Undying Devotion | Sebastian...

By dickson4governor

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You enter Hogwarts as the new enigma. No one has ever heard of someone starting Hogwarts as a fifth year. Aft... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41

Chapter 10

165 3 6
By dickson4governor

Y/N's Perspective

Today has been nothing short of a fairytale. Every encounter I have had with Sebastian Sallow has been perfect. The way his gentle touches turned into firm and assertive ones as I teased him made me melt in his muscular arms.

Feeling his body against mine was something I could never get enough of. When I woke up in the morning I felt his strong arms wrapped around me, holding me close to him. My face was buried in his defined chest. His tight chest was warm against my cheek.

His jaw is sharp and defined as he clenched it when Garreth Weasley tried to flirt with me in potions class. It was hard to focus on the confident redhead Gryffindor when Sebastian was sitting next me, body tense and jaw clenched.

Sebastian is a god-like man. He is gorgeous. How I am able to stay calm and talk around him is a minor miracle. The way he was acting today made it even harder to function.

He was whispering in my ear and holding on to my bum in Herbology, then in potions he held my bum on his crotch. I wanted to see if I could get a reaction out of him by rolling my hips on him a little bit. When I looked out of the corner of my eye I saw his head back as he bit his lip.

I felt triumphant in that moment. But a new concern arose that made my heart sink. Does Sebastian like me or does he just want to sleep with me? I need to calm down with the lustful glances so he knows I am not just looking for sex.

Sebastian and I walk out of potions together, his arm drapes over my shoulders again. As we walk through Central Hall together, I hear a sweet voice call out my name. I turn around to see Natty running up to us.

"Hey Natty!" I say enthusiastically.

"Thank goodness I caught up to you two! You guys walk so fast" she responds in short breath.

Sebastian takes his arm off my shoulders. "I will let you two ladies talk. Y/n I will be waiting for you in the common room. See you soon darling."

My cheeks turn bright red as he walks away smirking. I stare at him has he confidently strides out of the building. He pushes the doors open and I turn back to Natty. Her smile is wide like she knows I am admiring her friend.

"So you and Sebastian seem quite close."

I know my obvious stare is giving me away, but I do not want to just blurt out that I fancy him. I have only been here a few days, I will seem mad for developing a crush on a guy already.

"Yeah! He is quite pleasant to be around and he has been very nice helping me get adjusted to life at Hogwarts."

"Sebastian is not usually so open to people. It took him awhile just to talk to me when I first came to Hogwarts. I have to say I am impressed" Natty smirks.

Why was I different? The first day we met, he opened up about his sister and his parents. He cannot be that closed off if he was willing to share that information. Maybe he doesn't just want to sleep with me, maybe he actually likes me.

"Him and I think a lot of alike. Maybe that is why he likes hanging around me."

Natty laughs, "I know Sebastian and just from what I have seen from you, I can tell you that on the surface you two are nothing alike."

"Well that is on the surface. If you look deeper, there a lot of similarities" I say timidly.

"Nevertheless, I am glad you are there for him. He has been going through a lot and you seem to lift his spirits right back up."

What is she trying to do here? Did she just stop me to talk about Sebastian?

"I am glad I can cheer him up. Speaking of which, I should probably go. Sebastian is waiting for me."

"Oh! No worries. I will walk with you. I promise I stopped you for a reason."

Natty and I start to walk to the Slytherin common room. I can practically see the gears turning in Natty's head. I cannot handle the pressure of not knowing what she is going to say next.

"Look Natty-"

Natty stops in her steps and blurts out, "Look Sebastian comes off like a tough confident guy, but he is dealing with a lot and the last thing I want is for him to get hurt. When he cares about someone he puts his whole heart into that person, which puts him in a vulnerable position. So if you like him, you cannot play any games. He cannot handle that Y/n."

I step back a bit in shock. I would never hurt Sebastian, the opposite actually! I want to take all his pain away and make him happy. If I could make him happy then I would never leave his side.

At first I am a little offended at what Natty is insinuating, but I realize she is trying to protect her friend. It is honorable actually. Natty is a caring person and her friends are lucky to have her protecting their heart.

"Natty I would never hurt Sebastian. That comfort I give him, is the same comfort he provides for me. I know it may seem daft because I have only been here for a few day, but I do care deeply about him."

Natty lets out a sigh of relief before speaking again. "Ok. I am sorry. I didn't mean to come off rude, I just care deeply about him and I do not think he can handle another heartbreak."

Natty and I continue to walk to the Slytherin common room entrance. We stop at the door. I turn to Natty and smile before I walk in.

Natty smiles back and whispers, "You know you two would make a pretty cute couple. You two already look like one with him always sticking by your side and putting his arm around you."

