Tensura x COTE: The God and T...

By Tempest_Moon

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Story will be based on the Light novel of Classroom of the Elite. It will be a different timeline, but I will... More

Chapter 1 - Advance Nurturing High School
Chapter 2 - First Encounter
Chapter 3 - Class D
Chapter 4 - Unexpected Meeting
Chapter 5 - Rimuru's Resolve
Chapter 6 - Club Fair
Chapter 7 - Boy's Talk
Chapter 8 - Revelation and Despair
Chapter 9 - Leaders of Class D
Chapter 10 - Private Meeting
Chapter 11 - True Colors
Chapter 12 - Schemes and Plans
Chapter 13 - Puppet
Chapter 14 - The Act of Deception
Chapter 15 - Class D in Trouble
Chapter 16 - Strategic Plans
Chapter 17 - Wrath of God
Chapter 18 - Calm before the Storm
Chapter 19 - Cruising on the Sea


11.4K 225 138
By Tempest_Moon

{  } - Ciel Talking

*{  } - Rimuru talking to Ciel

" " - A person talking

'  ' - Thoughts of the Person

3rd Person Pov

In the darkest part of the Void, a single entity was seen floating aimlessly without any active movements. He was unconscious for countless of millennia after the end of the lifespan of the universe. His friends, subordinates and loved ones was long gone, but he took all of their souls and kept it inside his imaginary space where he can awaken them again. They've been serving him for countless of years and that being felt pity seeing his subordinates work all of their life for him. So he told them to take a rest and let him handle everything else. Most of his subordinates refused to leave, but due to his promise that he will keep them inside, they all agreed to their masters wishes. After that day, that being went to an eternal slumber, leaving the world on its own natural destruction. During that time, new worlds, and universe was born, but no one knows about the great being who are once worshipped by all.

Now after a countless millennia of sleep, that great being was slowly showing movements. He's eyes are starting to show life and the one person who was always by his side, cannot hide her joy.

Rimuru Pov

{Master, You've finally woke up.}

The first thing I heard after opening my eyes was the voice of my partner that has been with me since the day I was reborn as a slime.

*{Ciel, Sorry for making you wait so long. It must be lonely.}

{No not at all. I'm with you all this time so it's not so lonely. But I'm glad that Master is finally awake now.}

Even when I apologized, Ciel seemed to be not bothered about leaving her for so long.

*{Okay even if you say so, I'll still apologize. Because of my selfishness that you have to went through with such loneliness.}

{Master should not feel sorry about it. I live in order to grant Master's wishes. I serve no purpose without Master.}

I felt happiness through her words that I quite longed for in such a long time. After my subordinates left me to rest within me, I went through a phase of grief which caused me to lose interest in things. I want to forget those feelings so I asked ciel to put me into eternal sleep until I no longer have those lingering feelings which she did without any complaints.

*{Thank you ciel, let's forget that now and move on. For now, mind telling me what have you been up to?}

{Okay Master. During your sleep I've watched thousands of worlds come and go and I've witnessed different events in the universe which was fascinating enough for me to analyze.}

I'm relieved that ciel was having fun even when I'm not here. It gave me a sense of calmness after hearing that.

*{I see. That's good for you ciel. So is there anything particular that we can enjoy right now? I want to enjoy life again.}

{If that's what Master wants. I found a world we can explore.}

'A world we can explore?, thats interesting.'

Excitement filled my mind. It was a long time since I went traveling through worlds with ciel. Might as well try it again.

*{That's interesting. But I want to feel human again, would that be possible?}

{Totally. Anything can happen if Master wishes for it. I'll prepare a body for you to reincarnate in a world similar to your previous one.}

A body huh.

*{Ciel, what about my powers? Wouldn't that be too much if I went to a mortal realm?}

{It will be. But Master should not worry, with the body I am currently preparing, it would be able to store a fragment of your soul which will have your memories. Your original one will be stored inside the imaginary space for protection.}

'So that's what happening.'

*{That's a good idea. With that I can act like everyone else. Do it ciel, i want to have some fun.}

'With this, i can interact with people again. It's gonna be so much fun.'

{Understood. Preparation for a body is now successful.}

'It's already done huh. What should I do first after I arrive? Well I guess try to make some friends, especially with girls. Fufufu.'

{Integration of soul within the human realm is successful. A body of a girl is successfully acquired.}

'D-did I hear that right?'

*{Ciel. What do you mean by that?}

{Process will start in 3.. 2.. 1}

My voice only fell onto a deaf ear as ciel was already finished transferring me to my own imaginary space. A part of me was sent to a world with who knows what will happened to it. Well I guess, It's kind of my fault for thinking that out loud.


"Uwaaa. Uwaaa."

A voice of an infant reverberated to a room filled with different people. Their looks toward the Baby was empty and devoided by feelings. They did not feel happy nor sad about it, they just didn't care.

'Where am I? What is this place?'

