The Lost Element

By the_cat_friend

113 8 6

Again, I'm garbage at descriptions. So this is another M!Oc insert. But this one is different because instead... More

Never Trust a Snake p1

Rise of the Serpentine

64 3 2
By the_cat_friend

A monastery on a tall mountain above the clouds was seen. A beautiful and peaceful sight.

Inside, a wise old man sat in the middle of a small room. Though his peace was disturbed by sounds of fighting. So he got up to check the training area.

Much to his disappointment, no one was there. So he walked across the court to a different room. A room where said voices seemed to be getting louder.

There he saw four ninja in black, blue, white, and red. The four sat in front of a TV playing a video game.

The old man quickly made his way faster than any elderly person should, to the TV. He went unnoticed by the four, as they were very engaged in their game. The old man unplugged it.

The four ninja started to complain.

"Why would you do that? Why?" Jay demanded.

"Just because Lord Garmadon escaped through a vortex doesn't mean he won't return on day for the Golden Weapon of Spinjitzu." Wu lectured the four.

"But Sensei Wu, ever since he's been gone, Ninjago has been nothing but peace." Zane tried to reason with Wu.

"Yeah, peace is boring." Jay argued. "There's no one to save. There's nothing to do."

"We can train tomorrow." Cole said laying down on the ground.

"Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today." Wu said frustrated with the four ninja.

"Well, I was gonna eat this pizza tomorrow, so if that's the case.." Cole was about to eat the slice of pizza, until Wu slapped it out of his hand.

"No pizza for you!" Wu yelled. "In order to reach your full potential, you must train."

"Uh, remember when we did a little thing called the Tornado of Creation?" Kai said butting in. "I thought that was pretty insane."

Wu sighed. "Oh you four have merely scratched the surface to your full potential." He said disappointed that they think they are finished. "There are still so many secrets you have yet to unlock. You haven't even begun to tap into what powers your golden weapons hold."

The four ninja were hardly paying any attention to Wu's words.

Cole stood up holding his scythe. "You wanna talk secret powers? Check this out." He used the scythe to plug the TV back in.

They started playing again, until they heard a noise outside. The four got up to check what was happening.

They saw a portal open up. It had blue, green, yellow, and red hues in it. A person fell out of it. He had a reddish-brown hair, a pale complexion, and striking gray eyes. The man had bandages wrapped around his left leg, arms, and around his stomach and chest. His pants were torn and his small sleeves coat was worn thin.

They all stood down, seeing as he was in no possible shape to fight.

Nya, Kai's sister, came running to them.

"Guys, Lord Garmadon, has returned!" She said out of breath with urgent news. "He was spotted approaching Jamanakai Village."

The four ninja quickly forgot about the fallen man. They started running around, frantically trying to find their weapons. They ended up tripping each other, and over each other.

Nya spotted the nuchucks of lightning. She picked them up and handed them to Jay. He stuttered out a thanks, but she told him to hurry.

The four ninja were out and running down a separate stair case leading to the dragons. Zane almost getting crushed by one of the doors, but caught it and moved out from underneath.

The other ninja sloppily got onto their dragons. Cole dropped his scythe getting on. Jay tried jumping on from behind, but ultimately failed, for he over jumped and fell on the ground.

Kai was with his dragon doing well for the most part.

"Uh, can I help?" Nya asked.

"Sorry, sis, where we go, danger abounds." Kai said rejecting his sister's help. "This is a job for the ninja." He said proudly, until he realized he couldn't reach the reigns for the dragon. "Uh... uh, a little help?" He laughed nervously.

Nya smirked and handed him the reigns.

With that, the four ninja were off to save Jamanakai Village.

"Will they ever reach their full potential?" Nya asked Wu as they watched the ninja leave. "Also, who's that guy out in the training area?"

"To answer your first question, in time. Maybe long time, but in time." Wu said. "And for the second, I don't know for sure yet, but we better check up on him to see if he's okay."

They went back up to the monastery and saw the man was standing there. He seemed confused about his surroundings.

He heard the footsteps of Nya and Wu approaching. He turned to face them. When he saw Wu, his face lit up.

"I've finally returned!" The man said.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Nya asked confused.

"Oh, why hello there." The cheery man said. "My name is Abner, who are you?"

