The Super Mario Bros. Movie

By Beyta10HeroofSaiyans

9K 137 49

After watching the new Mario movie, it was amazing to see one of my favorite Nintendo mascots to have a brand... More

Bio: The third brother of the Mario Bros and twin of DK
Prolouge: The SuperStar captured!
A mysterious pipe and welcome to the Mushroom Kingdom!
Meeting the Princess and Training along with and the Elasticity Kong.
Onto the journey! A family fight on the Great ring of Kong!
A family reunion on Rainbow Road! Koopa Troopa Kart Ambush!
Battle for the Mushroom Kingdom! Rescuing the Princess from marriage!
The Final Battle! Super Mario and Kong Bros vs Bowser!

Super Mario Bros. Plumbing Services and the first job!

1K 16 5
By Beyta10HeroofSaiyans

The scene cuts to a commercial for a plumbing business called, 'Super Mario Bros. Plumbing.' Two men and a brown-fur Gorilla wearing a hat, a tie, shirt with yellow stars and some blue shorts. The man wearing a red shirt and hat that has the letter M on it is named Mario, and the one in green with the letter L on his hat is named Luigi in green, both have large mustaches and wearing denim overalls and white gloves. In the middle shows the brown gorilla, his tie and hat show the two letters combined that spell 'DK'. The gorilla was named Damien Kong, he is the adopted brother of the Mario brothers. They ride in a yellow van and demonstrate their plumbing skills.

🎶We're the Mario Bros! And plumbing our game! We're not like the others who get all the fame! If your sink is in trouble, then you can call us on the double! We're faster than the others! You'll be hooked on the brothers! Uh! 🎶

Mario: It's-a-me, Mario!

Damien Kong: I'm-A Damien Kong!

Luigi: And-a Luigi!

Mario: Are you tired of paying too much for plumbing?

The Mario Bros and Damien: Mamma Mia!

The scene switches the Mario Bros are flying in the air wearing yellow capes.

Mario: That's why the Super Mario Brothers are her! To save Brooklyn.

Luigi: And Queens!

Damien Kong: And even your wallet so you don't have to pay too much!

Costumer: Thank you, Super Mario Bros! It seems like the only thing you haven't drained is my bank account.

Mario: Forget the expensive plumbing companies when you're just a face! With the Super Mario Brothers, you're family!

🎶Hooked on the brothers! 🎶

As the commercial ends, the real Mario Brothers and Damien Kong celebrate in Punch-Out Pizzaria.

Damien Kong: Alright!

Mario: Wow! You both were great!

Luigi: I was great? Are you kidding you were great!

Damein Kong: Nah, we all were great!

Mario: I'm so glad we spent our life savings on this commercial!

Luigi: That is not a commercial! That is cinema.

Mario: Eh, what about the accent? Is it... Is it too much?

A man dressed similarly to the brothers, turns to them, whose name is Giuseppe, by tapping on Luigi's shoulder.

Giuseppe: Too much? It's-A perfect! Wahoo!

Luigi and Damien Kong nodded their heads in agreement with Giuseppe.

Mario: Okay, I'm gonna trust you.

As Giuseppe returns playing a Jump Man arcade game, a male voice appear which shows a large man with a big beard in a Wrecking Crew uniform and glasses. Damien started to get upset because he knew who that man was, Spike.

Spike: Well, well, well. If it isn't Brooklyn's favorite failures, the Stupid Mario Brothers and their dumb gorilla sidekick.

Damein Kong: Great, Spike's here.

The Mario Brothers and Damien Kong walks up to where Spike is.

Mario: Hey Spike.

Damein Kong: What do you want?

Spike: Yeah! It's-a-me! HAHAHA! Tell me something, have you three even gotten one call since you left me to start your dumb company?

Damein Kong: I wouldn't say left us since you didn't actually let us help you.

Luigi: *Brings out his phone* As a matter of fact, Spike, we have.

Mario: Wow, really?

Damien Kong: *Fist bump in the air* Yes!

