max ziegler | dance moms

By luvspeaknow

13.4K 192 57

maxine grace ziegler is the younger sister of maddie and mackenzie. she's a fabulous little dancer, but can s... More

The Competition Begins!
Wildly Inappropriate
Cheerleader Blues
Stealing the Show
When Stars Collide
She's a Fighter
Love on the Dance Floor
From Ballerinas to Showgirls
Cathy Brings It On!
It All Ends Here
There's Only One Star
Everyone's Replaceable
Return of the Candy Apples
Brooke's Turning Point
No One Likes a Bully
Brooke's Back
Jill on the Rampage
Bullets and Ballet
The Runaway Mom
Miami Heat Wave
Melissa Pleads the 5th
Waiting for Joffrey

Dying to Dance

539 9 5
By luvspeaknow

I was still super exhausted from the showcase, no matter how many days it's been. I was in no mood to return to dance.

"I don't want to go. I'm tired," I argued, sitting at the counter with Kenzie.

"You can sleep in the car. We have to go to dance," Mommy insisted.

"Why can't we miss one day?" Kenzie asked, crossing her arms.

"Because you'll fall behind, and you don't have a good reason to skip," Mommy told us. "Maddie is the only dedicated one here."

"I'm gonna fall asleep," I spoke.

"Why are you so tired? It's been days. You went to school. What's the matter with you?" Mommy questioned.

"I'm sick of dance," I stated.

"Me too. I want a break," Kenzie added.

"No, you girls can't have a break. Get in the car or I'm taking away your iPads," Mommy threatened, but we didn't move. "For 3 months."

"Do it, I don't care," Kenzie said. I nodded. Mommy sighed in defeat.

"If I buy you both new stuffed animals on the way home will you go?" Mommy bribed, and we agreed. "Good. Now go get your dance bags and go in the car."

"No Justin Bieber," I said, grabbing my dance bag.

"Yes Justin Bieber," Kenzie stated as we left the house.

"No. We should watch Peppa Pig," I insisted.

"What? Gross, I'm not listening to Peppa Pig," Maddie insisted. We threw our bags in the trunk and hopped in the car. I tried to buckle myself into my car seat, but it wasn't working.

"Mommy!" I yelled, waiting for her to come to my rescue. She was locking up the house. "Help me!"

"Max, you can't scream that! People will think you actually need help," Mommy told me, running over. She fastened the buckles.

"Play Peppa Pig please," I politely said.

"Nuh-uh! Justin Bieber!" Kenzie exclaimed.

"Oh, I don't think so. You gave me a hard time about going to dance, so Maddie is in charge of the music," Mommy explained, and Maddie went 'yes!'

"What about me?" I asked.

"Maddie is in charge, and that's final," Mommy stated, and I pouted.

She played Justin Bieber the whole time, and I just wanted some chocolate.


I've never left a car so fast in my life. As soon as Mommy undid those stupid buckles, I grabbed my dance bag and ran inside.

I put my stuff in the den where everyone else was waiting for pyramid. Maddie and Kenzie came in shortly after.

"How do you run so fast?" Maddie asked, completely out of breath.

"I got small legs," I shrugged. "Too much Justin Bieber is bad."

Everyone laughed as Miss Abby called us in for pyramid.

"I want to talk about this upcoming weekend. It's regionals. Everybody knows how important that is," Miss Abby started, turning the chalkboard around.


𝘾𝙝𝙡𝙤𝙚 𝙋𝙖𝙞𝙜𝙚

𝘽𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙚 𝙉𝙞𝙖 𝙈𝙖𝙭 𝙑𝙞𝙫𝙞-𝘼𝙣𝙣𝙚 𝙈𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙣𝙯𝙞𝙚

"We are going to Starpower. You know that's one of the toughest competitions out there. This is what's going to happen for this next weekend. Maddie, new solo. Brooke, new solo. Chloe, new solo. Now, the age categories are a little different. So we want to make sure that your dance reflects you as a dancer now, not the beginning of the season. We are doing a new group routine this weekend. And everybody's in it, the entire cast. It is called 'Where Have All the Children Gone?' This is a routine about children who become missing. We've all seen the children's faces on the milk cartoons. It's contemporary, it's mature, and it is very dark. You have to be great actresses to pull it off. And they're all in white like they're angels. I don't want any discrepancies. I don't want any opinions. Moms, I'm going to go ahead and dismiss you now. We have lots of work to do. Girls, up. Let's get moving, let's get moving. Come on. Let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go!" Miss Abby finished, and we started group rehearsals.


