Kenzie Gilbert: The Possessiv...

By BeckySmolder

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Kenzie Gilbert has slipped on some mom jeans and put off wedding planning. Legally, she's already a Salvatore... More

1: All Mom'd Out
2: Red Stones & Arguments
3: Sick Of It
5: Valerie's Secret
6: Potentially A Killer Party
7: Romance At the Lake House
8: A Thankless Night
9: Doom & Gloom
10: Un-Merry Christmas

4: A Romantic Halloween

265 14 16
By BeckySmolder

Chapter Four

I groaned loudly at the ringing of a cell phone. I rolled over in bed, reaching blindly to answer the damn thing. "Sorry, babe, I didn't want to wake you," I heard Stefan.

"Hmm?" I hummed, grabbing hold of the phone before it was snatched out of my hand.

"Damon, it's early," I heard Stefan say. I slowly sat up in bed as I felt it dip. Upon opening my eyes, a pair of blue eyes stared back at me.

"Mama," Maverick called out.

I smiled, reaching to take the toddler who was peered over Stefan's shoulder. "Hi, handsome," I cooed as he settled onto my lap now.

"I'm on the way," I heard Stefan sigh loudly.

"What now?" I asked my husband.

"You don't want to know," he said, turning to face me finally. "Um, anyways, how are you feeling? Hungover or nauseous at all?"

I furrowed my brows, considering it for a second, but, "I feel fine," I mused, slightly surprised.

Stefan and I shared looks of relief. "So, you don't mind me heading to campus to meet Damon for something?" He asked.

"I do mind," I frowned. "We're not spending a lot of time together these days, Stefan."

He sighed, "I know, but what can we do? It's an emergency right now. If it wasn't—"

"It's always an emergency. Our lives have been one never ending nightmare for the last four years," I cut him off.

He snorted, "we've had some good moments."

"But you know what I mean," I said. "I miss when we went off together. For old times sake, can we deal with Damon's screw up, together?"

Stefan chuckled, but nodded his head to the toddler climbing from my lap to his. "What do we do with this chunky little guy?" He asked, ticking my nephew's belly.

Maverick squealed, trying to move towards me for protection. "Stop Teffy!" Maverick laughed, squirming on his back as he landed in my lap, one of his hands gripping my shirt.

"Knock on Matt's door," I suggested, swatting Stefan's hand away as Maverick got louder and louder with his giggles.

"Okay, okay. Give me the baby, you get dressed," my husband said, leaning over to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Say bye to Mama," he told Mav as he picked him up.

"No, bye-bye," Maverick frowned.

I kissed his chubby face, "Mama will be back. You're going with daddy. But I'll see you later. I love you. A whole lot."

"Love you lots," Maverick grumbled, blowing me a kiss. I laughed while Stefan left the room, trying to assure my nephew/son that he would see us both later.


I stood in the middle of Alaric's apartment with my jaw slacked in disbelief. My husband and his idiot brother were dragging in a grey corpse. Oscar. This was Damon's emergency!

"How the hell did you let this happen?" I asked my brother in law angrily. Oscar was our bargaining chip to get Elena back.

"Don't even think about blaming this on me! I'm not the one that unscrewed his heart," Damon hissed in return, struggling to get Oscar on the couch.

"No, you're just the one who chased him down, kidnapped him and are still technically holding him hostage," Stefan chimed in.

"To get Elena back!" Damon argued.

"And how's that working out for you? Because from where I'm standing, she's in more danger than ever because you won't let her rest!"

"You spend one day with Mommy Dearest, and now you're on her side?"

"I don't have to be on her side to see what's happening here. You can't be with Elena, so you're making all your bad decisions about Elena."

"Okay, enough!" I interjected. "How did this happen? And what are we going to do?"

"Oscar disappeared from where we held him held hostage. I followed the smell of blood to find him locked in a cabinet. Dead. No idea how or who did it," Damon filled me in on the whole story. I barely asked Stefan anything before we got here. "We need to get rid of this body."

Stefan scoffed, "No, no, no. You need to get rid of this body. My wife and I have better things to do. Fix this."

"Stefan it's for Elena," I frowned. "We have to help now."

My husband scowled. "Fine," he said. "Grab your side again."

"All right," Damon said as they lifted Oscar's body up again. We all moved to the door but before I opened it, a knock came.

I shared a panic look with boys. "Who is it?" Stefan mouthed to me. I tip toed to the door to look out the peep hole to see a blonde and a brunette.

