necromancy | avengers 1

By Maddie03033

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necromancy /ˈnɛkrə(ʊ)mansi/ noun the supposed practice of communicating with the dead, especially in order to... More

Part 1- The Avengers
I- Nick Fury
II- Helicarrier
III- Loki
IV- The Scepter
V- Romanoff
VI- Confessions
VII- Barton
VIII- The Start Of The Fight
IX- The Middle Of The Fight
X- The End Of The Fight
XI- After The Fight
XII- Dinner With The Captain
XIII- The Witch
Part 2- Captain America: The Winter Soldier
I- Rory
II- Fossil
III- Missions
IV- Sam
V- The Man In The Mask
VI- Vending Machine
VII- Specimen
VIII- Hydra
IX- Sitwell
X- The Falcon
XI- Bucky
XII- Truth
XIII- Triskelion
XIV- 41st Floor
XV- Caramel Macchiato And Heart To Hearts
XVI- Birthday Party
XVII- Cupid
Part 3- Avengers: Age Of Ultron
I- The Sokovian Twins
II- Getting The Scepter
III- The Jet
IV- Mjölnir
V- Ultron
VI- Wakanda
VII- Omelet
VIII- Safe House
IX- The Truth
X- Evolve
XI- The Cradle
XII- The Vision
XIV- Pietro Maximoff
XV- Avengers...
XVI- Funeral

XIII- Evacuation

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By Maddie03033

Not long after Pietro and Wanda exited the Quinjet, Thor and Bruce also left in order to find Natasha. Then, Clint, Celestia, and Steve also exited to help civilians evacuate, while Tony went to the Church.

Celestia had helped evacuate a couple hundred people by the time robots started clawing their way out of the earth. "Hey, you seeing this, Cap?" Celestia asked, putting a hand to her comm.

"Yep." He simply responded. "Cool." Celestia mumbled under her breath getting ready to fight them. Just as she was about to send smoke towards one that got particularly close, a blue trail whirred around in front of her, taking out a couple robots, then grabbing Celestia by the waist.

When he stopped, they were in a dark house. Celestia furrowed her brows, giving him an annoyed look. "Seriously? I could've got rid of them."

"Yeah, but I did. No need for you to worry." He grinned, kissing her cheek. He was about to walk off when Celestia grabbed his arm and dragged him back.

"No. No, you cannot protect me like that. I was fine. I would've taken them out, you do not need to babysit me." She groaned. He stepped forward, holding her cheeks in his hands.

"I am sorry, my love, I just cannot help but want to protect you. I can't lose you." He smiled down at her, kissing her forehead, her cheek, then her lips. She put her hands on his wrists.

"Thank you for protecting me, but I don't need you to. I need you to protect the city, yourself, and Wanda. That's all I need from you." She smiled, kissing the palm of his hand. He nodded, giving her another kiss, before exiting the building, Celestia following close behind. She watched as he cracked his neck, then ran through the robots. She smiled, running, and taking out a few robots. However, she skidded to a stop when a crack appeared on the ground.

Celestia braced herself when the ground started to shake, grabbing ahold of a kid that almost went toppling over the side. "Tony?" She asked into her comm, only to get no response.

"Do you see? The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth will crack with the weight of your failure. Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." Ultron spoke, raising into the air.

"Incoming already came in. Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off." Steve spoke into the comms, making Celestia lock eyes with Pietro as he was catching his breath. He inhaled, and ran over, kissing her cheek swiftly, then continuing to run.

Out of the corner of Celestia's eye, she saw a bunch of robots shooting down. She inhaled, and ran over, seeing Clint and Wanda. They jumped into a building window, the robots flying towards it to try and get them. The brunette ran closer, stopping just outside the window, and throwing her hands out, her palms pointing towards the sky. A black-ish smoke seeped out of her palms, blue bolts of lightning inside. A dome surrounded the building, and Celestia jumped into the window.

"Hey." She greeted, flopping on the floor next to a Wanda who had her head in her hands.

"How could I let this happen." She muttered to herself. Clint and Celestia locked eyes. The man put a hand on Wanda's arm. "Hey, hey, you okay?"he asked.

"This is all our fault." She cried out, her voice breaking. Celestia bit her lip quickly looking to the ground before looking up at the stressed brunette.

"Hey, look at me. It's your fault, it's everyone's fault. Who cares? Are you up for this?" Celestia brushed some of Wanda's hair out of her face as she looked up at Clint. "Are you? Look I just need to know. Because the city is flying. Okay. Look, the city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense." A bang came from the dome surrounding the building as robots tried to get through it, making everyone jump. "But we're going back out there because it's our job. Okay? And we can't do our job and babysit. It doesn't matter what you did or what you were. If you go out there, you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here, you're good. We'll send your brother to come find you. But if you step out that door, you are an Avenger." Wanda stared at him, breathing heavily. "All right. Good chat." He said, standing up and walking away.

