By iloveenii_

192K 8.9K 3.1K


book 2.


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By iloveenii_


I hovered over the send button in iMessage. I was going to text Honor about not going on a date with him anymore. I just felt like it would bring a lot of drama and I didn't want that since I was changing to be a better person. And I sure as hell didn't need that in my life anymore. However, I couldn't help my feelings that were growing stronger and stronger everyday for him.

I decided to send the message then put my phone on DND. I threw my phone on my bed and looked out the window. For some reason I just loved nature. It was so beautiful to me. Like every chance I got, I took pictures of the trees and plants. Sometimes, I'd sit outside and take in everything.

I had grew a liking into photography as well. Something I never knew I'd like or just take interest in. I was also going to school for it so I could get better.

Hearing the doorbell ring plethora of times, I groaned. I knew my momma heard the doorbell ringing. I stomped as I made my way down the stairs before getting stopped by her.

"Why you doing all that?" She made a face.

"You be hearing the doorbell but don't never open the door." I told her.

"Okay? You don't have to do all that, Lia. You acting like a lil ass child right now." She rolled her eyes walking upstairs. I opened the door coming face to face with Honor causing my heart to drop to my stomach.

"What're you doing here?" I frowned and he walked inside closing the door.

"You know exactly what I'm doing here, Lia. Why you playing games?"

"First of all I texted you that like 3 minutes ago."

"I was already riding around in the area 'cause I was gone surprise you with some food." He said.

"Where's the food?"

"In the car, but that's not what we focused on. Why you playing games with me? Didn't I tell you yesterday that Ion fuck with Duke so why you doing allat?" He scrunched his face.

I sat down on the couch. "I just don't want any drama. I'm doing good right now. You and I both know that and if we going on dates and shit, and Duke finds out what you think gone happen? It's gone be a whole lot of drama that I don't wanna deal with."

"Duke ain't even worried about you anymore."

"I mean he probably not but at the end of the day, you had some type of loyalty with him or whatever. You don't know how he's genuinely going to feel about you going out with me. I'm his ex, Honor."

He sighed. "I understand where you coming from, but I want you Talia. I make that shit visible as hell. Ian just gone wanna take you out for no reason."

"Why do you even want me anyways?"

"You beautiful as hell, you smart as fuck, you talented as fuck, all that."

"But I literally embarrass myself, everything."

"Duke made you into this person. Everybody know before you met Duke, you was quiet, shy as fuck, and innocent as you could be. Duke cheated on you back and forth, all that."

"Which you knew and never told me."

"Talia don't even cap like that. Yeah that use to be our boy, but I would tell that nigga like aye what you cheating on ha' fa', allat. I even told you 1 time and you defended that nigga. He would even cheat in your face and you still ain't leave him alone! I'd never do you like that though, and I'm saying Ion really care too much about the drama shit. 'Cause I'd really kill the nigga."

"Exactly! See, that's embarrassing." I said fidgeting with my fingers. I didn't see how Honor could like someone like me. Look at me, I'm embarrassing as fuck, literally delusional, everything.

"You changing though. You not that person anymore, Lia. Watchu looking down fa'? Look at me when I'm talking to you. Ion care about nunnadat shit bruh. You hear me?" He came over to me and grabbed my neck making me look at him.

I nodded and he pecked my lips twice. I wasn't expecting it.

"I'm about to get some food, you wanna come with me or do you want me to drop it off?"

"Um, you can drop it off. I'm about to finish this college stuff." I told him and he looked at me a lil longer before nodding and leaving out. Just as he did, my mom came down the stairs and I rolled my eyes knowing she was listening this whole time. She so damn nosy.

"Awwwww! Y'all are so cute."

"Momma, bye. Why are you being nosy?"

"This is my house. Are you going to take him serious?"

"I mean yeah, but I'm trying to heal from my past relationship which he understands, but like I don't know." I shrugged.



I scrolled on Pinterest as I searched for baby names. I had a love hate relationship with me being pregnant. I guess I hated that I was pregnant because of the simple fact I didn't know who baby it was. But as the days went on, I kind of figured that the baby was Duke's. And I hated that. I'd just tell him that the baby was Zion's because I really don't want my child to have a dad like that.

The thought of me being pregnant with a human forming inside me was insane.

I stopped scrolling once I came across a cute name- Harlow. It was beautiful and different, never really heard of it before. Another name I came across of was Avanna. That was also cute as well. I just needed to think of boy names.

I heard my stomach growl and I sucked my teeth. I had just ate and every time I did eat I couldn't keep anything down. So, it was really like I was eating for no reason.

Groaning, I closed my laptop and got up putting on my slippers. I made my way into the kitchen getting out Peanut Butter and Pickles. They were my to go to and they tasted really good. Once I got that I sat on the sofa and turned on Youtube so I could watch a ASMR. Call me weird, I don't care.

I absolutely loved ASMR's like it helped out so much especially when I couldn't sleep at night. I honestly loved any kind of ASMR. While watching, my phone vibrated and I looked down to see an unknown caller. I already knew who it was, it was Duke. Every since I been pregnant, he been calling me off fake ass numbers and it was really aggravating me.