I start to blush at the idea. We weren't acting like a couple, Sebastian is just friendly.

I laugh at her comment, "I don't know about that. He is just friendly and helping around Hogwarts."

"Is that what you think?" Natty scoffs. "Like I said, I have known Sebastian since third year. He isn't typically like that. I think he fancies you."

I hold my breath when I hear those words. It felt like my heart stopped beating in that moment. Natty would know if he does. Maybe he has said something to her and she is trying to see how I feel. As childish as it seems, maybe if I tell Natty how I feel she will tell him and he will make a move.

"I don't know if he does, but it would be nice if he did. I would be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for him."

A large grin forms on Natty lips like she knows something. "Well then I will not keep you any longer from your Prince Charming. Thank you for indulging me Y/n. I will see you in Charms tomorrow."

Natty waves as she walks away. Was that all she wanted to get from me? A confession. Maybe she was trying to gauge what my intentions are.  Whatever it was, it doesn't matter anymore. Sebastian is waiting for me.

I walk into the common room and scan my surroundings for Sebastian. I finally spot him resting on the window as he looks out into the water.

He looked like a beautiful Greek statue in front of me. The light reflecting on the water created ripples that danced along his features. His long legs were crossed as his back rested on glass. His school robe was now off and his white button up was rolled up his arms. How his arms were crossed showed the definition of his muscles. His shirt was buttoned expect the top two revealing the deep lines that led from his neck to his chest.

He is heavenly. He looks as if the gods spent extra time sculpting the perfect man.

My gaze lingered as I slowly scanned up bottom to top. When my eyes finally came up to his face, I saw that he was looking at me smiling. Damn!

He walks over to me, the smile never leaving his lips. I try to gather myself before he speaks to me.

"Seems like someone is enjoying the view" he says in a smirk.

I really should try to be more subtle. If I keep drooling over him like this it is going to scare him away.

I try to brush off my embarrassment before answering. "Yeah right! I was just looking for mermaids."

Sebastian dramatically throws his hands over his heart and starts to stumble to the ground. At first I was scared he was actually hurt, but I remember Sebastian is one for the theatrics. I laugh at his performance and he kneels on the ground looking up at me with a smirk.

I give him a clap for the convincing performance. "I guess you are too heart broken to go to the lake, so I should just go to the library and work on some homework."

I turn around to walk away. Before I can make it two steps I feel a large hand grab mine and intertwine with my fingers. Sebastian spins me around and pulls me into him.

My hands rest on his chest as I look up at him. He drops his hands down to my waist as he holds me tightly in place.

"You are not going anywhere Miss Y/l/n. You are all mine this afternoon" he whispers.

He has to know that my knees went weak in that moment because his grip on me tightened as I started to lose my balance. I look down and back away when I regain my balance. I am embarrassed that he could see the physical effect he has on me.

He walks back towards me and lifts my head up by placing his fingers under my chin. My eyes meet his and he is giving me a sweet smile.

"How about we head to the lake now darling?"

Darling. He has been calling me that all day and it has the same effect on me every time. I feel my head spinning and a fire growing in my chest. I feel myself falling for him harder and harder each time he says it.

I give Sebastian a playful nudge wanting to give him a taste of his own medicine. "I would love to handsome."

Sebastian freezes. He slowly turns his towards to me before giving me his signature cocky smirk, "I like that Y/n."

Defeated. Clearly my words do not have the same effect on him that his do on me. It is frustrating how his words shake the ground beneath me, but he is unbothered.

He throws his arm around my shoulders once again as we make our way out of the castle. We mainly walk in silence. He will occasionally lean down and whisper something to me, pointing out a portrait or part of the castle he finds fascinating.

We approach Black Lake when I notice something bizarre. Garreth Weasley and Leander Prewett walk past us giving Sebastian a dirty look. Sebastian tightens his grip on me leaning down to whisper in my ear again.

"It seems the Ginger dimwits are jealous because I am with the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts."

I giggle at his remark as we continue to walk past the two Gryffindors. I look out of the corner of my eye to see Garreth throw his arms up in the air in frustration.

What is the deal with their relationship? I know Sebastian did not like how he was talking about me, but that can't be the only reason why Sebastian gets so protective when Garreth and Leander are around. I am hesitant to ask him about it because I do not want to put Sebastian in an uncomfortable position.

We make it to the shore of Black Lake. The view is absolutely stunning. I can see why Sebastian wanted us to come here.

The sun illuminated the mountain tops in our view as the breeze makes the grass sway in light. The air is warm as the wind flows through my hair and robe.

Sebastian pulls out his wand and with a simple gesture conjures a blanket and a few pillows. They fall on the sand perfectly splayed out.