"Damon? I know you're in here. Open up!" The blonde one shouted. British. Interesting.

"Heretics," Damon whispered.

Stefan jerked his head to left. Damon apparently understood as they quickly dragged Oscar's body to the window. "Babe grab a sheet off the bed," Stefan whispered to me.

A louder, more aggressive knock came. I flashed to Ric's room, grabbing a sheet as I was told before throwing it to my husband as he and Damon were now dragging the body into the bathroom. In no time the boys had Oscar tied up and dangling out the only window. I was afraid the window wouldn't hold the sheet wrapping his body.

"Damon, open the—"

I pulled the door open before the loud girl continued. "Can I help you?" I asked, giving both women a once over.

The blonde glared while the littler one looked me over and gave me a half smile. It looked devious. "Oh. Hello," Damon said as he joined my side now.

"Who are you?" The blonde questioned, slipping in uninvited.

"Kenzie. Heard of me?" I retorted. "Same face as the girl in the coffin. Twins. Obviously. But I can get you a dictionary if you need a better understanding."

"Ugh," she groaned, walking past me into the small one bedroom loft. "University housing. How lovely."

"How sad," the other one spoke up, twirling a smoothie in her hand out of boredom.

"She speaks," I commented as I settled next to my hubby who was sitting on the edge of the end table by the couch.

"Not as sad as being exiled here by your own mother. Lily must have had the wrong address for the hostage exchange. Where's Oscar?" The blonde questioned.

"You just missed him," Damon lied.

"You reek of blood," the other one said, her big eyes rolling in disbelief as she glanced at him.

"Well, I've been... I've been binge-ing."

"And I've been judging," Stefan chimed in, his hands on my waist as I nestled between his legs. I had no idea who these women were. But there was no awkward stares or silence or tension. So I didn't take either to be Valerie. However, the last thing I was going to do was let anyone think he was even remotely available. We had a rough patch last year and I saw how quickly Caroline moved in.

"Yeah," Damon mumbled.

Dark haired girl with perfect Katherine look alike curls, picked up a small ceramic vase. I stared in confusion as she looked in it. "Not gonna find him in there," my husband commented. I snickered in amusement. I loved his sassy side. It was rare.

But all humor flew out the room when she dropped it to the ground and it shattered. "Are you serious?!" I spat.

"Ughhh. Look, I get it. Okay? You got me," Damon piped up just as the girl knocked a green statue over on the coffee table. She then started to round to our side but before she could destroy a framed picture of Ric and Jo, I grabbed it.

"Oscar turned the tables, and he knocked me out, and he took off. I lost my one and only bargaining chip," Damon continued.

"Then why isn't Oscar answering his phone?" The blonde asked.

"Aren't you two cozy?" The brunette smirked, looking at me and Stefan like something was wrong with us touching.

"He's my husband. Cozy is the least you'll get. You want R-rated? Wait until the sun starts to set. He's old fashioned like that. Hot sex at night only," I replied sarcastically.

"Husband?" She gasped. Eyes wide. "Valerie is going to love that."

"Oh, she better," I spat, narrowing my eyes.

The girl smirked, "Seems she cursed the wrong one. He's touching you freely."

"Every second of the day," I grinned, placing the picture frame on the couch. Then I put my hands over Stefan's and slid them up my waist. Her eyes lowered to follow.

"Nora!" The blonde hissed. "Focus."

"I mean, the guy doesn't want to be found!" Damon blurted then.

Nora turned her attention back to them whilst I spun around to face Stefan. I couldn't read his expression. But he was quiet in our little womanly stand off. I wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

"Why don't I believe you?" Nora questioned, seemingly from further away. Bathroom! I turned to see what was going on but the woman was out of sight.

"Well, this is pointless. Come, Nora," the blonde beckoned.

Nora was obedient. She smirked at Stefan and I before joining the blonde, who left first. Nora on her way past Damon grinned and held up her smoothie, shaking it before dropping it at his feet. I gasped as it splatted on the floor. And slightly on Damon.

"I'll throw that away for you," my brother in law mumbled as they made their way out the door. Once they were gone, he shut the door quickly.

Both men rushed to the bathroom while I sighed in relief. I had no idea what to do next. And for the first time that was okay. I've spent so much time keeping busy and being alone while me and my friends has crises. It felt good for Stefan and I to be back in the Fray together. I relied on him. If I didn't know what to do, he would.

"Screw it. Let's just get this guy to the furnace," Damon was saying as the boys threw Oscar back onto the couch.