"I'm Nya, how did you end up here?" Nya asked.

"I'm.. not too sure myself." Abner said thinking back. "One moment I was chasing something, the next I'm back where I started."

"But it's not." Wu said after a long moment of silence. "For you come from the past, and this is now the future."

"And I can see thst now." Abner said fully observing Wu. "I can see that time has taken its toll on you, but where is Garmadon? He was here before I left."

"For now that is not important, right now we need to see if you carry any wounds." Wu said changing the subject. "Nya, take him to the guest room, while I get some medical supplies."

"Yes, sensei." Nya said walking to Abner. "Follow me, I'll show you the way."

"That would be great!" Abner said. "I can tell things have changed around here. Also, why did you call Wu, sensei?"

"Oh, that's because he trained my brother and his friends to be ninja." Nya said. "And he also let's me stay here with my brother, they have the Golden Weapons to use to tap into their elemental powers."

"They have the Golden Weapons?!" Abner asked shocked. "I thought they were lost."

"They were, until the ninja found them." Nya explained. "Oh! We're here."

"Huh, it has changed quite a bit, what's that black thing?" Abner asked, pointing to the TV.

"That's a TV, you can turn it on and watch something." Nya said grabbing the remote and turning it on.

"Weird, but who are these ninja you speak of?" Abner asked, turning away from the TV.

"Oh, you haven't met them yet." Nya said. "Well, there's Kai, my brother, he's the red ninja, he has the sword of fire. Jay, is the blue ninja, he has the nunchucks of lightning. Zane is the white ninja, he has the shurikens of ice. And then finally, there's Cole, the black ninja, he has the scythe of quakes."

Abner nodded. He didn't know what to think of this. So much has changed, and it only feels like he was in that portal for a few minutes. At least that's what he thought.

♧《 Timeskip 》♧

Later, the ninja had returned to the monastery. Abner was watching Nya go through the training course. Though she ended up getting hit with an axe blade.

Jay walked over to her. "Hey, Nya." He greeted. "Closer to beating your brother's speed record?" He asked.

She sat up holding her head. "I'm getting there." She said as Jay helped her up the rest of the way.  "Heard what happened in town. Just a false alarm?"

"Yeah." Kai said getting her attention. "Uh, but we're gonna need this space." He said blowing her off again. "Sorry, sis."

Cole was grabbing out some gear for them. He tossed a helmet to Jay. But it ended up hitting him in the back of the head.

"Two matches, then the winners of each face off for the title." Cole announced. "Armor's for our protection." He said holding up a helmet. "It's time to see what these babies can do."

Kai had armor on already. "Hey, Nya, wanna stay and watch me mop the floor with them?"

"No, thanks." Nya declined. "I think I'll just visit Jamanakai Village." She said walking away. "Knock yourselves out."

Abner went unnoticed by the four ninja. Though he didn't mind, since he gets to see how good they are. And how well Wu taught them from his last student.

"Alright, first up: Kai versus Jay." Cole said. Both taking out their golden weapon. "Ninja go!"

Both immediately started once the words left Cole's mouth. Though, Kai showed that he had a fair amount of skill compared to Jay.

Next were Cole and Zane. Jay sat on the porch disappointed with his loss. Cole swung first. By this he showed his strength. Zane was quick to dodge though.

The fight ended rather quickly though. Cole was frozen in place and the ice kept growing, though he tripped Zane using his scythe.

Now both Jay and Zane sat on the stairs sad that they both lost their battles.

Jay announced the commented of Cole and Kai's fight. And they were almost evenly matched.

Though in the middle of the match Cole knocked Kai off his feet, making Kai frustrated. He used Spinjitzu, but lost control of the sword.

The sword was now on fire, too hot for Kai to handle. Abner got up in worry about the ninja. But then he dropped the sword letting the fire run loose. It made a circle around Kai but spread everywhere else. Wu heard the commotion from outside and quickly opened the door to the room he was in.

He saw the fire spreading rapidly around the monastery. He saw the shurikens on the ground where Zane left them and quickly used them to put the fire out. Wu caught the shurikens and glared at the four ninja.

"What were you thinking?!" Wu yelled.

