Masked Love

By awsmpants

23.2K 730 35

When the Mandalorian took it upon himself to save the child that was once his bounty, he had no clue what his... More

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Season 2
Long ago...


196 4 1
By awsmpants

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

My hands were turning white to how tightly I was gripping the panel in front of me. The Razorcrest was in free fall as we entered the atmosphere. The lighting around us flashed red as the alarm beeped over and over again. Everything shook as I felt my stomach flip inside me. We managed to repair enough of the ship to get us out of that frozen wasteland. Though I was questioning if we did enough to get us landing safely. My nerves were taking over as Din quickly turned his head to me.

"I need your hands, Amara." Din said loudly as he tried to speak over the many different sounds blaring around us. I quickly set the child down into the seat as Din gripped tightly to the steering. Trying his best to keep the ship as steady as possible.

"The lever-"

"I know! Just get us on the ground safely." I snapped back. Feeling more nervous than ever as I gripped tightly to the lever beside him. Pulling as hard as I could to keep it from moving. I looked out the window in front of us, seeing nothing but the flames of the Razorcrest beginning to burn up. I held my breath, feeling as if I was watching our downfall.

"Razorcrest, this is Trask flight control. Please reduce your speed to port protocol." A female voice spoke into the coms.

"I'm trying my best here." Din yelled back, "Engage reverse thrusters. Brace!"

I held tightly to the lever with one hand as I reached back towards Din seat. Holding tightly for my life as this point. Outside I could begin to see a small glimpse of the town below us. Hoping to the gods that we were going to not kill anyone in the landing. Din reached up hitting a few buttons and flipping a few switches, trying his best to steady the ship as much as possible.

"Razorcrest, do you copy?" You have to reduce speed." The female spoke out again. Her voice growing with concern the closer we got to the landing dock, "Razor Crest do you copy? Razor Crest you're coming in too fast. You have to red-"

Din quickly flipped a switch, shutting off the communications. Focusing all his attention on landing the ship. The ship came in faster and faster as Din pulled on the levers in front of him. I felt the ship come to a sudden stop, steadying itself over the landing dock. It hovered for a second as Din tried to lower it down slowly, but then one of the engines blew out suddenly.

Din let out a grunt as the Razorcrest tilted to the side. Falling straight down into the water surrounding the dock. The water splashed around the windows as the ship began slowly sink down. Thankfully one of the workers on the dock was ready to pull us out with a mobile loading gantry.

When we were finally able to walk out, I turned to stare at the Razorcrest. Seeing how it looked even worse than before. Din handed some credits to the dock worker, hoping to get what he could repaired as I walked ahead with our passenger. Crowds of people passed as the frog lady turned her head back and forth looking for her husband. Another frog-like shout came from across the crowd, catching her attention. I watched as she squealed happily, running up to her husband before pulling him into a tight embrace.

Din walked up behind me, seeing the two reunite as I just smiled. "Look how happy they are. Kind of makes all this mess worth it." I said before looking up at him. Din just kept his helmet facing towards me. Saying nothing in return. "What?" I question him. He turned back towards the Razorcrest, seeing it completely destroyed before turning back and letting out a deep sigh. I could tell he wasn't thinking it was all worth it.

We walked towards the couple as the husband shook Din's hand. Thanking him for bringing his wife and future children here safely. "I was told you could lead me to others of my kind." Din responded. The husband continued to speak frog as he gestured over to the building up ahead. As the two discussed I felt a presence around us. As if we were being watched closely. I turned my head seeing someone in a black cloak disappear into the crowd. I furrowed my brows as I just watched them leave. Was that the person I was feeling?

"What's wrong?" Din asked, noticing my attention was elsewhere.

I turned to him and shook my head, "I thought...Never mind it was nothing."

The couple led us towards the restaurant in the inn and we parted ways. There was where Din finally found a lead on some other Mandalorian's within the town. Finding passage on a fishing vessel, led by a Quarren boatman. The second the child finished his food we were sailing off.

