I wish you weren't my friend...

By VladimirVampier

5.1K 121 249

Jimmy liked Scott. Or so he thought... turns out, he's actually in love with him, he just didn't realise it. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 - Final

Chapter 3

581 11 37
By VladimirVampier

It was a quiet and sunny day. There weren't a lot of people out and about in Chromia, either they stayed inside or sat in the shadows to hide from the sun. Jimmy didn't hide, he was too used to the heat beating down on his skin. Besides, the sun here wasn't as unforgiving as it was in Tumble Town.

He let out a sigh and closed his eyes, head turned towards the sun. good ol' Tumble Town, waiting for his return. As was the pile of paperwork on his desk. But when Scott asked him to spend this lovely day with him, he could not have said no. He was especially happy he had accepted the invite, when he arrived to a checkered plaid on the ground, a picnic basket nearby and Scott with a stunning smile on his face. They chatted the afternoon away, stuffing themselves with all the lovely little snacks Scott had made.

Tho Jimmy was reluctant to eat a certain sandwich, since Scott claimed Owen had helped make them. The other had chuckled and assured him that Owen had, in fact, not spit in the sandwiches. "If you say so..." Jimmy had said. Scott shrugged and took a bite. "I do say so." Jimmy stared intensely at the cyanette as he ate. Once he finished the tiny triangle shaped piece of bread, Scott rolled his eyes at Jimmy and made a vague 'tadaa' gesture as if to show he didn't drop dead. The Sheriff looked from Scott to his sandwich, back to Scott. Then back to his sandwich as he took a bite.

His eyes started to sparkle as the taste registered in his brain. He looked back up at Scott with a bewildered look. "This- this is really good," he said, crumbs still around the corners of his mouth. Scott looked amused as he said; "I said so." He offered Jimmy another one, who took it enthusiastically.

Since then, Jimmy had taken off his hate and shrugged out of his brown vest, bathing in the sunlight. Scott remained in the more shadowy bit. He had picked the perfect spot for the two of them. Sun for Jimmy and enough shade for himself. Scott liked how Jimmy seemed to get energized by the sun, he looked more relaxed. Jimmy opened his eyes and looked across the meadow. It was beautiful this time of year. Flowers growing in all kinds of shapes and colours, a soft breeze rolled over the fields. Some people were out and about, mostly families, picking flowers, having picnics. An idea popped into Jimmy's head.

"Am I allowed to pick the flowers?"

Scott, who had laid down, looked up at him. "Sure. Would be something if it wasn't allowed with all those kids picking my fields bare," he said with a chuckle," You can gather some and take them with you back to TT." Jimmy smiled as he stood and walked off. Once he'd gathered enough materials, he sat down and got to work. Scott tried to see what it was, Jimmy was working on, but it was a bit difficult to see from his position.

"Watcha doing?" he asked curiously. "Just you wait," Jimmy said excited. The tip of his tongue stuck out between his lips as he focused on whatever it was he was doing. Scott found it very endearing. He watched Jimmy's expression shift as he waited to see what the end result was. After a little while of occasional humming and something that sounded suspiciously like 'I hate flowers', the secret project was done. Jimmy held it behind his back as he turned towards Scott.

"Could you sit up?" he asked. "I dunno, can I?" Scott said lazily. He was trying to act uninterested, but his curiosity was eating him alive. "Please." Scott sighed as he sat upright, taking his time. "Or I won't show you." The cyanette gasped and quickly sat up right. "You wouldn't dare," he hissed. Jimmy stuck his tongue out. Oh how childish the two of them could be together. "Close your eyes," Jimmy said. Scott raised an eyebrow in question. "Just do it." He shrugged and closed his eyes, holding out his hands to receive the gift Jimmy kept hidden behind his back.

But instead, his hate got removed from his head and replaced by something else. "There," Jimmy said, lowering his arms. Scott peeked with one eye at Jimmy. A small, yet uncertain smile was on his face and Scott opened his other eye as well. He lifted his hands to feel for whatever was placed on his head. "Careful!" Jimmy ushered, a bit tense. Scott then decided to grab his pocket mirror from his purse and use it to be able to see. Rolling his eyes almost into the back of his head had proven futile. Once he looked at his reflection, he let out a small gasp.

A flower crown.

A flower crown with lots of greenery, leaves and a couple of lavender and chrysanthemum blooms had been placed upon his head. It looked great on him, if he said so himself. "It looks great on you," Jimmy said softly. The Sheriff agreed with his thoughts apparently. He smiled up at Jimmy, putting away the pocket mirror. "I love it," he said," I look so cute!"

