Lost On Mercury (rated NC-17)

By Damienrocks118

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Meet Miss Tyranny, a sexy martian belly dancer who spent most of her young adult life (mostly on earth) groov... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Final chapter

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By Damienrocks118

After putting her outfit back on, Tyranny sat at a corner of the building with her arms wrapped around her legs. Tears slowly began to run down her eyes. Then, she started to cry, burying her face into her legs.

"Goddamnit..." She cried. "I'm sorry, Tyler... Goddamnit, I'm really sorry..." She continued to cry until her eyes were bloodshed red. Then, the voices in her head began to say, Cry all you want, but you will always be nothing but a living sex toy.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!" Tyranny suddenly screamed, standing up. "I am NOT a fucking sex toy!!"

Face it, slut. The voices in her head said. You've had sex with dozens of men and women, you clearly enjoy it, and you bedded them countless times. You're nothing but a fucking porno alien...

"No! I am not a fucking porno alien!" Tyranny shouted. "Get out of my head, damn you!!"

And, why don't you look at that?? The voices said tauntingly. Having an argument with your damn self. You're truly pathetic. And a bit loony. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!

Tyranny clenched on her white hair as the echoing laughs filled her head. "Shut the fucking hell up!!!" She shouted angrily while tears rolled down her eyes. She collapsed onto her knees in defeat, repeatedly pounding the floor until her knuckles started to bleed.

Since the rape incident, Tyranny has been suffering from severe trauma. She keeps seeing things, hearing things, and dreaming things. That drove her crazy, doing things she sometimes regrets. And that includes constantly having sex with everyone she sees. It ruined her life. And, she can never undo that rape incident.... Never... Never... Never...........

A minute later, Tyranny wrapped bandages around both her hands and sat back down on the corner. The voices in her head faded away. But, she knew this wouldn't be the last time they'd torment her. She knew they would come back. And, there was nothing she could do to stop it.

I really fucked up, didn't I? She thought to herself, resting her head against the wall. I didn't mean to hurt Tyler... I just....................love him. ............Wait, what?! She stood up, realizing what she just thought. I...............love him? Jesus Christ..... I...........don't think I've ever felt this way with anyone before. Even with the people I screwed.... Is this why we had sex? Or was I just being selfish.....again? Damn, I really messed up. I gotta find Tyler and fix things with him.

Tyranny ran to the center of the building and opened a large trapdoor with a small set of stairs and walked down into a dimly lit hallway. She ran through it thoughts of Tyler swarming in her mind. I hope he's okay! She thought, extremely worried. Hope those undead fucks don't get to him first.

After running through the hallway, she reached the end. She walked up another set of stairs and found herself outside again. She turned around and saw the zombies from afar. They don't appear to be coming her way much to her surprise. Weird. She thought. Thought they would've heard Tyler by now. Okay. Gotta find him!

She ran around the red deserted landscape, calling out, "Tyler! Tyler! Where are you?" No answer. "Come on, Tyler! I'm sorry! Please come back! I didn't mean to hurt you!" She continued looking and looking, but still no sign of Tyler. She then collapsed onto her knees and covered her face crying. "Please forgive me, Tyler!" She cried out. "I'm sorry for forcing myself onto you! I fucked up!" She cried so much, she didn't notice Tyler watching her from a distance. He then slowly walked towards her. He startled her when he walked up to her.

"Tyler!" She cried out, standing up and hugging Tyler tightly. "Thank god, you're okay!"

"I'm fine..." Tyler sighed sadly. "Physically, I'm fine. But, I'm far from fine on the inside..."

"Tyler, I'm so sorry I pressured you into having sex with me!" Tyranny said, tears in her eyes. "I shouldn't hav-!"

"No, no. You have nothing to be sorry about..." Tyler said. "I could've just said no much more firmly, but I chose to have sex with you instead... And, you know what?" He collapsed to his knees and gripped onto Tyranny's arms. "I'm in love with you!!" He screamed, uncontrollable tears pouring from his eyes.

"Tyler, calm down!" Tyranny pleaded, kneeling down in front of Tyler.

"I can't!" Tyler cried. "I've been in love with you ever since I first saw you!! But, I knew I could never be with you cause you've been with so many other people! People only love you for your looks! I love you for you! You're cool, kind, and thoughtful! But, me?! I'm just a lowly comic book artist who doesn't get ANY support from my Dad! He hates my skills and he NEVER supports me!! But, I'm getting off topic! I love you for you! Not for your looks! For YOU!!"

Tyranny was speechless. She couldn't figure out what to say to Tyler. She was unable to say it out loud, but she had feelings for him too. She just couldn't admit it to herself.

".................I love you too..." She said much to Tyler's surprise.

"Y-you do?!" Tyler cried.

"Yes." Tyranny nodded. "I do. That's why we............did what we did back at the dungeon. Because I had feelings for you. And, I've never felt this way with ANYone. Not even the people I had sex with."

"Then, WHY did you do it?" Tyler asked. Tyranny shook in anxiety.

"What? What's wrong?" Tyler asked.

