The Summer is ours// JJ Mayba...

By fantasybubbles03

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// this story will not follow the original plot of outer banks, simply the characters and the setting. Been t... More

1. Meet the Pogues
2. Truth or dare?
3: I hate you JJ Maybank, I hate you
4: You're not going to jump right?
5: Friends?
6: Um JJ? your hand is on my ass
7: Road trip
8: How...How'd you do that?
9: What the fuck?!
10: That's my fucking sister man
11: Will you be my girlfriend?
12: What is she doing here?
13: how could you...
14: I love you
15: Maybe you are the whore everyone thinks you are
17: Amber Alert
18: Jo you gotta jump
19: Operation Liberation
20: The summer is ours

16: I just wanted it all to stop

620 12 33
By fantasybubbles03

Jo's POV:

Next thing I knew Rafe was kissing me. It only took me about half a second to realise what was happening before I shoved him off me

"Rafe what the fuck are you doing" I snapped shoving him backwards

"i-uhhh" he started but was quickly interrupted by a voice

"Maybe you are the whore everyone thinks you are" the voice yelled out 

"JJ?" I said looking round shocked

"don't JJ me" he snapped walking closer "so what?, you get to have a hissy fit at me for cheating on you with Kie when I wasn't even doing anything but here you are" he said gesturing at Rafe

"JJ I swear it's-"

"not what it looks like?" he said cutting me off "Jo you were just kissing him"

"no, he kissed me" I said quickly as I noticed he glanced at the table behind me

"you relapsed" he said looking up at me with hurt in his eyes

"JJ- I swear-"

"yea whatever Jo, have fun with your psycho boyfriend who need I remind you just held your actual boyfriend at gunpoint no more than five hours ago......sorry let me correct myself, he held your ex boyfriend at gunpoint" he snapped starting to walk away

"Ex? What? No, JJ, don't be like this come on" I said chasing after him

"You know what Jo" he said stopping and turning around "Kie was right....nothing is ever good enough for you"

"don't say that, JJ you are good enough"

"clearly, that's why you're high out of your mind with a fucking attempted murderer" he said once again gesturing at Rafe

"i'm sorry ok?! I just needed to-"

"if I was good enough Jo, you wouldn't feel like you needed to, you would know you could come to me"

"I tried to! You got mad"

"don't turn this around on me" he snapped "you did this for you. You're selfish, you're manipulative and don't ever care about how your actions might affect others" he said now starting to yell as he hopped up onto the wall "we are done Jo....why don't you go sniff some more coke" he said finally jumping over the wall

"JJ!" I yelled as he disappeared over the other side "PLEASE JJ! DON'T GO" I shouted sprinting to the front gates. By the time the stupid automatic things opened I watched as the twinkie sped past me and up the street "FOR FUCK SAKE" I screaming turning around and walking back up towards Rafe and punching him square in the jaw "YOU FUCKING BASTARD, LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE" I screamed before collapsing into the couch

"ouch" he muttered to himself "why do you even care? You have me" he said sitting down next to me

"No Rafe, I don't have you, because as I have now said a million times there is nothing happening between us'

"yea but now that JJ is out of the picture-"

"Now that JJ is out of the picture I just wanna get high and forget that tonight ever fucking happened" I snapped sitting up and sniffing another line of coke

"Jo come on, thats like your 4th line've had enough"

"I'll say when i've had enough" I snapped wiping my nose 


It was now a few hours later I could barely see or stand but that also meant I couldn't feel which was exactly my aim

"Jo come on, we gotta go to bed" Rafe laughed

"come on one more" I said pulling him back towards the table

"Jo i really don't think-"

"please" I said cutting him off

" more" he said as we both bent down

"same time?" I asked looking up at him

"same time" he laughed as we both took another line. I'd lost count how many I was on by now. 

"Right that was it, last one" he laughed wiping away at his nose

"that's fine" I said sitting back. My eyelids started to feel heavy so I let my head roll back onto the sofa and drifted off to sleep.


