Gotham Knights: Knighthood

By TheCayde

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Batman has died. Now Gotham is in the hands of his sidekicks as they uncover mysteries hidden deep within Got... More

Armor of the Knights
Code: Black
Gotham Short: 1 vs All


712 25 11
By TheCayde

Previously on Gotham Knights.

The scene cuts to Jason shooting Deadhsot in the chest with his non-lethal bullets KO'ing the assassin. The buzzing noise in his helmet happen once more as in his queue a message popped up saying one word.


The scene changes to pulled out his gun preparing to shoot him but Barbara and Tim charged at Two-Face doing a team takedown

Tim and Dick high-five as Barbara's communications went crazy just like Jason's as it stated the same thing.


The scene then changes to Black Mask holding Vale hostage.

Black Mask: Drop it. I said, drop it! I'll kill her. Believe me, I'll do it!

Mason: I believe you Sionis.

Mason puts the batarang away as Sionis laughs still holding the gun towards Vicki's head but he was more loose, so Vicki took the opportunity grabbing a bottle of bourbon and slamming it against Black Mask face the shards manage to go into the eyes as he yelled in pain.

Black Mask: You bit-

Before he could finish Mason charged and body slammed him through his table.


A loud explosion echoed throughout Gotham, as it cuts to the outside where Vicki and Mason stood seeing a explosion.

Vicki: That came from Wayne Manor.

Mason: Bruce...

The final scene shows the sidekicks were all together seeing the Manor up in flames and nothing stood there but rubble. The five ran into destruction looking for their mentor. but for the other four boys... their father. Dick looked around and noticed something in the distance and pointed.

Dick: There!

Everyone ran to where he pointed seeing Bruce Wayne under some ruble. They all lift the piece off of him but saw the bloodied and battered Bruce not moving, Mason knelt down checking his pulse but it was nothing.

Mason: He's gone...
Rain is drizzling on a military cemetery. Tim, Dick, and Alfred stands alone, without Bruce. As a man begins to speak. This was Jacob Kane, Bruce's uncle.

Portrayed by Bryan Cranston
Jacob: Many of you knew Bruce from Gotham's celebrity pages. A handsome, charming billionaire.

The scene pans out showing a large crowd of people there for billionaires death some are very familiar faces like Barbara and Jason. While one was an woman who was a tad bit taller; this was Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman.

Portrayed by Gal Gadot
Next to her was a man wearing glasses who didn't dare bat an eye at the casket; this was Clark Kent also known as Superman.

Portrayed by Henry Cavill
Next to him was a blonde hair man who was crying; this was Barry Allen, The Flash.

Portrayed by Grant Gustin
Next to him was an African American male who had a suit on, that happens on a military funeral; this was John Stewart, also known as the Green Lantern.

Portrayed by Trevante Rhodes
These were Bruce's teammates, his friends, this was the Justice League. Even the worlds greatest heroes couldn't have counted for what was to happen. The scene goes back to Jacob giving his speech.

Jacob: And he was that. But he was also more than a headline. He was my nephew. He was a friend, a mentor and a benefactor to those of us gathered here today.

The scene cuts back to the crowd where Barbara and Jason stood under an umbrella. She looked over to the side seeing a parked motorcycle on a nearby road. Mason sits on his bike, staring at the funeral in the distance. His face tells us the anguish he's living with. He pulls out and starts to drive away, as Barbara looks down her shades covered her eyes but she was crying softly.

The scene cuts to nighttime on a rooftop of Gotham was a male wearing a red cap with a quiver on his back staking out a garage. Until his phone buzzed making him answer it.

???: Are you sure this is the right spot Roy?

Roy Harper aka Red Arrow. Used to go by Speedy when he was working with the Green Arrow but he quit and became his own man.

Portrayed by Lucas Till
Roy: He'll be here. I know Mason.

The scene cuts to a parking garage. Where Two black SUV's pull onto the top floor. A large man
emerges- a man known as the Chechen. A bodyguard points at the sky. The Chechen peers up at seeing no Bat-Symbol. He shrugs this off.

A second bodyguard opens the back door- as three enormous Rottweilers emerge, growling. The Chechen crouches, kissing the dogs.

Chechen (Russian): The Batman's invisible to you
fools. . .but my little princes. . .they can find human meat in  complete darkness.

The Chechen moves to the second SUV, reaches in and drags out a skinny, wild-eyed junkie by his hair.

Junkie: No I No get 'em off me! Off me!

The Chechen drags the Junkie towards a battered white van. The van's rear doors open... two armed thugs emerge, carrying barrels... a third hovers in the dark interior.

Chechen: Lookl Look what your drugs did to
my customers.

