I wish you weren't my friend...

Von VladimirVampier

5.1K 112 249

Jimmy liked Scott. Or so he thought... turns out, he's actually in love with him, he just didn't realise it. ... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 9 - Final

605 20 58
Von VladimirVampier

Grian sighed as he stepped through the Rift. Traveling through the purple portal still made him nauseous and dizzy. But he had good reason to travel all the way to Empires. He received a message from Joel, asking him to come asap. Something was wrong with his Timmy and the blonde needed him. He stretched his wings and took off into the sky.

Joel hadn't told him all that much, but it was enough to make him insanely worried. It was nothing like Tim to distance himself, the man practically thrived on the company of others. Even if they teased Timmy endlessly, the blonde encouraged them. He got his energy from spending time with his friends and caring for them. He always had. To now hear that he had been all alone for the past month, made a shiver run down Grian's spine.

He knew that whatever happened at the party was the cause of all this, even tho he could hardly remember how the night went. He vaguely remembered lots of dancing, Timmy freaking out and him comforting Scar. Before he could worry himself more, Tumble Town came into view. For someone who lived off of the energy from others, Timmy sure had picked himself a closed off Empire. He landed, kicking up a dust cloud. Coughing slightly, he brushed sand off of his clothes, looking around town.

"Timmy?" he called out, his voice echoing back at him. Gosh, this place looked more and more like an abandoned ghost town. He checked the Jail, but there was nowhere there. He then proceeded to check the Saloon, broke down the door to Timmy's house when he got no answer, only to find it empty as well. Except for the cats, who greeted him enthusiastically. After giving Norman and Flick some well-deserved pats, he continued looking for the Sheriff. He walked into the Bank, suppressing the urge to 'borrow' some of its treasures. Maybe later, but right now Timmy was in distress and he wouldn't add to that feeling.

As he kept shouting the sheriff's name, a villager rushed over. "Mister Grian," a young girl greeted," I think I know where he's hiding, sir." Grian looked at her expectantly. "He likes to pet the cows whenever he feels upset," she explained," He's been really upset lately. I figure he's in the Barn..." Grian smiled and thanked, walking into the direction she pointed at. It did sound like a Timmy thing to do.

As he entered the Barn, the loud mooing of the cows greeted him. He stood on his tiptoes to see over the herd and he could vaguely make out a cowboy hat. "Timmy," he called out, watching the hat sink lower. He was trying to hide, that wasn't a good sign. "I'm coming over," Grian warned. He moved through the herd of cows, lightly shoving them aside until he could spot Timmy.

The blonde looked dreadful. His hair was a tussled mess with straw sticking out in various places. Eyes red and puffy, a sign he'd been crying. Knees bent and head resting on his arms, trying to hide the sniffles still escaping him.

"Oh, Timmy..."

Grian sat down softly beside the other. He slowly reached a hand out as to not scare the other. It took a painstakingly long moment before Jimmy reached out and grabbed his hand. Once he did, Grian pulled him into a hug. His hold tightened as he felt Jimmy began to tremble.

"It's okay, you're okay," he muttered," I'm here now. You're not alone." Jimmy let out a sob, more and more escaping him. The damn had broken and all of the cries he had held back came pouring out all at once as he burrowed closer into Grian's sweater. The other spoke soothing words as he rubbed Jimmy's back to try and soothe him.

After some time, Grian could feel Jimmy's breathing start to even out as his sobs died down. "Can you tell me what happened?" he asked softly. Jimmy pulled back a bit. "I'm in love with my best friend," the blonde said, fresh tears forming in his eyes. Grian's mind went blank. He had mentally prepared for a lot of things, thieves, robbery, financial problems, crumbling under the pressure of leading an entire Empire. He was not prepared for love and despair.

"You- what?"

Jimmy shuddered as he took a deep breath. "I found out I have feelings for Scott and it overwhelmed me," he said, looking away," I got scared, Grian. So scared." The smaller's brain was working overtime as he tried to think of words to say. "Why?" Jimmy shrugged. "I didn't want to ruin what we had, but I couldn't keep it inside."

