The Bet 2: Against All Odds

Por soccer_crazy

196K 6.2K 1.2K

Direct sequel of The Bet. Nick and Em are finally together. But it doesn't guarantee a happy ending. Nick's... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 3

21.2K 784 66
Por soccer_crazy

Nicole's POV

Monday came and my day couldn't have gotten better after I was called to the principal's office the moment I stepped on the school ground.

I also noticed a large memorial was placed in the center of the school in memory of John.

"You may go ahead. He's waiting for you." The secretary told me the moment I entered the principal's office.

"Nicole! I'm so glad you're okay!" The principal which was also my uncle exclaimed with glee. I could feel the sincerity in his voice.

"Thank you." I took a seat in front of him and awaited for the grueling news. "Do I need to pack my stuff?"

He took a deep breathe and massage his temple. "Your parents pulled out your tuition's payment for the remainder of the year." He then sighed. "Tell me what happened."

"Haven't they told you already?"

"Yes. But I wanted to hear your side."

My uncle, unlike my mother who was his sister was a fair and reasonable man. If anyone knew my mother so well, it was him. "They disowned me because they don't approve my lifestyle and wanted to control me."

"Didn't you came out years ago?"

"They believed that it was just a phase. They tolerated it but didn't accept it. They kept their silence as long as I don't embarrass them." Thinking back, my parents could barely look at me when I decided to change my appearance.

"I see." He paused for a while. "It's so like them. But don't worry Nicole. You know that I don't have any children so I'm willing to provide for you."

I smiled at my uncle's generosity but it was something that I cannot accept. I wanted to prove to my parents that I can stand on my own feet. "That's so kind of you uncle but I'm afraid I can't accept that. I have to prove to them that I can survive without the family's money."

My uncle chuckles. "I was kind of expecting that answer. Maybe Emilia really had a good influence on you." My eyes widen, how did he know about her. "Don't worry... your relationship's safe with me."

"Okay..." I remained speechless.

"So here." He handed me a brown envelope. "It's a scholarship. I placed you under athletic division. You helped a lot in the last tournament. It was the only thing that I could do. However, since you're a scholar now, you need to keep your grades up. And you need to actively participate in the up coming winter tournament next year."

Wow! I can't believe this. "Thank you uncle! I appreciate this."

"Also, scouts will be watching the games. Who knows, you might get full ride to college." He stated. I have never thought about college before because it was already created for me. I'm to take business management course like Natalie and help with the company. Now I could have a choice. "Yes Nicole, you can have a choice now and I'll support you no matter what. And if you needed something, remember that I'm here."

"Thank you uncle!" I was not able to contain myself so I stood up and hug him.

"Ok! You're squeezing me. Now go and study." I hugged him one last time before leaving his office.

If only my parents were as good hearted as him.

The first part of the class went like a blur. Every professor that came in told me that they were glad that I'm okay. I'm still grateful even though I knew some of them hated me and doesn't really mean their concern.

Same goes to my class mates, especially the ladies. They showed their concern and told me that they were happy to see me.

Lunch came soon enough and I dreaded that time to see my friends again but as Emilia told me, they helped her a lot.

"It's going to be okay." She whispered. On our usual spot were Jane and Tin.

"Oh Nick!" Jane suddenly stood up and hugged me to death. "I'm so glad you're alive."

"And I'm going to die for real if you don't let me breathe." I managed to say.

"Sorry." She stuck her tongue and gave way to Tin who also hugged me but not as deadly as Jane.

The moment we sat down, Brad them came. "I always believe that it'll take more to kill you!"

We bumped our fist. "Ass!"

"Glad you're okay."

Then approaching from the distance was Tony. James was behind him but he offed to be left behind. "Sup Nick." Tony greeted. "James wanted to apologize but he's not sure if you're ready yet."

I looked at Emilia and she gave me a knowing look. I nodded and looked at Tony. "Tell him it's okay."

Tony motioned for James to approach and as he neared us, I could see a faint bruise on the edge of his lip. "Hey Nick."

"Yeoh!" I responded.

"I'm really sorry. I should have never restored it. Hell I should have never made it in the first place." He started shyly, not even meeting my eyes.

"It's all cool man. Let's forget about it."

"Group hug!" Jane suddenly yelled and in an instant, I was being crushed by six people including Emilia.

"So now that Nick is back, why don't we ditch a few days and go on vacation?" Brad suggested.

"Yeah! We missed our supposed to be road trip!" Jane added.

"Sorry guys but I can't." I told them.

"Don't worry, of course it's going to be child friendly for cute little Maddy and we'll go when you're fully healed." Brad stated.