⚠️THIS NEXT BIT IS JUST ONE MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING, Drugs, Overdosing, mentions of suicide⚠️

Rafe's POV:

"Jo, Jo come on" I said nudging her arm as she fell asleep about five minutes ago but she didn't budge "I swear to god Jo, if i have to drag you to bed myself I will"......still no response "Jo? Jo this isn't funny" i said now sitting down next to her and her read rolled to the side....her lips were slightly blue and her face was pale "Jo?!" I said now panicked and grabbing at her was cold "Jo? Jo please, wake up" shit, Shit, SHIT. "JO!" A there a pulse. Nope no that a pulse? Ok, yes it's there...barely but it's there. 911...I have to call 911 right? No I can't call 911, how am I meant to explain how this happened....i'll get in so much trouble, but Jo could die if I don't. I can't get in trouble with the cops, my dad would kill me, shit i need to do something. "SARAH! SARAH COME QUICK!" I screamed she will know what to do.....shit Sarah isn't here. It's just I hide the body? How do i hide a body....that's not exactly something I can just google. John B would come looking for her and JJ would know it was me...shit what do I do. Wait? JJ...that's it.



"I just can't believe she would do something like that" Pope said quietly from the floor

"what? Relapse or cheat" I snapped

"both" he shrugged

"ok, I, vodka and weed" John B said walking back in from his room

"all of the above" I said reaching out and grabbing a bottle of vodka from him taking a massive gulp

"so what are you gonna do man....cause she lives here and I can't exactly kick her out. I mean i'm obviously gonna kill her cause-" John B asked

"it's fine John B.....i'll just avoid her like i used to" I shrugged taking another drink "I can't exactly stop you guys from seeing her" I sighed when my phone lit up beside me "'s her" i said picking up my phone as Pope snatched it out of my hands

"nuh uh uh. No, she doesn't get to do this again. If she wants to talk to you she knows where you are" he said declining the call

"Pope" I sighed trying to snatch the phone out of his hands but he pulled it away

"I'm with Pope on this one buddy" John B shrugged

"look, she's with Rafe, what if she needs help....I knew i shouldn't have left her there"

"she can handle herself" John B shrugged as the phone started ringing again and Pope instantly declined it

"seriously Pope give me my phone" I snapped standing up

"No! Look I love Jo, she's like a little sister I never had....but she doesn't get to go making out with Rafe Cameron of all people then call you" he snapped putting the phone in his back pocket but then John B's phone lit up

"right answer that right now....she never calls this many times" I snapped

"JJ, she is just gonna ask to talk to you" John B said letting his head fall back as he sighed

"John B....answer it. If she asks then hang up" I snapped

"FINE" he said picking up the phone "Jo, i swear to-....Rafe? What do you mean? Are you fucking kidding me? Yea shit, yea we are on our way?" he said hanging up "we gotta"

"what? What happened" I said now starting to freak out

"Jo's OD'ed" He said sprinting out the door with Pope and I following close behind.


"Rafe what the fuck happened" I yelled running up the garden seeing Jo unconscious on the couch. 

"i dunno...she just....wouldn't wake up....I-I didn't know what to do" he stuttered as I bent down next to her

"well did you call 911?" John B snapped as he caught up to me

"No...i uhhhh....we would get in trouble"

"Rafe call 911!" Pope yelled taking his phone out of his pocket

"fuck man, we can't even afford an ambulance" John B sighed as Pope held the phone up to his ear

"I'll pay for it" Rafe said quickly

"Damn fucking right you will" I snapped "come on Jo stay with me, help is coming" I said gripping her cheek lightly

"Hi, I need an ambulance like right now, my friend is unresponsive" Pope said down the phone, he paused for a second looking at Rafe before continuing the conversation "she...she's high on cocaine and now she won't wake up......Rafe how long has she been like this?" he said looking up at him

"ummm about 10, 15-ish minutes"

"roughly ten to fifteen minutes" he said to the operator "Rafe how much did she take?"

