new life

By nonexistent2244

7.1K 328 233

stiles gets kicked out of the pack so he moves to a new city. he can't face anyone at school any more so he... More

bad ways to meet
better way to meet
u couldve asked
demolitions expert
yay friends
training and trust
getting information
moles, plans and wolves
stiles or thomas?

pain in the ass

561 23 11
By nonexistent2244

thomas' POV:

it had been about a week since the last cornfield race, i hadn't exactly... pursued the job. well in honesty i gave up, it seemed like a waste of time and besides. i didn't have a crew, if my car was to break... then i'd have no one to help me fix it. back to ubering for me.

i didn't mind too much, most of the people who i drove were nice enough, if they weren't i just drove as fast as possible to scare them shitless and to get them out quickly.

but ever since that race my life had resumed it's boring style. i was itching to do something- even just go watch but i had no clue where the next race was. 

i rested my head on my steering wheel and sighed, i was so bored.

as if by luck, the same two guys hopped into my car this night. they were a little more pissed than i had expected but still sober enough to recognise me.

"oh my god. you're thomas right? from the race a week back? well where the fuck were you on Tuesday? there was another race, runner absolutely ripped into you!"
one of them slurred. i furrowed my eyebrows, what the hell had minho said?


"well. when runner won, and you weren't there he just started insulting you. the crowd loved it said things like 'that fake little shucker' and 'a true racers not in it for the money' ooh and there was the killing blow... hey mark what was it?"
one hiccuped, i kept my attention on the road but my knuckles were turning white.
the other one- mark i assume- snorted loudly.

"yeah oh yeah. called you a 'klunk' and said 'he has as much skill as a griever on steroids' whatever that means. did you catch anything else lucas?"

his impersonation of runner was pretty spot on and i felt my blood boil. who the fuck was he to chat shit about me? especially behind my back. was he seriously that upset over me winning my first race? i asked to join them! they're the ones who turned me away.

"when's the next race. might have to show up"
i asked through gritted teeth. they whooped loudly from the back.

"uhhh two days- but they are out for your blood to say the least. you never should've crossed the gladers"

ill show them who they never should've crossed. I screeched into a parking spot and let them out. they gave me a tip and said they couldn't wait to see the next race. I just nodded. then I drove straight to my flat, I grabbed all my tools and added to my car as much as I could, I polished and removed all the dents, added more defences and repainted it, I changed my wheels into stronger ones I had created myself, they let you drift but only on the angles I wanted, aside from that they were good for any type of ground. I added an extra boost button in case all went to shit then changed my side windows to tinted, not allowing anyone to see me when I was in it. these gladers were about to get destroyed. I couldn't wait.

all of my effort for days was poured into this car- it was all i could think about... that and the undeniable urge to crush the gladers like a pea.

the two days crawled by slowly but it still snuck up behind me, I dressed in all black, with a dark blue helmet that hid my face, I had dark red gloves on and I felt good, sure a little scared but not too bad. I made sure to rock up last so my entrance was more of a shock, what can i say? i'm a sucker for theatrical presentation.

as I pulled my car up I watched as the gladers twisted round looking confused, I recognised a few familiar faces but aside from that this seemed like a new batch of racers, I glanced round at our location with a grin. it was an empty stacked parking lot, perfect for my new drifting technique.

but the lanes were tighter than I expected, this was gonna take some skill and I don't think I could use my boost in ths close a proximity.

I opened my door, letting the fake smoke billow out first... I may have gotten carried away... once it had cleared a little I stepped out on confident legs, I held my head high as I pulled my helmet off slowly, a smirk plastered on my face.

"whats up guys? fancy seeing you here"

I greeted, mischief glinting in my eyes.

"the shuck are you here for Thomas"

minho spat at me. I acted a little surpised and innocent as I looked around.

"well im here for the race of course! why are you here?"

I watched Minho clench his teeth, he jammed his helmet on and stormed to his car.

"good chat"

I called after him before sending a short salute to the rest of them and hopping in my car.

"see you guys at the finish line!"

I yelled out the window, riling them up a little more. i can't help it, it's too easy.

"well folks, what a turn of events- mischief has returned, guess he caught wind of the gladers slating him, hes back for revenge! this should be interesting. racers! get into your vehicles!"

the rest of them piled in, looking at me with a mixure of awe and hate.  I steeled myself, I was right at the backs, the main problem with showing up so late. I felt my heart begin to pound in my ears, it almost drowned out the buzzer, the cars around me sped off but I kept at a more neuteral pace, if I wasn't mistaken many of these cars would be out by the first corner, i was right, they sped too quickly round the bend and their cars went spinning into concrete barriers and cones, crumpling into rubble. i darted past them, already climbing the ranks, guess i couldn't just be careful about this one.

i revved my engine, it purred loudly and i began to speed up, passing cars and missing the sides by the skin of my teeth, a couple went to ram me but i drifted out the way before they could make contact, i pulled up next to minhos car and rolled down my window, the wind rushed in, deafening me a little. i flicked up visor- making sure to be wearing a shit eating grin.

"hey! im first! pretty good for a griever on steroids"

i yelled cheerfully, mino glared daggers at me.

"not first yet ya crank"

he twisted his wheel and i didn't have time to dart out the way as my car went screeching off to the side, minho left me in the dust and three other cars passed me before i was back on track, i sucked air through my teeth as i pushed down harder on the acceleration, i drifted smoothly up the ramps- still taking precautions around the tighter parts.

soon i was back, neck to neck with Minho, he went to ram me again but i was more prepared, i drifted out his reach, he only touched my hood, it was enough to shove me harshly. my car spun a sharp 180° till i was bumper to bumper with him, my eyes met his and he squinted before pressing down on his accelerator. oh no.

his speed increased rapidly- shoving my car forward. i snapped my head behind me to see i was on route for a concrete wall and he kept pushing, i rolled my window down and stuck my head out, yelling over the sound of our clashing engines.

"i decided im not in it for the money. im in it to crush you"

i pulled my head back in, narrowly missing a low hanging sign, i yanked my gear stick into reverse, the wall was near, i wrenched my wheel with all my might, my car spun back round with me in the lead, i shoved the stick forward again before spinning the wheel back and shooting off, grazing the concrete wall which sent up sparks left and right.

i got to a stable position and pushed on, leaving minho in the dust. I crossed the finish line with ease, drifting my car to a stand still. the crowd was erupting in applause as I exited. i felt elated, my chest felt light as feathers as i bathed in their cheers.

call me petty but that felt good- revenge served piping hot like the rubber I burnt. I strode to collect my prize- Minho was already out of his car and stalking towards me dangerously. as I pciked up my money he grabbed me by my collar, kind of like derek used to do.

"what the shuck is the matter with you- cant you just leave us alone?"

I glared at him- hypocrite.

"I wasn't the one chatting shit about the other- I only came back to rub it in your face, youre wrong- I don't do it for the money, I do it for the satisfaction for being the reason you lose. goodbye"

and with that I ripped myself out of his grip and got back in my car, flipping him the bird as I drove off. I caught the eyes of the rest of the gladers who looked equally pissed.

"see you next race!"

I yelled out the window- watching as this made them even more angry. oh i was going to wreak havoc on them.

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