Fate's Playbook

By elle_joub

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Luca Grey, the star football player of Grey College in Glencoe, was running late for practice one day when he... More

Chapter 1 - A New Adventure Begins
Chapter 2 - The Arrival
Chapter 3 - Dinner With The Moms
Chapter 4 - New Friends
Chapter 5 - Sports
Chapter 6 - Ice Cream
Chapter 7 - Jasmine's
Chapter 8 - Reading
Chapter 9 - Football To The Face
Chapter 10 - Coincidence
Chapter 11 - Best Friend
Chapter 12 - Football Game
Chapter 13 - Williams advice
Chapter 14 - Five Feet Apart
Chapter 15 - Lunch with Luca
Chapter 16 - Lily's Date
Chapter 17 - Goodbyes
Chapter 18 - Home
Chapter 19 - Back To College
Chapter 20 - Late-Night Phone Calls
Chapter 21 - The Mall
Chapter 22 -Dinner
Chapter 23 - Good Food And Even Better Company
Chapter 24 - A Proposition
Chapter 25 - Date One
Chapter 26 - Date Two
Chapter 27 - Date Three
Chapter 28 - Date Four
Chapter 29 - Date Five
Chapter 31 - Confession
Chapter 32 - Love Is In The Air
Chapter 33 - Big Brother
Chapter 34 - Sunset Kisses
Chapter 35 - Friends Till The End
Chapter 36 - Luca's Birthday
Chapter 37 - Fun Times
Chapted 38 - Meeting The Mom
Chapter 39 - Bittersweet Goodbyes
Chapter 40 - Ski Trip
Chapter 41 - Love
Chapter 42 - Under The Northern Lights
Chapter 43 - Whispers Of Forever (Part 1)
Chapter 44 - Whispers Of Forever (Part 2)

Chapter 30 - Football game

28 7 0
By elle_joub

"Jealousy is the art of counting someone else's blessings instead of your own." - Unknown

After Nora got home, she told Lily all about her date.

The two of them chatted until late in the night.

They also decided that they would suprise William and Luca by watching their football game the next day.

The two of them fell asleep soon after.

Nora was woken up by her alarm, she only had two classes today and both were quite early. She would be done by 13pm.

Nora quickly showered, brushed her teeth, got dressed and grabbed her backpack before walking to her class .

She shared this class with William and was quite excited to see him.

She arrived at her class and sat in front, a few minutes later William plopped down next to her.

He told her that he had not gotten much sleep because Luca had talked his ear off on his date with me.

I just laughed at that.

The two of us just talked and jokes around until the Proffesor came.

After class William needed to meet up with the rest of the football team because they needed to prepare for that evening's game.

Nora waved at William and walked to her last class of the day.

Her class went by really fast and she went straight home, wanting to take a nap until later that afternoon.

Nora was woken up by Lily shaking her awake and telling her that they need to get ready for the football game.

It was a beautiful day and Lily and Nora were excited to go to the football game together. Lily decided to wear her favorite football jersey, William's jersey with a number six. She loved how comfortable it felt and how it looked on her. Nora, on the other hand, wanted to wear something special that reminded her of Luca, so she decided to wear his jersey with a number 60 on it.

As they got ready, Lily suggested they wear matching sneakers that they had bought together for the game. Nora agreed and put them on, admiring how cute they looked together. They both tied their hair in a ponytail and put on some sunscreen since it was going to be a sunny day.

Next, they grabbed their bags and headed out to the car. They turned on some music, singing along and getting hyped up for the game. As they drove to the stadium, they talked about their favorite players and the upcoming match.

When they arrived, they saw the sea of fans dressed in their team's colors, creating a vibrant atmosphere. They found their seats, which were located in the front row, and eagerly waited for the game to start.

As the players took the field, Lily and Nora stood up, cheering loudly for their team. They joined in with the chants and waved their foam fingers.

The game kicked off, and Luca was the first to receive the ball. He sprinted down the field, evading the opposing team's defenders and scoring a touchdown. The crowd erupted in cheers, and Luca's teammates ran to congratulate him.