Luigi: Uh, yeah. Our mom called and she said, "Oh, boys! That's the best commercial I've ever seen!" And I said, "Thank you very much, Mother. We're very proud of it." So boom! *Drops his phone on the floor causing his screen to be cracked while Mario tip his hat down and Damien Kong facepalm himself*

Spike: ...HAHAHAHAHA! *Wipes his face with a napkin* Ahh. Good luck running a business with this idiot.

Spike throws the napkin at Luigi, but Mario catches it quickly.

Mario: Say that again about my brother, and you're gonna regret it. *Throws the napkin at Spike*

Spike: *Gets up from his seat, towering Mario* Oh yeah? *Grabs Mario by the overalls* Get this through your tiny brain, Mario. You're a joke. And you always will be.

Just as Spike was about to push Mario down on the floor, Damein Kong stands up and grabs Spike by his shirt and look at him with a serious look.

Damein Kong: You mess with my bros; you mess with me! *Drops him on the floor* Unless you want a beating like last time you mess with me, Spike.

Spike: *Gets up and grunts as he puts his money on the table to pay for the food and walks out* You'll regret this, Monkey Boy!

Damien Kong: I count on that.

As Spike leaves the Pizzaria, Damien Kong helps Mario to get up.

Damien Kong: You, okay?

Mario: Yeah, thanks.

Damien Kong: Same old' Spike. All bark, but no bite.

Luigi: Are you insane, Mario? He's three times your size!

Mario: Luigi, come on. Y'know, you can't be scared all the time.

Damien Kong: He's right, bro. You gotta learn to stick up for yourself instead of letting guys, like Spike, treat you and Mario like that.

Luigi: Mm, you'd be surprised.

Just then, Luigi's cracked phone begins to ring, Luigi picks it up off the floor and answers.

Luigi: Hello, Super Mario Brothers. Uh-huh? A drip in your faucet? That's great! *Look at Mario and Damien Kong as they shake their heads for a disagreement* I mean, that's...that's great you called us because we can be there, and we can fix it right away. Okay. *Ends the call* Mario! DK! We got one!

Damien Kong: Are you serious?!

The Mario Brothers and Damien Kong hug each other and jump around.

Damien Kong: Let's goooo!!

Luigi: The Super Mario Brothers are in business!

Mario: Woo-hoo!

The Mario Bros and Damien Kong went onto their van to start but it failed and didn't work.

Damien Kong: Aw, come on!

Luigi: Oh, no! We're gonna be late!

Mario: No, we're not. *Gets out of the van and run on foot* Come on, let's go!

Damien Kong: Right behind you!

Luigi: Hey! *Gets out of the van and follow Damien and Mario* Wait up!

Mario, Luigi and Damien Kongs stars running through the neighborhood, through the crowd and a bunch of obstacles along the way. Mario and Damien Kong were pretty good at parkour, but Luigi wasn't. Luckily, Damien carries Luigi since he was getting tired. After a few minutes, they have made it to their caller's home which was a rich apartment building.

Luigi: Oh wow... We have hit the big guns!

Mario, Luigi and Damien Kong fist bumped while enter the building and meet the married couple who live there.

Woman: The bathroom is right upstairs at the end of the hall.

Man: Can you fix it?

Mario: Very confident sir. 

Damien Kong: There's nothing that the Super Mario Bros can handle.

Woman: Thank you and can you be careful about making a mess.

Luigi: I promise we don't make messes we fix them.

Woman: That's Francis. He likes you!

Francis licks the woman's face. Luigi walks by and accidentally steps on a chew bone. Francis started to glare at Luigi, causing him to get scared and Damien Kong notice this and started to do something with Francis quick.

Damien Kong: *Whistles as he pulls out a dog treat for Francis* You want this, boy? *Started to move the treat left and right to get Francis's attention*

Francis notices this, ran up to Damien Kong, and bark for begging for the treat. Damien Kong gives Francis the dog treat and eats it.

Damien Kong: *Pats the dog's head* Good boy. Now stay there until we fix this, okay?

Mario pulls Luigi into the bathroom and Damien Kong follow them. They begin to examine the dripping sink, Luigi getting sprayed by the water in the process.

Damien Kong: Hmm. This will be easy.

Mario: Wrench?

