Backstabbed (Amber Freeman x...

By deathlessly

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forget everything you knew (I mean literally because it's basically y/n in the scream universe, a mixture of... More

chapter 1: night shift terror
chapter 2: so it begins
chapter 3: friday stabathon
chapter 4: the call
chapter 5: weak smiles
chapter 6: pub madness
chapter 7: motives, motives, motives
A/N: omg new book !!
chapter 8: interruptions
chapter 9: skinny dipping
chapter 10: who's watching tara?
chapter 11: flowers wither
chapter 12: radio silence
chapter 13: library book
chapter 15: triple threat
chapter 16: signing off
chapter 17: determined
chapter 18: trapped
chapter 19: dark baggage
chapter 20: shot roulette
chapter 21: redemption
chapter 22: heathen
chapter 23: alone
chapter 24: backyard talk
chapter 25: slumber party
chapter 26: old wounds
chapter 27: you and i
chapter 28: peace pancakes
chapter 29: the big apple
chapter 30: angel
chapter 31: chain reaction
chapter 32: red walls

chapter 14: coffee

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By deathlessly

Y/N and her vice president, Camila, sat across from each other at a small round table in the school's club room.

They were discussing the various activities that the school's clubs were planning for the end of the year.

Y/N, the student council president, had been leading the meeting with her usual confidence and charisma.

As they went over the logistics of coordinating the various events, Camila was impressed with the power that she commanded and how she was always able to keep a leveled head.

It was just a small meeting between the two of them to get a headstart. They would brief the others some other day.

"Okay, so if we have pep rally earlier then we can have enough time to meet the rest of the class for prom discussions and planning," Y/N said, bringing Camila back to the task at hand.

"Mhmm. Mhm. Yeah. You're brilliant, Miss President," Camila said with a smile.

Y/N replied with a brief smile as they made eye contact.

"Thank you, Camila. Now, on to our last topic that we need to go over," Y/N continued, flipping through her notebook. She searched through the pile of papers that were all over the desk.

"You've always been brilliant," Camila said, leaning in a little closer to Y/N.
"And so...beautiful."

Y/N looked up, confused.

"I'm sorry?" She asked through her glasses, thinking she heard that wrong.

Camila's smile widened as she leaned in even closer.

Y/N was completely baffled, leaning back to only sink further into her chair in hopes of creating distance between the two.

"Camila, what do you think you're doing?" Y/N gasped, attempting to take control of the situation but she was too baffled to steady her voice.

"You've been working so hard for prom and graduation," Camila said, her voice low and sultry.

"I just thought you needed a little break..."

Y/N's eyes widened in realization as Camila's intentions became clear.

"Camila, please stop. We're at school."

Camila leaned back in her chair, looking slightly dejected.

"I'm sorry, I just–"

But before she could finish her sentence, Y/N's cell phone rang loudly. Y/N quickly grabbed it from the table, flipping it over to check on it, hoping for a distraction from the awkwardness of the moment.

"I'm going to take this," Y/N said, standing up from the table.

"You can go home, Camila. We'll reconvene a different time."

Camila nodded, gathering her things. She felt her heartbeat increase and heat emerged from her cheeks.

"Oh, and Camila?"


Camila looked back up to meet Y/N's eyes but she was still on her phone. A tiny grin could be seen on her face as she typed.

Camila became annoyed at what could possibly be making her smile at this very second.

Sighing, Y/N looked back at Camila.

"Our relationship is strictly professional," she said firmly, shooting her a pointed stare.
"Please stop fucking around."

Camila was shocked at Y/N's tone and serious expression. She shrunk where she stood, her arms gripping the books to her chest.

"Right. I'm sorry, Miss President," she said softly and nodded before practically dashing out of the room in embarrassment.

Y/N's gaze was kept on Camila as she left the club room, luckily closing the door behind her, before turning back to her phone.

She shook her head, trying to shake the feeling that things might get complicated.

Amber turned out to be right about Camila having more than professional intentions.

Although, Y/N wouldn't admit it because she was really stubborn and she knew that if she told Amber, she would kill Camila. And Camila was really good at her job.

Ignoring that minor issue she would resolve later, she tried to focus on the task at hand. Rummaging through her bag for a bit, she spotted the white voice changer box and old nokia phone.

She went over to lock the door before dialing a number and clicking the talk button on the voice box.

Sam was in the break room of the hospital, simply making a cup of coffee and then taking her pill afterwards. She swished her coffee around for moment, mindlessly staring at it.

Taking her pill bottle from her back pocket, she threw two of them in her hand before taking a big swig from the hot mug.

The quiet was calming for her. She was able to catch her breath again and arrange her thoughts. She had come to the hospital to visit Gale who was still in a coma.

She had to return home soon to tend to Richie who had been released not too long ago. Sam was now super protective of him and Tara.

Her stomach growled once the warm liquid fell into her stomach, realizing that she hadn't eaten all day. Making her way over to the vending machine, she pressed a button for a granola bar.