???: Buyer beware...

The figure emerges revealing himself as Scarecrow. Batman's second most dangerous enemy.

Portrayed by Bill Skarsgård

(A/N: I would actually love to see him as Scarecrow in the new DCU or Matt Reeves Batman movie)
Scarecrow: I told your man, my compound would take you places. I never said they'd be places you wanted to go.

Chechen: My business is repeat customers.

Scarecrow: If you don't like what I have to offer, buy from someone else. Assuming Batman or his little lapdogs left anyone else to buy from.

The Chechen frowns. The dogs star barking getting their attention.

Bodyguard: He's here.

A burly thug at the periphery is suddenly sucked into the darkness. In his place a shadow straightens, revealing pointed bat-ears against the glittering skyline.

Chechen: Come on, sonof bitch- my dogs are
hungry, pity there's only one of you. . .

A bodyguard to the side disappears with a scream, and a second bat-shadow appears. The Chechen looks taken aback. Three more bat-shadows
appear... even the dogs stop growling.

BOOM! a hole appears in the SUV next to the Chechen. The first bat-shadow steps into the light carrying a shotgun. Chaos began as men scatter and the The Chechen turns as he hears the rooftop erupts in gunfire, one of his men screams.

Chechen: Loose the dogsi

The bodyguards releases the dogs- they race, salivating, into the darkness. The Dogs race towards a Bat-Shadow-the first dog leaps gets its jaws around the Bat-Shadow's throat... Scarecrow ducks behind the van- holes are  punches in the side by shotgun blasts right behind him. He starts to climb into the driver's seat.

The muzzle of a shotgun is pressed to the back of his head- a bat-shadow is behind him- he stabs him with fear toxin-the bat-shadow collapses to the ground, screaming. The Chechen, cowering from gunfire, looks down at him.

Scarecrow: Not the real thing.

Chechen: How you know?

Scarecrow: We're old friends.

A huge black shape slams down onto a row of parked cars revealing to be The Batmobile. Well an older model.

Scarecrow: That's more like it. But old school but that's definitely more like it.

The Chechen's men blast away at the front of the car: the  bullets sparks off its monstrous surface harmlessly. . .

The cockpit is empty. One of the screens reads "LOITER". The shooting stops. The screen switches to "INTIMIDATE" The men stare at the Batmobile for a quiet moment . . . The Batmobile cannons blast cars all around the men-BOOM!

A bat-shadow lines up his shotgun on a running bodyguard. A black gauntlet grasps the barrel and BENDS it upwards with a howl of tortured steel-the bat-shadow looks into the face of instead of the real Batman but Nomad.

As it changes back to Roy who smirks still on the phone and walks off.

Roy: He's here. Sending you the location on where to meet up.

Back at the fight. The Bat-shadow stumbles backwards in terror, leaving the bent shotgun in Nomad's hand. Nomad opens his hand, revealing a pneumatics hidden in his palm.

Nomad bears down on the dogs mauling another bat-shadow- he draws his grappling gun and shoots his grapple into the fake Batman's leg and rips him from the dogs, one dog hangs on as Nomad pulls the unconscious man away. . . the Chechen runs down the ramp towards the exit.

While Nomad kicks the dog off the fake Batman- the Chechen gets into his SUV-another dog locks it's jaws around Nomad's forearm, ripping, tearing-Nomad's suit.

He swings the dog over his head-smashing it against the ground- its jaws open... Nomad rises, as an engine races behind him-he can't turn in time-BLAM-he's slammed sideways by the speeding van.

Scarecrow, driving, nods at him and hits the gas. Nomad raises his hand, revealing his jointed mangle and pistons. The mangle straightens and rotates from his palm to the knife edge of his opened hand. Nomad chops straight through the windshield- pulls his hand out and chops again but the mangle gets struck as Scarecrow steers towards a column.

Nomad can't free himself- he turns a dial on his forearm piston- Explosion bolts blow, freeing his gauntlet from the mangle- he rolls free of the van as it scrapes the column and barrels down the circular exit ramp. Nomad rises. A phony batman lying on the ground watches as Nomad climbs up to the edge of the ten-story corkscrew ramp and stands there, waiting for something.

After a moment he jumps... and falls... ten stories... when Nomad is about to hit the exit ramp-the van appears-as his cape pops open- he slams into the roof, crushing the cab. Later on The Chechen s men are lined up against the wall, bound with  zip-ties. So are the fake batmen. Nomad dumps Scarecrow next to the three ''Batmen", as he rips his mask off.

Fake Batman: We're trying to help you!

Nomad: I don't need help.

Scarecrow: Not my diagnosis.

