Mario and Damien Kong: LUIGI!

They both started to move forward to get to Luigi. As they got closer, they grabbed his hand as the three started to spin around.

Mario: It's all going to be ok!

Luigi: How is it going to be, ok?!

Damien Kong: Trust us! Nothing can hurt us as long as we're all together!

Luigi smiled at his brothers knowing that they were right until he lost his grip and went off onto a different place which shows some black clouds.

Mario and Damien Kong: LUIGI!!!!

Mario and Damien Kong began to land to the place they were at, well except for Mario who crash landed, but the mushrooms were able to break his fall and Damien Kong landed on two feet safely. As Mario was about to get up from the ground, Damien Kong looked around the area and couldn't believe what is he looking at.

Damien Kong: We're definitely not in Brooklyn anymore. 

Mario gets up and also couldn't believe what he is seeing. He saw a blue mushroom and went towards it to touch it but a small man with a mushroom on his head stops Mario, causing the plumber to be scared and fell on the ground.

Small mushroom man: DO NOT TOUCH THAT MUSHROOM, YOU'LL DIE! *Notices the mushroom* Oh, I'm sorry. *Place his face and hand on the mushroom* That one's perfectly fine.

Damien Kong: What on earth are you?!

Mario: That's a mushroom man! A little mushroom man that is talking to us!

Toad: Pleased to meet ya! I'm Toad! *Proceeds to walk past them*

Mario: Uh... Mario.

Damien Kong: Damien... Friends call me DK.

The plumber and gorilla catch up to Toad and speak with him of what's going on.

Damien Kong: Are we dead? Is this Heaven?

Toad: Nope.

Damien Kong: Is it H, E, double L?

Toad: Definitely not.

Mario: So, this is uh... This is- This is not a dream? *Gets hit by Toad's stick causing him to feel pain* AH!

Toad: That hurt, right?

Mario: YES! *Rubbed his arm*

Toad: Definitely not a dream.

Damien Kong: So, if we're not dreaming... And this is actually real... Then this place is...

Toad: The Mushroom Kingdom!

Mario: *Sarcasm* Yeah, mushrooms. Really. *Fixes his hat* Now, that is a cruel twist of fate. *He and Damien heard something which they saw a polka dot creature with extendable legs looking down at them* Hello.

Damien Kong: Hey. *Remembers Luigi* Mario, Luigi!

Mario: Oh right! Hey, actually, we're looking for somebody. Uh, our little brother, in fact, have you seen him?

Toad: Nope. What does he look like?

Damien Kong: Well, he's like Mario, except he wears green, he's tall and even skinny.

Toad: Does he also have blue eyes?

Mario and Damien Kong: Yes.

Damien Kong: The last time we seen him, he was falling through a green pipe just like us, but we got separated.

Mario: He went to a different place that was foggy and...and I believe there was lava-

Toad: *Gasp* Uh, not good. Um... Your brother...has landed in the Dark Lands. They're under...Bowser's...control.

Mario: Bowser?

Damien Kong: Who in the bananas is Bowser?

Toad: He's the most evil, wretched creature that's ever lived.

Damien Kong: Pfft! Big deal. I'm not afraid of a monster! Me and Mario are willing to do anything to save our brother.

Toad: And that's why you need help, Damien Kong! I'm taking you guys to the see the princess. She and a member of the Jungle Kingdom can help you. She can do anything.

They hop off a mushroom and Toads moves it, then he climbs on another one. Damien Kong carries Mario on his back and jumps on top of the mushroom as they started to look at each other from what Toad said.

Mario and Damien Kong: Princess?

When they reach the top, Mario gets off of Damien Kong's back and they both were amazed to see the castle on the hill.

Toad: Come on, guys! Our big adventure begins now! *Hops off from one mushroom to another*

Mario: Hang on, Luigi. *Follows Toad *

Damien Kong: *Follows Mario along with Toad* Mushroom Kingdom, here we come!

Meanwhile in the Dark Lands, Luigi was laying on the floor unconscious for a little bit and started to get up.

Luigi: Ugh. *Looks around and find himself in a dark area, causing him to be scared and brings out a flashlight to see* Mario? DK? Where are you guys? MARIO?

Luigi then began to look around really quick because someone or something. His flashlight started to go off, so he tries to fix it by knocking it and as it turns on, he saw a skeleton of a Koopa Troopa with undead eyes that glowed red and lunged at him.

Luigi began to scream and run away from what he saw which was catching up to him quickly. Unknown to Luigi, he got hit by a branch and got sent flying backwards, hitting the skeleton, causing it to be in pieces all over the place. Luigi got back up and saw the creature defeated.

Luigi: Haha! Yes! *Picks up the skull and grabs his hat to put it on* You just got Luigi'd!