I walked over to Stefan, grabbing him by his arms, ready to ask him if he was okay. He's been nearly silent since the two heretics had showed up. Was it something I said? Was this about that Valerie girl? Was something wrong?

"Hey," I whispered, tugging him close.

"Hmmm?" He hummed, hands on my forearms as I held his as well.

"You okay?" I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah. Of course."

"You sure? Cause you got that look on your face that says you're uncomfortable."

"Well, there a dead body, less than a foot away from us," he replied.

He was definitely not okay. Using humor to weasel out of an answer? Maybe I overstepped? Maybe I said something that offended or upset him when I was talking to Nora. Between worrying about Valerie finding out about us, Caroline stuck with some little curse that made her skin burn other vampires, and my over the top statement about our sex life... I was sure he could find something to upset about.

"If I said something—"

"You didn't," he cut me off.

"Hey, love birds, save the melodrama," Damon chimed in. "We have a body to... dispose of."

He trailed off mid sentence and we turned to look mar him. His voice lowered worriedly. It was then I spotted the skinny little thing walking into the apartment. A tall girl in a green dress with a dazed look in her eye.

"Uh, wrong... door... darling," I forced out, trying to smile at her to keep her calm in case she freaked over the dead body.

The girl had the audacity to roll her eyes. Then she pulled out an envelope. My husband was quick to walk over and grab it, leaving my side to do so. "Hmmm. Okay," he mumbled as he took it from her lifeless hands. The girl was clearly compelled.

"What's it say?" I asked impatiently.

Stefan shot me a look, still pulling the letter out of it. "A message from Miss Nora Hildegard, dictated but not read. For every hour that Oscar isn't returned, a Whitmore student will die... Starting now."

"Wh—?" I began to ask before the girl suddenly raised her arm and stabbed her self in the carotid, dropping to the floor bloody immediately. My jaw dropped for a second, tilting my head. "Is that a letter opener? You could've used that a second ago."

"Kenzie!" Stefan scolded.

"This is bad," Damon said.

"You think?" Stefan snapped.

"Close the door," I told my husband. "We have two bodies to get rid of. Let's get a move on."

"Compassion, Kenzie Nicole," Stefan scolded.

"Sure, ripper," I snorted.

"Did I miss something? Are you two fighting?" Damon questioned. "Get a grip. Grab a limb."

"What's your problem?" Stefan asked me, stalking over to me.

"Nothing," I huffed. "I'm stressed. How are we going to get Elena back now? And stop those two from compelling more people?"

"Hey," he whispered softly, reaching a hand out to cup my face. "It's going to be okay."

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

He pulled my face in closer until he kissed me softly. "Why don't you go home and let us handle this? Okay?" He suggested.

"No," I mumbled, kissing him again as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Really?" Damon scoffed.

He went ignored as Stefan placed his hands on my hips, deepening our kiss. "We can always leave Damon," he smirked against my mouth.

"Please," I murmured back.

"Oh, get a room!" Damon shouted.

I pulled away, chuckling. "If you left, we'd have one," I retorted.

Just then Stefan's phone started ringing. I groaned, pulling away from him. "Caroline, hi," he answered the call.

I raised a brow. Why was she calling him? "Hi!" The bitch chirped on the line. "Just checking in. Did you use your charm to get Valerie to undo the spell?" Caroline asked.

"Uh, I haven't spoken to her yet," Stefan answered, facing expressing awkwardness as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh. So you're avoiding?"

"No. There's nothing to avoid," Stefan stated, his eyes locked on mine as if he was trying to reassure me as well as his nosey friend.

She sighed loudly, "Well, Stefan, she was your first love, and then she just left you hanging. You're not the least bit curious why?"

"She hasn't contacted me in the four months she's been back, so I'm assuming she's as over it as I am."

"Yeah, but that is quite an assumption, considering that she's the reason why I literally can't touch you," Caroline said.

I lost it then, snatching the phone out of his hands. "Why would you be touching my husband anyways?" I growled.

"Kenzie!" She yelped, alarmed.

"Baby," Stefan frowned, wrapping his arms around me. "Be nice."

"As if!" I spat.

"If you want me to go to that stupid party, I suggest we not fight," he mumbled in my ear.

I pursed my lips, "keep your hands to yourself Forbes or I'll cut them off and feed 'em to you."

"Kenz," Stefan groaned before I handed him his phone back.

"Forget the stupid party," I mumbled, pulling the flyer out of my back jeans pocket. On our way to Ric's I saw a flyer for a Halloween party, devils and angels.

