Six Months & Five Days | Yeon...

By Yumi_Linnie

5.6K 229 156

Everything was fine, we were done practicing, and having fun until... you got hurt. I couldn't bare this happ... More



281 10 12
By Yumi_Linnie

Huening Kai's POV.

It's May now, the 10th, to be exact. Our world tour concludes on the 27th. We'll be in America then and staying there until the end of May. It's been rough without Yeonjun Hyung, and it's all my fault if I hadn't tripped him. Heck! If I didn't even ask for help, none of this would've happened. I cried so much, Hyung. The whole first week, no one knew except for Taehyun. Of course, I had to tell him. He's my friend, my best friend, just... just my friend.

I've been wondering about things between me and Hyun. We're very close, always have been. But things feel different. I can't help but get a little upset when he hangs out with Soobin or Beomgyu Hyung, especially Beomgyu Hyung. Yet, I'm still not sure why. Could it? Could it be I'm jealous!? But why? We're, we're just friends, right? And we're bandmates, like a family. Plus, he is definitely not into guys. Not! Um, not like that matters, 'cause I'm not either. We're both straight. Not to mention us being K-pop idols, we aren't even allowed to date. Ok. That's a lie. As long as we don't get caught, it's fine. But I mean, what would our fans think? I've seen it happen before, even with dating conspiracies. They always bash the other idol whose 'dating' the idol they stan, and being in the same group could make it even worse. Ah! Why am I thinking about this?

"HYUKA!" I jumped, bringing my arms closer to my chest, practically hugging myself.

"Yah! Tae!" I frowned, lowering my arms.

"I called your name at least five times? What's wrong." He inquired

"Nothing, geez!" I pouted, "I was deep in thought, and you interrupted." I said, crossing my arms.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked.

"Uh, I, n-nothing! Just the... World Tour! Yup, thinking about that." I stuttered, "Just thinking about our world tour," I chuckled.

Gosh! Why am I so awkward? He must think I'm a weirdo. I mean, who starts thinking about...
Whatever that was, especially if it involves your 'straight' best friend.

"Um, yea. Ok, whatever you say..." He doubted

Ugh, what do I do?

"So... Do you wanna 'work out' with me," Tae asked, batting his eyelids.

I chuckled, "Sure, honey."

He suddenly stopped, his eyes fully open staring into mine. His lips pressed together with his mouth in a straight line. His eyebrows slightly lifted. He tilted his head and opened his mouth to speak but quickly closed it, pursing his lips together.

"What?" I questioned

"What did you just say!?" He asked

That's when it hit me.

Ah, shit! I said Honey didn't I...

I internally facepalmed. I meant to say 'Hyunnie.' But I suppose I accidentally said 'Honey' instead. Now what. Right after having these weird thoughts, of course, I had to say that. Great going me, just great. Who even says 'honey' anymore? Old people, I guess. Like Yeonjun and Soobin Hyung. Well, maybe just Yeonjun Hyung since he was born in the 1900s.

"I said 'Hyunnie' Why?" He raised an eyebrow and then shrugged.

"Guess I heard wrong then," He pondered

I sighed. Thankfully he believed me. "Come on then," He said, pulling my arm.

We left our dormitory and were now headed toward the fitness floor. Or one of the fitness floors? I still don't know which one. I asked Taehyun, but he wouldn't tell me. Meanie.


"Ah, I'm so tired," I complained.

"Yah! You barely did anything!" Hyunnie said, panting.

I rolled my eyes. If anything, I did more than him. I had to hold up 30 lbs for I don't even know how long—just waiting for Taehyun to ask for them so I could hand them over. And even after he took them! He gave me 25 lbs to hold. Not that I was whining about the weight but more the fact that I was just there holding weights for hours. We were talking as well. No harm in making some conversation. He could've told me to do something else. At least then, it would FEEL as if I was doing something productive. Regardless I still listened to him and held the weights. For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to refuse.

"You made me hold weights for hours? My arms are sore. I wanted to at least work out with you." I whined

"Sorry... I- next time, I promise," He said.


"Here, hold these," Taehyun said, handing me 30 lbs. I shrugged, not understanding why but obliged.

Taehyun told me to hold or curl them. I did a couple of curls but then got lazy and gave up.

"Do you want me to sleep with you again today?" Tae asked as he was bench pressing.

I nodded.

Dumbass, he can't see you.

I internally facepalmed myself, "Yea... if that's ok with you." I've been having nightmares recently, and they haven't been going away.

"Alright, my bed or yours?" He asked again.

I thought for a moment, we had the same type of bed, so it didn't matter. However, my bed was put against the wall, so you had to sleep on the outside to get up. "Yours," I replied.

