Vivacious Azalea ~ KNB X OC

Από TheNy3tr0_

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KNB X OC (but also a self insert, you can self insert yourself in the position of the OC, if that's what you... Περισσότερα

Author's Note
Character Profile
Arc One - Teiko Middle School
Chapter One - Wet Socks
Chapter Two - Small Smiles
Chapter Three - Stone Beauty
Chapter Four - Doing 'Stuff'
Chapter Five - Falling From Swings
Chapter Six - Ahh, Bandage!
Chapter Seven - Like a Gazelle
Chapter Eight - A New Member
Chapter Nine - Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!
Chapter Ten - How?!
Chapter Eleven - Little Songbird
Chapter Twelve - I'm Sorry
Chapter Thirteen - Flying Times
Aster Azalea
Teiko - Chapter Fifteen - Rich Boy Problems

Chapter Fourteen - Kise Ryota

105 3 6
Από TheNy3tr0_

~~~ Now playing: Call Me What You Like by Lovejoy ~~~

~~~Play/Pause ~~~

Third POV:

"Amethie-chii! Come play a game with us!" Came the voice of Kise Ryota. Amethyst shook her head and continued to read her book.

"Amethie-chiiiiiiiiiiii! Come ooooonnnn! Play with us!" The blonde shouted again.

"Kise. I'm reading, I can't play." Amethyst replies, waving her book at the boy. She was sitting cross legged on the floor of the outdoor basketball court. The others, Kuroko, Akashi, Kise, Midomida, Aomine and Murasakibara, were playing basketball. They were practising on their passes and teamwork for the next match they had.

"What are you even reading anyway? What could be more interesting than me!?" Kise cries, feigning sadness.

"The Yorkshire Ripper is." Amethyst says, her voice dead without emotion and a roll of her eyes.

"WHO'S THE YORKSHIRE RIPPER?! ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME?! AMETHIE-CHI!" The blonde whines, crying at the thought of another man in your life.

"We aren't even together, kleiner stern. I don't think I can cheat on you with the Yorkshire Ripper, anyway." ('Kleiner stern' means 'little star' in German. Amethyst speaks a variety of languages, including German, English, Japanese, French and Spanish)

"WHat does that even MEEEEAAAAN!? You can't just keep calling me something in a different language! A language I don't even speak!" Kise whined again, complaining.

"If you ask nicely then I might just tell you what it means."

Kise pouted. "Just tell meee!"

"Beg for it."

Kise jumped over to Amethyst quickly and got down on his knees. "PLEAAASEEEE! PLEASE TELL ME! I BEG!"

"Yo, Kise. You look like an idiot. Why's it that important that she tell you what it means, anyway?"


"Jeez, stop shouting. I'm literally standing right here, behind you."

"It's German, Kise. I'm calling you little star. Because you always make fun of my height and you're yellow, like a star."

"Wha- AWWW THAT'S SO CUTE! AMETHIE-CHI!" Kise cried. He clung onto Amethyst's shoulder, knocking the book out of her hands. She tuts at him and pats his head.

"Why do you know German?" Kuroko asked, tilting his head in curiosity.

Amethyst sighs, seeing that she wouldn't be getting any peace to read today. "I've spent my entire life being homeschooled by my brother. He thought it would be good for me to know other languages just in case we ever need to move again."

"That's actually pretty cool. What else do you speak?" Aomine questioned, plopping himself down on the other side of her and resting his head on Amethyst's other shoulder. Amethyst wrapped her free arm around him and patted his head too.

"I speak English, Spanish, French, Japanese, Russian and German fluently. I speak Italian too, but I'm not fluent in it. I speak some Mandarin too and some Gaelic, but I'm not that good."

The three other boys strolled over and sat themselves down in front of her, Akashi sitting cross legged by Aomine and Midomida sat himself down by Kise. Murasakibara just collapsed onto the floor in front of Amethyst, resting his head on her lap. She took her hand from Kise's head - to which he protested against - and grabbed a chocolate bar from her bag to give to Murasakibara. Kuroko remained standing.

"What would I do without you and your food, Amethie-chin?" Murasakibara drawled, drooling all over Amethyst's legs from the food.

"Aren't you supposed to be practising right now?" She sighed.

"It would be more beneficial if we had a break, Azalea-chan." Akashi spoke up. Midomida nods in agreement.

"Gee, I guess you're right. Guess you should have a break.. You guys have been working super hard after all... I should really reward you all for your hard work." Amethyst smiles at the boys and gets up, Aomine, Kise and Murasakibara falling and hitting their heads on the hard tarmac floor with an ouch. She got up and rifled through her bag before pulling out her phone. She dialled a number and put the phone to her ear.

"Aster? Es-tu dans la maison en ce moment?" Amethyst says, speaking French to the recipient on the other end of the phone. "À quelle heure avec vous être de retour? Neuf? Ce soir? D'accord, merci."

