By damianshimada

39.9K 801 180

a one shot story for the Greek gods you like more than usual and some other human beings from anime involving... More

A/N again


1.4K 29 8
By damianshimada

Apollo, the god of music, healing, and light, was known for his charismatic and charming personality. He often visited the mortal realm to enjoy the beauty of nature and observe the lives of mortals. During one of his journeys, he came across a humble farm tended by a young farmer named Y/N. Y/N was a hardworking and kind-hearted young man who had a deep connection with the land and animals.

Apollo was immediately captivated by Y/N's dedication and love for his farm. He would often watch Y/N as he toiled in the fields, his sun-kissed skin glistening with sweat, his muscles flexing with each movement. Apollo was drawn to Y/N's rugged yet gentle demeanor, and he found himself falling in love with the mortal farmer.

One day, as Apollo was admiring Y/N from afar, he decided to approach him, disguised as a traveler passing through the area.

Apollo: "Greetings, fellow traveler! I couldn't help but notice your hard work and skill in tending to your farm. My name is Apollo."

Y/N: "Thank you, sir. I take great pride in my work on the farm. I'm Y/N, the farmer."

Apollo: "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. Your farm is truly remarkable, and your dedication to the land is admirable."

Y/N: "Thank you, sir. It's been a labor of love."

Apollo: "Indeed, I can see that. I am quite taken by your passion for farming and your connection with nature."

Y/N: "Well, it's what I was born to do. I've always felt a deep connection with the land and the animals."

Apollo: "I can see that. Your farm is a testament to your hard work and love for the earth."

As Apollo and Y/N continued to talk, they found themselves sharing stories, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. Apollo was smitten by Y/N's genuine and down-to-earth personality, and Y/N was charmed by Apollo's wit, wisdom, and gentle demeanor.

As time went on, Apollo would frequently visit Y/N's farm, helping him with the crops and animals, and spending more time together. They would share stories by the fire, gaze at the stars, and enjoy each other's company in the quiet moments.

One day, as Apollo and Y/N were taking a break from their farm work and sitting under a large oak tree, Apollo couldn't contain his feelings any longer.

Apollo: "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you. I've fallen in love with you."

Y/N was taken aback by Apollo's confession, but he couldn't deny the feelings that had been growing in his own heart.

Y/N: "Apollo, I...I've fallen in love with you too. But how can this be? You're a god, and I'm just a mortal farmer."

Apollo: "Love knows no boundaries, Y/N. I've traveled across the realms of gods and mortals, and I've never felt a connection as strong as the one I have with you. Your heart, your soul, your unwavering dedication to your farm, it all speaks to me in a way that nothing else ever has."

Y/N was deeply moved by Apollo's words, and he realized that his feelings for the god were just as strong.

Y/N: "Apollo, I feel the same way. Your presence in my life has brought me joy, inspiration, and a love I never thought possible."

Apollo: "Then, will you be mine, Y/N? Will you be my beloved?"

Y/N looked into Apollo's eyes, and he saw the sincerity and love in them. He knew that he had found something truly special connection that was rare and precious. Without hesitation, Y/N reached out and took Apollo's hand.

Y/N: "Yes, Apollo. I will be yours, now and forever."

Apollo's face lit up with a radiant smile, and he pulled Y/N into a warm embrace. They sealed their love with a gentle kiss, under the shade of the oak tree, surrounded by the beauty of the farm they had built together.

From that day on, Apollo and Y/N's relationship blossomed into something truly magical. Apollo would often visit the farm, helping Y/N with his crops and animals, and sharing his wisdom and talents to make the farm thrive even more. Y/N, in turn, would show Apollo the joys of a simple and fulfilling life on the farm, teaching him about the beauty of nature and the satisfaction of hard work.

Their love grew deeper with each passing day, and they would often steal moments of passion and tenderness amidst the fields and pastures. Apollo would play his lyre for Y/N, serenading him with melodies that spoke of their love, and Y/N would offer Apollo the fruits of his labor, a symbol of their shared life and commitment to each other.

Apollo also bestowed upon Y/N blessings of fertility and abundance, making Y/N's farm prosper beyond his wildest dreams. The fields were always lush and vibrant, and the animals thrived under their care. The farm became renowned in the land, attracting visitors from far and wide who marveled at its beauty and bounty.

Despite their differences in divinity, Apollo and Y/N's love was strong and unwavering. They supported each other through thick and thin, celebrating their successes and comforting each other during challenging times. Their love brought joy and inspiration not just to each other, but to everyone who witnessed their relationship.

As the years passed, Apollo and Y/N continued to live a fulfilling life on the farm, surrounded by the beauty of nature and their shared love. They grew old together, their bond growing even stronger with time. And even in their old age, they remained deeply in love, spending their days hand-in-hand, reminiscing about their memories, and cherishing each moment.

Apollo and Y/N's love story became a legend that was passed down through generations, a tale of a god who fell in love with a mortal farmer, proving that love transcends all boundaries and that true love can be found in the most unexpected places.

