
109K 4.1K 2.6K

Hyunjin decides to join a dance team after graduating, eager to keep a promise he made to his friend. However... Еще

warnings/thank you's.
one. (prologue?)
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two. | final.
EXTRA: fun facts.

twenty five.

2.5K 80 19

Check out.


I awake with the worst pains throughout my whole body. Seriously. I feel like I got hit by a bus after running a marathon ten minutes before.

There is also an arm wrapped around my waist, and I lay on his chest. I raise my head up, looking at him as he sleeps peacefully. I slowly sit up with a smile on my face.

I let out a yawn, stretching my arms out. I'm trying to not move around that much. His arm fell down to my lower back as I'm sitting up. I look down to him. His hair is mess, but he looks so comfortable in bed.

I bring my hand up to his hair. I brush through the long brown silk, getting it out of his face. His nose twitches a little bit, and I pull my hand back. He lets out a moan as he moves his face away.

I chuckle.

I turn my head to look at the alarm clock on the nightstand, 10:38. I let out a sigh. It's time to get up and pack. It's Sunday, the day we have to leave, and check out is at 12am.

I turn back to the sleeping man, looking down at his hand. I tense up, slowly starting to move his hand away from me. I succeed, placing his hand on his own stomach. I let out a breath of relief before I completely slip out from under the covers.

I put my pajama pants, the checkered ones that aren't even mine that lay on the floor, back on. I stand up and stretch out fully, groaning. My back hurts so bad. I'm sore.

I take heavy steps to the bathroom, closing the door carefully and switching on the light. My reflection in the mirror makes me chuckle. My face is all puffy, and I look wrecked.

My eyes widen. My neck is also red and purple. I rub and squint my eyes, like that would make them disappear or something. They don't. They still are there, looking right back at me. Why does Minho have to be such a vampire?

I shake my head. I take out my face wash, washing my face with cold water to help the puffiness of it. I apply my moisturizer as well, loving the feeling of it. I look a little bit better now, the cold water helped me.

But what do I do about my neck?

I reach into my bag, looking for something. Do I have concealer or something? Maybe a bandaid?

As I'm digging, the bathroom door slides open. I turn around to look at him as he enters, but immediately look back away with a scoff. "Couldn't find your clothes?"

He starts to chuckle. "Somebody took my pajamas."

I hum. "And your underwear?"

"I'm afraid that one's on me."

I giggle.

He does as well, stepping into the shower. He turns on the water, stepping back out as he waits for it to get warm. He looks to me. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to cover the evidence." I say, turning around to face him.

He looks a little confused at first, before his eyes widen a little bit. He leans into me to look at them from closer. "I did that?" He asks, in disbelief.

"Unfortunately." I turn back around.

"Yikes." I hear him mutter before he steps into the shower. I just sigh.

I find my concealer, sighing in relief. I took it from the makeup artist when she said I could have it, after I got excited over wearing makeup. I'm so thankful for her. She's a life–saver right now.

I apply some on the spot, tapping it in with my fingers. It's a full coverage type of concealer, that's exactly my shade. It definitely covered up the mark, but if you get close enough you can see it's a darker patch of skin.

I apply another layer, making it less noticeable. I hum. It's good enough, it's not obvious when you're far away. I do that to the other seven on my neck, getting annoyed at this point. What kind of man leaves this many?

I throw the concealer back into the back. That's all I do to refresh myself. I take the bag, but leave the brush and another bag for Minho. I walk out of the bathroom.

I place the bag back into my bigger bag, officially starting to pack up. There's really only the bathroom products and a few clothes around the room to pack, so I'm not surprised when I'm done packing my stuff in less that five minutes.

Minho walks out of the shower with only a towel. I smile. It brings back memories from the first day. He hums a song as he puts his little bag back, and picks out an outfit.

I sit on the couch, watching TikTok on my phone. He gets dressed in front of me. This time it doesn't even phase me. I'm not desperate to touch him, I've done enough of that, and I'm also not completely awkward with him.

