Hogwarts Mystery Year 7

By YeraReader

2.5K 67 130

It is Sarah Spellman's final year at Hogwarts. The vaults have been vanquished, and no one has heard from R s... More

Beginnings and Endings
Conebush and Persimmons
Wandless Magic
Muggle Studies
The Ministry of Magic
The Rematch
New Departments
Big Cat Rescue
The Misfiring Wand
Going Alone
Leaving the Ministry
St. Mungo's
Gryffindor vs. Slytherin
A New Patient
Live or Dai
Janus Thickey Ward
Haunted by the Past
No Laughing Matter
The Laughing Curse
On the Loose
An Honest Testimony
Shiratori's Story
The Verdict
Christmas Party
Time's Up
An Explanation
Family Matters

A Deal Struck

38 1 0
By YeraReader

"Beat you again, Lee!"

Sarah's feet landed softly on the grass in the training grounds, and she swung her leg off her broomstick.

"Only because you cheated!" He remained hovering a few inches off the ground, scowling at her. "I saw you cut behind the astronomy tower!"

"The course was to fly from here to the owlery and back," she stated calmly.

"Yeah, going in a circle!"

"I went in a circle. The fact that my circle was a bit smaller than yours is of little consequence."

Barnaby tilted his head, trying to work out what she said. Her laughter became a shriek as he charged her. She took off, but only ran a few steps before he'd scooped her up with his right arm.

"Cut it out! You'll drop me!"

But Barnaby spun her around and Sarah swung her legs so that she was perched safely on the broom in front of him.

"You're mine now, Spellman."

"Where are you taking me?"

"To see what we do with cheaters where I'm from."

He turned his broom and flew forward until they were hovering only a few feet above the black lake, close to the shore.

"Alright, off you pop."

Barnaby gave her a little nudge. She yelled and clutched the broom more tightly.

"Don't you dare!"

"I won't if you say you're sorry."

"I'm sorry...that you're such a lousy flyer."

Barnaby did a barrel roll. Sarah wasn't certain if she were screaming or giggling.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I cheated!"

"Good. Now, say I'm the best at quidditch."

Sarah glanced over his arm at the water below. "I suppose it's not that far of a swim to shore."

Barnaby laughed, then turned the broom around, setting them down on the rocky beach. He put an arm around her as they sat down to watch the sunset. She nestled in, gratefully breathing in his familiar scent.

"How're things?" she asked.

"Which things?"

"You know, things in general. How have you been?"

"Can't complain. I mean, my marks aren't very good, and I'm still getting flirty letters from that Avery woman. But other than that, I'm great."

"That's disgusting," said Sarah, sitting up to meet his eyes.

He shrugged. "I just don't open them anymore. And every now and then I write Gran a letter making it sound like Merula's madly in love with me so she'll leave me alone about it." He looked down at her. "Why do you ask?"

She nestled back into his arm. "I've been thinking about you a lot lately."

"Good. I think about you a lot, too."

"Did you hear about Penny and Talbott?"

"Yeah. The whole castle has."

Sarah let her eyes wander out over the water as she thought. She and Talbott hadn't managed to find the ghostly swan, but she'd promised not to rest until they did. She hated seeing how badly he was suffering. She understood what it felt like, to desperately search for some small trace of a lost loved one, not knowing for certain if they were really even out there. And now, he didn't even have Penny to help him through it.

"I don't know what I'd do without you," she said to Barnaby.

"Well, luckily you don't have to think about it." He stood up and pulled her to her feet. "Let's go back. I'm hungry."

"Surprise, surprise."

As they flew back over the training grounds, Sarah spotted a familiar head of wild, orange-splotched hair.

"Did you mean it when you said you're always ready to help me deal with R?"


"Then set me down there." She pointed. "I need to have a word with Merula."

Merula was practicing her wandless magic on the training dummies. Sarah couldn't help but be impressed with the range and power of her spells as the dummies collapsed over and over again in ear-splitting explosions.

"Merula, I need your help," she said, getting as close as she dared, Barnaby at her side.

"Again? Blimey Spellman, can't you do anything for yourself?"

"Well, actually I was thinking we could help each other."

"How so?"

"I need information on R, and you want to defect. Corey and I were wondering if you'd consider being a double agent for our side."

Merula hadn't taken her eyes of the training dummies, but now she lowered her hand and glared at Sarah.

"Will you shut your mouth for once, Spellman?! Lee's right there!"

"I'm helping," said Barnaby, though Sarah could tell he was still shocked from that bit of news.

"I didn't like the idea," said Sarah, more quietly now that the dummies weren't being obliterated. "I'm not sure if we can trust you, but Corey seems to think it's a good idea and I have to admit, I'm at a dead end. If you can tell me what R is up to, then I can eventually put a stop to them, and you'll be free of them. So we both win."