My hand was growing white with how tightly I was holding on to the railing surrounding the ship. I leaned forward, feeling my stomach slowly grow queasy with each movement. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes as I heard Din's footsteps come up behind me.

"You, okay?" he asked as he pressed his hand against the small of my back. Slowly grazing his thumb against it as I took another deep breath.

"I hate sailing." I said quietly as the ship continued to rock. Din tilted his helmet before letting out a small scoff.

"You can handle an X-Wing spinning around, but a boat rocking back and forth is an issue?"

I just rolled my eyes before turning to him with a glare, "They're completely different." I snipped back as he just continued to chuckle. The boat rocked once more as I held tight to the railing. Keeping my body as still as possible. Closing my eyes once more and taking deep breaths. Trying my best to calm my stomach.

"You ever see a mamacore eat?" The Quarren that brought us along asked as he stepped beside us. I turned my head slowly giving him a question glare as neither Din and I said nothing. My hands were basically tied to the railing, and I was afraid any movement I made would mean the chowder I had just eaten would end up on the floor. "The child might take an interest." The boatman pushed harder.

He waved his over towards the large opening in the middle of the boat. Signaling us to walk over. Din looked over at me as I let out a long sigh, knowing he was wanting to see it for himself. My hands finally let go of the railing as I walked with Din towards the gated opening. My hands felt sore and tight from the grip I was holding.

The gates slid back, revealing the dark blue waters below us. He shifted a net holding the meal of fish for the creature of the hole, pressing a button that released the fish down into the waters. The water began to bubble as if it was boiling as the fish sunk towards the bottom.

"He must be hungry," The fisherman said as Din and I peered over the edge, "Oftentimes we'll feed her in the early morning, but we missed that cause we were going out of port."

Everything happened quickly. Distracting us with the creature hidden below the fisherman swung his fishing staff against the child's carriage. Forcing him to float in the water in front of us. Before Din and I could even react the mamacore's mouth peaks out of the water just enough to swallow the carriage whole. My body moved on my own, the sickness disappearing as I lunged into the waters. Swimming down in hopes of finding the kid.

I heard another splash follow behind me as Din and I swam as deep as we could to find the child. Both of us being blinded by the darkness of the water surrounding us. We swam back up quickly, noticing the fishermen had closed the gate. Giving Din and I little room to catch our breaths. Both of us held tightly to the metal, doing our best to hold us up as the fishermen laughed around us.

"The beskar is ours." The fisherman said as the rest of the crew grabbed their sharp rods and began poking them through the gates. Forcing Din and I to let go once again and fall back into the water. We both would come back up for some air, before being forced back down again. Moving as best we could to avoid being stabbed.

I took another deep breath, letting myself sink into the water for safety as I reached down into my holster. Shift my hand around for the familiar metal hilt of my saber. I continued to pat my side, flipping around in the water until I realized it wasn't there. Forgetting I had hidden it in the child's carriage for safe keeping so any Mandalorian's wouldn't question how or why I had it. The irony now hidden deep within the waters and possibly inside the stomach of the mamacore.

I swam back up to the surface, gasping for air as I gripped tightly to the gate once more to hold myself up. As I did, I heard jets fill the air. Din and I did our best to stay afloat as fighting could be heard above us. Both of us gasping for air as the water pushed above our heads. The gate finally opens as two Mandalorian's kneeled above the hole. Their armor different from Din's, each piece colored in a hue of blue and grey. One though stood out the most, her helmet painted with a white intricate design, resembling an owl.

Two of them reached their hands out towards us as Din and I grabbed onto them. With their help getting pulled out of the hole and onto dry ground. "There's a creature. It has the child." Din said, catching his breath in between his words.

"On it." One of them replied. Immediately jumping into the water after the child.

Din and I sat there silently as we caught our breaths. Too weak to even stand. The other two Mandalorian's stood at the edge of the hole. Staring down into the deep blue water as a few blast could be heard underneath. There was a loud screech from the mamacore, then a sudden silence. I sucked in a breath as time passed. Seconds feeling like minutes. Wondering if she was able to get the child.