"So you hid yourself away to suffer alone?" Grian asked incredulous. Jimmy shrugged again. Grian's hands were on his arms, squeezing tightly, as he kept the man in his lap at arm's length. "Why would you do that, Tim? You should've gone to Joel or Lizzie, not try to suffer through it alone!" He felt himself shaking a bit with distress, loosening his grip. Jimmy stayed awfully silent.

"Timmy, have you been harsh on yourself again?" Jimmy nodded, still not looking at the other. Grian sighed and hugged him close again. "I understand it's difficult not to do, I'm sorry you went through that," he whispered. Jimmy finally looked at him, eyes big and wet. "Have you considered telling Scott?" Grian asked. Jimmy shook his head. "Have you even considered the possibility of Scott loving you back?"

Jimmy looked confused. He actually looked confused, like he had no idea what Grian was talking about. Grian wanted to facepalm, it was a good thing he couldn't with him still holding Jimmy. "You dummy," he chuckled. Jimmy dare dream about such a possibility. He was too convinced Scott never wanted to be in a relationship with him. "you're going to have to tell him," Grian said, getting serious," Sooner, rather than later. This has been going on for too long."

"I-I can't," Jimmy croaked out. "Yes, you can," Grian interrupted," You need to face the others and explain what is going on. They're worried sick!" Jimmy's expression turned to one of guilt. "I'm sorry." Grian shook his head. "Don't apologize, you're doing your best." He let go of Jimmy. "You don't have to face this alone, I will be with you for the rest of the way."

Jimmy smiled wearily at him. "O-okay, I'll do it," he said, nervously rubbing his hands together. Grian gave him a warm smile. "I'll gather everybody, don't you worry about that," he ruffled Jimmy's hair," now go and clean yourself up. Take a shower, you'll feel better." Jimmy smiled and nodded. As he tried to stand up, his knees buckled and he almost fell back to the ground. A cow helped him, by gently pushing against his back to steady him and staying there for support. "I'll see you in a bit," Jimmy said, leaving the Barn.

Grian let out a breath he had been holding, trying to calm his frayed nerves. It was alright, Timmy was alright. Or at least, he would be. He just had to get through this. And judging by the way Grian had seen Scott look at Jimmy, he felt pretty certain things would work out for the better. Call it a gut feeling, but he could foresee a happy ending for the two of them.

Void knows Jimmy deserved one.


Everybody was summoned to the Saloon in Tumble Town, a message stating the sheriff wanted to explain himself. It seemed their plan to send Grian in to talk to Jimmy had worked. They were talking among themselves, all discussing various reasons to Jimmy's behaviour. As the last Emperor arrived, the sky began to crackle.

"It looks like a storm is coming," Sausage mused. All eyes went to Joel. "Hey!" he called out," Not my fault! Thunderstorms do happen on their own, not just when I'm clapping." He huffed and crossed his arms. Lizzie chuckled and patted his arm. "We're all a bit anxious to see Jimmy," she said, which earned her a stare from the God. "Sure, but nobody is as anxious as that," fWhip said, nodding towards Scott.

The cyanette sat at the bar, away from the others who were seated in the lounge area. His painted fingernails drumming on the wooden top, chin resting in his hand. He occasionally huffed, tying to move some loose strands of hair out of his face without actually putting in the effort. "...that's true," Lizzie said, face blank.

She felt her own anxiety rise as she looked at Scott. She was just so nervous to see what would happen once the two saw each other. It was no secret the two shared a deeper connection. She hoped Jimmy would let Scott help him. "They're here!" Oli called from the window where he kept an eye out for the appearance of the Sheriff. He sprinted back to the lounge area to sit beside Sausage.

The doors opened as two figures walked through. Grian stepped in first, a serious expression on his face. A small gasp could be heard among the silence as Jimmy stepped into view. It was clear to everybody that the man was exhausted, his face paler than usual. Scott stood from his seat, keeping himself from rushing over to Jimmy and wrap him in a hug. Jimmy looked fragile and filled with anxiety and Scott wanted nothing more than to hold him and hide him away from the world. But he kept his feet nailed to the ground.