The first thing I see when I opened my eyes was a bright light that came from the ceiling. There were people around me in a suit and white coats staring at me with coldness in their eyes. Even when I'm in such state my perception is still sharp and I can clearly grasp the faces of those people.

"Robert, looks like she was successful at giving birth to your child. As for our agreement, you are obligated to give us the full rights of this child to excuse you for your mistakes."

A tall skinny man with glasses talked to a man with a big belly and a weird mustache.

"Yes, I understand. I do not intend to cross path with the agency again. This is the worst punishment I got, but I'm still grateful for our boss's kindness."

"It's good that you understand."

Apparently I was being sold out by my so called father to a the skinny man in the glasses.

"D-darling, please reconsider. Is there any other choice than giving her up? I want to raise our child. P-please don't do this."

The woman who has been carrying me let out a cry while begging Robert, my so called dad.

"We can't Eva. This our last chance to make things right and I don't want to lose this chance."

The woman named Eva stopped crying and glared at Robert.

"How cruel of you! This is your child!"

"Your right. That thing is my child so I have the rights to decide what's good for her."

"You're ridiculous! To say that thing in front of your own blood was totally disgusting."

"Enough with your talk woman! If you want to sacrifice yourself then so be it. But let me tell you something, I'm not going to take care of that thing no matter what decision you decide."

After that argument, Eva started crying again. She didn't protest anymore and just hugged me closer to her.

"I'm afraid we must go now. And I'm taking that child with us. Please be rest assured, her safety will be our priority and she will be given the best education any person could only wish for."

The tall skinny man broke the awful cries of Eva. She slowly looked at the man and said.

"Please just give me a couple of minutes with her. I want to see my baby for a little longer. That's all I ask."

Seeing the look of the pleading woman, the tall man step back and just stood there. Eva then caressed my hair while tears fell through her eyes.

"Rimuru, my sweet baby girl. I'm sorry you'll have to grow up without your parents. I will not ask for your forgiveness, but please know that I love you and will always will."

Eva spoke those words with difficulty. I can feel the pain in her voice while saying those words. I didn't respond due to me being a baby, but after her farewell I was taken away by the tall man together with his friends.

"Isn't it a bit cruel, Ray?"

The tall man's name was apparently Ray. He carried me while they walked through the hall of the hospital to the car.

"That's what people get when they cross with the agency. They got too lucky that this is only what they got."

"Yeah I guess your right. But what are we going to do with this kid?"

"Raise her, teach her. I believe she can be a valuable asset against that delusional idiot."

"Delusional idiot? You mean the Director of The White Room?"

"Yes that's who I meant. I got information that his son was born a year ago."

"He has a son."

"Yes. This information is classified but I've still managed to get my hands towards those."

"You're too incredible, Ray."

"Don't flatter me John. Anyways, they said that he already sent his child to his own facility to nurtured."

"Wow that's too sad for the poor boy isn't it?"

"I'll consider himself lucky. This girl will face a much harder environment than him."

At that point, John's eyebrows raised after hearing the words of Ray.

"What do you mean?"

"It's simple, this child will be sent to our own facility to grow."

John's face turn horrified.

"The Black Box? Are you serious?"

"Yes I'm serious. When this girl met the required age, she will be sent there to study."

"If you put it that way, her future are surely going to be much worse than him."

They ended their conversation after arriving at a tall building. I was hearing everything from start to finish but no one will suspect me for anything.

3rd Person Pov

After that, rimuru was first raised in Ray's household in which she was carefully taken care of. Even at the early age she was taught extreme discipline, but thanks to her long life, this was nothing out of the norm for her.

She was sent to the Black Box at the age of 4, where she was taught advanced level education which no normal child would possible be able to understand. But Ray found out that she was a genius due to her abilities and decided to take much harsher training for her. Marshal arts, Advanced Physics, Math and all subjects was taught to her.

When she got 14, Rimuru was called by Ray and told her that she will attend a high-school in which she will learn to socialize with other people.

"Ray sensei, why should I go there? I like it here."

"It's been decided rimuru. You will be attending there for 3 years, take that time to learn more about human nature and report back at me about your findings."

"But am I one year younger to enter a highschool?"

"That won't be a problem. With your natural talent, you can just fit fine in high-school. Don't worry about your admission, I'll handle everything else."

"Hai, Hai. Fine I'll do it. The students here are no match for me after all."

"Hahaha. That's what I like to hear."

She was then sent to a popular high-school in Japan. The name of the school is Advance Nurturing HighSchool and it was funded by the government. Only high class students was able to enter this school and the rules and regulations are much different than normal schools.

Little did anyone know that rimuru was excited about this. She was happy to be able to be free again after those 14 years of pain in the ass.

"ANHS. I hope you won't disappoint me. Fufufufu."


Thanks for Reading.

AN: This fanfic will have a lot of differences to the original, so if you find something not accurate just think that it is a part of this fanfic.

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