He kept saying the same bullshit like he's going to change for the baby. I wasn't falling for his bullshit 'cause all niggas do is lie. He kept calling and calling and I got tired of it so I answered.

"Good Afternoon." He stated calmly once the call connected.

"What do you want?" I asked aggravated.

"You see. I'm trying to be nice and show a different side but you really pissing me off. The least you could have said was Good Afternoon back."

"Duke I'm not doing this with you. Stop with the shit, literally. Why you calling my phone over and over again like a lil ass child?" I dipped the Pickle in the Peanut Butter.

"I said I'd change for the baby and you been thinking I'm bullshitting. I feel like a baby could really mature me, Z."

"Okay? And what am I suppose to do with this information."

"Allow me to show you that I'm changing."

"Well from a distant."

"Alright, how's your day going?"

"Good." I kept it short. "How's yours?"

"It's straight just trying to figure out when I'm going to get out this hospital."

"You got shot 4 times. You're still recovering." I told him.

"Man fuck that shit. I need to get my get back, Z."

"You really don't need to get your get back. You were the one in the wrong." I shook my head ready to hang up on him.

"Alright, Z."

He started saying some slick shit under his breath which I didn't care for. So, I ended up hanging up on him. As soon as I did, I heard a couple knocks at my door and that kind of startled me. I didn't know who could possibly be knocking when no one knew where I stayed.

I got up and checked the peep hole but I didn't see anyone. I went to grab my bat with needles and opened the door only to be surprised with my parent's and my little brother.

"I- what y'all doing here?" I questioned. I haven't seen them in awhile due to them moving to Canada for whatever reason.

"We wanted to check and see how you been." My dad smiled pulling me into a hug.

"I know exactly how she's been." My mom gave me a look.

"And what's that?"

"Been getting fucked on now you pregnant."

"I am not pregnant."

"Girl, bye. I had the damn dream." She waved me off.

"So y'all not mad?" I raised a brow closing and locking the door once they game in. "Hey, Xavier."

"Wassup." My little brother gave me a side hug before continuing his game on the Nintendo Switch.

"Why would we be mad?" My dad sat down looking at the plate that had Peanut Butter and Pickles on it.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"I don't know why you were expecting something else. You're grown, Zahara. You're on your shit and you're financial stable enough to take care of a kid. You took care of Xavier really good when we needed you to watch him. I'm sure you'll be an excellent parent."

I smiled. My relationship with my parents took time like a lot of time. We had fell out years ago when I was in middle school. They always wanted for me to watch Xavier when I had a life of my own. I wanted to go out with my friends and do things that normal teenagers would do, but I couldn't. So, I couldn't even do half the things I wanted to do. I didn't really get to enjoy my childhood. When I spoke to them about it, they weren't understanding so I fell out with them and started leaving with my Aunt.

"Right." My mom agreed.

I knew for a fact I'd be a good parent but I was going to be a single parent. I wasn't letting up off that.



"You rather spend time with that nigga then spend time with your own family." My dad fussed and I rolled my eyes. "Keep rolling them, I hope those bitches get stuck."

"I spend time with y'all."

"Do you really? You be with him 24/7. You don't come home anymore."

"And this is why I don't come home, dad. When I do you like to bitch over shit like I'm not spending time with my family this and that. I barely even spend time with Talik 'cause I be working. Stop with that foolishness." I put lipgloss on.

"Don't even know why you with him. He doesn't have shit going with his life. He literally was raised in a good ass home and he chose to be in the streets and fuck his life up and yours."

I just stopped responding to him and zoned out full in thought. He wasn't wrong about Talik being in the streets when he was raised good as hell. But Talik was trying to change that, he told me he was going to take cooking serious and I full on supported him. I knew he could do it all along.

Talik knew my dad was judgemental but he didn't care about it 1 bit. My dad would call Talik all types of names and say how he's never going to be shit. I don't see why Talik is still with me knowing I have a father like that. Like my dad wonders why I don't spend time with the family and this is literally the reason why. He's always being judgemental or bringing up Talik's name out of the blue.

"Oh, so now you can't hear me?"

"No, what did you say?" I looked at him. He was all red in the face. I don't even know why he was getting upset. It was never that damn serious.

"Are you still being a whore?"

"I've had enough." I stood up getting my keys so I could go. "What do you mean being a whore? Are you talking about me stripping?"

"Why can't you get a real job, Tori? You stripping, shaking yo' ass for money, that's disgusting! Only hoes, thots, tricks, whores, and sluts, does that!"

"Wow." I chuckled not bothering to say anything else to him. It was fuck my dad 4L. He took shit a lil too fucking far. Like I'm getting money, I paid for the house he's living, bought the car he drives, bought the clothes he wears and this is how he treats me. For too damn long I've tried to have a bond with my father and I was forcing it, but at this point I'm done.

He began calling my name but I didn't dare turn around as I got in my car and pulled off.

"Hey, Siri, call Talik."

"Calling Talik mobile."