"It's not that." I sighed. Now let's test our friendship.

"Okay. Why?" Tony questioned.

"I'm broke." I started.

"How can you be broke?" Tin inquired. "Did your family experienced bankruptcy? Because I haven't heard anything from my parents."

"I was disowned by my parents." I sighed. "The only reason that I can continue to study here was because the principal gave me an athletic scholarship. I don't live in a condo anymore, I don't have a car or money."

They were all silent for a moment before Jane spoke. "I have an extra car that I wasn't using that I could lend to you."

"You can stay at my place since I basically live with James." Tony added which surprised Tin, Jane and Brad. I already knew there were something going on about them because I caught them in the act.

"Finally!" Brad cut in. "I thought you'll both going to hide it forever."

"How did you know?" James asked.

"I got my sources." Brad cockily grinned.

"Since you two outed yourself, then we need to come clean too." Jane started and looked at Tin asking for confirmation. "Tin and I were dating."

"I know." The three guys yelled in unison.

Tin blushed and hid behind Jane. "How?" She managed to say.

"It's pretty much obvious." Tony stated and then we all laughed.

"And since it's revelation time." I looked at Emilia and she nodded. "I would like to share to you that Emilia's now my official girlfriend." I smirked. "So Brad! How are you and Paula."

His mood suddenly changed. "I don't know actually, she's been avoiding me." He then shook his head. "But hey! Don't mind me, I'm happy for you guys. And you know, I could just find someone else again."

I told the guys the events that happened to me since I disappeared and they were all glad that I'm alive. "By the way, I heard that the Averys are going to donate another building in memory of John?" James said.

"Yes. I heard." It was Tin.

Then James spoke again. "They have turned him into a martyr even if he's really a spoiled rotten rapist."

"James." Tony looked at his partner.

"It's true. You know I 'visited' them so I knew the official police report." Since James used the word 'visited' it just means that he hacked into the police's system. "He used and raped that girl and now she's being condemned to death all because she had enough." Then he looked back at Tony. "You said it yourself that even though you wanted to be a prosecutor, you'll prefer to be a defense lawyer and defend that lady pro bono."

"Let's just drop it guys." It was Brad. "I don't mean to sound cold but it's not our concern anymore. Besides, let's not forget that John's Emilia's friend."

They all looked at Emilia waiting for response. "He's right. Let's just not talk about it." She replied.

"So... Let's get back to the topic. Are you going to accept our offer?" Jane said.

"Thanks guys! I really appreciate it but I must decline. This is something that I needed to do." Their faces saddened. "Also, I might not be able to hang around more because I need to study to keep my grades up and to find a job."

"If you're looking for a job, I might know someone that could hire you." Brad stated. "A pal mine was expanding his motor shop and he needed some mechanics. I know you're great with engines so it should be piece of cake for you."

"That sounds great! Thanks man!"

"Your welcome.

"Uhm... Brad... would your friend..." Emilia bowed shyly and I just remembered that she only needs a job. I looked at Brad and thankfully he understood.

"I'll ask him if he got something for you."

"Thank you."

"Okay! That settles it!" Jane chipped in. "Nick buddy! Even if your broke, it does not mean that we can't have fun. So, this weekend, we'll go to our beach house. And you both can't say no. We got you okay? Just like you always got our back." My best friend melted my heart at her last words. They were truly my friends.

The bell then rang that signaled the end of lunch and so we all stood up to go to out respective classes.

"Nick! Thank goodness you're ok!" A blonde haired woman surprised me with a hug. "I'm so worried. And then when you're gone, I realized that I really do love you and should have never let you go." She added then hugged me again.

I suddenly felt the air became cold and flinched when I saw Emilia glaring daggers at the woman that clung to me. She cocked her head and raised a brow.

"Julia..." My voice came back as my brain suddenly worked. Damn! Emilia's scary when she's jealous. "Let me go please." She finally released me but then lean in for a kiss "woah!" I stopped her.

"Nick..." She started but I cut her off.

"Thank you for your concern but I'm sorry Julia we can't be together like before."

"But why..."

"I'm already seeing someone."

"Oh... sorry..." She bowed shyly and I remembered how I loved her sweet and innocent face when she's shy.

"It's okay... Friends?" I held a hand which she took.

"Friends." Then she took off.

I then noticed that Emilia began to walk away the moment Julia left. I grinned and jogged after her. "Jealous?" I smirked.

"In your dreams." Wow! I think I like this possessive Emilia. But damn! She might be hot and sexy but it's too scary for my liking. Better not make her jealous.

I grinned.

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