"Wait, I have an idea," Stefan gasped, snatching the paper from me. "Caroline I need a favor."

"Choose your words wisely," I warned.

"Oh, God! What?" Caroline asked.

"Let's just say that it involves two bored mean-girls on a campus full of easy targets. But, I have come up with a genius plan to keep them occupied while Damon sorts out his Oscar problem."


"The dance happening tonight."

"The dance? Full of potential victims?"

"And distractions! All in one place. Easy to babysit. I think the hardest part will be feigning enthusiasm."

"Yeah, they'll never fall for it... Unless they think it's their idea?"

Stefan grinned, "Thanks, Care." Then he hung up the call before exchanging looks with Damon and I, he unlike the two of us grinning ear to ear. "Our Nora and Mary Louise problem solved. You're welcome."

"You don't want me to show my appreciation," I sneered, narrowing my eyes on him.

"Give it a rest," Damon said.

"I could've distracted dumb and dumber," I argued with them both.

"Feel free to join Caroline then," Stefan smiled at me.

"You're sleeping on the couch," I spat, heading to the door.

"Kenz," Stefan chuckled.

"What?" I asked as he hurried to the door to stop me from leaving. His arms wrapped around me as he smiled at me all cute. "I'm still mad."

"Can you be mad while we buy something to wear to the dance?"

"Oh, now we're going?"

"You wanted to."

I snorted, "Don't pretend you're going for me. You want to go now cause your girlfriend is going. And so you can help her babysit to psychopaths. Not romantic, hubby."

He chuckled, "Don't we always have fun together?" And then he snuck in a kiss to my neck. Oh, he was trouble. "I thought you wanted to spend more time with me, Kenz."

"Quality time," I emphasized. "How am I supposed to enjoy your company when our focus is going to be on something else?"

"I think we can multi-task."

"I think you're making me sick," Damon chimed in. "If you two are going, then vamoose. Get! I don't need to watch the makeup reunion."

I rolled my eyes, tugging Stefan out of Ric's apartment. "I want to be the sexiest angel there," I told my husband who laughed.

"You're definitely a devil."

I scoffed, "Okay, ripper."

"Ooooh. Ouch. Low blow, Kenz. Damn. I'll wear red."

"A red suit," I gasped. "Yes, I love it. With a white tie."

"No, no, no."

"Please," I begged, wrapping an around around his neck as I slipped behind him. I kissed his cheek and moved my mouth towards his earlobe. "Carry me, daddy."

"We're going to fall," he chuckled just as I jumped on his back. Thankfully he held his balance and descended the staircase. "You keep kissing me and we're going back to the bedroom."

"Why all the way there when we can find a supply closet?" I whispered in his ear, yanking his hair with one hand. I continued my assault, kissing and sucking down his neck all the way to the parking lot. "We can do it in the car."

"Kenzie Nicole Salvatore," he laughed, halting and ushering me off his back. "You need to stop. Save it for tonight after the dance. Quality time and all that."

"Oh, you are... Ugh, Stefan!" I complained. "Romance. I want romance. You're supposed to be the cute one."

"Yes, cute. How is having sex in a school parking lot in broad daylight cute?"

"Well, putting off sex so you can boost your date night performance is ugly, Stefan, very transparent."

"Fine, let's have sex," he sighed.

"Is it a chore now?" I asked.

"Well, excuse me, wife, maybe I want a little bit of romance. Not hickeys and demands."

"Oh," I mumbled. "Fine. Fair enough."

"What does that mean?"

"I'll seduce you tonight on our date," I smirked. "Come on, your foreplay awaits. Let's see how many outfits I can try on and tease you with before you snap."

Stefan narrowed his eyes, but I paid it no mind as I took off, skipping towards his car. Oh, we were going to have fun tonight or everything was going to crash and burn. I saw no other option. This little Halloween party was a date night opportunity. And we were working on our marriage. Every. Single. Day. Our relationship with each other in general. We've been through hell the last couple years and I wanted to find peace and happiness.


"Not happening, Stefan. Look, if I siphon Caroline's spell, Valerie will find out, and she'll retaliate with something much worse. The girl is a rancid bitch," Nora said as Stefan and I were slowly approaching her down in the common area of my old dorm building. She was at a table covered in fabrics, clearly making an outfit for tonight's dance.

"That's not the Valerie that I knew," my husband said, dropping my hand as we rounded Nora on opposite sides.

"Well, I used to be a sickly, abused little urchin cast out by my coven, and then I met Mary Louise. Love changes people. I mean, maybe Valerie's obsession with you is the reason why she's a walking funeral dirge," Nora said.