He is dressed and ready in less that ten minutes. He turns back to face me. "Did you pack everything already?" He looks around the room.

I nod. "I did while you were in the shower. Check out is in thirty minutes, so I got on it."

"Thank you." He mumbles, walking over to me.

I put my phone down, smiling at him. He sits down on the couch, laying his head on my shoulder. "I have one last destination for us today. A surprise I had planned for you."

"Really?" I hum. "What is it?"

"The art museum."

I sit up, startling him. "Seriously?" I ask, smiling.

He chuckles. "Yes, I bought us tickets." He sits up as well, looking at me with his pretty eyes. "I wanted to take you after hearing you liked art. I bought them last night.

I want to cry.

He bought me tickets after hearing I liked it once. I'm going to burst out into tears, he is adorable and sweet. I never knew Minho was so.. thoughtful? I don't know. I smile.

I jump onto him, wrapping my arms around him. "Thank you, oh my god." I squeeze him. "I've never been to an art museum before. I've always wanted to go— thank you."

My words muffle into his shirt, but I'm sure he heard every one of them. He wraps his arms around me tighter. I can't help but smile. I can't even believe he thought of this.

I realize after a while that this is a little awkward, and pull away with a small chuckle. "Sorry."

He shakes his head. "It's okay, don't be sorry."

"When do we go?" I ask, not being able to take my mind off it.

"After noon? We can check out, get something to eat, then head over there for however long you'd like— Then drive back to the apartment, ready for work tomorrow." He says.

"Okay, okay." I stand up, checking the time on my phone. "It's almost noon, and I'm hungry. Should we go check out now?"

He chuckles. "You're eager." He hums. "But okay, whatever you'd like."

My foot bounces up and down. I'm very excited. We checked out a while ago, then went to go eat at a little diner across the street. The food was good, but I was so focused on what we were going to do afterwards that I ate very fast.

Now we are on our way to the museum. I watch as the buildings pass by. We had to drive for a while, going into the city. The museum is an hour away from home, while the resort was three hours.

So we get to have a fun stop on the way home. I'm so excited right now.

The GPS says that we only have a few more minutes, three more turns. I can see the buildings getting older and bigger the deeper we get into the city. All the historic buildings are showing themselves now.

I only watch them pass by in awe. It's a few more minutes before I feel the car beginning to slow down, and I turn my head to look at the GPS. It shows that we are one turn away, and I feel the adrenaline rush.

"And that should be it." Minho mumbles, probably to himself but I still find myself replying.

I look out the window, seeing the beauty of the museum. It's a large building, with big windows and a tall ceiling. It looks like an old European building.

"Oouuu." I hum.

"You ready?" He asks as he pulls into the parking lot, looking for a slot.

"I am." I sit up, "There's a spot over there. Park right there.." I point, sounding a bit bossy but I don't even notice it. I'm only wanting to get there quicker.

He chuckles. "Yes sir."

I roll my eyes. Where did this sarcastic attitude suddenly come from? Or wait.. it was always here. It's just more noticeable now because the hatred isn't blocking it out.

I don't hate him at all anymore, funny thing. If you would have told me six months ago that I would be here, going to my first art museum with him and actually enjoying it– I would have slapped you across the face.

But now here we are.

He pulls into the parking spot, switching off the car and taking the keys out. "Alright." He mutters. He looks over to me, a smile on his face. "Ready?" he asks again.

I nod my head, smiling. I turn to the door, opening it and stepping out. "I'm ready and impatient, so hurry up." I close the door, and watch as he opens his and stands up.

"You're so pushy." He says, closing his door. "I bought you the tickets and drove you here, the least you could do is wait for me to get myself ready." he shakes his head, waking up onto the sidewalk.

I scoff, playfully. "I am, but you take to long."

I step up onto the sidewalk as well, bumping into him gently. He just shakes his head. "Whatever you'd like to believe." He says while taking my hand.

I just chuckle. We walk closer to the door, hand in hand, ready to spend the day at the beautiful museum. As we get closer to the door, we start to hear commotion and see a lot of people.