"Uh, we were trying to figure out who was the Green Ninja." Jay said accidently ratting them all out. Zane, who was next to Jay, hit him on the head. "Ow! Uh, heh, did I say Green Ninja? No, sorry, ahem, what I said was lean." He stuttered out a bad cover up.

Wu sighed. "You were not supposed to see this." He said.

"It's better they find out now, instead of later." Abner said cutting in. "Besides, they are curious, so might as well let them."

The four ninja jumped by Abner speaking up all of a sudden. Though they were glad that he was on their side.

"Exactly! Thank you, uh..." Kai cut himself off not knowing the other male's name.


"Abner!" Kai repeated then turned back to Sensei Wu. "Which one of us is the chosen one?"

"None if you." Wu had bluntly said, confusing the ninja. "If you don't unlock your full potential."

"But my sword, it was so bright." Kai tried reasoning. "Is this what you meant by unlocking our golden weapons?"

Wu was about to say something but was cut off by Abner. "Sorry, uh.. Kai. You are only at the beginning, and the journey to full potential is long and winding." He said informing the ninja.

Wu glanced at Abner, but moved on. "But yes, this is what I meant." Wu said walling with his stick. "If this is what must take for you to train, then so be it." He said in a strict tone. "But none of you are near the level of what it takes to be the Green Ninja."

♧ 《 Timeskip 》 ♧

The peaceful afternoon was one enjoyed by most. Both Nya and Abner were in Jamanakai Village buying some fruits and vegetables. Along with looking at a few things that were being sold buy vendors.

That was until some villagers were heard panicking and screaming.

"What now?" Nya said slightly annoyed at the disturbance of the day.

They both looked around seeing villagers running around in panic. Until Abner pointed at a child in a black skeleton hoodie.

"Take the candy!" The child ordered. "Take it all!" He then let out an evil laugh.

"Who's that?" Abner asked.

"That Lloyd Garmadon, son of Lord Garmadon." Nya said.

"Garmadon, has a son..?" Abner said confused.

They then saw serpentine, specifically Hypnobrai, come out of the same building Lloyd was in. The villagers just stares at the snakes. What seemed to be the general, hypnotized several villagers.

Nya and Abner hid to the side of one of the stands.

"Thiss makes no sense, general." One of the Hypnobrai hissed to its general. "Raiding an entire town for sweets?"

"You will do as I command, because I hold the staff." The general yelled at the other holding up the staff.

"This isn't good." Abner whispered to Nya. "You must go hide somewhere and try to see if you can use your modern technology to communicate with the others." Abner instructed.

"Alright, but what will you do?" Nya whispered worriedly about Abner.

"I'll see if I can save a few of the none hypnotized villagers, or at least see if I can get the serpentine to leave." Abner said sneaking off into another spot.

He saw two different Hypnobrai standing alone. Abner quickly tackled them both to the ground and effectively knocking one out, while fighting the other.

After a quick fight, Abner spotted Lloyd laughing at the chaos. Lloyd had a small wheelbarrow full of candy.

The four ninja quickly dropped in, interrupting Lloyd's mini celebration.

Lloyd ordered the serpentine to attack the ninja through the general.

"The serpentine?" Kai questioned. "They're real?!"

Abner came and jumped on one of the Hypnobrai. "Yes, Kai, they are very much real." Abner said as more serpentine surrounded the five of them, along with hypnotized villagers.

"It's not just them we have to worry about." Cole said looking behind them. "The whole village has been hypnotized."

"Times like this, I wish there was more metal around." Abner muttered. Though it was loud enough for the ninja to hear.

Jay started getting ready to use his nunchucks, until Zane stopped him. "No. Our weapons are too unstable." He said. "We could do more harm than good."

"I guess that leaves us with: run!" Jay yelled.

The ninja scattered away, jumping over the snakes and villagers. They were on rooves and behind buildings.

They backed themselves behind a small alley, which wasn't really an alley. Nya jumped down behind them with a worried expression.

"You're okay." Jay said relaxing a bit.

"Barely. Where's Abner?" She asked worried about him. "They hypnotized everyone in town."

"Mind control." Jay said. "How is this possible?"

"We don't know the whereabouts of Abner, though he was with us before we ran." Zane said.