Suddenly a blue blur shot out of the water and into the air. The Mandalorian holding tightly to the carriage holding the child and landed safely onto the ground. She placed the carriage onto the ground in front of Din. Ripping open the dented lid, revealing the child safe and sound inside. She handed him over to Din before pausing.

I felt my nerves grow wild as she reached her hand back into the carriage. Grabbing onto the metal hilt of my lightsaber and pulling it out. She stood up quickly as the others looked over at what she was holding. The one with the owl symbol tilting her helmet to the side before turning to me. I felt like she was staring me down, and I questioned if there was a glare hidden behind the helmet.

I quickly reached my hand out. Using the Force to pull the lightsaber out of the Mandalorian's hand and into mine. I gripped tightly to it and stumbled onto my feet. Holding it by me, ready to ignite it if they decided to attack. One of the Mandalorian's reached for their blaster, and my grip became tighter. But then the one in the owl helmet reached her hand out to stop him.

"She's not a threat." She said quickly, forcing her comrade to withdraw their hand away from the blaster.

Din got up, taking his place beside me as I continued to stand stiff. He held tightly to the child as if too scared to let him go. "Thank you." Din said kindly. "I've been searching for more of our kind."

"Well lucky we found you first." The leader of the group said.

"I've been quested to deliver this Child. I was hoping that-"

Din went silent quickly as the Mandalorian's reached their hands over their helmets. Gripping tightly to them as the familiar hiss of the seal came from each of them. I furrowed my brows as they pulled their helmets off. Confused as to never seeing another Mandalorian remove their helmet before. Granted I never met many, but so far, any that I knew off never showed their face.

In front of us stood two females, the one saving the child being a beautiful brunette, as the other the main leader a beautiful red head. Beside her stood a brunette man. Handsome as well. Making me question what the hell the Mandalorian's were fed to make them all so good looking. I stood there in complete shock. My eyes wide and mouth open. No words were able to form how confused I was.

Din moved closer to them. I already knew he was angry. "Where did you get that armor?" He questioned aggressively.

"This armor has been in my family for three generations." The red head responded. Seeming slightly confused by his question.

"You do not cover your face. You are not Mandalorian." Din reprimanded her. The group fell silent as the red head tightened her lips. Seeming disappointed at Din's response. The man looked over at the others, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"He's one of them." He said.

"Dank farrik." The red head mumbled under her breath.

"One of what?" Din asked.

The red headed paused before standing tall. "I am Bo-Katan of Clan Kryze." She introduced herself. Taking a deep breath and tucking her helmet under her arm tightly before taking a step towards Din, "I was born on Mandalore and fought in the Purge. I am the last of my line. And you are a child of the Watch."

I shifted my eyes between Din and Bo-Katan. "I'm sorry. What is the Watch?" I asked as her eyes shifted towards me.

"Children of the Watch are a cult of religious zealots that broke away from Mandalorian society. Their goal was to re-establish the ancient way." Bo-Katan answered. Shifting her eyes back towards Din. She was being kind in explaining all this. However, she didn't know how dedicated Din was to his Mandalorian ways. I could practically feel how angry he was getting.

"There is only one way," Din replied coldly, "The way of the Mandalore."

Din turned away quickly as Bo-Katan took a deep breath. I could tell she was slightly annoyed he wasn't willing to hear them out. I mean, even I was slightly annoyed he wasn't going to at least give them a chance. I turned towards the three Mandalorian's. Ready to open my mouth to protest. This was the closest we got to hopefully finding a Jedi and Din was too stubborn to even notice.

Before I could say anything, I felt Din's hand grab onto my wrist. Dragging me away from the group and towards the edge of the ship. He handed me the child before hooking his arms under my legs and back and igniting his jetpack. Lifting off into the air and forcing us away from the closest lead we had since we started.

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