It rung and rung and rung and rung until it took me to voicemail. I told Siri to call him again and he still didn't answer. So, I decided to check his locations and he was at home. Which made me start to overthink. What could he possibly be doing to the point where he's not answering the phone and I needed him as of right now.

I pressed on the gas and made it to momma Taylor's house in no time. His car was surely here so what was he doing. I used my spare key and walked inside going to say hey to momma Taylor.

"Hey, baby. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing okay. Talik is here right?" I asked and she nodded pointing upstairs. I took my shoes off by the steps and made my way upstairs. I didn't bother knocking on the door and when I opened the door he was sitting in his game chair playing the game. "Really, Lik."

"What? What you doing here?" He furrowed his brows taking his mic off.

"I called your phone twice and you didn't answer."

"My bad, I'm on the game. Why you look so upset?"

"You didn't see me calling you?"

"I just said I was on the game."

I rolled my eyes and sat down. "I was calling you because I needed to vent."

"About yo' bitch ass daddy? Why do you keep going over there knowing it's gone be the same thing? It's like you be asking for the shit, Tori. Then wanna come crying to me about the nigga knowing Ion give 2 fucks about that bald ass bitch. Fuck that nigga, and stop crying. 'Cause whatever he said not even accurate."

"You have a horrible way of comforting people." I said.

a/n; i really don't know what else to write abt for santori's pov.



Big 4L, I'm a member
Leave an opp cold, like December
.45 on me, it's a Kimber

"AK knockin' down trees, like timber. Get your baby mama 'fore we bend her hit the windshield, not the fender!" I yelled holding a bottle of Spirytus in my hand while I began crying. I was already drunk, dizzy as fuck, knocking shit over.

And I kind of unblocked Khalil and told him to come get me which I knew I would regret in the morning, but oh well.

"Yo' you need to chill the fuck out." Some dude came up to me.

"A-and you need to get t-the fuck out my face." I turned my head sideways, my words slurring.

"You knocking shit over, crying like a stupid ass toddler and shit."


"And you already fucking drunk off yo' ass. Give me the damn bottle and sit your drunk ass down."

"Drunk o-or not watch who the f-fuck you talking to bitch ass boy. 'Cause I'll really g-get your ass touched on bro." I sat down only because I wanted to not because he told me to.

"Ain't nobody stunning your drunk ass. You can barely fucking stand." He snatched the bottle out my hand and sat it on the table before getting up the stuff I knocked over.

"Ain't nobody stunning your sober ass." I bucked and began crying. "Give me the bottleeeeeeeee!"

"Oh my fucking gosh." He groaned leaving the section because people began staring over here. I bucked at them because like stop fucking staring at me.

Minutes later, I closed my eyes feeling myself going to sleep. Khalil was taking too long, I called him years ago.

When I woke up, I was in someone's car and I began panicking looking around.

"Where the fuck am I?" I asked out loud as I sat up.

"Ximena chill the fuck out." I heard Khalil's voice. He pulled into an empty parking lot so I searched for my purse so I could get my gun out. I didn't know what type of timing he was on.

"Boy, you chill the fuck out."

He got out the drivers seat just to sit in the back with me. He looked fine as fuck, I definitely wanted to fuck on him. "Why the fuck you going to a fucking party drunk off your damn ass with nobody to look after you? Then you had the nerve to fucking go to sleep in a party full of people. Anything could have happened to you!"

"Why the hell are you yelling at me, Khalil. Yeah I was and still is drunk and shit but I wouldn't be drunk if you didn't fuck around on your baby momma. Even after saying that you wanted me and shit like that, told me about how you felt about me and still fucked around. Like who the fuck does that Khalil?!" I asked crying. I wanted to swing on him so bad.

"No, no, no. You getting drunk is you fault. You control what you do not me. So don't fucking pinpoint that shit on me, Ximena. Yeah I was wrong for still fucking my baby momma after I admitted that I liked you and wanted you, all that. I was and I apologize and I know an apology won't fix anything."

I sighed and started punching on him. "You are such a stupid ass bitch! I liked you, Khalil. I liked you and you went to talk to another bitch and decided to fuck on your baby momma!"

"Ximena, what the fuck! I liked your ass in high school and you had a damn boyfriend. You knew I wanted you, Ximena, and you stayed with that fuck ass nigga. After high school I still wanted you but you ain't speak, kept how you felt to yourself and thought I was suppose to know you wanted me? I'm not a damn mind reader and I wasn't waiting on your ass so I fucked around on somebody else."

"Explain the baby momma thing then?"

"Nigga I can't. I just told you."

I punched him in his mouth. "You know, you a bitch ass stupid ass hoe ass trifling ass nigga? I fucking hate you!" I began kicking him.

"Ximena stop!"

"Or what? Huh? OR WHAT?" I kicked him again and he had enough so he started hitting me back and then we began fighting. "I fucking hate you dumb ass bitch."

"Aight, Ximena." He pushed me back.


whew this chapter was hectic lmaoo.

who pov did yall enjoy the most?

do yall like chapters like these? like focusing on the other cast as well?

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