"eight lines"

"EIGHT FUCKING LINES!" John B and I yelled at him

"look man i tried telling her to stop"

"oh god Jo, what have you done" I said softly turning back round to her lifeless body "please...don't leave can't leave me" 

"they're 2 minutes out" Pope said putting his phone back in his pocket as sirens were heard in the distance 

"come on Jo, just a little while longer" I said reaching for her neck. There is still a pulse but it's weak. The ambulance drove into the driveway and 4 paramedics jumped out

"come on son, we got her now" the paramedic said reaching at my shoulder but I didn't want to leave her

"JJ come on" John B said pulling me away "she will be fine"

"she....she's allergic to penicillin and....and she hasn't eaten yet today...her blood type is O-Neg and-" I said as they put her on a stretcher

"thank you, we got her from here" another paramedic said as they loaded her into the ambulance and pulled away

"when we are done're going to find yourself six feet under" I snapped at Rafe before jumping on my bike to follow the ambulance

"you're the one who told her to go sniff some coke" he snapped back

"you what?!" John B snapped

"look I was mad...I didn't think she would actually do it"

"she's Jo....of course she would" John B snapped

"look we don't have time for this, we gotta go" I yelled as I revved the bike and sped off


"Jo Routledge?" a doctor called as they walked out to the waiting room

"yes, over here" I said jumping up " she ok?"

"are you all relatives?" she asked

"i'm her brother" John B spoke up and she pulled him aside. They talked for a moment before he walked back over raking his hand through his hair

"is she ok?" Pope asked

"they don't know" he sighed sitting back down 

"well....what did they say?" I asked

"they had to do a blood transfusion...whatever that means" he shrugged and I looked at Pope

"its when they give you blood from a donor" Pope replied

"ok but how does that help?" I snapped

"look, JJ they know what they are doing" John B snapped "they said she may not wake up cause she had lost circulation to her brain for a while"

"John B?" Sarah called as she ran up the hall and grabbed him into a hug "Rafe just told me what she ok? And yes JJ I punched him for you"

"thank you" I muttered putting my head in my hands

"look hopefully she will be ok but we are just waiting for her to wake up"


"John B?" the same doctor said walking out about four hours later

"yes...yes we are still here" he said standing up quickly

"she's awake" the doctor smiled "however the police need to speak with her before i can allow you in to see her"

"hell no" I said standing up "Shoupe isn't about to go in there and interrogate her without one of us there" I snapped

"unfortunately thats just the rules" the doctor shrugged "you will be able to see her soon though I promise" she said walking away, but before she turned I caught a glimpse of Jo's 283

"I'll uh....I'll be right back" I said walking away slowly

"where are you going" Pope asked

"gotta uh...gotta go take a piss"

"i know when you're lying" John B said 

"i'm not lying" i said quickly

"JJ....go see her" he said patting me on the shoulder

"I-I wouldn't even know where she is"

"room 283.....I saw you look at the chart too, go" he smiled softly

"thank you man" I said grabbing him into a hug and sneaking up the back staircase until I stopped outside her room. She was alone, i pushed the door open and shut it quietly behind me

"JJ?" she asked weakly sitting up

"yea's me" I said softly sitting down next to her

"JJ i'm so sorry" she said bursting into tears and I just grabbed her into a hug

"hey hey, it's ok. You're safe and thats all that matters right now"

"I swear I didn't kiss him" she said pulling out of the hug 

"Jo, we don't have to talk about that right now" i said grabbing her hand and lightly rubbing my thumb over the back of it

"no we do. You need to know. He kissed me and I pushed him off and I was high and it was stupid and-"

"I believe you" I said cutting her off

"you do?" she asked looking up at me

"of course I do....I mean I know i said some things but I was just mad and-"

"i love you" she said looking up at me

"Jo....I love you too but....i'm worried about you, you need help"

"but I-"

" need it" I sighed right and Shoupe walked in "shit" i mumbled under my breath

"Mr Maybank, i don't believe you have the clearance to be here" he said walking in

"I think you'll find i'm her boyfriend so anything you have to ask her you can ask me" I snapped standing up and turning to look at him

"boyfriend....i thought-" Jo started but I cut her off

"I said some things I didn't mean ok Jo" I said looking down at her

"ok" she smiled to herself

"Well, Mr. Maybank, Boyfriend or not, if i could ask you to just step out into the hall please so we can-"

"can he stay....please" Jo spoke up quietly

"are you sure? Some of the questions we have to ask can get quite personal" Shoupe asked

"he knows everything anyway" she shrugged

"well ok. You may stay as long as you stay quiet"

"deal" I said sitting back down next to Jo and taking her hand

"Ok well Jo. If you don't know why we are here, Police are always contacted when there is a hospitalisation due to illegal drugs and or a suicide attempt"

