The Snow Princess - Aemond Ta...

By purplewriter_x

265K 7K 1.5K

Aemond Targaryen was made of fire, but his heart was stone cold and his icy stare could leave one shivering... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two


5.9K 141 19
By purplewriter_x

A sapphire laid behind the eyepatch. Alyarra was shocked whenever Aemond had taken her to his bath chamber, and whenever he removed his eyepatch to reveal his sapphire eye. She expected all sorts of things but this? This was not on the cards. She stared at him with an emotionless expression, making him regret taking his patch off so soon.

Aemond was all sorts of things. He was cold, callous, driven, maybe even reckless. But whenever it came to his eye, he was insecure. Not in the way that he didn't like it, but on the way that he was always scared to frighten women off because of his emotionless sapphire eye.

"Aemond..." Alyarra breathed out as she stared at him. He wanted to put his patch back on as the lady kept going over his eye over and over again.

"It is beautiful." Alyarra breathed out as she reached her hand out to caress the lining of the scar under his eye gently.

Aemond felt something stir within him whenever she called it beautiful, and whenever she touched him this gently and lovingly. Aemond wanted to have Alyarra, he had that clear since the moment he saw her out of the carriage the first day she came unto court; But this feeling, the feeling whenever she showed him she cared was unfamiliar to him. It was not lust. It was something else. Something the prince had never felt, and a feeling he was addicted to.

It was the feeling that made him so angry whenever she was with Aegon, and the feeling that made him want to keep her here with him. It was a feeling Aemond didn't know how to explore, and so he tried to show it to her even if all of his attempts were futile.

"I'm sorry." Alyarra whispered as she leaned her head to his chest, engulfing him in a gentle hug. No lust, no wanting, just gentleness and appreciation.

"I am sorry too about the Lady Arra." Aemond whispered as he planted a sweet kiss on the top of her head. Alyarra felt tears prickling her eyes at the mention of Lady Arra. She loved her. She was good. And now she was dead.

"I never had a chance to truly say my goodbyes. She was so wonderful Aemond. Such a good wife." Alyarra said, her voice breaking as small tears spilled from her eyes.

Aemond wrapped his arms protectively over Alyarra, her whole entire body being covered by his. It was a hug that made her feel protected. As if he was telling her that everything would be fine.

"Let me draw us a bath. I will take care of you love." Aemond whispered as he pulled away from Alyarra. The lady nodded as he moved to dump the tubs of water his servants had already left for him in the tub. Alyarra watched him from behind, her eyes set on the floor as the memories of her sister in law flooded her brain. She was so young.

Soon Aemond was done, and he was quick to get his trousers off. Alyarra's gaze shifted to the prince. Her eyes watched as he stood bare in front of her, his back muscles flexing as he moved to enter the tub. Lust creeping into her body as she eyed his movements.

"Come, my lady. The water is warm." Aemond hummed softly as he turned to look at Alyarra.

The lady moved towards the tub. Aemond's heart raced as he watched her little hands slip off the strings of her nightgown off her shoulders. The lady stood bare in front of Aemond.

Gods she was everything. His eyes raked over her body as his heart thudded in his chest. She was perfectly sculpted, everything about her was just completely perfect.

Her beauty was unearthly. Her skin was like a smooth, ivory-hued canvas, so bright and pale that it looked as though you could see light moving and dancing beneath her skin. Her figure was thin and graceful, with legs so long and thin they almost seemed to resemble a doe's,

She looked so innocent and pure. Aemond felt everything he could ever feel all at once.

Alyarra stepped into the tub with Aemond, sitting in front of in and in between his legs. The lady leaned back into him as he wrapped his arms over her protectively. Alyarra closed her eyes as Aemond washed her body. His hands roamed her body gently and freely. It was incredibly intimate but not at all sexual.

Aemond could stay here forever with Alyarra in his arms. As he washed the lady, her body rubbed into his manhood and all he wanted was to have her. But he could not take advantage of her in this vulnerable state. He was an honorable man, unlike his brother. Well at least that was what he liked to think of himself.

"I need you." Alyarra pleaded gently as she rubbed against, making Aemond's already excited member shoot up even more. But he couldn't. He had already done so much to make her hate him, if he took this opportunity he was sure it would lead to nothing good.

"I want you Alyarra. But not today. Not now." Aemond whispered as she whined, earning a chuckle from the prince. "You are grieving my lady. I will let you grieve accordingly, without taking you in this vulnerable state." Aemond stated as he planted a kiss on her neck.