"One, two, three and four. Five, six, seven, eight," Miss Abby counted. Kenzie, Vivi and I were sat next to Miss Abby, watching the girls dance. We left Studio A and went to a smaller studio, the cameras following. "Come close, listen to me. Alright, you're dancing, you're doing steps, you're trying to listen to the words. You're not interpreting the story correctly. And this is very serious, because maybe people in the audience have had a child that's gone missing. So you're gonna touch somebody's heart. So this has to be a very serious routine. And right now you're just doing the steps, and we need to get past that and we need to perform. Do you three understand? It's very serious."

Miss Abby looked over at us, and we nodded.

Holly came into the studio and pulled Miss Abby out of rehearsal. I wonder what they're talking about, I always do whenever a mom interrupts rehearsal.


After we all finished at the studio, it was time to go to the toy store! Toys R US, to be specific.

"Are we there yet?" Kenzie impatiently asked.

"No, but we're getting closer!" Mommy exclaimed.

"Can I get something?" Maddie questioned.

"Of course," Mommy responded just as we pulled into the parking lot. Mommy picked me up and placed me on the ground, and I immediately started running towards the store.

"Max, wait up! Stop!" I heard Mommy yell, but I kept going. I stopped once I reached the entrance of the store. Mommy, Kenzie and Maddie finally caught up.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go in!" Kenzie exclaimed, and we all entered the store. We quickly made our way to the toy section. We knew the way by heart, obviously.

"Try to be fast, I've gotta cook dinner," Mommy spoke.

"I want this, and this, and this..." Kenzie grabbed a bunch of different toys, mostly Barbie's. Mommy quickly stopped her.

"No, no, no, no, no. You can only have one thing. And I said a stuffed animal, you have enough Barbie's," Mommy stated, putting back the Barbie's. Maddie left to go find something for herself.

"I want this!" I shouted, holding up a brown bear stuffed animal.

"That's boring, I want this one!" Kenzie argued, holding up a dolphin stuffed animal. Maddie came back holding a pink cat purse.

"Can I get this? I really like it," Maddie told her, and she agreed. We made our way to the checkout line, which wasn't very long. It's pretty late.

When we left, I completely passed out in the car ride. Hey, at least I was carried up to my room!

•Three days to competition•

I was really liking the group routine, so I did actually want to return to dance. It's not like I had a choice, but at least I wanted it.

"Good morning, ladies. Everybody ready to go?" Miss Abby asked, entering the den.

"Yeah," we all replied.

"This is regionals. You know how important it is," Miss Abby continued. "Today counts."

Today was mainly a solo day, where Miss Abby worked on everybody's solos. She started with Maddie.

The den was totally empty, I was the only person there. Kenzie was with the moms in the Dance Jail. Who knows where the other girls were.

The door opened, and I looked up to find Kylie approaching me. She slumped down next to me, not saying anything.

"Hi," I greeted, and she looked over at me.

"I'm still so tired," she complained. I wasn't expecting that, but okay.

"Me too," I said.

"How is filming going? Is it good?" Kylie questioned.

"Yes, it's fun," I replied. "I wish we danced together more."

"Me too. I think we dance good together," Kylie started, "we are the same age. Same height. We dance similar. We should get more duets."

"Yeah. It is not fair," I spoke. "Miss Abby has been meaner. I don't know why. But maybe it's the show."

"I want to dance more," Kylie said.

"I dance a lot, and I love it. It can be tiring, but I don't know what I would do without dance," I explained, and she nodded in understanding. "How is soccer? Your first game?"

"It was good. We won. I like it, but I think I like dance more," she said.

"I would like to try soccer," I spoke. "I don't have enough time."