After she bent down to retrieve it, once she stood up, she was faced with the horrid illusion of her dead father.

"Those pills aren't working much, aye Sam?" Billy smirked deviously.

His appearance was the same when he died, his face marked with blood, and he wore a matted white t-shirt that was filled with the red pigment and multiple stab wounds.

She stared at the image of her dead father in the vending machine's reflection, replying with an unenthusiastic, "Not now."

Sam knew he was just another one of her visions that she had been having since Modesto, that's why she had been taking her meds. But Billy was right or whatever murderous part of her conscience had created had said.

She didn't believe they were helping either. Eventually, he would go away after they argued for a good amount.

Unrelenting, Billy pushed on.
"It's only a matter of time before you snap, and all hell will break lose."

Their back and forth bickering was disrupted by Sam's phone ringing. Briefly, she looked towards the table where her phone rang and back to the reflection.

The illusion was gone again. Sam walked back to the table and looked at the number thinking it was someone she knew.

But the caller ID read 'Unknown'. That could only mean one thing to Sam. She braced herself to answer the phone.

"Hello, Samantha," Ghostface greeted, as if Sam's day couldn't get any worse.

"Why are you doing this?" Sam asked, knowing she wasn't going to get a straight answer, annoyance bubbling.

It had been a month of no activity from Ghostface. Sam had hoped that they had given up or gotten bored but that wasn't Ghostface's style. They liked to plan and wait for the perfect time to strike or at least each new pair was getting smarter.

"Oh I dunno. Maybe it's because you have something I want."

Sam whipped her head around to scan the break room. But it was empty except for her being in there. The room seemed to be growing larger in size as she spoke with Ghostface. Sam felt like the air was being punctured from her lungs. She tried to keep her head straight.

"What do you want? Name it. Just leave my sister alone," Sam demanded; she was getting desperate.

There was nothing in this world that she'd allow to happen to Tara.

"I'll leave your whore of a sister alone when I serve her head to you on a silver platter," Ghostface spat angrily, chuckling a bit at their excited tone.

"Don't you fucking dare. Show yourself, asshole!"

Ghostface gave no response. Instantaneously, a loud bang came from the vending machine. Gasping in shock, Sam snapped her head in the direction to see Ghostface in the flesh.

Sam grabbed the nearest chair just as Ghostface had started running at her and flung it. Somehow, Ghostface managed to easily deflect it and kept coming at her.

Sam was in complete flight mode and ran out of the room as quickly as possible. She located the front desk and nearly tripped into the officer, muttering that someone was in there and tried to attack her. But when the officer went in armed to check, it was empty.

As she were packing up the rest of her things and shoving stacks of paper into her bag, Y/N's phone rang. Curious, she looked over to see it was Mindy that was calling. She expected it to be Tara but Mindy will do.

"Y/N, where are you?" Mindy asked urgently.

"I'm at school. Why?" Y/N replied, masking her tone with confusion.

"School? Why the hell are you at school? Club activities were canceled," Mindy snapped, clearly already on edge.

"I'm the student council president. That shit doesn't apply to me," Y/N retorted, rolling her eyes, hoping Mindy could feel it through the phone.

"Whatever. Sam's been attacked. Sheriff Hicks wants us to come to the station," Mindy said, her voice shaking.

"Oh my god. Okay, I'll be there," Y/N said, making her voice seem a bit shaken up.

Ending the call, she let out a sigh before smirking to herself.

"I should put acting on my resume."

Y/N quickly gathered the rest of her things and rushed out of the school building. She made her way to the parking lot and hopped into her car.

Adjusting her rearview mirror, she checked herself first before dialing Mindy's number again, now connected to the bluetooth of her car.

"What happened? Is Sam okay?" Y/N asked, their heart racing.

"I don't know all the details yet, but I heard it was pretty bad. We're waiting for you to get to the station," Mindy replied, her voice still filled with worry.

Y/N nodded, even though Mindy couldn't see her.

"I'm on my way. Just stay on the line with me, okay?"

"Okay," Mindy said, and Y/N could hear the relief in her voice.

The sound of the others chattering could be heard in the background.

As Y/N drove to the sheriff's station, she thought about Amber. Things had kind of gotten out of hand since the Dewey incident. She was scared for Amber's life, thinking that Amber had gotten shot or nearly killed even though she wore a bulletproof vest during her attacks.

There was always a slight chance that she would actually get seriously hurt. She had to convince Amber to take a break since the Gale incident to throw everyone off and to also heal from her own injuries. She had gotten a few bruises. Things would only get much worse from there.

When Y/N arrived at the station, she saw Mindy and Tara standing outside. Y/N was slightly confused to not see Amber waiting for her. She rushed over to them and gave each of them a tight hug with Tara's being slightly longer.

"Hey, Tar. You okay? What about to Sam?" Y/N asked, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Yeah. The rest are inside. You're the last one," Tara replied as the three walked into the station.