I frowned, "She's obsessed with him?"

Nora didn't have time to answer as she was being called by her blonde playmate. "Oh, Nora!" The girl sang, making her presence known. I rolled my eyes as Caroline trudged in behind her. My face scrunched up at her costume. Bright and blinding red lace, with a disgusting amount of fabric and plastic horns on her head. "Well?" Mary Louise grinned.

"Hmmm," Nora hummed, inspecting her girlfriend's outfit. "Not bad!"

"Not bad is not good," Mary Louise replied through clenched teeth.

"No, you look nice! It's just... kind of plain. But, I can sex it up for you."

I cringed. Nora moved closer to her partner who showed disinterest, "I'm comfortable like this, Nora. Don't!" I gasped as Nora ripped it anyways. "Stop it!"

"Oh, come on. You're supposed to be a devil!"

"It's not that big of a slit," I mumbled, looking at the small opening of cleavage revealed. It was a thin inch. She was being dramatic. And honestly it was all a little Victorian.

"You want a devil?" Mary Louise growled, thrusting her arm around.

Out of nowhere a pair of scissors flew off the table and stabbed a boy in the stomach. I was frozen. Shocked. Besides, Stefan and Caroline ran to try to save the poor kid.

"It's fifteen minutes past the hour. Distraction period over," the blonde spat at her girlfriend before stomping off.

"Mary Lou! Wait!" Nora shouted before following after her significant other.

"He's dead," I stated the obvious when I looked at Stefan and Caroline still hovered over the boy. Her wrist to the strangers mouth. If he wasn't awake yet, it was too late. "Come on, Stefan. I'm starving."

I saw Caroline roll her eyes just as I turned to walk away. I overheard her tell my husband she would handle the body. Stefan was soon at my side, giving me a pointed look.

"What?" I asked, innocently.

"Could you be more insensitive?"

"Am I supposed to cry over every dead body?" I retorted, confused. "I'm sorry."

He stopped walking, "That's still being insensitive."

I turned, squinting my eyes as my face started to scrunch in disbelief and irritation. Why was he making this a big deal? This was our second dead body today. We didn't hold vigil for the woman this morning. "What is your problem?" I asked.

"You don't even care that someone just got murdered, Kenzie."

I furrowed my brows, "Who said I didn't care? I'm just a little numb to death. Aren't you? I've lost everyone in my life. Including you once. And we're immortal. I'm sorry if the harsh reality is that I've embraced one of the hardships of vampirism.  But don't tell me I don't care. It's terrible innocent people are being murdered. I empathize for the people they leave behind. But they aren't people I know. I'm not responsible for this. Nora and Mary Louise are. Be mad at them. Not me. I thought we all were a team against the heretics."

Stefan sighed, nodding, "We are."

"You say the words, but it doesn't sound like you mean them. What's going on? I'm heartless compared to your little fuck buddy?" I scoffed.

"Kenzie Nicole," he scolded, his face hardening.

"No. You don't get to scold me. We're beating around the bush. I don't like Caroline. You can't make me. You slept with her—"

"Okay, okay," he cut me off, reaching to caress my cheek. "I'm sorry, babe. I'm sorry."

I pouted, leaning into his hand, "I'm hungry."

He chuckled, moving forward to kiss me. "You want me to make you dinner? Or you want to go out somewhere?" He asked and I frowned.

I wanted to go out to dinner but... if we went home I could check next door on Matt and Maverick. Which sounded like a much better idea. "Let's go home," I said.

Stefan smiled, "Okay. Well, what do you want for dinner? I'm not making dessert."

I laughed softly, taking his hand in mine as I tried to think. "Spaghetti?" I asked. "Or we have that frozen pizza still."

"I don't want pizza."

"Alright," I replied and he squeezed my hand. I felt lighter as we the dormitory. Thankful that my husband and I weren't in another little spat that soured our mood for tonight. I really think we needed a little bit of fun. We're clearly trying to make things work but sometimes it felt like it was taking too much energy and effort to do things that should be natural to us. Other times it felt like we were just going through the motions. And that worried me too. Taking on Maverick had changed our lives. I didn't want to lose our romance. Nor did I want us to fall apart again. I didn't want cracks in our relationship that could be exploited. Especially as Caroline and I guess Valerie were lurking around, trying to steal my man. I wouldn't lose him and I won't let him go. I've had life without him one too many times now. I couldn't go through it ever again. I'd rather die first.