Nomad silences Scarecrow with his boot. Turns to "Batman"

Nomad: Don't let me find you out here again.

Nomad moves towards the Batmobile.

Fake Batman: You need us! There's only one of
you- it a war out here!

Nomad gets into the Batmobile.

Fake Batman: What gives you the right? I What's the difference between you and me?!

As the Canopy hisses shut, Nomad gets the last word-

Nomad: I'm not wearing hockey pads.

The Batman" looks down at his makeshift costume as the Batmobile roars pasts them. While he drives he gets a call from Barbara that he ignores after a few rings it shows 70 missed calls from each of her, Dick, Jason, and Tim. His phone rings again irritating him but it was Roy who called him this time, he presses answer as he talks on speaker phone.

Mason: Hello?

Roy: Mason. My brother from another mother. We need to talk can you meet me on the apartment roof across from Big Belly Burger? We can snack and talk.

Mason rolls his eyes then answers.

Mason: Sure.

Roy: Great your buying. Chao.

The call ends as Mason rolls his eyes again as he takes a U-turn.

The scene shows Big Belly Burger as it pans up showing Roy and Mason eating burgers without their masks on as Roy was laughing.

Roy: And remember when Vic and the other kept making fun of you for having to date Killer Moth's daughter?

Mason: To save the city, yeah. Not exactly a girl I would have a second date with.

Roy: Oh man. Those were the good old days... before we branched out being our own person. I'm doing my own thing, so are you, Vic, Gar, and Rachel stayed behind to teach the new generation of Titans.

Mason: Yeah... the good old days.

Roy: You and Tatsu still talk?

Mason: Yeah... it's umm. It's complicated. She's in Japan somewhere doing who knows what... and I'm still here in shitty Gotham City.

Roy: The city that never sleeps.

Mason: That's New York.

The boys laugh at this as Mason takes another bite out of his burger then looks at Roy.

Mason: So why'd you actually want to talk to me?

Roy: Actually I just wanted to check up on you. Dick's been saying you've been ghosting everyone.

Mason: I'm fine. I just need some time to myself.

Roy: As in beating the shit out of criminals?

Mason: Yeah...

Roy: Well... Im not the best at advice but maybe they are.

Mason: They?

Roy points to the side as he sees a guy wearing a leather jacket with a green shirt underneath.

Portrayed by Charlie Hunnam
Oliver Queen aka the Green Arrow. Roy's mentor and a good friend of Bruce. And to his right was the beautiful but deadly Dinah Lance.

Portrayed by January Jones
Aka the Black Canary. She's also the batfamily's therapist. Mason looks at this and sighs seeing the two vet heroes walk over them.

Oliver: Thanks again Roy.

Roy: No problem. I got a free meal out of this.

Mason: You were in on this?

Roy: Mason. Your going through a lot right now. You need all the support you can get.

Dinah: Roy's right. You've been ditching your therapy sessions, and you running every night isn't healthy.

Mason: I'm fine Dinah.

Dinah: Really? When was the last time you actually slept?

Mason: I... I don't know.

Dinah: Exactly.

Mason looks away as she walks over putting a hand on his shoulder.

Dinah: It's okay to express your feelings. We miss Bruce too...

Mason wipes a tear from his eye and just nods to Dinah who smiles at him. Oliver then walks over patting his back.

Oliver: We're not only here to comfort you but to give you some news.

Mason: News?

Oliver: The League well... they...

Mason: They what?

Oliver: We decided to make you a official member of the Justice League.

Mason eyes widen as even Roy looked shocked.

Dinah: We're not expecting you to take the offer right away.

Oliver: We're just letting you know. Y'know who to call if you made your decision, see ya kid. Ima go get me a burger.

Dinah and Oliver walk away leaving Roy and Mason on the rooftop still shocked by the news.

Roy: Well...?

Mason: I-

Before he could answer his com started beeping. He pressed the button answering it, as the voice belonged to Barbara.

Barbara: Mason... I know you still want to by on your own but we need you. Meet us at Bruce's grave... please we miss you.

The call ends as Mason looks at Roy who smiles nodding.

Mason: Guess I'm going to have to put a pin on that offer.

Roy: Hey who knows maybe I'll be next.

Mason: Yeah as part of the crowd control team.

Roy: F*ck you.

Mason: Sorry thats Tatsu's job.

Roy chuckles as he watches his best friend jump off the roof with his mask on into the old school Batmobile and drives off to where the others want to meet him.

Okay two things 1: I recasted Mason. And 2: Did y'all enjoy the casting this chapter? Also leave a comment and like if you loved this chapter see y'all next time! Buh-bye now!!!

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