At least on Taehyun's bed, I can quickly get up and run to the bathroom if I need to puke without having to worry about sleeping on a certain side. Plus, Taehyun's bed was slightly wider than mine. I don't know how or why. It just was. And they were both single beds, so we'd have to be close together regardless. There was just slightly more room on Taehyun's bed.

"Hey!" Beomgyu said, waving to us.

"Why are you still up? It's almost 1 am!?" Taehyun claimed.

"Well... Bin wanted to watch a movie, and then he fell asleep,"

"Hold up!" Taehyun exclaimed, "Bin?" He questioned.

"Ah- um..." He chuckled, "It's just a nickname Tae..." He continued, "Anyway, he fell asleep on my lap, so I can't really move, and I don't wanna wake him up... I mean, look at how cute Binnie Hyung looks while asleep." He smiled sweetly, stroking Soobin's hair.

Taehyun scoffed, "Let's go, Hyuka. I'm tired."

I nodded and followed him down the hall, "Tae-" Beomgyu called out.

The door slammed, cutting him off. He even slammed it in my face.

What the hell?

"Mhm... w-what happened?" I heard Soobin Hyung say, guess it woke him up.

"Nothing Bin. Go back to bed," Beomgyu replied.

"But it's uncomfortable here. Can we go to my bed? Or yours," Soobin replied.

Ok? Weird? Is Soobin Hyung having nightmares too, or are they just... sus.
I mean, it's- it's kinda sus?

Why was I listening to them again!?!? Oh, right, Taehyun slammed the door in my face.

Just as I was about to place my hand on the doorknob, the door opened. Taehyun stood in front of me, "are you gonna come in?" He asked, his tone intimidating. I nodded my head and walked in. He closed the door behind me. Lighter this time.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"It's nothing. Just shut up and go to bed!" He asserted.

"T- I, o-okay" I looked down and started heading towards 'my' bed.

"What are you doing?" He yelled. I flinched and looked up at him.

I looked at him

His eyes were slightly red and puffy. When was he crying? What happened? And why isn't he telling me? I quickly walked over to him and wrapped my arms around the small boy pulling him into a tight embrace.

"K-kai," He stuttered. "I-I I'm sorry! I didn't mean to- I j-just. I don't know I. I couldn't, th-they they were..." He stopped and gripped the back of my shirt, sobbing into my shoulder.

"Tae... Tae talk to me. Please. Is it about Beomgyu Hyung?" I asked.

"M-maybe..." He muttered.

"Hyung. Look at me," He didn't budge. I pulled away and lifted his chin with my hand. I moved my face closer to him, our noses brushing against each other. His face reddened, "Do you like Beomgyu Hyung? I don't mean like a friend. I mean, you 'like' like him."

"I- I mean maybe..." He responded, and I nodded.

So he isn't straight, but he likes Gyu Hyung :(

I must've looked upset because Taehyun pulled me back into a tighter hug. "I didn't mean it like that..." He whispered, "I like him, but... I like you, Hyuka," He paused, "and- I think I like you more." He buried his head into my shoulder. I just stood there, shocked.

I must be dreaming, right? There's no way Taehyun just said he likes me.
My crush likes me...
Omg! Omg!

I wanted to squeal like a little kid and cover my face. But instead, I stood there, very still, staring at the white wall in front of me. I must've given the wrong impression because Taehyun quickly pulled away.

"I-I'm sorry..." He covered his mouth and started crying, "I- I shouldn't have said that."

Suddenly everything clicked in my brain. Right before Taehyun could run off, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. "I'm glad you did," I whispered. "I like you too. I think I have for a while."

I hugged him from behind and placed my chin on his shoulder. He placed his hands over mine, which were resting on his stomach. "I'm... speechless," He responded. "But, Beomgyu Hyung-" I cut him off.

"It can be the three of us. I don't mind," I reassured. "A poly relationship," I mumbled.

I closed my eyes, and we stayed in that position. All of a sudden, I heard him sniffle. I shot my eyes open and turned him around. "Hey, hey! What's wrong now, don't cry," I frowned.

He chuckled, "N-nothing. I- I'm just happy." He smiled and wrapped his arms around me.

My heart is beating like crazy!!
Ahh! I can't handle this :( He's too cute <33

"You're so cute, Hyung." I squealed.

He giggled, which only made my heart beat faster. Had I always been this whipped? My cute little Taehyunnie.

"Jagiya, let's go to bed. I'm tired," Taehyun muttered. Gosh, this boy is going to be the death of me.

"Okay, Hyunnie!" I smiled.


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