"................I was raped." Tyranny cried, causing Tyler to gasp. "A couple years ago, I was approached by three astronauts. They kidnapped me and gang raped me. Since then, all I could think about was what they did to me and the trauma they induced onto me. I had sex with martians on Mars, this planet, and eventually, people on Earth. And, I couldn't stop doing it! I was a fucking sex addict!" She began to cry and all Tyler could do was stare in horror. "Ever since then, I couldn't lead my people on Mars anymore." She continued, tears rolling down her eyes. "I stepped down as queen and moved to Earth so I could.........you know.."

Tyler didn't speak for a couple seconds. He was speechless. He didn't know if he should be sad or angrier than last time. But, he knew what he had to say.

"I'm.........sorry, Tyranny." He said. "I had no idea you were raped. If I knew, I wouldn't have.... God, I'm such a prick!"

"I'm sorry too." Tyranny said. "I never took the time to decide what I want and only focused on what OTHER people wanted. I......need to start thinking for myself... And, Tyler................I love you very much."

"I love you too, Tyranny." Tyler said, as he was about to kiss Tyranny, but he stopped himself. "Sorry. I didn't-"

"No, it's okay." Tyranny said. "I don't have a mouth, but you can still kiss me. And, I''ll kiss back."

Tyler smiled and he and Tyranny shared a slow kiss.

"Whoa!" Tyler gasped, gently pulling away from the kiss. "That was.............wonderful...."

"Yes, it was." Tyranny agreed.

"Wait, are you smiling?" Tyler asked.

"Yes, I am." Tyranny said happily. "Very much so."

"Well, you won't be smiling for long." A voice said. "It's been a while, hasn't it, my dear?"

Tyranny and Tyler stood up, turned around, and saw three astronauts standing in front of the space zombies.

"Remember us.........bitch?" The middle astronaut said sadistically.

"Kevin?!" Tyranny gasped in horror. "No! It can't be!! Not YOU guys again!!"

"You know the guys?!" Tyler cried.

"We're the ones who showed this whore a good time." The left astronaut, Perry, said. "And, we sure did a hell of a job doing that, didn't we, Tyranny?"

"Yes, we sure did." The right astronaut, Jaden, said. "And, we did an even better job bringing you guys here."

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" Tyranny asked angrily.

"Why do you think you got transported to Mercury?" Kevin asked. "We did that. We hacked into that old scientist's computer and had you two teleported here. We also created this zombie horde that chased you. And that space monster you ran into as well."

"What?!!" Tyler shouted in horror. "That was all you?! But, why would you DO all this?!!"

"Well, my good buddy, Tyler," Kevin said, "we couldn't have Tyranny here tell on us about raping her. What if she told the police on us? Or fucking NASA for that matter, what if she did any of that? Or even her own robot army? For all we know, she could've tried to have us arrested and we'd never be able to hear the end of it! We tried to have her killed when we dropped her off back near her hometown on Mars, but her martian people came to her aid, so we took off before they could even see us. Thankfully, she was too stupid and traumatized to even say a word about what happened to anyone. Unfortunately, she told you and now, both of you have too die."

"You sick motherfuckers!!!" Tyranny screamed. "You fucking monsters RAPED me and tried to KILL me!! You deserve WAY more than just getting arrested!!"

"Calling us names again, are ya, bitch?" Jaden chuckled. "You know, we were gonna give you another good time while being more gentle, but since you're not being very nice, zombies! Get them!!" Several zombies dashed towards Tyranny and Tyler and grabbed them by their arms.

"Hey!!" Tyranny cried out. "Let us go!!"

"Not gonna happen, bitch." Kevin said, walking up to Tyranny and feeling her chest. "Right now, we're gonna take you back to our rocket. Then, we're gonna have some fun with you and then, we're gonna kill you. But first, we'll kill your new boyfriend here and then, you'll be ours."

"Let us go, you faggots!!!" Tyler screamed, struggling. "Let us go!!"

"Sorry, Charlie." Perry chuckled. "This just ain't yer day."

"Enough with the unfunny fake voice." Kevin said, irritated. "We don't have time for that." Perry let out an angry grunt.

Kevin turned to face Tyranny once again. "Now," He said flirtatiously, pulling out a gun, "shall we get started, my dear?"

"You fucking bastards won't get away with this!!" Tyranny shouted. "We're gonna leave this planet and we're gonna tell the police what you did!!"

"Face it, Tyranny." Kevin said. "You're nothing but a sex symbol. A sexual object to be played with by countless people. Thanks to us of course. You have sex with people, you shake your belly and martian butt for people, and you sleep with people. You. Are. Nothing."

Tyranny stared at Kevin with a serious and unafraid expression. "You're wrong." She said. "I'm not a fucking sexual object. I'm a woman. And, as a woman, I can decide for myself what I wanna be. What I wanna do and what I want my future to be." Tyler stared at Tyranny and nodded.