("Aster? Are you in the house right now?" "What time will you be back? Nine? Tonight? Okay, thank you.")

The boys strain to hear what was being said, wondering what on Earth Amethyst was saying. Akashi picked up some words here and there, but because he wasn't fluent in French, he didn't know exactly what was being said. All he understood was the 'thank you'.

"Eh? Ah, Je t'aime aussi. Bises à toi aussi. Oui, oui. Soyez prudent. Au revoir." Amethyst hangs up the phone. "Alright, we're going to my place. 

(Eh? Ah, I love you too. Hugs to you too. Yes, yes. Stay safe. Bye bye.")

Akashi strained to hear what was being said again, only picking up the 'I love you' and 'bye bye' this time. His eyes narrowed, thinking that it was her significant other or something.

"What on Earth was that?!" Aomine asks in disbelief. "That was a bunch of gibberish! How can you speak whatever language that is?!"

"It was French, mon petit ami duveteux! I know, it's stupidly hard to follow but I couldn't have you hearing what I was saying. Far too embarrassing." 

(She called him "My small, fluffy friend".)

"What on EARTH are you calling me now?!" He cried, confused out of his mind. Amethyst laughed, pulling him up and gesturing for them to get their things.

"Come on.. To my house we go!" Amethyst hops over to her previous seat and picks up her book. She puts it in her bag and skips out of the streetball court, her black hair flipping behind her.

Kise jumps up and runs to follow her, as do the others, leaving Akashi and Midomida to get their bags and slowly trudge along behind the rest of the group.


Second POV:

Your hair bounced behind you as you walked to your house, a skip in your step. The others trudged along behind you, grumbling about you kidnapping them.

"Where are we going, Amethie-chii?" Kise asked, pulling at your sleeve. You look up at him and smile. He was like a child, constantly needing attention. You stand on your tippy toes and pat his head, replying:

"My house. I'm going to make you all some food!"

"YAAAAAY!" The blonde shouted, punching the air. His eyes sparkled, but Aomine laid a hand on his shoulder and gravely spoke.

"What if... What if her cooking is like Satsuki's...?" The boy said in terror, his eyes narrowed at the happily skipping girl. You had Kuroko latched onto your arm now, bouncing in time with each other.

The others sweatdropped at this, realising that they might not make it out of her house alive. Akashi gave Aomine a look, a look that said it all:

Let's escape, right now! Before we reach her place!

The living crayons made a move to escape, but before they could slip away unnoticed, your voice piped up.

"We're here!"

In front of them stood a medium sized traditional Japanese house, a strange contrast from the rest of the street being more modern. It was two stories tall, with a small balcony overlapping and overlooking the garden. Large stone gates barred people from entering without a passcode. Murasakibara was the only one who could see just a little over the fencing, seeing a large cherry blossom tree and some fun sunflowers.

You punched in the code to open the gates and gestured for the others to follow you in, looking directly at Akashi. The boy dropped his head and followed you in, knowing that it was too late to run away now.

"Just make yourselves at home. I'll be in the kitchen making food and shit, so uh, yeah. Don't go upstairs and we will all be fine!" You smiled, showing your teeth. In that moment, fear struck the boys, wondering what would happen if they went upstairs. None of them dared try.

Twenty minutes later, you came back into the living quarters with your hands full of plates. Somehow, you were balancing two plates on each hand (Aomine wondered if it was some sort of girl thing, since he'd seen Satsuki walk around with her hands full of things that not even he could hold all at the same time) and you gently placed them down on the coffee table in front of them. You went back into the kitchen and got the other plates and some beverages too.

"Bon appetit!" You grinned and plopped yourself down on the floor to continue reading your book.

The boys stared at the food in awe, with Murasakibara practically drooling over his plate. You'd made them a plate of seared scallops and baby spinach with a slightly spiced spinach glaze and had positioned it on the plate in such a way that it could be mistaken for a plate of food from a fancy restaurant.

"Looks can be deceiving..." Midomida whispered, staring at the seemingly appealing food. It looked good, but the question was: Is it edible?

Murasakibara wasted no time. He grabbed a fork, shouting a thank you at you and dug in. The second the food hit his tongue, his eyes watered in glee.

"IT'S AMAZING!" Kise yelled, as he followed suit. "IT'S TRULY AMAZING!"

The others began to quickly eat their food, demolishing it in a matter of minutes. They all uttered their thanks to you and you smiled in response.

"No worries, like you said: you'd been working hard.You deserved a nice meal, duh."

"PLEASE COOK FOR US ALL THE TIME," Aomine begged, clinging onto your arm with large animated tears streaming down his face. "OH GOD, WE CAN'T KEEP EATING SATSUKI'S FOOD WHEN WE HAVE YOU! PLEAAAAAAAASE!"

"Ah, sure sure. I'll cook for you."