Merula scoffed. "Sure, life is that simple."

"It's a start at least," said Sarah. "But first, I need something from you. Anything that'll tell me where to look next."

Merula shut her eyes, her teeth clenched. "You've no idea how dangerous this is."

"I do. I lost Rowan to R. I know what they're capable of. That's why I need to stop them, before they hurt anyone else we care about. I understand if it's too risky for you, but...I had to ask."

Sarah waited, but Merula remained frozen, eyes shut tight.

"I'm sorry. It was too much to ask of you." She looked at Barnaby. "Come on."

"Is Jacob checking out of the hospital soon?" Merula asked.

Sarah regarded her. "Soon, but not this week I don't think."

She sighed. Then her eyes flashed open, revealing a wicked grin. "Alright, Spellman. I'll tell you something. If you beat me in a wandless duel."


Sarah had only had time to practice wandless magic a couple evenings a week while she and Corey were making rounds for their Head Boy and Girl duties. She'd been proud of the strides she'd taken in that time, but she knew she'd be no match for Merula. Still, she supposed she had to try.


The girls stepped a few feet apart and Barnaby cleared out of the way. They held their hands out. Before Sarah could ask if she was ready, Merula cast a stunning spell. She just managed to block it, but was then hit in the arm with a stinging hex.

"Glacius!" she yelled. Merula's left side became encased in ice, giving Sarah just enough time to heal the stings before Merula had freed herself from the feeble spell.

"You'll have to do better than that!" she called.

Sarah took advantage of the gloating, hitting Merula in the chest with a force spell. She should've been knocked off her feet, but Sarah's wandless magic was only strong enough to make her stumble backwards.


Sarah felt the spell hit her full force. Her feet left the ground and she landed on her back.


The next thing she knew, Barnaby was helping her to her feet as her vision slowly returned.

"I wanna go again!" she bellowed.

Merula was smiling, but not in her usual, evil way. "Face it, Spellman. You'll never be able to beat me."

"I reckon I could take you," said Barnaby.

Merula chortled. "You? You may be an alright duelist Lee, but without a wand, I could send you to the hospital wing in about two seconds."

"Alright, prove it. And if I win, you have to tell Sarah two things about R."

Merula stared at him with amusement. "Alright, then. Only because I'm really going to enjoy embarrassing you."

As they took their places, Sarah watched Barnaby. She knew him to be an expert at dueling with a wand, but as far as she knew, he'd never even attempted wandless magic before.

"Depulso!" Merula shouted again.

Barnaby dove forward, letting the spell shoot over him. He rolled, then took Merula out at the knees.


Merula collapsed to the ground, and Barnaby quickly pinned her arms to her sides as he straddled over her. Merula struggled and swore, but she was unable to free herself from Barnaby's hold. He wand arm was stuck to her side, useless.

"I win," said Barnaby.

"Get off me, you big oaf!" she yelled.

Sarah hurried forward, trying not to laugh while Barnaby let Merula up and she brushed dirt and grass off her robes. She pushed Barnaby with all her might, but he didn't even stumble.

"Obviously that doesn't count! You cheated!"

Barnaby folded his arms. "I beat you in a wandless duel. The fact that I didn't use magic is of little confidence."

"Consequence," Sarah told him, grinning from ear to ear. "Well?"

Merula glowered at her. "If you think this is how you begin a trusting partnership..."

"Come on, Merula. I know you want rid of R as much as me."

Merula growled. "Fine." She took a deep breath. "You should be on alert while you're at St. Mungo's. Something's about to happen."

"What is it?"

"I can't say. All I can tell you is that it is...no laughing matter."

She closed her eyes and hunched her shoulders, like she expected to be struck by lightning for her disloyalty.

When Sarah opened her mouth, Merula blurted, "That's all I can say. Just be careful at St. Mungo's, and keep a sharp eye."

She stomped off.

"Hang on," Barnaby called. "You have to tell us two things!"

"Oh go boil your heads, both of you."

Barnaby grinned down at Sarah. "That went well."

"Not really. She didn't exactly tell us anything useful."

"Well, it's a good thing you'll be at St. Mungo's the rest of the week. You can figure out what she's talking about." His eyes became serious. "Just be really really careful, okay?"

"I will. I think I'll write to Mad-Eye about it. Maybe he can send an auror or two to the hospital to keep an eye on things as well."

"Good idea. Now can we go eat?"

"Yes, now we can go eat."

She chuckled as he grabbed her hand and hurried her along to the Great Hall before their dinner could grow cold.

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