Y/N felt a lump form in their throat. She couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to Amber. Y/N tried to stay calm. It was only a minor attack, Amber actually wasn't planning on attacking Sam, just give her a small scare as a welcoming sign.

Her mind was racing with all sorts of worst-case scenarios but they soon died down when she saw her girlfriend sitting in the lobby with the rest of the group.

As soon as they made eye contact, Amber shot up and sped walked to her, Y/N meeting her halfway. They embraced, Y/N smiling into Amber's shoulder. Mindy had taken Amber's spot next to Chad but Tara just stood there awkwardly staring at the two.

"Hey, cutie," Amber said when they let go.
"You okay?"

Y/N only blushed at the nickname but nodded. "Yeah, I am. Are you okay?"

She gave her a concerned look, it having a double meaning. Amber simply nodded and guided her towards the couch.

Liv looked up from the white floor as Y/N sat down. They had a brief silent exchange before they both turned their heads away.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Sheriff Hicks emerged from around the corner. She looked grim, her face drawn with worry. It looked like she hadn't slept in weeks. They couldn't blame her. Wes's death was fresh and he was her entire world.

"So glad you could join us, Y/N," she said with a smile but Y/N couldn't help but feel like it wasn't genuine. Maybe it was because of the tiredness in her eyes.

"Now that we have everyone here, I'll call you in one by one. Starting with Y/N," the Sheriff informed the group, looking at all of them with uneasy expressions.

Amber rubbed Y/N's thigh to calm her nerves. She leaned into her ear to whisper, "You'll be okay."

Y/N had a feeling it was coming, but it still made her uneasy. Nodding,Y/N got up and followed the sheriff, passing by other officers who were busy with their own work. Sheriff Hicks led her into a small room with a table and two chairs.

"Have a seat," she said, motioning for Y/N to sit down.

"Alright, Y/N. As you know, Sam claimed that she was attacked by Ghostface earlier today. Where were you during the hours of 3 PM to 4:30 PM?" the Sheriff asked, as she pulled out a notepad.

"I had a meeting after school with my Vice President, Camila Gomez. We were going over club activities," Y/N replied with a slight quiver in her voice.

She had to act like she hadn't practiced her alibi a few times over. On the other hand, she wasn't lying either. She wasn't used to being questioned by the police, but the situation was beginning to overwhelm her.

Sheriff Hicks snapped her head up to give Y/N a quizzical look.

"After school activities were specifically canceled–"

"Yes, I am aware of that. But I can assure you I had important matters," Y/N was precise to answer. She knew that Sheriff Hicks would ask that.

"Such as?"

"My duties as student council president."

Y/N feigned a smile, feeling like she needed to remind the Sheriff knowing it would make her character look better.

"Was it just the two of you?" She inquired, scribbling something as she looked back between the notepad and Y/N.


The Sheriff nodded thoughtfully.
"Hmm..alright. That's all that I have for you. Thank you," she said as she stood up, chair scraping the floor.

Y/N let out a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. She had to get it off her chest again.

"Uhh, Sheriff Hicks.."

She looked up from her notepad. Y/N's breath hitched.

"I just wanted to say again, I'm sorry about Wes. He was still a really good friend," Y/N tried to say with a light smile.

"Thank you, Y/N and I want you to know that I don't blame you for what happened. I thought I raised him better," Sheriff Hicks exhaled, her lips slightly quivering as she spoke.

Y/N could see the sheriff's eyes begin to water and couldn't help but feel guilt but she knew she had to stay vigilant, the image of Amber being behind bars keeping her motivated.

She rejoined the group again who were anxiously waiting in the lobby.

Tara was the first to approach her, her face etched with concern.

"Everything good?" she asked, touching Y/N's arm.

Y/N nodded, barely giving her a smile. She felt so exhausted from the interrogation. Sheriff Hicks called Tara next. She stared at Y/N for a tad bit longer before pulling her hand away and following the sheriff. 

Amber had been watching the two's exchange, staring at Tara's hand on Y/N's arm and thinking that was way longer than she would've liked.

But Y/N quickly joined her spot next to her, clinging onto Amber. The stormed within her had settled once she felt the warmth of her girlfriend.

"It's starting again. Just when I had hope that he had actually stopped," Sam muttered, frustration clear in her voice.

"This is just so fucked up," Mindy added, running her hand through her hair.

"I don't want you guys getting hurt," Y/N said, the worry for her friends evident in her voice. She leaned her head on Amber's shoulder who then put her head on top.

"We also don't want you getting hurt, dummy," Mindy teased with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"Right, right. That too. I'm already clumsy as is," Y/N joked, her nerves beginning to settle.

The group chuckled nervously, their thoughts lingering on the threat of Ghostface. They knew they had to stay sharp and watch out for each other if they were going to make it out of this alive.

They really thought that for once, Ghostface had given up but they were so wrong. It was only the beginning.

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