It's not always what it seems

By Haileana

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The Origin Story about Larota, Venus, Talena and Amoly. How they lost their parents, become kunoichis, a team... More

The beginning of a new life
An new encounter and old accusations
The reason behind
A little advance
An unexpected disclosure
A temporary decision
Four mean integrity
About Ninjas and Turtles
The beginning of trust
Family isn't always blood
Head or Heart?
A rebel, a nurse, the cute one and the dreamer
The abandoned and the adopted one
A/N (Part I)
Unexpected changes
A/N the next!
A new meeting
One last trial
Alley or Foe?
The Mutagen blast
Leaving home behind
A/N (Part 2)

Changes of plan

25 1 0
By Haileana

Venus woke up from the noises of the TV next to her that changed and rubbed her eyes. "Hey why you switched it? I was watching it!"

"With your eyes closed and not responding to my tries to wake you up? Sure, Vee." Olivier shoke his head. "Now is my TV time."

"Sometimes I really dislike your effort. I can't argue against that." Venus jawed while packing her blanket and pillow. She went over to Ollie, sat down next to him and laid her head on his shoulder.

He put the blanket over them and laid gently his head on hers. Olivier didn't grow up with hugs or having someone near in his first years on the street, but he understood that Venus needed it sometimes and he didn't mind the closeness of her. For him she was the sister he never had.

"Are you feeling better?" Olivier controlled her pulse that was a little bit out of rhythm, but that was not new.

"Yes. We can start train tomorrow or today after your TV session again. I just feel homesick. I like being here with you, but I would like it better when we would be all together. Plus I am a little worried about the whole Larota and Maolier situation. They still don't get along. Still wonder how Furuji thinks that they will work out in a team. They are both stubborn and have different topics on almost everything." Venus sighed. She hates it that two great fighters didn't got along. They could be almost unstoppable if they just tried.

"It will work out somehow. I know you will find a way for it." Olivier booped playfully her nose.

Venus showed him her tongue for that gesture. "Hopefully. If not then the team will not last long."

"You will always have a place in my team, sis." ~Olivier

"Thanks. I really appreciate that, bro." ~Venus

"Good morning turtle-san!" Chung I came out of his room where he received a long call from Hopu. "I have good and bad news!"

"First the good one." Venus was really excited what he had to announce.

"Larota surpased the test and they are allowed to stay in the institute." Chung I told them with a smile on his face and Venus cheered in happiness.

"And the bad one?" Olivier looked curious at him.

"They will go on their first mission soon, but Venus will not be able to go with them." After being alive for over 100 years his body began so hurt so he finally sat down next to them. "You need to understand your body and his limits first and how to overcome your limits step by step without letting it be in your way. That also means Mars will stay some time longer than expected. I already talked with your sensei Quake and he was totally fine with it."

"It is Olivier, Master." He hated the nickname Chung I gave him, but he also understood that Chung I was old and wasn't good at remembering names.

"What about my sensei? Will she come back soon?" Venus got rid of the blanket and was about to went of the room, because she got an idea and was finally completly awake.

"She will come back when the time is right, but right now she is on a mission and she decides where she goes and when." ~Chung I

"That is true. Always being the mysterious woman she always was." Venus mind already switched to the plan she began to made. "Do we still have some empty kassettes, tapes or how it called?"

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