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By talesbyraven

7K 358 239

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541 28 49
By talesbyraven

here we gooo

"you think.." chuuya trailed off, his thoughts overtaking his words. "you think we should go find him?" he leaned back, his head hitting the head-rest above his seat.

he was annoyed.


he was pissed off since you wanted to go find the bastard that kept you from him for almost a month, and was behind every bit of pain that chuuya had went through in the last two months.

but, hey, he couldn't force you to not go looking for him. after all, you did care for dazai. before and after everything went down.

"yeah. pretty much."

he sighed out of his nose, and shut his eyes rather tightly. if he can't see it -- then it isn't his problem. none of this was his problem. it wasn't his fault that you didn't want to marry him. it wasn't his fault that you went out and practically killed yourself. it wasn't his fault that he wasn't the one who found you. it wasn't his fault.

it wasn't his fucking fault.

he knew this was a bad idea from the beginning. it was always bad in the mafia. there were no 'good' moments. he knew he should've never gotten involved with you all those months ago. he was well aware at how stupid he was. and mori was just trying to help him by trying to get him to break everything off with you. he should've taken the chance. he knew he should've. 

but he's in too deep now.

"okay. where do you think he is?" he pinched the bridge of his nose as he watched you think carefully about where the brunette could be. "there was this bar, he talked about it a lot-"

a lightbulb practically lit over chuuyas head. "lupin. of course, that should've been the first place i would think of." he scolded himself mentally as he pulled the car into reverse, his hand reaching behind your headrest as he rotated his body behind him, making sure not to hit any cars as he reversed out of the parking lot. "it sounds familiar."

"what? lupin?" you nodded in response. "that's cause it is familiar. we went there a lot when we were teenagers." he turned down a road. "you and dazai more than me, though. he hung out with oda there, before he died. which," chuuya shut his mouth rather quickly, knowing that he probably said too much at this point. "i don't know if you ever met him, actually."

"the name doesn't ring a bell."

chuuya nodded while swallowing firmly, accepting that anything before three weeks ago pretty much never happened. small things were coming back, thankfully. but things would never actually be the same as they were before. 

would you ever love chuuya like you did before? or would you love him because he already loved you and described moments that you don't remember happening? only you would know.

"we're here." chuuya undid his seatbelt before exchanging a glance with you. "i want you to stay in here, alright? this might bring up some.. bad memories. i don't want to overload you." 

you nodded, understanding where he was coming from.

chuuya quickly got out of the car, making sure to lock it behind him as he entered the bar that he remembered so vividly. he wasn't happy to be there. he didn't want to be there. but dazai meant a lot to you, and if it meant that he would see your smile, then he would walk to the ends of the earth for you. 

he looked around cautiously, looking for the messy haired brunette before coming to the conclusion that he wasn't here. but he wouldn't give it up at that. 

last time he came to a bar with you and dazai, he found dazai with some random girl in the bathroom. but he wouldn't dare go into that bathroom and risk seeing dazais dick. again. so, he was going to do the sensible thing and ask the bartender.

"yo, have you seen-"

the bartender turned around slowly, but what shocked chuuya more was who was behind the counter.

fucking atlas.

of course, it had to be him.

"chuuya?" there was no doubt that atlas would recognize the angry ginger. you spoke so highly about his features that atlas had them tattooed into his brain. "shit, man. it's been awhile since i heard from [f/n]. you wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would 'ya?"

atlas wasn't going to take no for an answer. he was going to find out why you hadn't messaged him about everything going on in your life or even went to visit him like you had been over the last several months.

"long story-"

"we got time, bud'." he looked down on the ginger wearing the hat, since he was much taller than him. perhaps there was a foot difference between the two.

chuuya raised his hands in defeat. "alright." he scoffed, "she kinda died, and then came back to life, and now she has amnesia. didn't even remember me." he found pleasure in watching the mans face distort into seven different emotions, as if he was going through the five stages of grief. "hey, you asked."

"anyways, have you seen a brunette haired mackeral wearing bandages and an ugly ass trench coat?"

atlas pointed towards a seat in the corner while biting at his lips. "thanks, man. i owe you one." chuuya patted him on his shoulder blade while snickering to himself.

you thought to yourself as you watched the rain start to downpour from the gloomy, cloudy sky. the car was completely silent, minus the sounds of your breathing and the loud sounds of vehicles driving by behind the car you were currently sat in.

the door swung open as you glanced towards it. both chuuya and dazai walked out, but dazai was hunched over, his face flashing a million different shades of crimson, hinting towards the fact that he was absolutely fucked up. 

chuuya opened the backseat door and tossed him inside effortlessly while muttering something under his breath. dazai fell asleep instantly, his face flashing one more colour - a light pink shade.

you watched as chuuya hopped back into the drivers seat. he took off his hat as he sat down, running his hands through his now wet and knotted hair. 

you weren't entirely sure as to what you should say in this moment to relax chuuya slightly, or if you should just stay silent overall.

eventually, you chose the latter. sometimes silence on its own can be relaxing for some people, and you knew for a fact that chuuya liked the silence. thats what you had learned over the past couple days, after all.

he slipped his hat back on after a moment of stressing over his life and pulled the car back into drive - heading towards the building that you called your 'job' just a week earlier. plus, that was probably the smartest option for dazai at the current moment. he probably had some sort of alcohol posioning, and yosano would treat him with some pain or some antibiotics. whichever mood she was in at the moment.

you turned the radio on to fill some of the awkward silence in the vehicle. a song from some woman named 'lana del rey' came on. it gave you a calming sense as you watched the rain drops race down the window.

for once, in the past month, you felt happy.

at peace. 



life update yall cause yall KNEW this was coming.

- i built a new computer

- im failing my tech and french class

- uhhh thats about it

i've started to read books rather than manga (i know, i know.) and i'm currently reading the shatter me series and omg warner?? is so fucking hot. like i want to do inappropriate things with him so badly. ONE CHANCE WARNER, PLEASE!!


its out of my system, we're good now

i tried to make this chapter a decent length (1200 words) to make up for my lack of chapters since FEBRUARY. idk how yall are still here i wouldve given up a long time ago if i was yall.

but omg omg omg??

almost 20k reads on tcith?? 

(time for my new saying)


im canadian why do i say yall


okay bye, see you in three months or tomorrow, we'll never know

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