Luigi gives two wrenches to Mario and started to tighten the pipes, stopping the leak on the sink.

Mario: Mm-hmm. And our first job complete. 

Mario, Luigi and Damien Kong started to do their secret handshake.

Mario, Luigi and Damien Kong: Ay!

As they were about to leave, they see Francis sitting in the bathroom doorway.

Luigi: Francis is here.

Damien Kong: Francis, I can give you more treats later, okay?

Francis spits the broken bone at them, enters the bathroom and kicks the door shut behind him.

Luigi: H-Hey there, pal. *Chuckles nervously*

Francis was about to lung at them, but Damien Kong was able to catch the dog quickly and puts him in the shower.

Mario: Nice save.

Damien Kong: At least we wouldn't worry about anything. *Looks at Luigi and notices that he's scared* What's wrong?

Luigi points at the shower, causing Mario and Damien Kong to look at it and notice that Francis was gone.

Damien Kong: What the- Where did the dog go!?

Mario: *Looks around the shower, look on top of the shower and notices something* Uh... Who's a good puppy?

Damien Kong look at the Mario Bros and look to where they are looking at which was Francis who was on top of the shower and was ready to jump on the brothers.

Luigi: Who's a good boy?

Francis leaps towards the Mario bros making them to scream in fear.

Luckily, they were able to duck from Francis, causing the dog to jump out the window. Damien Kong quickly reach for the dog before he hits the floor.

Damien Kong: I got you, Francis! I got you!

Outside of the bathroom, Damien Kong looks at the window and notices that the homeowner couple were sitting in their living room. Damien quickly pulled the dog up without being spotted.

Woman: Hm?

Mario, Luigi and Damien Kong were able to pull Francis in the bathroom as Damien began to sit on the floor petting the dog on its head as the homeowner couple began to enter.

Damien Kong: We found the problem of your sink problem and also, your dog kinda distract us with our work.

Woman: Oh thank you, and I'm so sorry about Francis.

Man: Thanks for fixing our faucet, Mario Brothers.

Mario and Luigi sighed in relief for not messing up the bathroom thanks to their adopted brother. After finishing their first job, the Mario Brothers arrive at their home as they hang their hats and as they enter the dining room, the saw the whole family was there for dinner.

The Mario Family: Ay-yo!

The Mario Bros: Ay-yo!

The three boys began to sit down in their seats and getting ready to eat.

Uncle Tony: Oh-Ho! It's the Super Mario Brothers from the tv!

Arthur: They give an Oscar for the worst actors?

Arthur's wife: Hey! *Smacks Arthur in the head*

Arthur: What'd I do?!

Damien Kong: Pfft-! *Coughs* So, did everyone saw the commercial?

Uncle Tony: Yeah, we've seen it.

Mario: And?

Arthur: I wouldn't quit your job!

Uncle Tony: Oops! He already did! 

Arthur, Uncle Tony and Grandpa: *Laughing*

Mario's Mom: Well, I thought it was incredible. It belongs in a movie theater! *Feeds grandpa*

Mario's dad gave some spaghetti with mushrooms on Mario's plate.

Mario: Ugh! Mushrooms?

Mario's dad: What? Everyone loves mushrooms.

Luigi: I like mushrooms!

Mario gives some of his mushrooms on Luigi's plate.

Uncle Tony: Mairo, seriously, what were you thinking with that commercial?

Mario: What? It was supposed to be funny.

Luigi: Can someone pass me the bread?

Damien Kong: I got you. *Passes the bread to Luigi*

Tony: Yeah, but what's with the outfits? Plumbers wearing white gloves?!

Damien Kong: So? It's a trademark having to stand out.

Mario's mom: Don't listen to them. The world laughed at da Vinci, too.

Luigi: I'm not sure they did, Ma.

Damien Kong: After that commercial, we manage to get our first job today.

Arthur: Hahaha! Nice one! *Looks at Damien Kong who isn't laughing* Wait, you're serious?

Damien Kong: Yep. We manage to do some real plumbing by fixing someone's faucet and the owners gave me a few cash for me. *Pulls out his wallet and showed them the money and then put it back in his pocket* They were really kind along with their dog.

