My Ghidorah

By wolfdagger11609

17.3K 209 43

Encaged in ice, sleeping only to be found by Batman. Ghidorah emerges out from his icy prison to fight for ju... More

Death of Lois
Hello Ghidorah
You forgot me
I'm back idiots
League reunites
Supergirl meet Ghidorah
Battle of Siblings
She finds the Truth
Four Kings
Saving Man of Steel
Fate and Brainiac
God Vs King
Your Life after

A captured Kryptonian

732 10 3
By wolfdagger11609

Brainiac's ship floated over Metropolis and starts to digitize the buildings. High above in the Batwing, Batman and Catwoman are inside and are flying towards Brainiac's Ship to try and stop him.

Catwoman: Superman, Supergirl and Ghidorah are almost here. The others are tackling the fleet. Shouldn't we be in Gotham?

Batman: Brainiac controls the entire fleet from that Skull Ship. Take him down, take them all down.

Catwoman: (watching the radar) Contacts, dead ahead!

Batman looks up to see a group of Beta ships heading for them. He
manages to dodge their laser blasts and fires back at them. They carry on towards the ship whilst The Kryptonians arrive and start shooting any Betas
with their heat vision.

Catwoman: The gave us an opening!

Batman: Locking on the Skull Ship!

He fires three missiles at the ship. They make contact with the ship but do little damage. Brainiac takes notice of this.

Brainiac: Shields.

The shields don't just protect the ship but also sends out an energy that zaps the Batwing's controls. Sending it to the ground.

Catwoman: Five seconds to impact!

Batman: Prepare to eject!

Catwoman: Three seconds!

Suddenly, in flies Ghidorah and flips the Batwing the right way up.

Y/n: what happened?

Batman: Brainiac's force field is creating a concussive feedback loop.

Superman: (flies towards the two) So, the harder we hit it, the harder it hits back.

Supergirl, did not heard this so she flies directly towards the ship

Superman & Ghidorah: Kara!

So when Supergirl tries to punch the ship, the shields protecting the ship zaps her with a lot of electricity and when Kal goes to help her, he to gets blasted by a lot of electricity.  The shields then blasts the two Kryptonians down.

Brainiac: The Kryptonians are incapacitated. Complete the extraction.

The Daily Planet Building sucked up. Inside the ship, Brainiac smiles as he sees a digital form of Metropolis. A fine addition to his collection.

Miles outside of what's left of Metropolis, Superman and Supergirl lay in a crater. Superman comes to first sense. He goes over to Supergirl and uses his X-ray vision to check her heart beat; it's still beating. He then looks up at the Ship and flies up. He then looks down. Metropolis, is now one massive waste land just like it was when it was nuked a decade ago. So, just like when it happen Superman does not like what has happened to the city he called home.

Superman: NOOOOO!

He flies into the ship, trying to break through the barrier. Then the Batwing flies up behind him. You were checking to see if Supergirl was okay as that is what instincts told you to do.

Batman: Superman, the force shield concentrates its energy at your point of attack! Move faster than it can and you might break through!

Superman: Got it.

Superman, starts punching hard and then moving before the blast can
hit. He goes all around the ship and he kept going faster and faster. Inside however, Brainiac is getting thrown around but remains calm.

Brainiac: Creative but insufficient.  Decrease shield refresh interval to
ten picoseconds.

This attack seemed to beat Superman as the next punch landed by him sends  Superman into Metropolis crater.  He's still conscious and is able to stand as the ship starts to descend upon him. A tentacle lowers and blasts a  powerful ray. Superman grunts in pain, struggling to stays upright. Meanwhile, Supergirl has awoken and looks to see Ghidorah beside her.

Supergirl: Were is Kal?

Y/n: Down there come on

The two flie over and see her cousin in trouble, multiple tentacles were now blasting at him with full power. He drops to his knees nearly losing consciousness. As they get closer, an explosion is seen, knocking her, you, the Batwing and the skull ship backwards. Supergirl recovers fast and looks really worried.

Supergirl: Kal! (flies into the blast to look for Kal)

A few minutes later, as the smoke clears, the Batwing lands. Supergirl is sitting there, a saddened look on her face.  Batman and Catwoman leave the ship and enter were Supergirl was, seeing no sign of Superman. In the background, Flash shows up to check the damage.  Batman approaches Supergirl.

Supergirl: (saddened) I couldn't find his body can't hear his heartbeat I was supposed to protect him from this (to Batman) from you! and now he's gone!  I'm sure that's the best news you've heard all day.

Batman: I'll miss him, too.

Supergirl: (turns in confusion) You mean that?

Batman: He was a good friend once.  I trusted him with my life. But the Joker
got to him and I wasn't there to stop it. I lost my friend, Clark and i've missed him ever since.

A Boom Tube opens to reveal Cyborg, Green Lantern and Aquaman. As Batman looks at Aquaman, he can tell that Atlantis had been digitised but he wanted to check.

Batman: Atlantis?

Aquaman: Gone. I didn't listen. Now, we all die together.

Batman: No one's giving up yet. Anyone hear from Beetle or Firestorm?

Wonder Woman: (from above) This is your fault, Bruce! (landing near them) Kal and I would've BEATEN Brainiac!  You should've followed our lead!

Supergirl: (stepping between them) Sto--

Y/n: (interrupting Supergirl) Shut the hell up Diana! You would of just got everyone murdered.

Diana shuts up and is sad that her brother would think she would lead them to death. Just then Brainiac's  hologram appears.

Brainiac: Such discord. No wonder humans have yet to expand their civilization beyond the confines of this tiny planet.

Green Lantern: Did you call in just to gloat?!

Brainiac: My Betas are taking position all across your planet. In one hour, they will explode in unison, burning the Earth's atmosphere, rendering this world a barren moon. Unless you surrender, Kara Zor-El. She is Krypton's sole survivor and my last opportunity to
study the effect of a yellow sun on Kryptonian cells. Surrender her and I will spare this world.

Y/n: No you piece of trash!!

Brainiac: You have one hour to reconsider. (disappears)

Supergirl: Thanks for giving the new girl a chance, but maybe I should go.

Y/n: nope you are not going to him.

Batman: We'll find a way to take down Brainiac's shields. We have to.

Cyborg: We could try shorting them out. But we'd need to generate an insane
amount of power.

Black Adam: (floating in) Perhaps science is not the answer.

Batman: (approaches Black Adam as he lands) So he might be vulnerable to a
magic-based attack.

Black Adam: I can drive the immense magical power from the Rock of Eternity through the gateway in Kahndaq. But I need an artifact, a medium to channel it something that can withstand the power.

Aquaman: (holding up trident) How about the Trident of Atlantis?

Black Adam: Yes that could work.

Catwoman: We get the shields down then what? Cyborg says Brainiac controls that ship with his thoughts.

Cyborg: But I did cut him off from Brother Eye. It's possible I could make
a signal disrupter that blocks his neural network. If you get Brainiac's shields down, we can disarm those Beta bombs.

Batman: Then that's our plan.  Aquaman, Adam, Ghidorah get to Kahndaq.

When they are about to leave, Supergirl comes up to Y/n.

Supergirl: be careful alright?

Y/n: I will. See you later

Supergirl: bye babe (winks at him)

When they depart to Kahndaq. In his thoughts.

Y/n: 'She called me babe and winked at me, I am definitely in love with her. Be safe my Queen'.

And that is the chapter done. 1269 words. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you later in the next chapter. Good bye.

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