Robin x finney lovers friends...

By finney273

11.9K 105 67

Robin and finney start to get to know each other More But they start to gain feelings for each other and this... More

1987 🌙<3
First day of school<3🌙 1978 🌙
at school<3🌙
at school🌙thanking about the boy<3🪐
Hello guys:)🌙
Look at this 🤎
Guys i am so sorry but also GOOD NEW
A party 🌙
Saturday the day to go to Robin house
He looks nice 🌙
Hey guys if you guys can look at this :)🌙
Heyyy what do you guys think? 🌙
You guys are getting a chapter today 🍂
Hey guys 💤
2 months later Time passes 
Read this really quick 
Look please
Can you guys please look at this it's really important

read this<3 not a chapter  1978🌙

935 6 4
By finney273

AN/ Heyy loves<3 🌙so i'm going to try to explain this so sometimes I'll be posting but not like a lot because I have school and everything but I will try to be here OK so Vance and robin and billy are taller but Robin and billy are a bit tall Vance is taller than billy a bit billy is one inch a bit tall but robin is a bit taller than billy like one inch Vance is taller billy and Robin so billy and Robin are kind of the same height, but Robin is a bit taller than billy a bit like one inch Vance and Robin are the same height but Vance is like 1 inch taller than Robin but Vance is taller than them ok now griffin and Bruce and finney they're small not that small Robin needs to bend down like to kiss finney sometimes or he will pick them up the same as billy and Vance I hope this makes sense<3 byee loves🌙

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