Mario's mom: Aww! I knew you would be able to help everyone! *Hugs Damien Kong* I'm so proud of you1

Damien Kong: Thanks, mom. *Hugs her back*

Uncle Tony: So, when you are going to move to a new place soon, are you gonna find a girlfriend, Ladies Man?

Damien Kong: Well, I'm not sure. Since basically all the females started to ask me out for a date.

Mario's dad: Yeah, ever since from your teen age to now. I think it would be wise to find someone you actually love.

Mario's Mom: Ooh! Imagine the children they'll have! Damien would be a good father and we would be good grandparents!

Arthur's wife: I agree! Imagine Damien and his future wife will have more than one child!

All the males, except for Mario's grandpa and his niece, almost choke on their drinks as Damien Kong accidentally swallow his fork from what Mario's mom and Arthur's wife just said about Damien having children. They all started to spit out their drinks from their mouths and started to cough and Damien Kong started to cough because he swallows his fork by accident and tries to spit it out. He quickly went to the kitchen sink and finally spits out the fork out his mouth and started to breath heavily from what Mario's mom said.

Damien Kong: *Recompose himself by fixing his tie* U-Umm, I think it's a little too early for grandchildren, Mom. Besides, I still need to actually find my true love.

Mario's dad: Uh, y-yeah, he's right about that, sweetie. He needs to find his true love first.

Damien Kong: Now, back to our topic about our plumbing.

Mario: R-Right. Dad, what do you think?

Mario's dad: In honesty, I think your nuts. You don't leave a study job for some crazy dream and the worst part is you bringing your brothers down with you.

Damien Kong: H-Hold on, Dad. Even though it's crazy, I still got some good jobs for fixing cars and stuff.

Mario's dad: Exactly, Damien. *Looks at Mario* Now, that's a good career you should try something like that. Not that plumbing business.

Damien Kong: That's not what I-

Mario: *Frowns* It's fine, DK. Thanks dad. Thanks for the support.

Mario stood up and went to his room, leaving the rest of the family to look at Mario's dad.

Mario's dad: What I'd say? 

Damien Kong was about to follow Mario, until he looked back at Mario's dad.

Damien Kong: Mario's trying his best to make his family proud, Dad. It might sound crazy, insane even, at least we manage to get a reward. You should apologize when the time is right. *Begins to walk to Mario's room and enters* Hey, you okay?

Damien Kong saw Mario not responding because he was playing Kid Icarus, so he decided to sit next to him on the right side of his bed and watches him play until he stops playing from losing and turn on the news.

TV News Reporter: Thanks for tuning in to the channel....

Luigi began to enter the room, brining Mairo's plate of spaghetti.

Luigi: Hey. *Sits next Mario* Eh, you're not bringing us down. You know what? What do they know, huh?

Mario: It's not just them. Our whole lives, everyone's telling us we can't do this, we can't do that. I'm just sick and tired of being so small.

Damien Kong: Hey, don't worry. Soon, we'll prove them wrong.

As Damien Kong predicted, the news suddenly catches him and Mario's attention.

TV News Reporter: ...A water main burst underground today, stopping subway service and flooding downtown Brooklyn.

Damien Kong: Turn up the volume!

As Mario did what his adopted brother told him, the news shows the water main spilling water onto the street. The mayor, Pauline, speaks with the reporters about this situation.

Pauline: Everything is under control, I promise you. We are very close to fixing this.

As the mayor said that water then began to rise up from the sewers and citizen runs in, shakes Pauline and grabs a reporter's microphone.

Citizen: Somebody help! Somebody save Brooklyn!

Mario and Damien Kong get excited to see what was happening and it was their big moment to prove everyone wrong.

Damien Kong: If we fix Brooklyn's problem, everyone won't treat us like a joke!

Mario: You're right! Luigi! This is our chance! Destiny is calling us!

Luigi: Destiny del Vacío from high school?!

Damien Kong: What? No!

Mario: Come on! *Grabs Luigi out of his room* 

And with that, the Super Mario Brothers are back in business to save Brooklyn from water main burst! This was their chance to prove everyone wrong about them can't do anything!

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