Wanda watched him, her breaths coming out sharp. "Hey, what Clint said is true, okay. You don't need to fight if you don't want to or can't. We won't hold it against you, but we really do need to know, okay?" She pulled Wanda closer, kissing her forehead, and healing the cut at the same time.

She stood up and joined Clint at the door.

"You ready?" She asked him as he grabbed more arrows from his boot, his back to the door. He nodded. "Yep, the city is flying." He exhaled.

"Three, two-" and on one, he kicked open the door, and Celestia took down the dome. He shot as many robots as he could, Celestia taking down the ones he didn't. Clint and Celestia hid behind a car as the number of robots increased, but their attention was drawn to the buildings doors when Wanda came walking out, shooting robots with her red energy. Celestia exhaled in relief, and walked over to Wanda, attacking the robots on the other side of her. Clint also shot robots that got too close.

Wanda took down the last robot, and they all looked at each other, nodding. Celestia walking in between Wanda and Clint.

"You know you're good at the whole, pep talking thing." Celestia said to Clint, throwing and arm over Wanda. He grinned down at her, before he spoke into Comms.

"All right, we're all clear here."

"We are not clear. We are very not clear." Steve groaned out.

"All right, coming to you." Clint said. Pietro came running up, and grabbed Wanda and Celestia, yelling "Keep up, old man!" Before speeding away. They stopped where police where shooting at robots, Celestia staying behind them, so she could watch Wanda and Pietro fight. Wanda sent the energy towards a couple robots while Pietro ran at the others, but got shot in the arm. He found the guy who did it, holding his arms out as if to say, "Seriously?" Celestia grinned and walked towards him, and went to speak but saw robots in the distance shooting at something.

"You think you can-" she began to ask but Pietro was already picking her up, and running towards the robots. He placed her down, and kissed her quickly on the lips. "Thanks, handsome." He grinned kissing her again. "All good, gorgeous. See you soon." He smiled and ran back to Wanda.

She saw Steve throw his shield at a robot who was going towards Nat. "Thanks." She called out and grabbed the shield, hitting a robot with it, but it ripped the shield for, her grasp, throwing it off the the side. Celestia immediately bent down, and picked it up, running towards the robot. She climbed onto the car, pulling the robot back that was about to hit Nat. She held the shield up against it's neck, cutting it off. Nat panted, leaning against the car.

"Thanks." She panted out. Celestia shrugged, jumping off the car, giving Steve his shield back. "No problem, Nat. How are you by the way?" She asked, also leaning against the car. Steve chuckled, stumbling back.

"I'm good. How about you? Since when were you and speedy a thing?" Nat asked, grinning. Celestia opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water.

"I- What? Pietro and I are not a-a thing." She stuttered. Nat rolled her eyes, groaning. "Oh my God, you totally are a thing." She teased. Celestia looked to Steve who was watching in amusement.

"Help me out here, Steve." She pleaded, but he just shrugged.

"You are kind of a thing." He nodded, laughing at her groan.

"I can't believe you, Steve. Nat I understand, but honestly. You know, this is not the time or place to be having this conversation." She rambled, walked away, past Steve who was laughing with Nat. She heard Nat get off the car.

"Look at her. They grow up so fast." Celestia heard the teasing smile in her voice, making the brunette groan again. She whipped around.

"You know, we are fighting a robot. This is not the time for teasing." She complained but Nat just ran up and grinned at her more.

"You kiss people you don't have a thing with?" Nat asked her quietly, while Steve spoke on comms.

"Shut up, Nat!" Celestia groaned again, looking behind her so she wouldn't have to catch eye contact with the redhead.

"Seriously though. What's going on with you and the Speedster?" Nat asked, grabbing ahold of Celestia's wrist. Celestia looked up to Nat, smiling.

"Uhm, well. I think we both knew we liked each other, but I was holding myself back because of Steve. But now, I think, well, you know." Her smile got larger the more she talked.

"When did you kiss the first time?" Nat asked, also grinning. Celestia bit her lip nervously.

"Um, at the Salvage yard." She mumbled. Nat's eyes widened as she grabbed the brunette's shoulders.

"Seriously?" She asked, getting a nod back.

Just as Nat was about to speak, Steve cut in.

"I hate to say it, but we gotta get moving." He sighed, walking ahead of the two women, who now walked arm in arm behind him.

"We'll talk more about this later." Nat mumbled.

"Of course." Celestia responded, giggling.

And just for a minute, they were normal human beings. No powers, no tragic back stories, no big robot made out of the strongest metal on earth. Just two regular humans living in the moment, speaking about regular human things. Oh, how they wish life was that simple.

Probs one more action chapter, then the chapters after the fight, fillers, then the end!
Love you, have a great day/night, and message me if you need to talk about something ♥️♥️

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