As the game progressed, William made several impressive tackles, preventing the other team from scoring. Stefan caught a long pass from Luca, running with the ball and dodging tackles until he reached the end zone. Noah, the team's quarterback, made some impressive passes and managed to scramble out of the pocket, avoiding the opposing team's rush.

The game was intense, and both teams played fiercely, but our team managed to maintain their lead. They huddled together, discussing their next plays, and cheering each other on.

With only a few minutes left in the game, the opposing team managed to score a touchdown, closing the gap. We knew they had to hold on tight to their lead if they wanted to win.

In the final seconds of the game, the opposing team attempted a field goal to tie the game, but William blocked it, securing the win.

After the game, Nora made her way to the bathroom, eager to freshen up before meeting up with Luca and their friends. However, her path was blocked by Brittany, the school's resident mean girl. Nora tried to sidestep her, but Brittany stepped in front of her again, blocking her path.

Brittany sneered at Nora, a cold smile spreading across her face. "Well, well, well, look who it is. Nora, right? Luca's latest toy?" she taunted, her voice dripping with venom.

Nora tried to brush past her, but Brittany put her hand on Nora's shoulder, holding her back. "You know, I really don't get what Luca sees in you," Brittany continued, her voice low and menacing. "I mean, look at you. You're nothing special. Just another average girl with nothing going for her."

Nora tried to ignore her, but Brittany continued her tirade. "He's only using you, you know that, right? He'll get tired of you soon enough and move on to the next girl. And then where will you be? Back to being just another nobody."

Nora's heart sank as she listened to Brittany's cruel words. She had never been very confident about her appearance, and Brittany's comments only made her feel worse. Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

Brittany stepped closer, a sneer on her face. "And let's not even get started on your outfit. What were you thinking, wearing that? You look ridiculous."

Nora tried to pull away, but Brittany held her grip tight. "Just stay away from Luca, okay?" Brittany said with a smirk, finally releasing Nora's shoulder and walking away.

Nora was left standing alone in the hallway, feeling small and defeated. She didn't know what to do or who to turn to. She felt like she couldn't tell Luca or their friends, afraid that they might think less of her or think that she was being overly sensitive.

As she wiped away her tears, Nora took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. She didn't want Brittany's words to ruin her night with Luca and their friends. She took a few deep breaths, gathered her composure, and walked out of the bathroom.

When she met up with Luca and their friends, they could tell something was off. Nora tried to brush it off and pretend like nothing had happened, but Luca noticed her red-rimmed eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

Nora tried to shake her head, but the tears started flowing again. She stood up and ran to the restroom.

Luca wanted to follow after her, but Lily said that she will.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Lily asked, placing a comforting hand on Nora's shoulder.

Nora took a deep breath and tried to steady her voice. "Brittany stopped me and said some really hurtful things about me and Luca. She said he was only using me and that I'm just his toy."

Lily's eyes flashed with anger as she listened to Nora's account. "That's complete garbage, Nora. Don't listen to her. Luca really cares about you, and he's not the kind of guy to use someone like that."

Nora looked up at Lily, grateful for her support. "I know, but it still hurts to hear those things. She also said some really awful things about my appearance."

Lily's jaw tightened. "She's just jealous, Nora. You're beautiful and amazing, and she's probably just trying to bring you down because she's insecure."

Nora nodded, feeling a bit better already. "Thanks, Lily. I just needed to vent."

Lily gave her friend a small smile. "Of course, that's what friends are for. Now, let's get out of here. I'm going to send William a message that we're heading home early. I don't want to be around these people any longer."

Nora agreed, and the two friends made their way out of the stadium. As they walked, Lily kept an arm around Nora's shoulders, offering her comfort and support. Nora felt grateful for her friend's presence, and slowly but surely, she started to feel better. By the time they got to the car, Nora was able to crack a small smile.

"Thanks, Lily. You always know how to make me feel better."

Lily grinned. "That's what I'm here for. And hey, maybe we can stop by that ice cream place on the way home? I think you deserve a little pick-me-up."

Nora laughed, feeling the weight of the earlier incident start to lift. "That sounds amazing. You're the best, Lily."

With that, the two friends climbed into the car and drove off, leaving the hurtful words of Brittany and the football game behind them.

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