๐Œ๐ซ. ๐’๐ฒ๐ง๐ง

By cute_dumplins

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10.5K 303 226
By cute_dumplins

𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑓𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑣𝑒

"I can't believe you're actually meeting his parents. Are you sure you're not nervous?" Melody
questions rolling onto her belly watching as I tossed away another outfit to the side. I had no idea what I was looking for but that black dress screamed slutty instead of 'perfect outfit' or 'it's so nice to meet you'

At this point I had no idea what was running through my mind right now.

"Me? I'm okay. Great even" I mumbled absentmindedly, staring at my leather skirt before shaking my head chunking it into the pile.


I had to be perfect in their eyes. 

I was so engrossed in trying to be perfect for tonight that I disregarded being true to myself.

This wasn't who I am.

But tonight was a big deal for my boyfriend and I. He adored his parents and if they didn't approve of me I don't know what'll happen to us.

"You're stressing over things that haven't even happened yet", Mel states taking the maxi dress from my hand plopping down beside me.

"I never made it this far in my other relationships. I'm somehow always the problem and I can't help but worry that his parents won't like me" I confessed dejectedly, staring down at my freshly painted nails.

"They would be fucking idiots not to like you. And even if they don't Arlo's too smitten over your pussy to let you go"


"What? You know it's true"

I glared at her. A chuckle made its way past her lips as she got to her feet, outstretching her hand for me to take.

Cutting my eyes, I placed them in hers and she tugs me to my feet.

"I'm kidding. That's just one of the many reasons why he won't leave you. That man's fucking whipped for you to the point where it seems a little obsessive" she mentions before walking off into my closet.

"He's not whipped" I muttered scanning the mess I created in the bedroom.

Cleaning this up was going to be a pain in the ass.

"Remi, he's unable to go one day without seeing you. Remember the last time you left to visit your mother and you forgot to tell him? Somehow he found my apartment and kept pestering me non-stop to ask where your little blackass was at and when you were coming home. And you were only gone for an hour. Girl I know it's sweet and all that he's crazy about you but he's got let you have some time to yourself"

Pushing her head out of the closet her eyes met mines, "I love you and all babe but the next time your man shows up at my house unannounced and pestering the shut outta me imma cuss him out"

I giggled walking to my vanity pulling out my chair and sat the bright lights illuminating into my eyes nearly blinding me.

The intensity of these bulbs were no jokes.

Grabbing everything I would be needing for my make up I decided to keep it simple and as natural as possible—sometimes simplicity was the best.

Taking off my silky purple bonnet I placed it to the side. Thanks to Melody my lace was snatched with baby hairs and everything.

Opening the draw of my vanity I took out my straightener and curling iron. Plugging them in, I waited for them to heat up and began straightening out my hair section by section.

Halfway through Melody came to help me gushing over how beautiful I looked and I wasn't even dressed as yet.

After finishing up my hair and makeup I quickly got dressed while Melody packed my phone, lip gloss, credit card and some extra cash into my purse.

Buckling the straps of my shoe I got to my feet and Mel clasped a golden chain around my neck. Mumbling a quick thanks I placed in my earring then quickly slipped on my watch clasping it in place.

"So how do I look?" I inquired doing a quick turn for her.


"I'm being serious Mel" I whined while spraying on some perfume.

"And so am I"

"Mel" I groaned, wanting her to be serious even if it's just for a second.

"Remi" she groans back passing me my clutch.

"I'm not leaving until you say something" I tell her despite knowing that Arlo would be here any minute.

"You know you look stunning in that dress, stop second guessing it won't do you any good" she mentions seriously, letting me know that she meant every word she said.

Pulling her into a quick hug a car horn blares outside.

"Now go have fun. I'll stay here and hold down the forth until you get back"

"Thank you Melody. I swear I don't know what I'd do without you" I stated earnestly.

"Yeah, yeah don't keep your boo waiting any longer"

Breaking the hug I waved bye making my way outside the room.

"Oh and Remi!" Melody calls, causing me to stop.


"I placed some condoms in your purse in case the night goes bad...or good. Honestly it doesn't really matter how it goes, just fuck it out. Trust me a little rough sex will do wonders" she tells me with a cheeky grin etched to her lips.

"Melody!" I screeched, causing her to cackle.

Shaking my head I quickly left the room and my apartment gently shutting the door behind me.

I swear Melody will be the death of me one of these days.

Having made it down the flight of stairs and outside the crisp night air never disappoints. The breeze creases my skin nipping at my cheeks and bare arms but I didn't mind. If anything I really enjoyed the fresh air while it lasted.

My curls whipped behind me as I walked towards the familiar parked white car, a few strands hitting me in the eye and sticking to my glossed lips.

Tucking them behind my ear a smile graced my lips upon spotting Arol leaning against the hood of his car his fingers typing away on his phone.

Feeling the vibration of my phone I held back my giggle.

"Hey there stranger" I greeted and immediately his eyes snapped up to meet mine, a smile stretching across his lips.