I smirked, twirling as Bonnie wolf-whistled as I entered the medical center's morgue. I was just checking in on the three musketeers. Except only Bonnie and Ric  were here. "Well, what better way to spend Halloween, huh?" I asked the two hunched over a spell book next to Jo and Oscar's dead bodies.

"Well, why would I want to go to some stupid Halloween party with my friends like a normal student? Maybe meet a nice guy, or not-so-nice guy, have a fun, drunk Halloween hook-up when I can be here, struggling to raise the dead?" Bonnie quipped sarcastically.

"Well, if it makes any difference, this is worth some serious extra credit," Ric smiled sheepishly.

"You think? Whether or not I'm capable, you're lucky I'm willing," Bonnie grumbled. "And the visions from that stone scare the hell out of me, so... don't you dare rush me, Kenzie Gilbert."

"Salvatore," someone corrected. "Last I check she was my wife."

I grinned, turning around to see Stefan with Damon, coming into the room. My jaw dropped as I took in my husband. He got ready fast. Granted I stopped for food before coming here. When I left the apartment, Stefan was hopping in the shower since our place is much smaller now and I was in his way with all my makeup and things.

"My name is legally unchanged," I teased as he walked over to me, biting his lip. Oh, god. I was going to melt. Stefan looked... delectable. His deep red suit was fitted perfectly to his lean body. His button up was black, his tie was white with a black swirly floral pattern, and his shoes were these white and black wingtip shoes. I picked it all out with a visual in my head since my difficult husband refused to try anything on when we went shopping this afternoon.

"Did I tell you, you look gorgeous?" Stefan asked as he reached me, grabbing me by the hips.

I laughed softly, "I think your eyes were locked on the TV when I was leaving. The Titanic, Stefan, really?"

He rolled his eyes, "I'll make it up to you."


He looked around me at our nosey friends, "I'd make an inappropriate innuendo about drowning in you... But we have company with prying ears and eyes."

I shuttered regardless at the idea, "You look hot. I don't care if they watch." My husband chuckled as I leaned in to lick up the side of his neck.

"Oh, you wouldn't," Bonnie laughed.

"Stefan wouldn't," Ric snorted. "Kenzie looks like she could devour him."

"Oh, I could," I murmured, kissing Stefan's cheek while running a hand through his perfect hair.

"Babe," Stefan warned, his hand sliding down my lower back to my ass, which was so much better cause my skirt was sheer lace covered in little white polka dots. And I sported white bikini shaped bottoms, high waisted but definitely showing some skin.

"No, stop it. Cause Kenzie could talk that man into anything," Damon said, physically tearing us apart by our shoulders.

"Hey," I whined, reaching for my husband.

"Go get freaky at your dance, not here," Damon told us.

"Bonnie, you making any head way?" Stefan asked, stepping around me and his brother.

"No," she said.

"Well, Elena's life and body are weighing on your shoulders, no pressure," Damon groaned, taking a seat.

"Shut up," I told him, smacking his shoulders. "It's your fault we're in this mess."

"The stone works. I think it's creating a bridge between the body and the spirit. I just have to find a spell that makes that bridge permanent," Bonnie informed my husband as he walked over to look over her shoulder at the grimoire.

My supportive husband clasped her shoulders, "You'll figure it out."

"Thanks, Stefan," Bonnie smiled appreciatively.

"Jealous wife, let's go, Stef," I sang. They all laughed except Damon who gave me an evil eye. I guess he still held a grudge from my few jealous stints over the years. Usually my bad attitude affected him during those times, he took the brunt of my frustration and protectiveness.

Stefan came back to my side, wrapping an arm around my bare waist. "You kids behave, we'll check in later. Got to keep an eye on the murderous heretics," Stefan said as he waved goodbye and turned us around to leave.

"Later, losers!" I shouted over my shoulder.

"You know, if Kenzie's mad enough and Stefan flips the switch, you two could give the heretics a run for their money on murderous lovers!" Damon shouted.

"I don't need to flip any switch to kick your ass," Stefan retorted.

"Oooh, nice one, baby," I chuckled, pecking him on the lips. "You're coming along nicely."

Stefan was smirking the rest of the walk to the dance a couple buildings over. When we got there the tension between us was creating sparks. Between our trailing hands and whispering amongst ourselves. The party was in full swing when we got there. Red and white all flittering around. Music blaring, bodies rubbing on the dance floor, bar full and crowded.

"What to do first," I mumbled, running a finger under the collar of Stefan's shirt.