I tilt my head. We turn the corner, but stop immediately. There is a group of people gathered around the building, phones out and yelling. The guards are trying to push them back, but they don't budge. We just watch in awe, until somebody speaks up.

"Oh my god, its them!"


"It is!"

My eyes widen as they all turn and swarm us as well as starting to record us, flashes every now and then as they take pictures. I flinch. Minho immediately pulls my hand, yanking me away from the crowd.

He pulls us back to the car, jogging a bit. I watch from behind us as they all follow, screaming and a few crying. Minho opens the car door for me, and I crawl inside.

He closes the door and hides his face, walking around to the other side to get in. It all happens so fast. They tried to block the car, but got the hint when Minho started the engine.

Before I know it, the whole museum date is shot and we are driving back in confusion and anger. "How did they even know we were going?" Minho asks, a bit angry.

"I don't know.. let me look." I pull out my phone, opening Twitter immediately. I pause. "Wait.. do you think we should have stayed?"

"I am not sure.. but I don't care. I just didn't want to." He says.

I just hum, going back to scrolling through twitter to find anything. I go to the search bar, searching up my name. As I expected, the first search that comes up is "Hyunjin and Minho museum."

I scroll through the tweets, looking at all the fans speculate things. "Why just them?" "Is it a date?" "I'm going right now!"

I shake my head, scrolling to find the first tweet made on the topic. I find and read the tweet, supposedly a worker from the museum was freaking out because she swore it was Minho who just bought a ticket. Who knew she'd be right?

"It was leaked that we were going by a worker." I say upset, swiping out of the app and turning off my phone. "And now people also think we were on a date."

"Oh god." Minho groans. "This wasn't supposed to happen."

"I know.. but at least it's not that bad." I say, putting a hand on his thigh. He brings his hand down to hold mine. "This could just teach us to be careful next time. Don't worry. Plus, I'm sure the whole thing will blow over."

"You're right."

The ride home was a bit disappointing. We arrived at the apartment complex a bit in the afternoon, ready to eat dinner soon. What happened hit me more and more as we got closer to home.

He takes both of our bags out from the trunk, handing me mine and holding his. I begin to walk away a bit sadly, hearing the car lock.

I'm actually really upset about it now. I was expecting this trip to end off with a good memory, maybe a few cute pictures. I didn't even get to go after years of wanting too.

I love our fans usually, but I kind of hate them right now. Plus, we now have to worry about rumors. One, dating rumors, and two, rumors that we don't want to interact with fans.

I already have seen tweets about both. People saw our hands interlocked and took it to the next level. People also recorded the interaction, and others are taking it wrong. They think we hate fans now.

It's all so much. Minho takes my hand, making me come out of my trance. I look over to him, and he smiles as he kisses my hand. "I'm sure it will all blow over, if you're worried about it."

I sigh. "I hope so."

"It will, I promise."

We took the stairs up to our apartment floor. It was a quiet walk, but I liked the way he held my hand the whole time. He holds the door open for me, as we enter the hallway our apartment is in.

I look through my bag for the key, relief washing over me when I find it. I'm so ready to eat and then crash. Maybe even crash before I eat. I missed my bed, and the comfortability my room brings me.

I unlock the door, holding it open for Minho. "After you, my prince." I joke to lighten the mood, like he always does. He gives me a silly look, making me smile.

He steps inside the room, and I follow. "I think I should be holding the door open for you." He says, sliding off his shoes. "You know, considering the roles we have here."

I chuckle. "Oh yeah? What roles do we have?"

We walk out of the entrance room, entering the main room. It's exactly how we left it, considering Jisung has been staying elsewhere. It still smells amazing, and the lights are dim.

"Well you know I-"

He freezes. I look to him confused, before I meet eyes with Jisung and Felix. I freeze. They freeze.

The room is silent for a while. Their eyes go from me  to Minho, then back to me. They look more shocked to see us then we are to see them. It hits me that they still think we hate each other, and I gulp.

Jisung starts to chuckle. "So the rumor was true?"

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