Eva Buckley

By EmilyAbrams9

10.7K 112 1

When Eva buck's twin sister shows up unannounced in LA Buck and Maddie are delighted. But they realise she is... More

In trouble with the law? Welcome Eva
Finding Eva
2 of 3 Buckley siblings in the hospital
The calm before the storm
Fight or Flight
Buck the fire marshall
Rage and monsters
Finally Happy
Make this work
Authors note
Telling the world
The future
The next chapter
Christmas Spirit
Gender reveal
the one that got away
The time has come
Whats next??
Come back?
Guess who's back
The new normal
Future Tense
The calm before the storm
Buck Begins
There goes the neighbourhood
Breaking point
Parenthood/First responders
panic/Desperate Times
Desperate Measures.
Home and away
Peer Pressure

Oh Baby

299 0 0
By EmilyAbrams9

There is a knock on the apartment door.
E: Who is it?
Mia: It's Mia come on let me in.
E: Use the key under the mat i can't get to the door right now.
Mia: Hey hey.... oh are you okay?
E: Do I look okay? I think I got a stomach bug or something maybe its best if I don't come and visit Millie with you today.
Mia: Might be a good idea not to. Should I call someone though im worried of leaving you on your own. You look rough.
E: WOW thanks Mia really needed to hear that. No I'll just get on the couch with a bucket when I can move, explain to Millie will you?
Mia: Of course I hope you feel better soon, Bye.
E: See you soon Mia lock back up after yourself please and put the key in the plant pot just make sure no one see's you do it.
Mia: Ofcourse I will.
At the hospital
Millie: Hey.... where's Eva?
Mia: She's at her apartment i did stop round but
Millie: but she didn't want to see me?
Mia: No not that at all she has a stomach bug and I know she isn't lying. It looked bad.
Millie: oh okay, then I hope she's better soon.
Mia: So what should we talk about?
Millie: I don't know Mia.
Mia: TK and Carlos said they will come and see you this afternoon we decided to stager it instead of all coming together.
Millie: yeah thanks.
Mia: Okay whats up?
Millie: I want to get out of here, I want to see Eva, and I want to help her get over this stomach bug.
Mia: Thats not a good idea your immune system is compromised, give it a couple of days Eva will be back. Until then how about I call round after whilst TK and Carlos are here and if she's awake ill get her to facetime you. Sound good?
Millie: I guess that will have to be okay for now. I didn't mean to snap i just....
Mia: Love Eva, yeah I know
Millie: Wait what she told you?
Mia: Who told me what now? I was just saying I'm your twin sister i can see that you love Eva.
Mia: Yeah and she loves me. Last night after you guys left she stayed a little longer, we got back together last night and now this.
Millie: Ohh im so excited for you both this is great.
Mia: Dont tell anyone though not yet. I don't know what Eva wants to tell people.
Millie: Your secret is safe with me. I'm so happy.
Back with Eva
Eva is asleep on the couch when she wakes up Buck us stood looking over her.
E: AHH, oh my god Buck are you trying to give me a heart attack.
Evan: You look rough. Whats with the bucket?
E: Thanks alot Evan I'm not very well bucket is there incase I'm sick.
Evan: Ohh right that also explains why you are not at the hospital.
E: Yeah I felt shit this morning but now I'm fine. Thats wierd right.
Evan: Wait you were sick just this morning. How long as it been like that?
E: Today was the first day why?
Evan: Think about it your a woman and only sick in a morning. What does that usually suggest?
E: It can't be that Evan that would mean I was about to enter the second trimester, plus I had tests after what happened with Dominic so they would have found it then. Right?
Evan: I think we should go to the hospital just get checked. They're either going to tell us you are pregnant or that your not.
E: Yeah okay thanks Buck.
Evan: Come on to the jeep.
At the hospital
Doctor: Hello how can I help you?
E: I need tests to know of im pregnant.
Doctor: You know you can buy them at the store right?
E: If I am pregnant I'm entering my second trimester, I didn't know. I've been taking various medications. I need to know that if I am thats the baby is okay.