"Oh, they're here. Guess it's time to babysit," my husband said, catching my hand before I loosened his tie and started unbuttoning his shirt to press kisses on his revealed skin.

"I don't want to babysit," I whined. "I want to get drunk and make out on the dancefloor."

"Let's get drinks," he chuckled, steering me to the bar.

I took him by the hand and tugged him behind me, swinging my hips as sexily as I can. When I heard him groan, I smirked. Oh, the love making when we got home is going to be amazing. We slid up to the bar just as thing 1 and thing 2. "Aren't you guys adorable," I snorted, looking Nora and Mary Louise up and down.

"It's called decency," Mary Louise retorted. "You should try it."

"Why?" I asked, furrowing my brows. "Stefan has already seen me indecent. Mystery over. If you have it, flaunt it. You should try that. Unless, you know... you can't."

"Hi, girls. What can I get you?" A female bartender came up to the three of us, as Stefan politely stood behind me.

"A Bijou for me, and a Crème Yvette for my little flower here," Mary Louise ordered, "We're not with her. She drinks from a toilet bowl I'm sure."

I scoffed, jaw dropping, "Bitch."

"I'm sorry, I have no idea what that is," the bartender told the rude blonde.

"A gin martini and a 'sex on the Beach'," Nora butted in.

"Gotcha!" The bartender grinned, nodding her head. "And for you two, wow, you look amazing."

"Thank you," I smiled, dramatically flipping my short hair back over my shoulder. "Can I get a long island for me and Macallan 18 on the rocks for my man?"

The woman nodded and began preparing the four drinks. I turned to face Stefan, wrapping my hands around his neck. "So, let me guess-- old-fashioned devil and slutty angel? I love it," the bartender said to the two evil girls beside us.

Stefan laughed first while I held a fist to my mouth. "Beg your pardon?" Mary Louise gasped, offended of course.

"Thanks! It's culled together with stuff I found on Pinterest," Nora said.

"Pinterest?" I chimed in, impressed at how well she was adjusting to the century plus gap she was locked away. "I love Pinterest."

"Me too. I get half my recipes from it," the bartender said.

"I'm obsessed," Nora bantered, eyeing me and the other girl.

"Obsessed!" The bartender laughed.

"Very obsessed," I echoed, smirking at Mary Louise who was seething with jealousy.

"You're good at playing mean girl," Stefan chuckled lowly, pulling me forward until our chests pressed together. "All sexy with your banter," he whispered in my ear. "You know if I play my cards right, we could be looking at a four some here."

I gasped, pushing away, "I will cut your dick off before I share it."

Stefan laughed, reaching out to cup my face by my chin, "I love you."

"I love you more," I said, moving to kiss him deeply. We must have gotten carried away because when we parted, our drinks were ready and the two we were supposed to keep an eye on had walked off.

"Shit, where'd they go?"

"Dance floor," I commented as I spotted Nora having fun while her partner stood to the side with her arms crossed over her chest. "Let's go join them."

Stefan grimaced, grabbing our drinks, "You go."

"And dance with who?" I scoffed.

"Mmm. Caroline, incoming, in one, two..."

I turned to my right where Caroline was coming from. "Hey, sorry I'm late," she apologized. "Where are the girls?"

"Dance floor. Kenzie was just going to join them. Why don't you go with her?" Stefan suggested, pressing his hand to the small of my back and giving me a small push.

"No, I rather watch," Caroline said.

"Great, you watch the four of us," I smirked, pinching Stefan's arm. I dragged him to the dancefloor with me, keeping my distance away from Nora and Mary Louise.

"I hate dancing," my husband complained.

"So?" I retorted, taking a sip of my drink finally. I gagged and pulled the glass away. "Oh, this tastes terrible."

Stefan frowned, "Here. Give me." He took the glass from me, taking a sip. "Kenzie, you're dramatic. It tastes fine. What, not strong enough?"

"It tastes like piss," I argued. "Oh, my god. Switch then." Stefan frowned, handing over his short glass of scotch. I then took a small sip. Tasted fine, burned on the way down. But almost immediately I wanted to throw up. "Stefan... I think I'm going to be sick," I whispered, pressing a hand to my stomach.

"You want to go home?" He asked, wrapping an arm around me. "What's wrong, babe?"

"I took one sip of that and thought I was going to vomit."

He sighed, looking around us, "Do you think they forgot they came here to murder people?"

"What?" I frowned. "I don't know, I don't care, right now, Stefan."