I swear I couldn't get enough of his smiles.

It's the kind of smile that can take away all nervousness and tension in a room, no matter how big. I have no choice but to smile back.

Sneaking his arms around my waist he pulls me flush against his body, his lips cascading onto mine in a sweet kiss.

Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulled him closer, crushing myself against him kissing him harder. I moaned at the taste of him. His tongue slid along mine in a slow tantalizing dance, gentle and demanding.

I missed him.

With one last peck he pulls away, his soft green eyes taking in every breath I breathed in.

"You look absolutely breathtaking" he mumbles softly brushing the pad of his thumb across my cheek.

"T—thank you. And you loo"— my eyes widened upon finally noticing the shirt he was wearing.

I gasped, "You're wearing the shirt I bought you?"

He nods, "I thought I'd wear it on our upcoming anniversary but I decided to wear it tonight to show it off to my parents that my baby girl has good taste"

My cheeks suddenly felt warm at his compliment. "Are you trying to get your mother to hate me?"

"And why would I do that?" He promoted a teasing smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

"You're mother might think my fashion sense is better than hers" I mumbled softly.

"And it is. Shall we go now? We're already fifteen minutes late"

"Why didn't you say something before!" I exclaimed, removing my arms from around his neck lightly slapping his chest.

"And miss kissing you? No fucking way. I haven't seen you for two days and it's been fucking hell. My parents won't mind if we're a little late" he exasperated.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive baby"

"You're late", his mother hissed, her light green eyes mirrored Arlo's which were narrowed venomously at me as If I was the reason for her son being late.

Though she wasn't completely wrong.

"Sorry mom, we got held up in traffic. There wasn't much I could do other than sit and wait"

"I guess not," she mumbles, her heated gaze still pointed at me.

Thanking Arlo for pulling out my chair, I sat down placing my purse to the side on the table.

"Mom, dad, this is my girlfriend Remi. Remi these are my parents Aletha and Carter"

"It's a pleasure to meet you both" I expressed sweetly with a beaming smile.

"She's black" Aletha exasperated, her tone dripping with disgust.


"Aletha! Arlo clearly told us this before so why are you being like this now of all time? Please excuse my wife Remi, it's really great to finally have met you".

"Thank you" I responded with a small smile.

I could already tell his mother didn't like me.

"So Arlo tells me that you work at a daycare" Aletha finally spoke, taking up her menu blocking her face from my view and I couldn't be happier.

"I do. I really adore kids"

"Surely aren't planning to have any children soon? I'd hate for you to tie down Arlo with a baby that might not even be his" She postulated gently snapping the menu shut her eyes scrutinizing me, satanically silent.

It was evidently clear she had something against me.

"Mom! Can you not? Remi would never do something like that. I didn't bring her here to be judged or to be nick-picked at by you. It's common courtesy to introduce your girlfriend to your parents and if I knew you'd behave like this I wouldn't have said shit. But let's make one thing clear, whether you want to accept her or not I could fucking careless because I'm sure as hell not leaving her to date some white bitch you approve of" Arlo reprimanded his mother who looks taken back by his behavior.

I've never seen Arol angry. He was always calm and collected no matter what the situation might've been.

Was it wrong to find this side of him hot?

"Arol you never acted this way towards me before. See, she's changing you from my sweet little boy. I told you not to date this black ghetto girl and you still did. You know how black people are and nothing good comes from associating yourself with them"

Now this whitewashed bitch needed to calm down or imma seriously show her ghetto. I didn't take disrespect lightly especially if I hadn't given you a reason to.

"And how are we Aletha?" I inquired, staring expectantly at her because I truly wanted to know what I was like.

"People like you are the reason why our society has become like this. You're nothing but criminals who walk around terrorizing and killing innocent citizens. We can't even walk on the streets safely because we fear that some big black man may jump up at and try rob or kill us"

This woman has got some serious issues.

"Aletha! I've really had it with your nonsense. Remi has done nothing to cause harm to you and yet you're behaving like some entitled idiot. This crap ends now!" Carter booms frightening all of us.

So that's where Arlo gets it from.

"I mean no disrespect at all when I say this Aletha, but clearly you need to get your facts and perception straight. I have no right to stop you from hating me for whatever reason you want to, but I can assure you that not only colored people do the things you stated. If you're going to be racist you should at least try to be less ignorant. It's no disgrace to be black, but it's often very inconvenient. I know when my presence isn't wanted so I'll be leaving. Mr. Carter I really did appreciate meeting you and really hope you have a great night Aletha"

With that I got to my feet and Arlo does the same bidding his father goodbye. He blatantly ignores his mother who called after him as we left.

I always looked upon the acts of racist exclusion, or insult, as pitiable, for the other person. I never absorbed that. I always thought that there was something deficient about such people.

"You should've told her bye"

"Until she apologizes to you for the shit she just did were not on speaking terms" he declares clearly more upset than I was.

I really was looking forward for tonight to end well.

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