"It took me time to realize all that, but thanks to coming here, I now know what I want." Tyranny continued. "And, what I want is to KICK YOUR FUCKING ASSES!!" She grabbed the zombie's head from behind and violently ripped it off and threw it at Kevin, causing him to fall over. She grabbed his gun and shot at the zombie holding Tyler and Tyler broke free from its grasp.

"Get up, you piece of shit!!" Tyranny shouted, pointing the gun at Kevin. Kevin slowly got up with his hands above his head.

"What are you gonna do?" Kevin asked angrily. "Shoot ALL of us?"

"Nope." Tyranny said, cocking the gun. "Just you, motherfucker."


Tyranny shot at Kevin's helmet shattering the visor on the front.

"G-g-g-g-get them!!" Kevin shouted before passing out. Perry, Jaden, and the zombies charged at Tyranny and Tyler.

"Run!!" Tyranny shouted. She and Tyler ran off with the two surviving astronauts and the zombies chasing after them.

"You motherfucker!!!" Perry screamed insanely. "Get the fuck back here!!"

"We're gonna rip your fucking arms off, you fucking cunt sucking whore!!" Jaden screamed also insanely.

"Come on, shoot at them!!" Tyler shouted fearfully. "They're gonna kill us!"

"I don't have anymore ammo!" Tyranny said. "But, we're almost to the teleportation chamber!"

"Wait, you're right! I see it!" Tyler cried, pointing at an old beat up teleportation chamber that resembles his Dad's. "We're gonna make it!!"

Tyler and Tyranny jumped into the chamber while the two astronauts and the zombies made their way towards them.

"I think the chamber actually still works!" Tyler cried. "Quick! Teleport us back to Earth!!"

"Not so fast, assholes!!" Perry shouted, pointing a gun at Tyler and Tyranny while standing with Jaden behind the zombies. "You try anything and you're both dead!"

"Try and shoot us!" Tyranny taunted. "I dare you!"

Perry pulled the trigger, but nothing happened.

"Looking for these?" Tyranny asked dropping a handful of bullets from her hand. "And this?" She pulled out a grenade from her skirt.

"Wait, don't!!" Jaden cried, as he and Perry backed away fearfully. "Let's not do anything we'll regret! Please don't kill us!!"

"You beat me," Tyranny scolded, "you raped me, and you almost left me for dead! This. Ends. NOW!!" She threw the grenade at the astronauts. "Tyler, NOW!!" Tyler set the coordinates to Earth and activated the chamber. The chamber shook rapidly and Tyranny and Tyler started to glow and then they disappeared.

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Jaden and Perry screamed, as the grenade flew right at them and the zombies.


Meanwhile on Earth...

"Hurry up and fix the fucking chamber, Nelson!!" Jenny screamed at her husband who is fixing up his teleportation chamber. "Our son is trapped on a distant planet with that fucking porno martian!!"

"I'm TRYING, okay?!" Nelson shouted back. "It's not easy to fix this shit, you know?! I want Tyler back just like you do, but..."

Suddenly, the teleportation chamber began to vibrate.

"What the hell's going on?" Nelson said, as he and Jenny backed away from the chamber. The chamber began to shake harder until Tyranny and Tyler burst through the chamber and fell to the ground.

"Mom? Dad?!" Tyler cried, as he slowly got up."

"TYLER!!" Nelson and Jenny screamed tears of joy, as they dashed towards Tyler and hugged him tightly.

"Thank GOD you're okay!" Jenny cried. "I thought we'd never SEE you again!!"

Tyranny slowly got up and watched as the Josephs embraced each other in their hug.

"Mom? Dad?" Tyler said, as he pulled away from the hug. "There's........something I need to tell you."

Tyler explained that he fell in love with Tyranny during their time on Mercury, that Tyranny was the victim of a gang rape thus leading to her to bedding a lot of other people, and that they were almost killed by Tyranny's rapists.

".............Jesus Christ..." Nelson said in complete shock.

"So, THAT'S why you're a porno martian." Jenny said sarcastically.

"Listen here, you...!" Tyranny tried to speak, but she stopped herself and took a few deep breaths. "Listen, Mrs. Joseph. I went through a horrible time the day I was raped. And, I don't want us to argue about anything anymore. I'm sorry you don't like me and I'm sorry for screwing people. But, trauma can drive people, or in my case, aliens, to do things they shouldn't and, sometimes, they can't control that. But, I won't be doing anything like this ever again. I promise that."

Jenny stared at Tyranny with a slightly cold expression. Then, it sank into an expression of remorse.

"I'm......sorry, Tyranny." She said. "I don't know what came over me. I guess I should be more.....considerate."

"And, I'm sorry to you, Tyler." Nelson said to Tyler, placing his hand on his shoulder. "You're my son and I should always support what you do. Plus, I read your comics when you sleep and they're very good."

Tyler smiled with tears in his eyes. He then wrapped his arms around his Father who hugged back.

"I love you so much, Dad!" Tyler cried, tears in his eyes. "I love you too, son!" Nelson said, tears in his eyes as well. Tyranny was clearly touched by this Father/Son reunion. Tears filled her eyes as well.

"Welcome home, son." Nelson said to Tyler.

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