"I'm just wondering so we can leave," he assured me, tugging me close.

"Go. They're wrapped up in their own drama. See, Nora wants some breathing room, but Mary Louise is scared if she gives it to her, then Nora's gonna leave her," Caroline suddenly was telling us.

"You got all that from... that?" Stefan asked while I scoffed, taking another sip of whiskey. This one went down a tad smoother. Maybe more nauseating was Caroline Forbes.

"Well, it's obvious!" Caroline grinned. Ugh. I wanted to party. But I rather be home than in her company. "Or not."

I looked over where the other two were, Nora and Mary Louise were slow dancing. "They're in love. Opposites attract and therefore bump heads sometimes. But they'll never leave each other," I stated, shoving my glass into Caroline's hand. "Stefan, want to dance?"

"You sure you're up for that, babe?" He asked gently, rubbing my back.

"I look too good to be sitting at home," I replied, tugging him away from Caroline so we could dance. Stefan ditched the Long Island iced tea before we found a good spot. His arms loosely around my waist to keep me close and my hands high up on his shoulders. "We need to pick a date," I said after a short amount of time, stepping closer so we could sway but as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"A date?"

"For the wedding," I answered, smiling. "I want to say, imagine in 7 months we could be having our first dance."

"Seven months? That soon?"

"I'd marry you tomorrow."

"Really?" He grinned, moving so my head had to lift up and meet his green eyes, filling with excitement.

I moved my hands up his neck to his cheeks, staring at him. It was like the day I first laid eyes on him. He took my breath away. He was less of a mystery but still a bundle of hope and joy, mixed with brooding eyebrows and sunlit meadow field irises. And I knew these moments were what we had been missing. Where we could take the time to appreciate each other and digest the feelings, the sparks the other causes. It was when the world stop spinning, and I was sure of only one thing. I needed air to breathe but I needed Stefan more. Cause I would love him forever.

"To the moon and back," I said. "That'll be our theme. I'll wear a semi-pink dress. And we'll marry in the spring. Down in Florida."

Stefan smiled, "That's seven months or less. You think that's enough time?"

"I can't wait much longer," I stated. "I want our dream wedding. I want to make this so much more real. You and I forever."


"I'll change my name."

Stefan leaned in and kissed me then, tenderly. At first and then it twisted into this sloppy desire that had us clutching each other's clothes, second away from ripping them off. I wasn't wearing much. A bra, bottoms and a tulle/thin lace skirt on top.

I moaned softly, whining as Stefan pulled away as I felt more than heard his phone ring. My husband checked it quickly before showing me a text from Damon. A picture. It was of him and Oscar—alive and awake. "Oh, thank God," I said, relieved. "This nightmare is over. Let's go home now. Please?"

"You go," he said, pecking my lips. "Wait for me. I want to make sure Nora and Mary Louise know they can't go killing anyone else. Caroline saved two people but we lost three today. And that's more than enough."

"You don't want back up?"

"No," he said quickly. "I can't concentrate. All I can think about is ripping you out of those clothes and slipping my head between your thighs until... Go home. Be naked. It's on when I get in."

"I can't wait," I grinned, kissing him. "I love you, hubby. I'll see you at home."

"I love you more, wifey."

I couldn't wipe the smile off my lips as I slithered past the crowd as I made my exit. Felt like I was on cloud nine. Sober, unlike I had planned. A little derailed with bad company, but we still managed to find some romance. More importantly we built the heat. I was on fire. And I could not wait for him to come to find me naked in bed, candles lit all around our room.

~Picture: Kenzie in her angel costume 👼

I'm trying to get #Stenzie back on track. Who thinks it's working???
Are they endgame??

But let's not forget we have Kenzie's random sickness, confronting her friendship with Caroline, and Stefan is maybe avoiding Valerie? At least Kenzie isn't that worried about her. Maybe Stefan and Kenzie can focus on their dream wedding... but will they ever get the chance to have it?

Not to mention, Mystic Falls is closed down. Lily and her family are monsters. And Damon is off the rails. Not to mention so is Ric's obsession with bringing Jo back. And as  usual Bonnie is caught up in the middle of everybody and trying to help. 

What comes next??? I gotta think about the now and the three great gap coming... DUN DUN DUN. Any ideas??

P.S— check out the new book covers! This should be the last version lmao. We're growing closer to the end. Just book 7 & 8 left. Really got a feel of Kenzie. I plan to edit all the books, change a bit of my writing and add some details. Mainly more sparkles of pink 💞 Kenzie is in her Barbie era

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