He looks at me proud of his wand work. "Now we can be comfortable during our reading session."

I smile at him, "This is perfect Sebastian."

He sits down on the blanket putting his arms behind him to rest on them. I watch him as the sun beams down on him.

His hair is much lighter in the sun showing small tints of a light orange color. His eyes are a beautiful golden honey color that are warm and inviting.

I take off my robe due to the warm temperature. I slip it off my shoulders and catch it in my arms. I purposefully took it off slowly to tease Sebastian a little bit.

As I fold it up and place it down, I look down to see Sebastian staring at me with wide eyes. His jaw is wide open. I couldn't help but giggle at his expression.

He shakes his head as red grows on his cheeks. "Don't laugh at me Y/n. I was just... admiring the scenery!"

I smile as I sit down next to him. "Is that what you are calling me now? Before you called me a vision. I don't know if I can keep up with all the nicknames."

Sebastian wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. "Well darling I know you like it! Now where is your book?"

I point over to my robe and Sebastian leans over to get it from the inside pocket. His fingers gently trace the pages as he opens it up.

"Now why don't you get comfortable and just enjoy" he says sweetly.

I lay back resting my head on Sebastian's lap. I close my eyes as the sun beams directly on my face. Sebastian clears his throat before reading.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. However, little known the feelings or views of such a man may be on his first entering a neighbourhood, this truth is so well fixed in the mind of the surrounding families, that he is considered as the rightful property of some one or other of their daughters."

I carefully listened to each word Sebastian spoke, but it was hard to actually take in what he was saying. I'm so focused on the tone of his voice.

His words are soft and gentle. Hearing him read in such a manner made my body relax as I find comfort in his inflection. I am at complete peace.

He makes it through a chapter before I jump when he closes the book. I open my eyes to look at him. I watch as his hand makes its way to my face to push the loose strands of hair out of my face. His eyes scan my face with an admiring expression.

His fingers lingers on my lips as he gently pushes away the last strand. His index finger traces down my top lip to the lower.

He gently moves me to the side as he lays down next to me. He pulls a pillow over to rest his head on. He lifts his arm up signaling me to come back over to him. I happily obliged as I rest my head on his chest.

He lets out a content sigh before speaking, "We should do this every week at this time on this day."

I respond lazily into his chest. "What if it is raining or snowing?"

"Well I will find somewhere else for us to go. But I like reading to you. We can do a chapter every week."

I move my head up to look at him. "And when we finish the book?"

He laughs at my question. "We will pick up another one. We have a lot of great options. This can be our thing that we do up until we graduate. Hell we can even continue it after we graduate."

I smile at the thought of Sebastian thinking so far into our future. The idea that he is making plans for us years down the line. I just nod at his comment as I nuzzle back into his chest.

We stay in that position for an hour before I feel him shift below me. His body is now tense. I pick my head up and sit up to look at him.

His eyes are red. Has he been crying?

"Sebastian? What's wrong?"

Sebastian sits up next to me and lowers his head in shame. "I'm sorry Y/n. I didn't mean to ruin the moment. I just have a lot on my mind."

I gently grab his hand as he looks back up to me. "You don't ever have to apologize. You know you can talk to me. I'm always here for you."

"It's my sister" he says as he lets out a long sigh. "It's our eighteenth birthday tomorrow and we have never spent it apart from each other."

I rest my head on his shoulder as he tries to hold back his tears. "I am so sorry Sebastian. I know that must be hard. I know I told you that I cannot fill your sister's absence, but if you would like me to, I can spend the day with you."

Sebastian wraps his arm around my waist as we look out into the horizon. "That would make me very happy Y/n. It gives me a reason to be excited for my birthday rather than dread it."

I lightly chuckle, "To be honest, I was planning to spend time with you anyway, but now you just gave me a perfect excuse. I will plan something great for your big day."

Sebastian let's out a loud laugh before he looks at me with a wide smile. "You never need an excuse to spend time with me darling. And I am fine with you planning something during the day, but I have an idea of something I would like to do in the evening so don't plan anything for then."

Sebastian's demeanor completely shifted. You could see the weight lift off of him as his body relaxed. I knew I had to do something good for his birthday. He deserves it.

"You have yourself a deal" I respond confidently.

We sit in silence as we watch the sun reflect off the water. It is so peaceful out here and being with Sebastian made it all the better.

Sebastian quickly stands up which startles me from my peaceful contemplation. I look up at him confused as he takes off his tie.

What the hell is happening? Is he really about to undress in front of me? Why?

"S-Sebastian? What are you doing?"

"The weather is nice. The water looks inviting. Come on Y/n, let's go swimming!"

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