"You dance more than me. I wish I could dance more. But I need time for soccer," she insisted. I get that. Some people do other things besides dance, and that's great. Me and my sisters, dance is all we do. It's our whole world. Dance is everything to us.

•One day to competition•

The competition was tomorrow, so we were running the group dance and cleaning it. However, Miss Abby had Brooke's solo rehearsal first, so we all hung out in the den.

"Do you guys like the group routine? 'Cause I love it!" Paige exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's so dark and mysterious," Chloe stated.


After an hour or so, it was time for the group dance rehearsals. We all filed into Studio A.

"You ran, you ran, and you stop, and you're like..." Miss Abby then grunted. "Give me a hand. Give me a fist. Like you're trying to grasp on to stay alive." she was talking to Chloe.

"Paige, figure out where you're supposed to be," Miss Abby started. "Where...have all the children gone?"


Rehearsal finally ended, and we were free to leave.

As I was packing up my bag, I noticed two figures about my size open the den door. It was Kylie and Stella.

"Hey. We just wanted to wish you good luck," Kylie said, and they both gave me a hug.

"Thank you. See you Monday?" I asked, pulling away. They nodded.

"Josie says she got something and wants to show us," Stella said. "But she won't say what. She said she'll show us on Monday."

"Hi Kylie, Stella," Kenzie smiled, waving. They waved back.

"Okay, we're am leaving now. Just wanted to see you before you leave tomorrow. Bye!" she exclaimed, exciting the den.

"Bye! Good luck!" Stella exclaimed, following her out.

"I love Kylie and Stella, they're so sweet," Maddie said. "Unlike you."

I shoved her shoulder, and she emphasised her point.

•Competition day•

I overslept a lot. 30 whole minutes! Mommy was so mad, she was yelling a lot. I've never gotten changed so fast in my life. I sprinted down the stairs, tripping on the last few. I saw Maddie snort from the couch, and I glared at her. She didn't see.

"Well, well, well, look who woke up from the dead," Maddie teased, and I sneered at her. She sneered back.

"Max, no time for breakfast, we've gotta go," Mommy said, tossing Maddie her jacket.

"But I'm hungry!" I argued, stomping my foot.

"Should've woke up earlier," Maddie sang with a smirk on her face.

"Shut up!" I shouted, and Mommy gave me a look.

"Here, you can have some fruit snacks in the car. I packed you some goldfish for the bus ride, so you can have those later," Mommy told me. I was satisfied.

"Last one to the car is a rotten egg!" Maddie yelled, sprinting down the hall and out the door. Kenzie was right on her tail. I was quick to follow.

"Max, you're not wearing shoes!" Mommy shouted, but I was already outside.

"Haha, I win!" Maddie teased, sticking her tongue out. "Kenzie's a rotten egg!"

"That's mean!" Kenzie whined. She looked down at my feet, then up at my face. "You're barefoot."

I was about to go inside, but Mommy brought my shoes with her. When she got to the car, she slipped my shoes on and drove us to the studio.

"Max's feet smell."


We arrived at the studio in the neck of time, taking our makeup cases out of the trunk and over to the bus.

We all boarded the bus, and I sat in the back with Chloe. I love sitting with her and Kenzie. And Paige, too. She seemed sadder.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just that my great grandmother isn't doing so well," she spoke, looking down.

"Is she okay?" I questioned. I didn't really understand.

"I-I'm not sure. She's in the hospital," Chloe explained, and I started to get it. "She might die soon."

"I'm sorry. I hope she gets better." I tried my best. I stopped using words and just hugged her. I'm good at doing that.

"You give good hugs," Chloe told me, pulling away. That made me happy.

"Thanks. I am not great with words. But I think I'm getting better," I stated, and she nodded.

"Totally, you're getting better everyday," Chloe insisted. "I can really tell."

"Thank you. My teacher said that I'm the best speaker in the class," I bragged, and she smiled.

"Well, duh. I'm not surprised, you're, like, the best speaker I've ever known," Chloe said with a sassy accent, which made me giggle. "Can I braid your hair?"

"Yes. Can I braid yours after? I've gotten better. I have been practicing on my Barbie's," I told her, and she agreed.