As he smiled wide with his eyes squinted close, Jimmy let the words almost escape. Words like 'handsome', 'adorable' and 'pretty' all wanted to escape his lips. He wanted to utter them so badly, to tell him softly, to shut it from the colourful rooftops, but he kept it all inside. Apparently, he didn't need to say them out loud, someone else did instead.

"Oh my Joel- you look so pretty!"

A mother and child, a little girl of around 6 or 7 years old, had walked by when the girl had shouted that. Her little finger was pointed at Scott's head and her eyes were blown wide. "Daisy, you can't just shout at people!" her mother scolded," Even if it's a compliment." The girl looked like she disagreed strongly. "But he looks so pretty!" Scott chuckled, recovering from the tiny jump-scare. Next to him Jimmy seemed to calm his racing heart as well.

They had sort of forgotten they weren't the only ones around. "It's quite alright," he said, looking at the mother. The woman gasped when she realised who they were talking to. "E-emperor Scott! So sorry to disturb you." Scott shook his head. "there's no need," he said, smiling kindly," I see you were enjoying the nice weather just as we were." The girl nodded enthusiastically.

"Ya! We had a picnic and picked flowers, some really pretty flowers!" Her enthusiasm was adorable and Scott couldn't help but smile at her. "That sounds wonderful," he said," Daisy, wasn't it?" She nodded, her small head bobbing up and down at an almost painful speed. "You like my crown? He made it for me," the cyanette said, pointing at Jimmy. The other had silently watched the exchange, but blinked owlishly now that he had been mentioned. "He did?" she asked surprised. "Uhh... yeah," Jimmy said ever so eloquent. She looked from Jimmy to Scott and back to Jimmy.

"It's not fair," she suddenly said, confusing the grownups. "What do you mean, sweetie?" her mom asked. Daisy turned towards her mother and pointed at the two sitting on the blanket. "Why does he gets to have a pretty flower crown, but he doesn't?" she asked, very affronted. Her eyes then began to sparkle and a mischievous grin appeared on her face. She tugged on her mother's sleeve, until the woman bends down to her level. Daisy started whispering her genius plan, while her mother looked at the duo. A small smile appeared on her face as she said; "Sure sweetie, you can do that."

Scott and Jimmy started to get really curious to what the little girl was up to as she took the bag from her mother's hand and rummaged through it. She pulled out a bundle of flowers, including strawflowers and spray roses. She walked resolutely towards a dumbfounded Scott and held out the flowers. Scott blinked. "It's for him," Daisy said, pointing at Jimmy," so you can make him a crown too."

Jimmy couldn't help but laugh at the scene in front of him. A small girl, with the stance of a boss lady, practically forcing the Emperor of Chromia to make a flower crown for the Sheriff of Tumble Town. It seemed to be one of those days, where he would almost question his life and reality, if not for the hilarity of the situation. Scott looked at Jimmy laughing and smiled fondly.

"That sounds like an excellent idea, you brilliant young lady."

Daisy seemed almost bashful at the compliment. As Jimmy's laughter died down, Scott began to work on the flowers. The next moments were spent with Scott working while Daisy was handing him flowers, while Jimmy invited the mother to sit with them and have a chat. "you're the Sheriff, right?" she asked. Jimmy nodded. "Yes, ma'am, that's me." She smiled at him. "What finds you all the way out here?" she asked. "Hiding away from my duties, juts for today," he said, with a small smile," hanging out with Scott always has a relaxing effect on me."

"I can see he makes you very happy."

Jimmy doubted that the red on his cheeks was from the sun alone. He coughed in his fist. "Y-yeah, he does." Before he could say any more, Daisy's voice interrupted their conversation. "Done!" Both her and Scott held up the flower crown, proudly showing it off. The mother clapped her hands. "Well done! It looks lovely." Jimmy could only look at the smile on Scott's face. "Yeah, it does." Scott moved over to Jimmy and softly placed the crown on his head. "There." The two looked into each other's eyes for a moment.

"You two look perfect!" Daisy shouted. The duo instantly looked away from each other, both adorning a blush. The mom tried his best not to laugh, being aware her daughter's choice of words had a deeper meaning to them. Her eyes danced between the two men, who were clearly flustered. "Let's go, Daisy," she said, standing up slowly," Let's leave them be." The girl pouted slightly as she said her goodbyes to her new made friends. They waved as the two walked away.