Alyarra was angry with him but only because she was hoping he would take her. If he had taken her in this state, maybe she would have hated him more and would finally be strong enough to walk away mo matter the threats but his perfect words just made her melt into puty in his arms.

The more that he said, the less she knew what she wanted.

After the bath, the pair slipped into Aemond's bed. And as Alyarra cried gently into the sheets, Aemond would caress her back trying to calm her down. The crying went all night until the sun began to shine again the next morning, and the caressing never ceased. Aemond had stayed up with Alyarra all night, making sure she was well. And doing everything he could to make her feel better.

The next morning Aemond and Alyarra got ready to depart to Winterfell, and Alyarra felt extremely neevous as they headed to the Dragonpit. This would be her first time ever riding on a dragon, and she was incredibly scared.

As they got to the Dragonpit, Aemond barked orders at the keepers in Valyrian. All of them scrambled to please the prince, basically running to fulfill his orders. It was incredibly impressive the way that Aemond could command and intimidate anyone he ever came in contact with. And incredibly appealing.

Alyarra stood next to Catherryn, who was staying in King's Landing, and was seeing the lady off. Both of the girls watched with mouths hanging open as Vhagar was brough forth. "Holy shit." Catherryn breathed out as she saw a dragon for the first time in her life.

"You're riding that?" Catherryn asked in shock as Alyarra nodded her head gently. "I am." Alyarra breathed out as she watched Aemond approach his dragon, caressing her gently and whispering things to the beast in Valyrian.

"We are ready to go Lady Alyarra. Come." Aemond called out as Alyarra turned to say her goodbyes to her lady-in-waiting. The girls engulfed each other in a tight hug.

"Send my condolences to Cregan. And tell my family I am well." Catherryn whispered as Alyarra nodded her head.

"Of course Catherryn. I am sorry you can not join me, but unfortunately dragons do not fit three people." Alyarra jested lightly as the pair pulled away. Catherryn smiled and rubbed Alyarra's arm in support.

"Go, your betrothed seems to be getting impatient." Catherryn whispered as Alyarra nodded her head and turned towards Aemond and Vhagar. The lady walked slowly towards the prince, weary of taking a wrong step and possibly making Vhagar want to chomp on her like some sort of lamb.

"Do not be fearful, Alyarra. Vhagar will never hurt you. Not whilst I am alive." Aemond stated as he stood by her huge head. The dragon was laying down completely, seemingly resting before the long flight.

"Come over, let me help you unto the saddle and strap you in." Aemond said as Alyarra approached him. The prince instructed Alyarra and helped her over the large dragon. After she was strapped in tightly and ready, he got himself into the saddle easily. He had clearly done this a million times.  

"Are you ready Alyarra?" Aemond asked as he got the reins ready in his hands. Alyarra leaned into the man, wrapping her arms around his strong torso.

"As I will ever be." Alyarra answered as Aemond took a breath, holding the reins with one hand and the other holding Alyarra's arms steady around his waist.

"Sōvēs!" Aemond commanded rather strongly as Vhagar complied.

Alyarra yelped in fear as the dragon stood from her stance. And with just a few steps and a flap of her wings she was airborne. Alyarra closed her eyes and squeezed unto Aemond as the dragon flew higher and higher. She did not even dare open her eyes for the first few minutes of the flight.


Alyarra felt her heart thudding in her chest as Vhagar landed in one of the snowy fields of the Winterfell castle. She wanted to hug her brother, to run to him. Alyarra was happy to feel the cold wind hit her skin, and she was joyous as her feet landed on the snow.

"Welcome to Winterfell." Alyarra said excitedly as Aemond finished setting Vhagar up on the snow. The dragon instantly ruffled it's head into the snow, clearly enjoying the cold.

"It is beautiful." Aemond said simply as suddenly the gates of the Keep opened and in came Cregan Stark on horseback, followed by his knights.

Aemond watched as Alyarra's face lit up as soon as she spotted her brother ride in on his horse. It was a look of pure love and admiration, a look she had never given him. Do not get jealous, it is just her brother. Aemond told himself.

As the Lord of Winterfell dismounted his horse, Alyarra and Cregan stared at each other for a few seconds. She was safe... She was with the man that would never hurt her.

Alyarra suddenly took off running, leaping into her brother's arms. Cregan spun his sister around like a child happily. Aemond watched the reunion in silence. He stood tall and awaited for the pair to pull away from each other.

