Avi + Sami

By thenomtron

1.5K 68 12

Best friends Or is it more More

Her hair was soft
Dr Pepper
Little spoon
If you're willing
Mario kart
The one
Im gonna like this
Coffee shop part 1
Coffee shop part 2
Another sleepover
what should we do today?

Getting ready

55 3 0
By thenomtron

Sami perched on the closed toilet seat with only a towel wrapped around her body. I watched her as she patted her hair dry with another smaller towel.

She smiled as we caught eye contact, "Keep on drying that bear, scruffy"

"And you better get dressed," I winked as I turned and left the bathroom with only a towel fastened around my waist.

I heard a whistle as I closed the bathroom door behind me.

"Oh be quiet," I muttered through a smirk.


The mattress of my bed squeaked and sunk a little beneath me as I sat on it. Soon after, Kevin shuffled over to the doorway, "D'you have a shower too?"

"Yeah man," I smiled, "I had a shave and I wanted to freshen up"

"You could have used my bathroom," He offered.

Now he tells me.

"It's alright man, I didn't want to disturb you," I reassured, "I know how seriously you take naps,"

Kevin sleepily looked around, "Where's Sami?"

"Oh she's still in the bathroom," I reminded, "She had a shower before me"

Kevin stared at me for a moment before a smug expression emerged on his face.

"What's that for?"

"Nothing!", He insisted, "I'll let you two get ready"

He winked as he left.

"Shut up!", I warned.

He threw his hands in the air, "I didn't say anything!"

I rolled my eyes as I rose to my feet and moved over to the wardrobe.
A pair of arms wrapped around my middle from behind, "Got any spare clothes?" Sami giggled.
I smiled, "Of course!"

Brushing my dripping hair off my face, I started pushing hangers along the rail, stopping at every shirt for Sami's approval.

"You have a lot of plaid," she commented.
"Lumberjacks never hold back"
"Woah what?" I paused.

Sami proceeded to place her hands on my chest, "you've got a really hairy front"
"What can I say, I'm a hairy guy," i smirked.
"Well at least I'm not saying it's a bad thing. It just came as a surprise, a good surprise if anything"

After picking out a graphic shirt and skinny jeans for Sami, I asked, "You can borrow some pants but I don't have any of those... uhhh..."

"Any of those what?", Sami turned her body towards mine again.
I pointed at her chest, "... Boob holders..."
"Boob holders?", Sami roared.

I grinned as she bent over in hysterics,
"Boob holders were the best you could come up with?"
"Don't laugh at me, bae. You would've said the same thing if you were in this situation"
She collected herself a little, "what situation?"

I rolled my again, sarcastically, "never mind. Do you want pants or not?"
Letting one last giggle out, she answered, "Yes please"

Just as I buttoned my plaid shirt, Sami had emerged from the bathroom with my "game of thrones" shirt, hanging off her body just a bit too baggy, and skinned jeans which were not that baggy on her figure.

She had now perched on my bed and snatched one of my combs, frantically trying to untangle various parts of her black hair.

She seemed startled by the dip in the mattress as I sat next to her, "You almost ready?"
"Ugh I guess. My hair is just so unco-operative"
"I understand," nudging her arm, "Thats why I shove mine under beanies"
"Maybe I should do that too", she let herself fall on my shoulder.

I chuckled, "then we could become beanie buddies"
She gasped, sat up and spoke in a dopey voice, "Beanie babies!"

I screwed up my face and let out a laugh, "You're so weird!", I remarked.

"But you love me for it", she replied, leaning over to kiss me before climbing onto my lap, making the dent in the mattress heavier.

We both jumped and turned our heads to the door as Kevin entered, "Come on y'all. Keep it PG for the whole family, especially when I'm in the house"

Sami let out a giggle before climbing down from the bed and making her way to the doorway. Kevin twisted his hat round his head as he watched her, "So I'm guessing, you're both ready?"

Sami winked, "More than ready!"

There was a soft thunk! as the beany I threw at Sami hit the side of her head.
Kevin and I burst into hysterics.
"Hey!", She screeched, "I said I wanted a beanie but not that abrupt,"

I rose to my feet and spoke through laughter, "Come on, let's just get going"
Kevin hadn't stopped laughing, so Sami and I had to practically push him out the front door.

We all decided it would be best to walk because the Starbucks we had agreed to meet was a safe walking distance away.
Also, Kevin and Sami wanted to catch up on interests.

Sami and I had resolved to holding hands, every now and then I would brush her thumb with mine, letting her now I'm here and I appreciate her closeness.

Kevin walked in front, to conserve space on the walk way, swiftly looking back at us to check we were listening. We made sure we kept nodding to keep him happy.

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