Overcoming Demons (G/t)

By The_Little_Dove

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(Cover made with School Avatar Pt. 2 on rinmarugames.com) *This story has a major trigger warning* Thirteen-y... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Seventeen

75 4 5
By The_Little_Dove

There was a brief recess so the jury could have a few moments to think to themselves before they went back to begin debating. Everything had gone by fairly fast. Tension was high between the prosecutor and the defense. Most found it quite odd that the victim was on the defending side as well. But Kenneth didn't feel he was a victim. Not at Nova's hands.

The young teen sat with Alissa still, her hands resting to his side to provide a sense of comfort without her actually needing to touch him. It was all she could truly do in this moment. She didn't want to overwhelm him.

Kenny was terrified. His moms fate was left in the hands of total strangers that didn't have any idea what she'd done for him. Who had no idea the horrors he'd faced with his foster parents. And he feared what would become of him if they were to send Nova to prison.

Where would he go? Who would look after him? Or maybe he'd be sent away and experimented on to try and get him back to a regular humans height. Or maybe he'd just be poked and prodded at like some lab rat.

"Kenny," Alissa called his name gently and leaned forward in an attempt to see his face. "What are you thinking about now? Because you don't have to worry. I saw the faces of the jury. Nova cannot get off scot free, but I think they'll make sure she gets as little time away from you as possible."

"You don't know that." Kenny mumbled quietly, lifting his hands to cover his face. He didn't want to talk. He just wanted to go home. He was tired and hungry, and even with Alissa he felt so alone. And that lonely feeling would never go away so long as he knew he couldn't be at Nova's side or in her loving arms.

The young psychiatrist felt terrible. But she could easily read just how much he was struggling already just knowing there was a chance he'd never get to see Nova again. "Is there anything I can do for you while we wait?" She asked in a soft voice.

"Just stop talking to me for now." Kenneth pleaded, muffled by his hands that still hid his face. He didn't want to talk anymore. He didn't want to even exist anymore. Everything inside of him ached. It was like when he was sitting in that alley all over again. No one to help him, to hear his pleas. 

But then he stopped himself. 'No Kenny', he told himself, 'she didn't spend so much time helping you get rid of such dark thoughts only for you to start all over.'

He had to be stronger than that. So, taking a deep breath the thirteen-year-old turned around and looked at Alissa with teary brown eyes. "I-I'm sorry. You've been helping me and I shouldn't talk to you like that. But I don't think there's anything you really can do right now."

Alissa let out a soft and relived exhale. She didn't have to worry so much about him after all. He was catching himself from falling too far all by himself. Given the statements Nova had made about his mental state when she first took him, Alissa had been worried that he'd slip back into that darkness. However, even now in such a trying time the young teen was fighting with his inner demons to stay sane.

"Alissa?" Kenny spoke up again with his back turned to her once more. 

"What is it?" The psychiatrist responded gently.

"Where will I go, if I can't be with her? They wouldn't send me back to my foster parents. I-I'll just go back in the system, won't I? Nobody else would want me. Nobody wants to adopt a kid with so much baggage." Kenneth snaked his arms around his knees, holding them tightly to his chest. 

"To be fair, your bags right now would be quite small," Alissa joked in an attempt to cheer him up a little. It didn't get a significant response, just a quiet scoff, so she changed up her tone. "In all seriousness, Kenny, if it comes down to it I'll see what I can do to arrange you to live with me. My apartment is very big and I'd have to rearrange some things but I...you'd be welcome to stay with me as long as you'd need to. And hey, my apartment allows pets. Your dog would be able to stay with me too."

At the mention of Louie, his pup, Kenny seemed to lose some of the tension in his shoulders. "R-really? I'd be able to keep him?" He readjusted himself so he could face Alissa now.

She took note of how his brows were knit together, how a small smile had crept onto his face. How his dark brown eyes shimmered with the slightest ray of hope. He wasn't a broken boy. Not entirely. He was just a child that had been dealt a terrible hand and now had a second chance to live his life and actually be a child. 

"Yes. You're going to be able to keep him no matter what. He can be trained as a support dog. He's already well behaved. Most people will think he'd hurt you but with the proper training no one would be able to take him from you. I wouldn't allow that. If you have to be separated from Nova for a short while you'll need something stable in your life."

Though maybe she shouldn't have said anything about Nova. His smile faded and his frown returned, the hope leaving his eyes and being replaced by more tears. "I-I don't want to be separated from her. I don't want them to take her away."

"I know," Alissa's own lips twisted into a frown and she placed a hand beside the boy. "Things may not work out entirely like you're hoping they do. And whatever the verdict it can still be contested. I'll be doing everything in my power to change their minds and make them see that despite how she'd done it Nova didn't do anything except what she thought was right."

Kenny could feel the tears making new streaks on his face. He'd opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted when the people on the jury began to file back into the room. It hadn't been that long and that really scared him. Had they so quickly decided she was a bad person?

Everyone in the courtroom began to retake their seats. Mr. Grant looked over towards Kenny and Alissa with a small, reassuring smile. As a lawyer he had a right to his own thoughts. And this wasn't just about the money for him. He truly believed Nova felt she was doing the right thing. And he fully believed that she shouldn't be put away for saving Kenny. Not for too long of a time at least. Even he knew she couldn't get off entirely. 

Kenny appreciated that man. He spoke so well. Did his best to tell the jury Nova was a good person. He was glad he was the exact opposite of the man that had been interrogating them on the stand. 

Nova was escorted back into the room by a security officer. Kenny still felt the handcuffs were unnecessary but at least they didn't look like they were hurting her. Otherwise he and her might have ended up with matching scars.

"Has the jury already come to a conclusion?" The judge leaned forward in his seat, lacing his fingers together and staring intently at the nine individuals that had been summoned to this hearing.

The woman that had been appointed their foreperson nodded, holding a few folded papers in front of her. "We have. And we all agreed on a few extra things to be said. Since this is a special case I'd like permission to share these extra thoughts."

"Quite an odd request," the judge hummed in thought, closing his eyes. "This truly is a special case. The normal rules do not apply here. Speak freely, within reason. If I feel it is inappropriate, I will interrupt you."

With a grateful nod, the woman's eyes briefly turned towards Kenny as she unfolded the papers. 

Kenny held the woman's gaze until she looked away. He was trying so hard to read their expressions but they were doing a very good job of keeping themselves composed. Nine complete strangers deciding if he'd get to be with Nova or if she'd be gone forever. He was terrified but it was now or never.

It was time. 

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