"Suicide attempt? Shoupe are you crazy" I said standing up

"JJ you sit your ass back down right now or i swear to god i will have you out of here so fast" he snapped as I slowly sat myself back down

"JJ it's fine" Jo said rubbing gently down my arm

"So...where did you get the drugs from?"he asked

"Rafe....Rafe Cameron" 

"ok and was Mr. Cameron also on drugs at the time?" he said jotting hr answers down

"yes...and probably still is"

"is this your first time taking illegal substances?" he asked causing her to sigh

" its not"

"then how did it end up in an overdose if you were aware of how the drugs worked?"

"I took too much" she shrugged

"was it in an attempt to commit suicide?" he asked but she didn't respond and I felt my heart shatter.....Jo wanted to die?

"Jo?" Shoupe asked her softly "its ok, you're not in trouble...we just need to ask these so we can help"

"ummmm maybe? I don't know. It wasn't a purposeful decision but I just wanted it all to stop"

"you wanted what to stop?"

"the arguing, the drama.......the pain" she said slowly

"ok Jo, well you are in good hands now and we are going to do everything we can to help you ok?"

"ok" she sighed as a single tear rolled down her cheek....she didn't want me to know that....She didn't want anyone to know that

"well Jo, we will be back to check in on you in the morning so I suggest you get some rest, you as well JJ" Shoupe said as he started to walk out of the room

"yea uh...thanks Shoupe" I said as he left....never thought i would thank a police officer but here we are. I closed the door softly behind him and turned around to look at Jo, she was still crying and wasn't saying a word. I walked over and sat down next to her

"JJ...I swear-"

"I'm sorry" I said cutting her off

"What? JJ no, don't you dare blame yourself for this"

"if..if i had of stopped you rather than letting you go-"

"I would have found another way that I maybe wouldn't have survived"

"Jo you know i'm always here for you right?"

"of course I do JJ but with everything happening with Kie and us losing our jobs and my dad and rafe and then you.....I just couldn't do it anymore"

"i promise that I will help you in any way that I can Jo, I know I don't have much to offer but I swear to you-"

"JJ i don't want to talk about this, look i'm tired and I just wanna sleep ok?"

"ok" I said pressing a quick kiss to her forehead

"do you forgive me?" she asked me softly as i pulled away

"what? of course I do....if you ever do it again i'll kill you though...not as in...that was a poor choice of words" I said making her laugh

"thats the aim" she laughed causing me to shoot her a glare "i'm kidding geez"

"get some rest, i'll come see you first thing" I said standing up and walking towards the door


"yea?" I asked turning around

"are we like....back together?"

"well would you wanna be?....after everything I said?" I asked

"do you wanna be after everything I did?" she laughed

"we are as fucked us as each other aren't we" I laughed

"i love you" She smiled

"i love you too" I said as I left the room and walked back to where everyone else was sitting.


Shoupe's POV:

"Kildare country sherifs department" I said picking up the phone

"is this deputy Shoupe?"

"speaking...who is this?" 

"hi this is Cheryl with CPS"

"ah yes hi Cheryl what can i do for you"

"I was just wondering if there were any advancements on the Routledge twins and that Maybank kid"

"ummm nope nothing yet....still lookin for them."

"so that anonymous tip I received about Jo being in the hospital was false?"

"What? No....I saw Jo down on the beach no more than two hours ago with JJ"

"and you didn't call that in because?"

"because they aren't criminals Cheryl....we aren't hunting them. They are kids, who are going through a hell of a time right now and they don't need us rilling them up"

"Shoupe with all due respect. I don't tell you how to do your job so i really don't appreciate you telling me how to do mine."

"well is this not you telling me how to do my job. Goodbye Cheryl"

"We are going down to the hospital tomorrow to talk to Jo....if you wish to be there you can. If that Maybank kid or her brother are there to then we will take them into protective care as well. One at a time at a time" she said hanging up. Well shit. As much as a pain in my ass they are....i always had a soft spot for those damn kids. I don't want them on the mainland...they are the only people making my job interesting. 

(3173 words)

AN// Hey guys, updates are gonna be a little slow while i try catch up with Uni work but I hope y'all enjoyed :)))))

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