Once they were out of sight, Jimmy let out the breath he had been holding. Scott shot him a worried look. The Sheriff smiled assuredly. "Kids, huh?" They both laughed and Jimmy could see the other relax. His shoulders lowered, smile staying on his face. For some reason Jimmy decided to poke Scott in his ribs. It could be because he tried to distract the other, or himself, or because he felt slightly lightheaded and couldn't think straight. Scott couldn't think straight anyway. Hah.

A weird choking sound escaped Scott's lips and they stared at each other. Jimmy curiously and surprised, Scott horrified. Jimmy poked him again. There was that sound again! Scott pointed threateningly at Jimmy. "Don't." A sly grin appeared on Jimmy's face as he slowly raised his hands. "I swear, Jimmy," Scott said, failing to sound serious as he slowly moved away. "There is no escape," Jimmy murmured evilly and lunged forward.

As Jimmy was trying to grab Scott's sides and make him giggle, Scott was struggling to escape his grasp. They rolled around the grass, trying to outdo one another. Laughter erupted from the two of them as it became an all-out war once Scott decided to poke Jimmy back. It didn't take long before they were exhausted and Scott gave in. His back was on the grass, wrists pinned to the ground by calloused hands, chest heaving. Jimmy hovered over him, breath just as fast, eyes wide and a victorious grin on his face.

The setting sun's light hit Jimmy just right, casting him in a golden glow. His hair was tussled and unkept, flower crown abandoned on the grass. Jimmy looked stunning. But to Jimmy, no one looked as gorgeous as Scott. Braid loosened, strands of hair sticking out of it, cheeks dusted pink and two-coloured eyes wide. His flower crown had been removed as well, leaving small bits and pieces behind in cyan hair.

Scott raised his hand slowly to Jimmy's face, trying to move a strand of hair behind his ear and failing. His hand hovered for a moment. Almost too afraid to move, he let his fingers trail down Jimmy's cheek. As if he was fragile. Too precious to break.

Jimmy sat back abruptly, letting go of Scott's wrists. They only now realised they had been staring into each other's eyes the entire time. He didn't see the disappointed look that flashed across Scott's face. Jimmy was too busy calming his racing heart. He was unsure of what to think or how to feel, so many thoughts popping up in his head. He decided to push them all away, thoughts and feelings, and focus on something else. Scott sat up as well, staring at Jimmy.

"...Are you okay?" his voice was so soft, barely above a whisper. Jimmy swallowed and nodded his head. "I-, I just..." he stuttered," lost in thought, I guess." Scott smiled, tho it didn't quite reach his eyes. "That's okay, it happens," he said, trying to stay calm. "Yeah, it's just- I've got a lot to do... in Tumble Town..." Scott nodded. Jimmy seemed to hesitate. "I-I need to go..."

"Thanks, for today," he said, standing up. Scott followed him. "Anytime, Jimmy," the cyanette said softly," I mean it." Jimmy looked at him in what felt like a very long time, before bending down to pick up his things. Sheriff's hat back on his head. Flower crown laying forgotten. Their eyes met before both looked away. The ground seemed very interesting all of a sudden. "I guess I'll see you around," Jimmy said, stepping back. Scott gave a little wave. "See ya."

Then Jimmy used rockets as he shot up into the sky, fleeing Chromia to return back home. Leaving Scott behind on his own. The cyanette kept staring at the spot Jimmy was just in, cursing himself and his feelings. His mind replaying the moments spend together, the way Jimmy looked, the way Jimmy smiled. And then he'd remember the expression on Jimmy's face as he pulled away. It was one of doubt, of guilt? It almost looked as if the other had been afraid. Scott's heart dropped. He recognised his feelings, whenever he looked at the Sheriff, he knew what they meant. But he wouldn't act upon them, he had told himself, he knew Jimmy didn't feel the same.

Besides, he was happy as things were. Of course, he occasionally wished they would become more, but he wouldn't push it. Getting to be as close to Jimmy as he was now was more than enough. As long as he was able to see Jimmy smile, blush, get agitated, irritated, relaxed, he was happy. And yet, as his eyes landed on the flower crowns, a few tears rolled down his cheeks. He gathered both floral headwear and his belongings and went inside his house. He placed the flower crowns beside each other on the dining table.

A last longing look before he went upstairs to dream of golden sunshine and blinding smiles.

And if it took them several weeks to meet up again and have a bit of an awkward start up, it was because they've been busy. And if things went back to normal, Scott wouldn't dare wish for anything else. Anything was better than not being able to be with Jimmy, to have him act his usual carefree self around him. So, Scott was happy.

He just hoped Jimmy was as well.

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