Nya nodded, then answered Jay's question. "When you hear them rattle their tales, don't look them in the eyes." She explained. "That's how they get you."

They heard a lot of rattling from beyond their hiding spot. They also heard someone struggling.

"What are we supposed to do?" Jay said starting to panic. "We can't use our weapons, Abner probably got hypnotized, and now we gotta fight with our eyes closed? Ha! Perfect."

"The snake with the staff is the general." Nya informed the ninja. "He's the one in charge. If we can get the staff from him, it holds the anitvenin. If we get that, we can save everyone."

"Look guys. Forget about the whole Green Ninja thing." Kai said. "Let's make sensei proud. The four of us, we're a team."

"Now you're talking." Cole said feeling encouraged.

"Oh, and Nya, you can be our honorary member." Jay added.

"Gee, thanks." Nya sarcastically said feeling slightly offended.

The ninja plus Nya, were jumping over roof tops. They made their quickly through the village.

Kai jumped down from the roof. Two Hypnobrai spotted him, and immediately went to go attack him.

"You wanna play?" Kai said. "Then how about a little Spinjitzu. Ninja go!"

Kai did Spinjitzu, though he lost control over it rather quickly. Then after a second he face planted into a wall. The Hypnobrai watched this happen.

Abner heard this and ran over. His eyes were covered by some extra bandages he had on him. He quickly took out two of the eight Hypnobrai surrounding them. Kai recovered quickly and took out two more.

Lloyd was running away with the wheelbarrow full of candy. But from the rooftop, Zane threw down his shurikens. They formed ice where Lloyd was running to. The wheelbarrow tipped forward, spilling all the candy. Lloyd was on top of it.

Zane jumped down and started doing Spinjitzu. He used it as a way to get to Lloyd faster.

"Sensei was right." Zan said. "Never put off until tomorrow what can be done today. We should've dealt with you the first time around." His stare hardened.

Lloyd panicked. "Aah! Retreat!" He yelled to the serpentine.

The general repeated Lloyd's instructions. The Hypnobrai scattered. Cole was quick to attack the general though, for his staff.

The general dropped the staff in between him and Cole.

"Go ahead, give me a reason." Cole threatened.

The general quickly ran away. Cole picked up the staff, examining it. When he looked up, he saw a Hypnobrai standing in front of him.

The Hypnobrai started to hypnotize Cole. Though it was interrupted by Nya calling Cole's name. Nya ran up to the Hypnobrai and kicked him in the face.

"You have the anitvenin!" Nya said.

Cole shook his head and looked at his hands. "By golly, you're right." Cole said.

Abner took off the bandages around his eyes. He gave Cole a suspicious look. He barely knew Cole, but Abner could tell something was off.

"Quick, the fountain." Nya instructed.

"Good idea." Cole said running to the fountain.

When Cole placed the staff in the water, it started to let off a mist. The anitvenin quickly spread through the water. The villagers were quickly recovering from being hypnotized.

Kai carried the staff over to Wu. "We're sorry sensei." He apologized sincerely. "If we had dealt with Lloyd before he became a problem, none of this would have been necessary."

"About time you realized that." Abner called out from the other side of the stream.

Wu sighed at Abner. "Even lessons learned the hard way are lessons learned." Wu said ignoring Abner's comment. "Hm. A great evil has been released. I fear troubling times will come." He said worried. "This is only the beginning."

The rest of the ninja walked up to Kai and Wu, along with Abner.

"Then we will train and be ready for the Serpentine." Zane promised.

"It may not be Lord Garmadon, but that doesn't mean we won't bring out A game." Cole said.

"Help us train, help us realize our potential." Kai said to both Wu and Abner.

"Yeah, Teach us the secrets behind the weapons of Spinjitzu." Jay agreed.

"Hm. There is much to teach." Wu said.

"Then we must return to the monastery." Abner said.

Nya sighed in disappointment. "When am I gonna get my own dragon?" She asked.

"Patience, Nya." Wu said. "Your time will come."

"But until then, I can teach the basics of self defense." Abner said.

Nya got excited and thanked Abner.

When they got back to the monastery, Abner felt off. Nothing with him, no. It was like they were being watched. He looked at Cole who seemed fine, but was off some how. Abner shook his head and brushed it off as nothing.

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