By iloveenii_

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book 2.


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By iloveenii_


"How's everything been with you?" Ximena asked handing me a trash bag before sitting down in front of me so I could help take out her knotless braids.

"Everything has been good. Prada and I moved into this 4 bedroom house. It's beautiful, hold on let me show you." I stopped what I was doing to grab my phone so I could show her what the house looked like and also the inside.

"Oh, shit. Ou! I like the bathroom."


"Have y'all decorated?"

"We've decorated our room and my lil painting room. I'm also thinking about having a studio so I can start taking my singing serious. And I guess the last room gone be a guest room." I shrugged. I was really thinking about taking singing serious but that was a lot of work.

"I'm so happy for you."

"I'm happy for myself honestly." I said. I was happy with my life as of right now. It was like everything I wanted to happen was happening. "How are you?"

"I'm okay." She shrugged taking the braids out and putting the weave in the trash bag.

"Girl, bye. Ain't nobody believing that." I shook my head laughing. Just as she was about to say something, her doorbell rung repeatedly and she groaned getting irritated.

"I'll be back." She stood up and with me being nosy I looked out her window. It was Khalil and from what she told me I thought they ain't talk no more since Khalil still had dealings with his babymomma. It wasn't my business but my friend is my business and I slick felt like the reason why she isn't okay is because of him.

I heard yelling coming from downstairs and I went down there to see Khalil and Ximena fighting.

"Get the fuck out my house! You really a delusional ass bitch, Khalil!" Ximena yelled as I pulled her away from Khalil. "Like I really hope you die bitch ass nigga."

"Milan, get your friend." Khalil told me pointing at Ximena.

"Okay, y'all need to chill out. I don't know why y'all think it's okay to fight because it's not. Ximena you shouldn't be putting your hands on him and Khalil you shouldn't be putting your hands on her. I'm pretty sure whatever y'all so called arguing about isn't that serious for y'all to be going at it with one another. What's the problem?" I pushed Ximena back with all my strength which she wasn't expecting. She kept trying to get at Khalil and she was pissing me off.

'Cause you know what it never was? That serious.

"He's literally a bitch ass stupid ass hoe ass trifling ass nigga. Like he slept around with his baby momma while talking to me." She cried.

"And I apologized, Mena. What else you want me to do, bruh? You putting ya' fucking hands on me and shit over shit like that."

"You making it seem like it's something small. What if I had a baby daddy and while we were talking I fucked him? I really hate you. On everything I hope you die like a person like you have no fucking reason to be alive!"

"Alright, Ximena. I came over here to apologize and you started hitting me. Ian finna let you keep hitting on me and Ian doing shit 'bout it. You lucky I'm letting your ass live 'cause on God I'll kill you."

"Khalil just get out." I told him.

"You dead ass can't even get mad at a nigga. Yeah about the whole babymomma shit, but you expected for a nigga to wait for you and shit then when I start taking someone else serious you wanna bitch."

"Are you calling me a bitch?" She cocked her head sideways.

"Ian calling you a bitch. I'm saying you wanna bitch. Man, word to my dead, you got me so fucked up bruh." He felt his lip and it was bleeding. "Ion even hit females."

This is so toxic. Bye, Khalil." I said and he got out slamming the door. I turned around looking at Ximena who arms were crossed. "What's the issue?"

"He's the issue."

"Okay, but don't just blame everything on him when you play a part in it too."

"Are you taking his side?"

"You're being so toxic right now, Ximena. I'm not taking his side but you faulting everything on him instead of realizing where you went wrong. You need to acknowledge your shit too. This toxic shit ain't it like at all." I frowned following her upstairs so we could finish taking down her hair I hope.

"What you think happened?"

"Don't be getting smart with me. I'm just trying to help you figure out where you went wrong so you can see how to go about it. But I feel like you got mad about some shit and put your hands on him and he hit back."

"Well that's exactly what happened." She shrugged taking down her hair. "I was hurt as fuck and went to get drunk the other day like drunk drunk. And you know how I get when I'm drunk. I be crying, acting like a whole ass child, and I ended up going to sleep. When I woke up, I was in his car and he was yelling at me, asking me questions like why I'm drunk this and that. I told him that he was the reason because he was fucking around with his babymomma while talking to me and that really hurt my feelings. Surprisingly I remember all this shit so I don't think I was that drunk for real. Anyways, it was just too much and I was calling him out his name and everything I said about him is true as fuck. Like he's really a bitch ass nigga."

