Calamity of Date a Live

By NaiveStargazer

36.4K 823 1.4K

Meet our boi, Kuro Itsuka. 17 years old and adopted by the Itsuka's with his (not-so) twin brother Shido. He... More

Kuro Itsuka (Bio, pre - Kurumi)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.1)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt.2)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 3)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Pt. 4) (Edited.)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt. 1)
The Nameless Princess and the Hermit (Finale pt.2)
Celine, Until our next Communion
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 2
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 3
Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 4
Not the Worst nor Misunderstood, Rather-
Your a Monster
But I'm the Devil

Worst Spirit or Misunderstood Victim? Pt. 1

1.2K 33 36
By NaiveStargazer

Sorry guys. I've unironically kept you prisoner from a chapter that was technically already nearly written. Forgive me my transgression, as I beg your forgiveness. As proof of mine sincerest intentions, have a much overdue chapter. Hope you enjoy. And uh, it may be a three parter since this one is short, and the next two will be longer.

Kuro Pov, Months after the Hermit Incident


Another shot rang out through the room as the airsoft gun I was using was fired. I clicked my tongue as the bullet barely missed my targets head.

Beside me a certain black haired vixen was giggling at the small display of frustration, as she herself kept getting nothing but headshots.

Kurumi: "My my Kuro, when you said you wanted to hang out this wasn't what I had in mind. Not that I'm complaining."

Kuro: "Well honestly, the cat cafe was my first plan but uh, stuff happened."

My eye twitched as an incident involving a puppet and lots of swearing made itself known in my memory. Cats and Yoshinon do not mix well. If at all.

Which led to me trying to find a place to hangout for my new friend. Oh yeah, Kurumi is rather eccentric I  must say. I've never met a girl who exudes.... uh I believe Kotori called it Big Sister energy or something? Yeah she exudes Big Sister energy, while also being slightly tomboyish.

I asked her hobbies one day and she said she goes by a shooting range every now and again. And here we are today for that flippant remark.

Anywho, in case your wondering it's been a while since the whole incident involving Yoshino being sealed happened.

Things were chaotic at first what with needing to make sure Yoshino got settled in. Oh and her puppet Yoshinon apparently can't resist stoking conflict. I swear I lost track of how many times she somehow pissed Tohka off. We have such nice neighbors to not complain about the casual climate change and free star wars reenactments.

Oh and I kept my word about 'breaking' Origami. Although I can't tell if she enjoyed or not which concerns me greatly...

Flashback, hours after Yoshino was sealed.

After managing to separate both Shido and I, Hua dragged him and Yoshino away to get acquainted. Meanwhile I went to go find a certain albino wearing a skimpy swimsuit armor.

I found her about halfway after walking outside of downtown. Leaning back against a wall breathing heavily. I'll admit, some of my anger from her stunt dissipated upon seeing the numerous lacerations across her body.

Even though it's her fault.

I shook my head as I casually walked over.


And planted my fist through the wall beside her head. I made sure to lean over her as I did so.

Kuro: "Say Origami, how you been doing?"

Despite the nonchalant tone and the eerie smile across my face, it doesn't take a genius to realize I was far from happy.

Origami: "Sorry."

She said nothing else afterwards, as she looked down in what I assume is guilt.

Kuro: "Funny story, I seem to have heard a weird little story ya know? Something about bullying a child, and threatening to kill her? Wonder who said that hmm?"

Still silent. At this point the remorse must be getting to her head. Yes remorse, which is why her face is turning red and she's panting heavily.


Wait what?

Is she turned on by this? 

Kuro: "Are. ...Are you blushing?"

Yo did I awaken a kink in her or something?!

Flashback End

Only hours later did I realize I indirectly performed the famous Kabedon on her. Which explains a lot. I mean I guess I broke her brain since she sorta short-circuited? I left in a hurry after that incident.

Kurumi: "Your getting distracted."


A loud bang resounded through the room before a buzzer rang signifying Kurumi's victory.

Kurumi: "It's my win."

I didn't dare answer her statement, not because I was salty. Nope. Nor was it because of the shit eating grin on her face. Nuh uh.

Instead I walked out of the shooting range and put the stuff back, a happily skipping Kurumi beside me.

Wouldn't expect someone like her to skip honestly.

Kuro: So Kurumi, where do you go to school? I haven't seen you around any of the nearby ones."

A pause.

Kurumi: "You wound me. We've been hanging out for months and you just now ask? Tsk for shame Kuro."

I rubbed my head sheepishly.

Kuro: "My bad, slipped my mind is all. I was more hung up on the fact that someone like you would like to go to shooting ranges."

Kurumi: "Someone like me?"

Kuro: "!"

Abort abort! That sickly sweet smile is a trap, a trap I say. Quick uhhhh...


Hua: 'What is it?'

Your a girl, how do I fix this?

Hua: 'The person you are looking for is unavailable, please try again later when you have common sense. Beep.'

Prick. Ok Kuro. Play it cool and you may just live.

Kuro: "You know uh, someone who uh well you know..."

Kurumi: "No I'm afraid I don't."

Come on! Work with me here!

Plan B then. I meant to save this for later but so be it.

Kuro: "I meant someone who - Surprise Kitten Fluff!"

Reaching inside my jacket I pull out a cat and place it in Kurumi's arms.

Plan B, the blatantly obvious distraction that you go along with regardless of the fact you know it's a topic change but are willing to let me off despite that fact, is a resounding success!

Honestly I found this little one a few days back. Suffice to say, my mind went immediately to the resident Cat lover. 

I watched as she begrudgingly began to play with the kitten.

Kurumi: "Your off the hook for now."

Thank goodness.

Kurumi: "As for my school? I'll be going to Raizen High starting tomorrow. And the reason you didn't see me is cause I was homeschooled for a while."

I see. That makes sense in a way.

As we were talking I saw how Kurumi was playing with the little kitten. Must say, I'm almost jealous with how happy the little one seems to make her.

Well as long as she's smiling I guess.

Still though, tomorrow huh? Alright then. I hope the class doesn't scare her away.

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