My braid was horrible. It didn't even look like a braid. Chloe loved it for some reason. She left it in for the whole bus ride!


The plane ride was awesome! I was in the isle seat again, which I didn't mind. Kenzie and I watched Frozen on my TV screen, which was good. I love Frozen.


The bus pulled up at the competition, and we all grabbed our makeup cases and headed inside the building. We were perfectly on time today.

We made our way to the dressing room, where the soloist's immediately began getting ready.

"Can I have everybody gather up so I can talk to everybody? I want eye contact here. There's people here from all over the place. And the reason is, this is the last regional to qualify for their nationals. So, I need you to be on the A game today. You have a new solo today, you have a new solo today, you have a new solo today. I was gonna have you dance in whatever the next age group is, 9-11? You've had a really easy year. You're on eight and under, and you're eight; you're at the top of the age scale. Yes?" Miss Abby asked Maddie, and she nodded. "Everybody else is at the bottom of their age scale. So we're gonna bump you up and put you on the youngest side just so we see how it is, alright?"

"But we have to get ready," Mommy spoke up from behind me.

"We have to get ready, yes," Miss Abby said, and everyone went back to getting ready.

"Where is Brooke's costume?" Kelly asked. Brooke held it up. It was red and pink.

"Ew," Brooke said.

"That looks like Max would wear that," Mommy stated. I would never wear that. That is absolutely hideous.

"That is just ugly. Does it look like 13 to 15 age?" Kelly questioned.

"No. She looks like Pennywise the clown," Cathy replied.

Brooke tried on Vivi's costume, which is so much better than hers.

We all went to the audience to watch the solos. Chloe's was first.

"And in 12A, it's in the musical theatre category, 9-11. Please welcome to the stage Chloe, in 'Parlez-Moi.' 12A," the EMCEE announced, and she started dancing.

She did so amazing, I was completely mesmerised. She was so good! I cheered and clapped as loud as I could.

"Coming up right now, judges, is 27A. 27A, this is Maddie. Age 9-11, it's 'Beautiful,'" the EMCEE spoke, and Maddie took the stage. We watched her on the TV backstage. She was so beautiful.

It was time for awards, and I was excited. Maddie vs Chloe, round 52836292720.

"Alright, folks, here's your top five. Here we go. Fifth place, entry number 24.." the announcer started. "Ladies and gentlemen, by less than one point separating second from first. Second place, entry number 25, that's Chloe from Abby Lee Miller. And ladies and gentlemen, your power division, 9-11 solo champion, with the check, the  plaque. Your winner will be, Maddie Ziegler with 'Beautiful.' Tell everybody your name one more time."

"Maddie Ziegler," she replied.

"From what studio?"

"Abby Lee Dance Company."

"And who was your choreographer?"

"Abby Lee."

"Girls, guys, take a bow." They all bowed.

We went back into the dressing room to see how Brooke was doing, since her solo was coming up. Brooke was all ready to go, Kelly was just adding some final touches.

"How'd it go?" Kelly asked when we entered.

"It was good, but you know what, I-I though about it and I really don't want Paige. Paige. What's your kids name?" Cathy asked. She moved Vivi out of the way.

"Brooke," Kelly mumbled.

"I don't want Brooke wearing the costume. I'm sorry, I thought about it, and I saw you over here floundering the way you were sewing that, and it's not gonna look the same tomorrow. You just need to come up with something else," Cathy demanded.

"Whatever. Brooke, take the costume off. You know what, Cathy? If you don't want to be part of our group, don't come to our studio," Kelly spoke, starting to get mad.

"Kelly, it has nothing to do with..." Cathy trailed off.

"Get the costume off, go," Kelly told her daughter.

"It has nothing to do with behind part of your group," Cathy continued.

"My daughter is dancing in three minutes, and you're taking the costume off of her back," Kelly told the woman.

"Well, I'm sorry, I know, but it's ridiculous that you guys aren't prepared," Cathy argued.

"Whatever, Cathy," Kelly sighed. Cathy and Kelly kept arguing back and forth. Kelly started rummaging through her bag, trying to find another costume for Brooke to wear. She ended up having to wear her leotard.