And so, Apollo and Y/N lived happily ever after, their love shining as brightly as the sun and filling the farm with warmth, joy, and eternal bliss. As the years went by, Apollo continued to be a faithful companion to Y/N. He continued to bless the farm with his divine touch, ensuring that Y/N's crops always flourished and his animals thrived. Y/N, in turn, continued to work tirelessly on the farm, grateful for Apollo's love and support.

One day, as they sat together by the fire in their cozy farmhouse, Y/N couldn't help but reflect on the incredible journey their love had taken them on.

Y/N: "Can you believe it, Apollo? It's been decades since we first met. I never imagined that a simple farmer like me would capture the heart of a god like you."

Apollo smiled, his golden eyes twinkling with adoration.

Apollo: "And I never imagined that a mortal farmer would captivate my heart so completely. You are my sunshine, Y/N, the light of my life."

Y/N blushed, feeling a warm surge of affection for the sun god.

Y/N: "I love you, Apollo. I'm so grateful for the love we share and the life we've built together."

Apollo reached out and caressed Y/N's cheek tenderly.

Apollo: "And I love you, my dear Y/N. You've brought so much joy and purpose into my immortal life. I cherish every moment we've spent together."

As they sat there, basking in the warmth of the fire and each other's company, a thought crossed Y/N's mind.

Y/N: "You know, Apollo, I've always been curious about your divine powers. Could you show me some of your abilities?"

Apollo smiled mischievously, a playful glint in his eyes.

Apollo: "Of course, my love. I'd be delighted to share some of my powers with you."

With a wave of his hand, Apollo summoned his lyre and started playing a mesmerizing melody. The strings of the lyre danced and vibrated with ethereal energy, filling the room with a captivating tune. As the music played, Apollo's voice joined in, singing in a language Y/N couldn't understand, but that resonated deeply with his soul.

Y/N was spellbound, watching Apollo's performance with awe. The beauty and power of his music were breathtaking, and Y/N could feel the magic coursing through his veins.

Apollo: "This is just a taste of what I can do, my love."

With another wave of his hand, Apollo made the flames in the fireplace dance to the rhythm of his music, creating a mesmerizing display of fire and light that illuminated the room with a warm glow.

Y/N: "Wow, Apollo, that's incredible! Your powers are truly awe-inspiring."

Apollo smiled, his eyes filled with pride and affection.

Apollo: "I'm glad you think so, Y/N. I wanted to share a part of my world with you, to show you the wonders that being a god entails."

Y/N reached out and took Apollo's hand, feeling a surge of love and admiration for the god before him.

Y/N: "Thank you for sharing this with me, Apollo. It's a gift I will treasure forever."

Apollo leaned in and pressed his lips to Y/N's in a sweet, lingering kiss. Their love was as strong as ever, and they knew that they were destined to be together for eternity.

And so, Apollo and Y/N continued to live a blissful life on the farm, their love growing deeper with each passing day. They were a symbol of the beauty and power of love, a tale that was told and admired by gods and mortals alike. With Apollo's divine powers and Y/N's unwavering dedication, their love shone brightly, illuminating their lives and the world around them with a radiant glow.

As the seasons changed, Y/N and Apollo worked hand in hand on their farm, tending to the crops, caring for the animals, and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Apollo's powers continued to bless their farm, ensuring bountiful harvests and healthy livestock. Y/N's admiration for Apollo only grew stronger, as he witnessed the god's unwavering commitment to their life together.

One day, as they were taking a break from their chores, Y/N watched Apollo as he played his lyre under a shady tree, the golden sunlight casting a halo around him. Y/N couldn't help but be captivated by Apollo's beauty and talent, his fingers plucking the strings of the lyre with precision, and his voice resonating with unmatched melodiousness.

Y/N: "You're truly a master of your craft, Apollo. Your music is like a gift to the world."

Apollo smiled, his eyes twinkling with delight.

Apollo: "Thank you, my love. I'm glad you enjoy my music. It's a part of me that I'm thrilled to share with you."

Y/N couldn't contain the swell of emotions inside him any longer. He took a deep breath and spoke from his heart.

Y/N: "Apollo, I'm so grateful for you and the love we share. You've brought light and joy into my life in ways I never thought possible. I love you with all my heart."

Apollo's expression softened, and he reached out to cup Y/N's face in his warm hands.

Apollo: "And I love you, Y/N. You've filled my immortal life with purpose and happiness. I'm blessed to call you mine."

With that, Apollo leaned in and pressed his lips to Y/N's in a tender, passionate kiss. The moment was electric, their love and desire for each other palpable in the air.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and their love only grew deeper. They shared laughter, tears, and endless conversations under the stars. They danced together in the moonlight, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. Apollo composed songs for Y/N, capturing their love in every note and lyric. They were truly soulmates, destined to be together for all eternity.

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This one is closed. Check out vol. 2!