However, that didn't stop the skeleton, as it started to glow red again, causing Luigi to drop him in fear. The skeleton's bones started to put itself back together, walk towards Luigi like a zombie, causing him to be scared. Luigi begins to step away and fell backwards, which caused more skeletons to burst from the ground, which made Luigi to get back up and run again. All of the skeletons started to chase after him until Luigi saw a fortress and it might help him to be safe. Luigi stops running to look to notice that the section of the bridge was gone leaving rubble floating in magma. He had no choice but to jump through it, the skeletons began to follow him as they try to grab Luigi with their teeth. Luigi made it inside and close the door, which causes the skeletons hands to appear from the door and started to touch him. Luigi uses the wood next to the left side of the door to lock it, which it works to keep the skeletons from coming in. Luigi decides to take a step back for a bit and sit down to sigh in relief. However, when thunder strikes, some small men with red cloaks, blue shoes, with white and black mask standing behind him.


Back to the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario, Damien Kong and Toad have finally arrived to it and saw people that look just like Toad but with different colors.

Toad: This way, guys! The princess lives right on that hill.

They all started to move and look around the area to see Toads getting coins, buying items and many more.

Toad: 'Scuese me, everybody, coming through. We got a big adventure happening right now. Clear a path for us. If I could just... Excuse me...

The Toads were bewildered to see Mario but most surprised to see Damien Kong.

Yellow Toad: Is that the Jungle King's lost son?

Purple Toad: No way. He's alive!

Blue Toad: The king would be happy to see his son alive!

Damien Kong wasn't paying attention because he saw a coin drop from a red Toad, who looks at him in shock.

Damien Kong: *Picks up the coin and give it to him* Here you go, little guy.

Toad: Excuse me everybody! Coming through!! These guy's brother is going to die imminently! Out of the way, please!

Damien Kong: I'm sorry, what?!

Toad: Just trying to clear a path. Thats's all I'm doing. He's going to be fine.

Mario and Damien Kong started to quickly follow Toad so they wouldn't get lost or separated. They went to a weird escalator that moves up and another one that moves forward and backward. The two brothers started to follow Toad until Mario and Damien Kong started to look down and noticed that the blocks are floating.

Mario: OK, so these bricks are just floating here?!

Damien Kong: I'm surprised that we didn't fall.

The catch up to Toad who is about to went into a clear pipe.

Toad: Just pop in this pipe and we're on our way.

Mario takes a breather from walking around, while Damien Kong wasn't tired and looked at the clear pipe Toad mentioned.

Damien Kong: *Pointed to the clear pipe* Those pipes?

Toad: It's the only way to fly, man. *Hops into the clear pipe* Woo!

Damien Kong: Let's-A get going! *Follow Toad in the clear pipe* WHOOOOOHOOOO!!!

Mario: Oh, wow. Loved these pi- *Gets sucked into it but was hit by each side. Found himself in various different pipes and try to find Damien and Toad until he saw more* OH COME ON!

After a few minutes, Mario have finally made it, but was dizzy from all that moving, causing him to fall out of the pipe. 

Damien Kong: You ok, Mario?

Mario: Give me a second.

Toad: No time, we're here! Palace doors. Bing bang boom! Come on! Woo!

Damien Kong helps Mario gets on his feet and the two of them looked at the castle.

Both: Whoa... *Looked at the castle in amazement and follow Toad*

Toad: Pretty impressive, am I right?

As they were about to enter, two guards in front stopped them.

1st Guard: Hold it right there, you three!

Damien Kong: WHOA! Easy fellas. We're not here to fight.

Mario: Yeah! We need to see... the princess. It's an emergency.

The two guards look at each other and have the same idea by smiling.

1st Guard: What princess?

2nd Guard: I never heard of any princess.

1st Guard: Oh wait, I did. Our princess, though, is in another castle.

2nd Guard: Oh yeah, that's right. You should try another castle, maybe. She ain't in this one?

Damien Kong: Look, we aren't leaving until we meet the princess.

Mario: Huh?

Toad: Okay, so they're messing with you both and... I don't like it.

Toad brings out a frying pan and made a fire to start cooking some food for them.

Toad: What do you guys, um... What do you want to eat? Anything, anything from your heart's desire.

Mario and Damien Kong look at him confused.

Toad: *Looks at Mario and Damien Kong for a quick second* Go! *Looked back at the guards* And we're going to scramble it.

Mario and Damien Kong quickly sneaked inside the castle without drawing attention, but Damien Kong stops and Mario bumps into him which they saw two guards.

Mario: Now, what?

Damien Kong: *Looks around and saw two empty guard hats and grabs them* Put this on.

They decided to act like guards and walked pass them.

Damien Kong: Morning.

3rd Guard: Good day, to both of you. *Until realization for five seconds* Hey! Intruders!

The two brothers decided to make a run for it and use the guard hats to hit their legs causing them to fall or jump over it to chase them around the hall to look for the princess.

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