"Cregan, this is the Prince Aemond Targaryen." Alyarra told her brother as she pulled away from their hug. Cregan stared intently at the prince, eyeing him up and down. They were both big men, but Cregan was rougher looking than Aemond. He had seen things that the prince had never even dreamed of.

Aemond was not one to ever be intimidated by another man. But as Cregan stared at him, he could not help but feel just a tiny bit of intimidation. Cregan Stark was known all throughout Westeros as one of the most dangerous swordsmen to ever live.

"Your grace... it is my pleasure to host you here, in Winterfell." Cregan spoke, giving the prince a curtly nod. Aemond returned the nod. Both men were clearly weary of the other, and it showed in the way they looked at each other.

"Thank you for having me. Although I am most regretful it is under these circumstances. I do offer my deepest condolences. My mother, the Queen, is at your entire disposition to help the House Stark through these regretful times." Aemond said sternly and coldly, earning a small nod from Cregan.

"I do reckon the two of you must be famished. Let us feast." Cregan said as Alyarra nodded, a smile on her face. Aemond followed the two inside the Great Keep, the innermost castle of the Winterfell complex.

They entered the Great Hall where a table was set for three people. Aemond sat next to Alyarra, and Cregan across the two of them. There was an unwavering tension between Cregan and Aemond for some odd reason. A tension thag one could almost see.

"Brother, how is the babe? What have you named him?" Alyarra asked expectantly as the food began being brought out by the servants. All of the servants seemed joyous to see the Lady Alyarra back home.

"Rickon is an agreeable baby. He barely cries at all. The maesters say he is well and healthy." Cregan spoke, a small smile creeping into his face as he mentioned his father's own name.

"Oh Cregan..." Alyarra breathed out as she heard the name of the babe. Named after their late father, Rickon Stark. Aemond drank from his goblet of wine in silence as he eyed Cregan Stark.

His grandsire had ordered him to get close to the Lord of Winterfell, and to secure his alliance to the Greens. Cregan's own father had sworn fealty to Rhaenyra's claim years ago, but Otto knew that with his own sister on the line the wolf would sway. Aemond first came to Winterfell to look after Alyarra, but now he had a hidden agenda imposed by his own grandsire.

"So Prince Aemond... how did you realize you wished to marry my sister?" Cregan asked, his tone becoming more serious as he turned to the prince.

"You sister is a good lady, formidable even. My mother adores her, says Alyarra reminds her of herself when she was young. I reckoned she would make a good princess since the day I met her." Aemond answered easily, the statement made Alyarra roll her eyes just the tiniest bit.
But obvious enough for Cregan to notice.

That was not what he told Criston Cole.

"My sister is the best lady in the entirety of Westeros. I am sure she will make a very good princess. Are you excited for the marriage Alyarra?" Cregan asked, his gaze turning to his sister.

Alyarra looked at Aemond and then at her brother. She was here with her brother. Nobody could hurt her anymore, and Cregan certainly would not allow anyone to force her unto something she did not want. If she could only tell him the truth, she was sure Cregan would help her as he always did.

"I-I... I..." Alyarra was stuttering like a child speaking it's first words. Aemond's heart raced as he looked at Alyarra and then at Cregan. Would she speak? Would she try to break it off now?

Alyarra's mind was reeling. She had a chance here, a chance to expose Aemond and to end this betrothal once and for all. But a part of her did not wish to do that. A part of her wanted to marry Aemond. And he was so good to her yesterday, he had shown he could be a good man.

"I am." Was all Alyarra answered. Aemond finally let out a breath as the words left her mouth. The three remained in silence as Cregan's gaze went between the two of them. He knew something was wrong with his sister. He knew it well.

"When will the funeral for the Lady Arra be held brother?" Alyarra asked as Cregan took a breath, sadness clear on his face.

"Tomorrow morning." Cregan responded as Alyarra nodded sadly.

"Could I actually speak with you sister? In private?" Cregan asked suddenly. Aemond stared at the man as his words left his mouth, his shoulders tensing.

In private. Alyarra had another chance. A real one here. But she still didn't know what she wanted. She could feel her heart thudding in her chest as she stood from the table.

If Cregan found out of Aemond's threat, he would kill the prince. Not caring who he was.


Alyarra has one chance. Another one to tell her brother the truth. Will she take it? Or will the little crumbs of kindness Aemond leaves her be good enough to maintain her whipped?

Yall it is soooo hard to write for Alyarra because she is clearly whipped and chained by Aemond's toxic behavior. These two are just in a toxic cycle. But we'll see if they'll survive it...

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