Sugar • Slash

By slutsyfaith

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🤍Slash Hudson🤍 A man I could only dream of stood right before me, close enough to see the darkness of his e... More

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By slutsyfaith

Gia wanders around her apartment, wondering what to do with herself, it's around half twelve in the evening, she's struggling to sleep and she's never been so hungry.

After browsing her almost empty cupboard and failing to find a snack, she strolls over to her sofa, picking up one of many guitars in her apartment and occupying herself with it.

She hums along as she plays, unsure of what she's humming, she carries on and creates a sweet little melody.

"It's this one! Gotta be this one!" A deep voice whines before the sound of loud knocks on a door that's presumably beside Gia's apartment interrupts the pretty sounds she was making.

She frowns, hearing multiple voices that seem to be trying their best to be quiet but their bickering just gets louder and louder.

Getting up from the sofa, she goes over to her door and balances on her tip toes to look out of the peep hole, she can't see anybody, but they're definitely close.

"Are you sure that wasn't her??" Someone asks, slurring their words.

"Course I'm sure, she's not fucking ginger for a start!".

"What's wrong with gingers?!".

"Everything" Another voice answers in a giggle.

Gia jumps when there's just one bang at her door, when she looks back through the peep hole a familiar red head is scrambling to get up from the floor.

"The fuck did you push me for?!" He looks up at another familiar face, or rather, familiar hair.

"What about this one?" The tall blond speaks, ignoring his friends antics.

"Won't be that one" The black haired one chimes in.

"Maybe she lied to you," The red head looks at his curly headed friend, "maybe she doesn't even live here-".

"Do you need something?" Gia swings open the door, standing with folded arms.

"Are you- wait what's her name.." The shorter blond looks up at the taller one, whispering the last words. "Uhh.. Gina?".

"No I'm not Gina" Her hips jolts out and her hand rests on it.

"You fucking idiot" Slash pushes the drummer away, "It's Gia," he rolls his eyes, "uh, sorry to disturb you, but-".

"Can we sleep with you?" The red head chimes in, a playful grin on his face.

"Why the fuck would you say that?" The dark haired one frowns at him.

"Yeah, why would you say that?" Gia asks, tilting her head with narrowed eyebrows.

"Listen, I'm drunk out of my mind and I-".

"Just shut up" The tall blond shushes his friend, "we're like... unable to get home, 'n we were wondering if you had a spare sofa we could crash out on..? Or like, even just a floor, anything works..".

"Or your bed" Axl chips in, winking.

Gia can't help but splutter out a laugh at Axl's attempt to seduce her, that and the fact they're all swaying, struggling to stay on their feet and their words are barely understandable.

"Umm.." She cracks her fingers out of nerves, wondering what she should do. "I shouldn't really let five strangers into my house..." Inside she's banging her head on the door, why did I say that? I sound like a child! "Okay come in anyway, just please promise me you won't make a mess?".

"We promise" The black haired one smiles softly, "we just want to sleep".

"Okay..." Hesitantly, she opens the door wider, putting her hand out as a gesture for them to enter. "Shoes off" Her voice raises as she puts her hand on Duffs chest, stopping him from walking any further.

He looks back and raises his brows at his friends before obeying to the girls orders, they all follow suit.

"You've got loads of guitars" Duff observes.

"Oh yeah, well I never!" She exclaims sarcastically. Her eyes extremely droopy because of how tired she feels. Hence the sass.

"Do you play?" Izzy asks, rubbing his own tired eyes.

"Yeah," She answers quickly, moving on to another subject, "anyone want a drink or anything?".

Completely ignoring the girls question, Izzy speaks again. "What can you play?".

"Uhh, I don't know.. everything".

"Ooo she's confident, show us" Duff smirks.

"Absolutely not" She shakes her head, "I really need to sleep, none of you are gonna kill me or anything, are you?".

What a stupid question to ask.

Right after saying that she felt a bit silly, but her question is valid, she's only ever met them once at a bar. Essentially, they're still strangers.

And her nerves are valid too. What if they kill her? What if they do something bad? It was stupid to let them in, in the first place, but it's not like she can kick them out now. And plus, her eyes are getting to heavy to keep open anymore, if she could flop down on the floor and nap right now, she would.

"You'd be no use if we killed you" Axl answers earning a weird look from the girls tired face.

"Now I'm even more scared" She mumbles, rubbing her tired eyes, "maybe I'll stay in here".

"Ax, you've freaked her out," Steven throws his hands up, "tell her we're not here to cause any harm".

Axl playfully rolls his eyes, grinning as he looks up at the girl from his manspread-position on the sofa. "Sweetheart, we're just here because there's nowhere else to go, okay?".

"M'kay.." She nods, trying her best to keep her droopy eyelids from closing the tiny gap that's left.

"Thank you for letting us in, Gia" Duff speaks up, a soft smile on his face.

"No problem" Gia shrugs, turning around to head to her bedroom before she remembers one last thing. "Oh, and you can sleep anywhere you want," She peeps her head in the doorway, "as long as it's not on my bed" her focus is all on the red head who sits like a mischievous little boy, smirking with his arms folded across his chest.

"Okay," Izzy grins, "thank you".

Gia stumbles off into her room and flops onto her bed, shuffling around and rubbing her feet together in pure content.

Slash sprawls himself out on one sofa whilst Axl and Duff lay on the other, trying their best not to touch each other. Steven and Izzy roll their eyes at their friends before pulling some pillows out from under Slash's limp body, throwing them down on the thankfully carpeted floor. 


Gia, lays there awake on her bed, leaning over to the bedside table to check the time. 04:15.

She's gotten a total amount of zero sleep.

The boys have been silent, so clearly they've been sleeping like a baby. Lucky fucks.

She rolls off of her bed and makes her way to her door, slowly opening it so it doesn't cause any sound to wake the guys up.

Her aim is to get a glass of water from the kitchen, so she walks through the hallway but is taken back as someone walks out of the bathroom, her tense body colliding with bare skin making her let out a loud gasp.

"Woahh, chill, its just me" The man mumbles, voice deep and husky.

The light coming out of the bathroom shines on is sleepy face, bouncing off his curls and his bare torso.

"Oh my god," She puts her hand on her chest, "you scared the life out of me".

"Forget I was here?" Slash asks, following the girl into the kitchen.

"No, actually," She fills up a glass of water and jumps up on the counter, sitting herself there, "I haven't slept all night".


Her lips form a playful smile, chuckling at what she's about to tell the boy. "Scared you guys might hurt me or something..".

That Cheshire Cat smile spreads across his face, "Why didn't you say anything?" He chuckles.

"Well what could you of done?" She shakes her head, laughing quietly.

"Uhh, like.. not kill you?".

"That's something a murderer would say" Gia raises her eyebrows.

His folded arms flex and relax as he stands in nothing but boxers, hip leant against the counter as he watches the brunettes eyes wonder his body.

"Right," She breaks the silence, jumping off the counter, "I'm gonna actually go to sleep now".

"Keep one eye open" He smirks, winking at her as she turns around with an eye roll.

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