We went backstage to watch her solo. I knew she was gonna do great, even without a fancy costume.

"Acro gymnastics category, 12-14..." Brooke took the stage, and she looked awesome. Even in a crop-top and booty shorts, she was killing it.

She was fabulous. I cheered as she exited the stage. She did so good.

"Good job Brooke," I said as she walked over to me.

"Thanks," she said as I hugged her. Paige, Kenzie and I followed her out to go see the moms. All of the moms were there except Mommy. I don't know where she was. Kelly started crying, she said it was because of Cathy.

Brooke ended up placing 6th, which is pretty good.

Kenzie and I eventually met up with Mommy and Maddie, and we went back to the hotel together.

The competition was two days. The first day was solos, and the second day was group numbers. Maddie also performed her solo 'Cry,' but it wasn't aired. And Chloe also did 'Baby Mine,' which wasn't aired either. There will also be an unaired group dance called 'My Pumps.' Vivi and Kenzie also has an unaired duet entitled 'Runaway Babies.'

'Cry' got 5 stars, and 'Baby Mine' placed second. I was super happy for them.


"Wow, this hotel is nice!" Kenzie exclaimed, looking around.

"I call this bed!" Maddie yelled, jumping on the bed furthest from the door.

"Okay, who's sleeping with who?" Mommy asked.

"I want my own bed. Since I'm the oldest," Maddie argued. Kenzie and I objected.

"I'm the youngest. Let me have my own bed," I insisted.

"Nobody is having their own bed. How about I share with Maddie, and you two share the other?" Mommy asked, and we agreed. Except Maddie.

"Hey, that's not fair. How come they get to share?" Maddie questioned. Mommy gave her a look. "Oh. Yeah, I'd rather not sleep with two 4-year-olds."

"Okay, everyone get into your pajamas and get into bed, it's pretty late," Mommy instructed. I brought my bunny pajamas. I love them a lot. I wanted to bring my princess ones, but Mommy said they were being washed.

•Competition day 2•

It was the next day, and we were competing the group dance today. My emotions were all over the place.

All four of us woke up on time, which was awesome. We had a nice breakfast and met up with the other girls/moms.

We headed over to the competition, making our way to the dressing room.

We got set up, and the girls started getting ready for the group dance 'My Pumps.' Kenzie and I weren't in that.

They placed first. I was super happy for them, they did awesome!

Kelly and Cathy were still arguing about the costume. Cathy made Kelly sew it back together since she tore it to pieces yesterday. Cathy is mad that it still isn't done.

Kenzie and Vivi's duet, 'Runaway Barbies,' didn't even place. I thought they were great.

The girls did great. They changed into the costume for 'Where Have All the Children Gone,' and we ran it outside of the dressing room. With the swings, which is our prop.

We went backstage, did our chant, and waited to be called onstage.

"We got this guys, we can do it," Paige encouraged.

"Please welcome to the stage, 'Where Have All the Children Gone?'" the EMCEE announced, and we took the stage.

I thought we did good, I was honestly very happy with how we did.

It was time for awards, and we all went back onstage.

"We'll find out the 11 and under highest scoring routine of the day. If we were at nationals, this would be your 11 and under Victory Cup winner. Ladies and gentleman, the highest scoring routine of the day went to...entry number 250, 'Where Have All the Children Gone?' Congratulations. That is also for you. Congratulations. This goes to you. Good job! Take a bow, dancing girls!" the announcer exclaimed, and we all started dancing onstage. We were so happy!

We went back to the dressing room to pack up when Miss Abby came in.

"Congratulations! Aren't you guys excited? I'm so proud of all of you," Miss Abby said, pulling us all in for a hug. "Things are looking really good for nationals. Now I have a better idea of what we're going to take. We just need to figure out how we're gonna get that swing there. Alright."

"Can we go to the mall now?" Paige asked.

"Can we go to the mall now? Yes, I think you can go to the mall," Miss Abby answered. Paige was very happy about that. "Let's go."

We all went to the mall, Mommy spent a lot of money on us, but it's okay. It was a celebratory shopping spree!

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