Grian's eyes met Scott's and he nodded. "Would you please join us in the lounge?" he asked," Timmy needs to speak." Scott nodded, latching on the other's words. 'Needs to' not 'wants to'. His eyes landed on Jimmy again, who pointedly looked anywhere but him. A stone dropped heavy in his stomach. Was he really to blame for how terrible Jimmy felt? He gulped as he moved to sit next to Lizzie, who took his hand in his.

Jimmy sat down as well, facing all of them. "You can do this," Grian said, giving Jimmy's shoulder a squeeze before stepping back. The others stayed silent as Jimmy cleared his throat multiple times, finding it hard to speak. "F-first of all," he said, taking a deep breath," I want to apologize. For not responding, for not communicating and for worrying you." His eyes wandered around the crowd, ending at Joel and Lizzie.

Scott didn't take his eyes off of him, mind rushing a mile a minute. It was as if he hadn't seen the other for years, only now realising he did not want to spend another day without him. "I-I owe you all an explanation," Jimmy continued, gaze on the floor boards again. "You see, some time ago, something happened. S-something that made me realise things and it overwhelmed me greatly." He took a moment to steady his breath. "I became scared, panicked," he said, growing more silent," I should've gone to someone and talk about it, I should've. But truth is, I didn't know what to do."

He nervously rubbed his hands together and Scott wanted to badly to reach out and hold them. He squeezed Lizzie's hand instead, earning one back. "You're right, you should've come to me- any of us," Joel said softly," We're here to help you whenever you need it. Whatever you need it for." Jimmy smiled sadly. "But," Joel continued," I know it's not always within our might to do so, sometimes we are simply unable to take that step."

Jimmy nodded. "Just know that we are here for you," Lizzie added, a small smile on her face. Some others voiced their agreements and Jimmy gave them all a grateful look. "May I ask what it was that made you feel this way?" Shelby asked carefully. Jimmy sighed, nodded and held his head up high. This was the moment he had been dreading the most. Scott recognised it as his 'gotta shoulder through it' attitude and became more worried.

"It was actually something Scar mentioned," he said, looking a bit sheepish," He mentioned me and... Scott." It was the first time Jimmy looked, actually looked at the cyanette. And it took his breath away. Why did he look so upset? What did Scar say about him that made Jimmy look at him this way? Had he done something wrong? Had he done not enough? Too much? Oh Joel, why did he have to look so sad.

"Scar told me his Scarland personnel had thought me and Scott were together. They even called us the perfect couple." Jimmy averted his eyes from Scott and the other's brain went haywire. So that's it? That is what had been upsetting Jimmy? The mere idea of him and Scott romantically involved had driven him to a panic? It made him recoil so hard he had shut out everybody else as well? No wonder he didn't want to see Scott anymore.

Through the haze and his lungs struggling to take in breaths, he could hardly hear Jimmy continue. "It unlocked something in me," Jimmy tried to explain," Like Scar had pushed a button in my brain and all of a sudden all these feelings I avoided before came rushing in and got a name. I freaked out." Jimmy wasn't looking at Scott. He didn't dare see his expression, see his reaction.

If he had, he would've seen the tears in Scott's eyes. Lizzie's gaze snapped to Scott, who she could feel starting to tremble. "I guess I never really thought of us that way," Jimmy's gaze went back up to Scott," I guess I never realised I was in love with you-." His sentence got cut short as Scott all of a sudden shot up from his seat and ran towards the exit of the Saloon. The others stared after him in shock. They had not expected that to be his answer to the confession. The tears, sure, but not the getting-the-heck-out-of-there.

Grian didn't hesitate when he darted after Scott, out the door. They could hear him shouting at Scott to stop running. Lizzie wanted to cry as she saw Jimmy's heartbroken look. He sat there, frozen in place, tears pricking in the corner of his eyes. Oli started rambling to fill the awkward silence. Shelby and Katherine shared a look. Sausage stood to place a hand on Jimmy's shoulder.