"And I started hitting him, kicking him, allat and he started hitting me back which I wasn't expecting. It's whatever." She continued.

"You cannot be putting your hands on folks because he did what he did. You just don't do no shit like that because what if he would have seriously lost his fucking mind and began beating on you? What then? I get that you mad because he hurt your feelings, but it was more ways to go about it. Y'all could have simply sat down and talked about the situation and went from there. And I'm not trying to take his side because he's wrong too. Y'all just need to sit down and talk for real. All this toxic shit isn't it. You don't need that bullshit in your life." I told her and she nodded crying.

"Ion even think he wants an apology."

"You don't know that. An apology could fix so much shit. He was wrong as hell for fucking around with his baby momma and shit. I'm not saying get back cool with him and get into the talking stage, whatever, but it's all about making things right. You don't wanna have no built up animosity towards anyone or anything of that nature, you feel me?"

"Yeah. So, do I apologize right now or?"

"You don't want to wait too long. You literally told that man that he shouldn't be alive. What if something happens to him? You know in the movies when them people get into heated arguments and one leaves and dies? You don't want that to happen because then you'll regret it, full of guilt."

"I know, okay hold on." She told me getting her phone out to text Khalil. She had texted him a big ass paragraph and everything and luckily it went through.

I sighed before praying silently hoping that he was okay and didn't get in a car crash or anything.

"It's just- why would I do something like that?" She turned around looking at me.

"You were angry, Ximena. And when people are mad they do shit that they don't mean to do. That's you, and I'm not trying to make any excuses for you."

"I know. I just really feel horrible that I've said those things and hit him like what the fuck is wrong with me." She looked down at her phone. "He's texting me back, oh my gosh, he's okay. He's texting me!"

I smiled.

"He said that he's still outside and to come out. You could leave if you want." She stood up and ran downstairs like a happy ass child. I went over to the window to look and she was getting in the car.

I grabbed my car keys and my necessities before going downstairs. I went into the pantry to see if she had anything to snack on and thankfully she did. I grabbed myself 2 Oatmeal Cream Pies and left out.

"Everything good?" I asked going over to the car and Ximena nodded crying a bit. I frowned but decided to just ask her about it later. I hated seeing her sad. Once I got in my car, I put my seatbelt on and pulled off immediately going in the direction of the car shop Prada worked at. I had missed my man so bad, that separation anxiety was kicking in.

While I drove there, I played Session 33 by Summer Walker.

Oh, no, no, no
Oh, no, no, no, no, oh

"Long as you had a dime 4PF, ain't shit else that be on your mind. Long as you got your cars and toys to drive I shoulda known I couldn't get your time." I sung stopping at red light and I began eating one of the Oatmeal Cream Pies.

Long as you got your ice and got your drip
Be on them private jets, takin' trips
Come back at six
Wake me and your child
And then won't lay the dick

"Make me wonder who you might've been layin' with. Makes me wonder who you think you playin' with I'm beside myself to keep playin' this. Record back, over and over again."

"Ugh, this song slaps." I said to myself.

"Swear that you've changed, but I know this the end. Long as you on scene, think you know your girl, that's so funny to me. That's why you done got left 'bout one or two times. Got tired of your shit, you almost lost your mind, mind!"

Long as they call your name, you'll continue to try to play these games. Leave your family in the cold and rain and I don't think you'll ever change your ways 'ause a house is not a home when no one's there

"So alone when no one's there. Should I move on since no one's here? You know, what you got is good, that's why you refuse to let me walk out your life, but you refuse to match up with my vibe. You keep wastin' my time, you keep wastin' my time!"


After I left from seeing Prada, I went grocery shopping, and now I was at home currently on the phone with Ximena while I was putting the groceries up.

"How did everything go?" I questioned putting all the fruit in the draw that was at the bottom of the fridge.

"We decided to just be associates." She shrugged eating Pizza. "Like we apologized for what went down, but it's toxic for us to be friends and you know, together. It is what it is forever. I'm just happy we didn't leave off on bad terms."