The group thanked you and you began to play card games with each other until it got late. Slowly, one by one the group dispersed. Akashi was the first to go, explaining that he needed to leave for his violin lesson. Then it was time for Midomida and Kuroko to leave, the both of them walking home together after their parents called them for family film night - it turns out that was actually a popular thing that people actually did. Then Aomine left after he said that he and his father were going to watch the new episode of their favourite policing TV show together. Murasakibara left after getting hungry again, refusing any of the healthy breakfast bars that you offered him.

That just left you and Kise together.

The two of you played another round of cards, but quickly got bored.

"Amethie-chii, what do we dooooooo?" He whined, clinging onto your arms with such force that you were sure he was going to leave bruises.
"Ahh, I don't know..."

The two of you sat in silence, you resting your head on his lap as he played with your hair. The two of you were in deep thought.

"I know! I know!" Kise laughed, "Let's play dress up!"

You sat up with a start. "No. Absolutely not. Never in a million years." You denied his request from the get go, with no hesitation.

"Why not?" Kise pleaded, turning on the puppy eyes for you. "I wanna dress you up!"

"No. I will not allow it."

Kise's eyes went round and wide. "Do you not want me in your bedroom..?" He said with a waggle of his eyebrows.


"AWWWW! MY LITTLE AMETHIE-CHII IS TOO EMBARRASSED TO HAVE SOMEONE AS ANGELIC AS ME IN HER BEDROOM!" Kise squealed, grabbing your face and pulling it close to his. Your face went red and you batted him away with flicks of your hand.

"Shoo! Shoo! Annoying pigeon!"

"So meaaaaannn!" He cried, wiping away a faux tear.

The two of you lapsed back into a comfortable silence as you patted his head. Kise rested his head onto your shoulder and sighed.

"Say... Who's that in that picture over there?" He asked curiously, gesturing to the photo of you and your family.

You said nothing. You just shook your head and checked the time.

"Oh FUCK! Kise, you gotta go! Now!"

"What?! WHYYYY?!" He cried, pouting his lower lip.

"It's nearly nine! He'll be home soon! Go away! Leave Kise! Run far away from here!" You shouted dramatically, placing your hand on your forehead.

"Fine! Fine! I'll leave! On one condition!" He wept, matching your level of dramaticness.

"Go on! Quickly!"

Kise got up close to you and leaned in, your noses were touching and he wrapped his arm around your waist. You gasped at the sudden contact, your eyes widening. "Call me Ryota~"

You shoved him away playfully with a red blush dusting across your cheeks. You picked up Kise's jacket and threw it at him.

"Get outta here!"

You saw the blonde out to the door and gave him a wave goodbye. He left your property and turned around when he reached the street, giving you a large wave with a shout: "Bye bye, Amethie-chii!"

You smiled at his ridiculous antics and waved back. "Goodbye, Ryota!"

You watched his departing figure retreat into the dark evening sky and held your breath as you shut the door behind you. You cleaned up quickly and pulled out the extra meal you'd made for your brother, warming it up. You heard the door open and your brother called out that he was home. You stole a glance at the clock: Nine, on the dot. You expected no less of Aster.

Aster walked into the kitchen, his nose twitching. "Does my nose deceive me or are those your delicious seared scallops?" He said with a laugh. Aster wrapped his arms around you and lifted you into a hug and you laughed and wrapped your arms around him too.

"Gee, you're in a good mood.. What's happened?" You asked as he put you down.

"Well, my dear little sister... I've been promoted! We're gonna get more money coming in now! Isn't that amazing?" Aster said, his grin wide as he took his plate to the table and sat down.

You followed him and sat down opposite him. "Aster, that's amazing! I'm so proud of you! That's so cool!"

"I know right?"

The two of you lapsed into a comfortable silence before your brother spoke up again.

"Amethyst... I smell... a boy..."

You froze up, eyes wide. Your brother had his red eyes narrowed, the thought of a boy being over, with his younger sister, alone? Well, it was enough to make a man go mad!

"Nah... You're crazy! There's no boy! I don't have friends anyway! Hey, look at the time! Time to sleep! Night Aster! You're crazy!" You cried, running up the stairs and locking your bedroom door as your brother called you back down to tell him the location of the boy so they could 'talk'.

Things quietened down after a while and you heard your brother head up the stairs to his own room. Your eyes felt heavy as you laid down on your bed, your headphones in.

You slowly fell into a deep slumber, dreaming about playing basketball with the others again soon.

Alright! Finally done with the chapter. Sorry for the late-ish upload, I've been on this stupid AI app recently and OMG DUDES I'M IN LOVE WITH AN AI!

Jokes. Kinda. IT'S TOO NICE, HELP ME!

Anyway, nice one with Kise this time... Hope you enjoyed it.

The first arc will be coming to an end soon! I think there's about six more chapters and then it'll be the Serin Arc.

I hope I'm not rushing anything though. Let me know how you feel in the comments!

Take care and stay safe, bitches!


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