"Thanks for telling us," Gem said, cutting of Oli's rambling," That wasn't an easy thing to do." Jimmy tried to give her a smile, but it barely showed. The others fell silent, unsure of what to say or what to do as rain started to pour on Tumble Town's roofs. Grian's shouts could still be heard, followed by thunder crackling through the sky.

"I'm sorry mate-" Joel started to say, standing up. Jimmy's expression hardened all of a sudden and he sprung up. He grabbed his hate and rushed outside, leaving the others staring after him. They swarmed around the windows to see the spectacle about to happen outside. They could see Scott standing in the middle of town, ready to fly off. Grian was begging him to wait and stay. Both were soaking wet.

Jimmy stormed over to Scott. The cyanette went to use a rocket and flee Tumble Town, but Jimmy was too fast. He grabbed the other's wrist, holding on tight. "Please," he begged, not sure what for. Scott looked from his hand up to Jimmy's eyes. "Please let me explain." He could barely make out the tears streaming down Scott's face, mixing in with the raindrops.

"You don't have to, it's okay," Scott said, faking a smile," You don't have to tell me how much you don't want to be with me." Jimmy let go in shock, taking a step back. "Not wanting to be with you?!" he asked incredulous," Scott. All I could think about was being with you!" Scott froze.

"You- what?" Thunder rolled through the sky once again. "I want nothing more than to be with you, I can't stand being away from you." Scott shook his head. "Then why-?" Jimmy looked guilty. "Because I was a coward and I was afraid," he said, keeping their eyes locked," I was stupid and chose to hide away, to keep my feelings locked in."

Scott stepped towards him. "Y-you're not appalled by the idea of you and me together?" he asked unsure. "Never," Jimmy said confidently," I was afraid to ruin our friendship. It was the only good thing I had and I broke it anyway..." His smile turned sad, eyes on the ground in front of them. Scott took another step towards him. He reached his hand out and took Jimmy's in his.

"Jimmy..." he cupped the other's cheek and made him look into his eyes. "Did you really think I was unable to love you back?" a watery smile appeared on his face. "Do you really think yourself so unlovable?" Jimmy shook his head. "I was so busy panicking, I didn't stop to consider the possibilities of you liking me back." He nuzzled into Scott's hand.

"You dummy," Scott said. "So I've been told," Jimmy responded. Another crack of thunder. "But I could be your dummy? If you want to?" he asked hopeful. A blush crept on his face, making him feel warmer than he actually was. Scott laughed. It was a genuine laugh, one that seemed to release all the tension that had built up between the two of them.

"I would love that," Scott said, leaning into Jimmy. His heart ached at the lights twinkling in the blonde's eyes. He really wanted to kiss him. Oh wait, he could actually do that now. Letting go of Jimmy's face, chuckling at the pout that formed on the other's lips as he instead wrapped his arms around the other's neck. Then he pulled and finally mashed their lips together.

Jimmy let out a surprised sound, but soon closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. It was wet and it was messy, bumping their nose together and clanking their teeth, but it was perfect. They pulled apart as lighting and thunder appeared at the same time, lighting up the soaking wet town. It could be the look Scott was giving him as he pulled the cyanette in for another kiss, or it was the fact they had been standing out in the rain for so long that made him shiver. Probably the latter. He was for sure catching a cold.

"We'll be sick together," Scott said as he pulled away. He was already able to read Jimmy's mind. "Then who will take care of us?" the blonde wondered out loud. "We'll make Grain care for us," Scott chuckled. "Absolutely not!" Grian shrieked, making the two jump apart for they had forgotten the other was there. Oops.

"It was your own stupid faults to get in this situation, you take care of yourselves," he huffed," Timmy should've just told you from the start and you should listen better and not walk out of Timmy's confession." Both flushed red. "Yeah, that was stupid of us." Grian rolled his eyes. "Although I'm happy to see you two together and happy and all that. I'd rather get out of this rain now."

As Grian stormed off, back into the Saloon, Jimmy tugged on Scott's arm. "What's up?" Scott asked. "Nothing," the other answered," just wanted to tell you I love you." Scott chuckled. "I love you too." Jimmy smiled brightly. Then promptly sneezed loudly. "Ok, time to head inside," Scott said, faking being insulted.