Doctor: Well I need to get some blood and actually confirm you are pregnant.
He takes the blood and hands it to a nurse.
Doctor: Okay I'll be back soon just stay here and relax.
E: I hate this place.
Evan: Everyone hates hospitals.
E: I don't know what I'm going to do if I am pregnant, can I really have his baby?
Evan: You have Maddie and me, Eddie and the 118.
E: Isn't Eddie apart of the 118?
Evan: Yeah why?
E: You said Eddie and the 118, why didn't you just say the 118.
Evan: I don't know its just how it came out.
Doctor: Well congratulations miss Buckley you are pregnant and you are quite far along. I'm going to do an ultrasound to make sure the baby is healthy, do you want him here?
E: Yeah this is my brother, he can stay.
Doctor: Okay just lift up your top for me, i'm just going to put the gel on your stomach it might be cold. And then this wand is gonna help me locate the baby.... there it is, can you give me a minute.
E: I-is there something wrong?
Doctor: I just need a second opinion won't be a minute.
Evan: This isn't normal right?
E: No this is not normal.
Doctor: Okay this is my friend Dr Curtis he's just going to confirm something for me.
Evan: I'm here sis no matter what.
Doctor: Yep you are deffinately correct Dr Miguel have some faith in yourself.
E: Can one of you just tell me whats going on?
Doctor: There isn't just one baby.... it's twins. Do twins run in the family?
Evan: Yeah me and her are actually twins.
Doctor: Oh well that makes sense, well we'll get you booked in for your 16 week scan you will miss the 12 week because of this scan but the 16 week scan will be in about 6 weeks give or take. Wipe the gel of yourself and then you can leave make an appointment at reception.
Evan: Thank you.
E: Yeah thankyou.
Doctor: That is ofcourse if you want to keep them.
E: I can't abort them I'm not strong enough for that. If we had found out earlier then maybe but not at 10 weeks.
Doctor: Alright then we can discuss what things further at your next appointment.
E: Thank you.
Evan: Come on lets go.
E: I need an appointment for around 6 weeks from now.
Nurse: Okay so 6 weeks from now would be the 16th of December, I have a lunchtime appointment for the day after the 17th of December with Doctor Miguel.
E: I'll take that one thank you.
Nurse: Okay that's been put on our system see you then.
Evan: Come on i have a shift soon.
E: You go i need to speak with Millie.
Evan: Okay be careful and I'll see you later. Depending on traffic I should be back by 10pm.
E: Yeah see you later.
TK and Carlos are now in the room with Millie.
E: Hey can I come in?
Millie: Yeah ofcourse, i thought you were ill.
E: Yeah I was, look i need to tell you something.
Carlos: TK come on we will go and get a coffee.
E: You guys don't have to leave.
TK: I think we do.
Millie: So what's up?
E: Theres no easy way to say this so I'm just going to come out with it and hope you don't hate me phone buzzes hold that thought. Hello Eddie whats up?
Eddie: Do you know what up with Buck?
E: What do you mean?
Eddie: He came into the station in a huff, he's 2 hours late and won't talk to any of us.
E: Ughh probably what's up with me.
Eddie: why whats up with you?
E: Okay Millie say hi to Eddie, Eddie your on speaker I might as well just tell you both together..... I'm pregnant.....
Eddie: w-wh-how?
E: The last time Dominic took me what did you think he was doing?
Millie: But I thought you had tests and everything after that.
E: I did but it was right after so I guess it didn't show up.
Eddie: But that would mean you were nearly in your second trimester.
E: Thanks for that Sherlock.
Millie: You didn't even suspect?
E: No im not showing yet and today was the first time I had morning sickness. No I didnt guess.
Millie: Well listen how about you go chat with Buck make sure he's okay.
E: What about you?
Millie: I'll still be here afterwards im not going anywhere, plus I'll have TK and Carlos to chat to about anything but this.
E: Are you sure?
Millie: Positive now go.
E: Eddie I'm on my way.

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