"Are you upset that y'all can't be friends or together?"

"I wanted to be with Khalil but he fucked around on his baby momma. Ontop of that, he never told me he had kids. Like I said it is what it is. He said if I need him then he'll be here."

I nodded putting the milk along with some Orange Juice in the fridge. I loved me some Orange Juice. It was Orange Juice over Apple Juice any day. Argue with yo' momma not me.

"And I really wish he would have told me about his baby momma whose name I learned was Sienna. Now the bitch subbing me on Instagram saying I'ma trick ass bitch and shit. Like hoe I don't even know you. And she saying how Khalil chose me over his kids and it's my fault. If I knew Khalil had kids, I would have definitely left that nigga alone. This why I don't like dealing with niggas that have baby mom's because it's always some bullshit. Always."

"Don't even feed into the shit. I need to ask Prada if he have a baby momma 'cause if he do I won't hesitate to leave the nigga alone." I told her laughing.

"He don't." She laughed as well. "I'm hungry."

"Girl you? No, me. I really want Zaxbys but I'm gone cook."

"What you cooking?"

"Soul Food."

"Make me a plate pleaseee."

After awhile Ximena and I hung up and that left me alone to cook with music blasting. And I began thinking about Lim. He haven't been on my mind in awhile since I was always occupied. I wish he was alive, I missed him so bad bro. I hated that I couldn't even get in contact with my other brother, Karson. I didn't have a number or anything.

I felt a touch on my arm and I jumped looking to the side seeing Prada. I put my hand over my chest before flicking him off. "Why'd you do that?"

"I called yo' name 'bout 6 times and yeen answer. You alright?" He squinted his eyes looking at me and I nodded. "Tell me what's on your mind, mama."

"Nothing. How was work?"

"It was good." He started kissing on me like he always did. "What you cooking?"

"Soul Food."

"You know that's gone take awhile to cook right? Don't even worry 'bout it, I'm finna help you as soon as I finish showering." He said before going upstairs.

Nugget started barking outta nowhere and when I turned to look at him, he was barking at and looking at what seemed to be on the side of me. Already knowing it was Lim, I told Nugget to calm down.

Honestly I was still happy that Salim still visited me and just watched over me. I just didn't like how he no longer visited my dreams. It's the simple fact that when he visited me it felt real. I was able to feel his touch, able to see him clearly.

About 15 minutes had passed and Prada was already back down here helping me with the food. I could tell he sensed something was wrong because I literally knew him, but he didn't want to pressure me so he left it alone. However, that didn't stop him from coming over to kiss me every so often.

The whole time we were just taking turns playing the music we liked. Yeah it took a while for the food to finish, but eventually it was finished and we sat down enjoying it while we both watch our own thing. I was watching True on Youtube.

(if youn know who true is then she is from my other story called Love Yourz.)

I enjoyed watching her videos. Prada was watching someone stream on Twitch. I loved moments like these. Like we were doing our own thing neither 1 of us complaining about it either. As long as we were in one another's presence then that was okay.

My mind began to wonder on if I should ask Prada if he had a baby momma that I should know about. I'm pretty sure he didn't, but it wouldn't hurt to ask right? I just knew it'd change the mood but if I didn't ask then I wouldn't know.

"Bae." I spoke and he looked up. "I have a question."


"Do you have a secret baby momma I should know about?"

"No. You must've asked 'cause of Khalil and Ximena situation."

"How you know about it?"

"You know Khalil my boy."

"...oh. Well, yeah. I was asking because later down the line I don't want any of your ex girlfriends or whatever saying that they're your baby momma."

"Nah, baby. I'm good."

"Are you a virgin?"

He laughed. "Nah. I lost my shit in elementary school."

"Elementary school?" I shook my head. "How?"

"Just being curious."

"What grade?"

"4th so I was about 9."

I mugged him. "Shake my head. At 9 I was curious but I wasn't worried about fucking."

"You jelly?"

"Nope." I flicked him off as I began mixing the Collard Greens and Macaroni together. "You like the way the house came together?"

"Yeah. We needa get Nugget a girlfriend."

"Ou! Let's go tomorrow."


i didn't like this chapter fr but thoughts on khalil and ximena?

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