Before they entered the Saloon, Scott dragged Jimmy in for a chased kiss. A cheeky smile on his face as Jimmy blushed even more. A loud cheering erupted as they entered the building, Oli screaming a 'Finally!'. "You can quit the lightning show now, Joel," fWhip said. "I have no idea what you're talking about," the God said, lighting crackling between his fingertips. "Congratulations you two!" Lizzie said, bouncing over to them. She pulled them both in a hug, then smacked them both on the arm. "Never do that again!"

"Yes ma'am," Jimmy said. "Wasn't planning on it," Scott said. Grian walked down the stairs, in a new and dry set of clothes. His hair was slightly tussled from trying to dry it with a towel. "I have some spare clothes upstairs," Jimmy said, turning to Scott. "Oh? We're already on the stealing-my-boyfriend's-clothes phase?" the cyanette said smugly. Jimmy froze and whispered the word 'boyfriend' as if he couldn't quite believe it yet.

"Just give it some time and I could be your husband," Scott said with a wink, heading for the stairs. "H-husbands?! Jimmy squawked as he moved followed the other. He could hear Sausage giggle and Joey quietly say 'eeww'. He shook his head and walked upstairs. Never before had he been so glad he came up with the idea of putting spare clothes in the upstairs bedrooms in case travellers needed them. He quickly changed into them and tried to dry his hair. He soon gave up and dumbed the towel on the bathroom floor. He was far too impatient to get back to Scott and showering him in kisses.

Once he returned downstairs, he noticed Scott waiting for him. He could hear the piano playing and Oli singing his own rendition of 'Kiss the Girl'. Scott pecked him on the cheek once he stopped beside the man. Jimmy pulled him in for a proper kiss. "Hey lovebirds!" Sausage called them over," come play Never have I ever with us."

Scott groaned and Jimmy laughed. fWhip had started the fire in the fireplace so it was nice and cosy in the lounge. The two boyfriends sat on the couch besides False. "I'll start!" Joey said as they all held up a hand, fingers outstretched. "Never have I ever..." he waited, supposedly building up tension," Stole from somebody." Joey proudly put one finger down.

Lizzie, Joel, fWhip and Grian shrugged and put one finger down. Scott grumbled and also put his finger down. Jimmy smiled proudly as he kept all 5 up. Katherine gasped as she noticed Shelby also putting a finger down. "What? How? When?" she demanded. The Witch looked embarrassed and shrugged. "It was a long time ago! And they were being an ass," she defended herself. Katherine seemed unsatisfied with the answer and wanted to know more. "Moving on!" Gem said, clapping in his hands. "Never have I ever drowned in a small body of water."

Jimmy let out the most offended gasp as he put a finger down, staring down Gem who had a smug smile. Oli laughed as he too put down one finger. Sadly, no one else followed. "Me next!" Joel said, his eyes held a mischievous glint to them as he looked at the new couple," Never have I ever not told somebody I had a massive crush on them to avoid drama."

Jimmy shot him a glare, lowering a finger. "I hate this game," Scott muttered, lowering a finger as well," It's unfair." Joel seemed way too proud of himself. Katherine gasped as Shelby put a finger down. "No comment!" she squeaked, clearly embarrassed. Gem went to ask something, when all eyes went to Grian. He smirked as he lowered a finger.

He kept a levelled look as the others stared in shock at him. "What?" he asked," Do you guys even realise how much drama scar is? Like on his own?" he started to laugh at everybody's varying expressions. Some joined in the laughter, some shook their heads. Nobody was actually surprised.

They decided to spend the night in Tumble Town, seeing as it was pretty late already. Jimmy was starting to feel the effects of all the exhaustion and draining events of today. He tried his best to stay awake and participate in the conversation, but he felt sleep overtake him. Scott softly pulled him backwards on the couch, making him lean on his shoulder. Hand in hand, Jimmy slowly fell asleep. Surrounded by warmth and his friends, he was finally able to rest. He felt soft lips on top of his head and he smiled. He was in love with his best friend.

And he wouldn't have it any other way.


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